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This paper investigates the problem of HH filtering for Markovian jump linear systems with time-varying delay. The aim of this problem is to design an HH filter that ensures stochastic stability of the filtering error system and a prescribed L2-induced gain from the noise signals to the estimation error, for all admissible uncertainties. For solving the problem, we transform the system under consideration into an interconnection system. Based on the system transformation and the stochastic scaled small gain theorem, stochastic stability of the original system is examined via the stochastic stability version of the bounded realness of the transformed forward system. The merit of the proposed approach lies in its reduced conservatism, which is made possible by a precise approximation of the time-varying delay and the stochastic scaled small gain theorem. The proposed HH filtering condition is demonstrated to be less conservative than most existing results. Moreover, the HH filter design condition is further presented via convex optimizations, whose effectiveness are also illustrated via numerical examples.  相似文献   

我国生鲜农产品电子商务冷链物流现状与发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对648家电商网站中的111家生鲜农产品电商网站提供冷链物流服务情况的调查,对其冷链物流概况、冷链物流设施设备的使用情况、冷链物流覆盖区域、物流模式以及冷链物流外包服务商进行研究,并就存在问题从政策、标准、信息技术、设备等方面提出建议与对策。  相似文献   

From the reports of the CRPL, average yearly values of hE, hF1,f °E and NF1, for the months of January, March, June, July, September, and December of the years 1944 to 1949 were computed and plotted against the magnetic latitude. Altogether some 25,000 individual records were averaged. Seven curves were plotted. They showed that: (1) all curves are symmetrical with respect to the magnetic equator; (2) the hE, hF1, f0E and the NF, curves all swing up and down as the magnetic latitude, north and south, increases; (3) the hE is definitely periodic with constant period and constant amplitude; (4) the hE curve rises only slightly (on the average) with latitude. These results appear to be inconsistent with the ultraviolet light theory of ionization.  相似文献   

本文研究云南产鳞毛蕨属植物的属下分类并列出所有的种类。该属植物在云南现知至少有88种,属下可划分为3个亚属和12个组。为了使这些类群之间的特征轮廓清晰,本文提供了分亚属及分组的检索表。  相似文献   

Gentiana was originally proposed by Tournefort in 1700. Linnaeus adopted this generic name in his “Genera Plantarum” published in 1737. He divided the genus into seven groups on the basis of different shapes of corolla and forms of floral appendages. In his “Species Plantarum” he reorganized them into three artificial ones.  Forty years later, Moench established a new genus, Gentianella under which he described G. tetrandra as the type of his new genus.  In the view of identity of Gentianella tetrandra with Gentiana campestris L., it is evident that Gentianella represents only some plants formerly included in Gentiana at Linnaeus time.  In 1796, Froelich’s monograph on Gentiana appeared.  In his work four sections were represented and one of them was Crossopetalum.  In 1845, Grisebach also published a monograph of  Gentianaceae and recorded fifteen sections of which Amarella and Imaicola are two of his seven proposed ones. In 1888, Huxley studied the floral structure of Gentianaceae  in relation with pollination mechanism and, accordingly, divided the family into two  main groups, one with epipetalous glands, the other with glands at the base of the ovary.  In each group, four types of flowers were found.  He concluded that Gentiana was a  complex genus on account of presence of four different types of flowers in this group,  and suggested that many species of the genus should be separated out to form some smaller  generic categories.  Six years after, Kusnezow in his monograph divided Gentiana into  two subgenera Eugentiana and Gentianella.  In his system, subgenus Eugentiana consists  of ten sections and the Gentianella, seven.  He contributed much to the systematic  treatment of Eugnetiana but little to that of Gentianella.  He maintained the genus  Gentiana in a broad sense.  With increased knowledge of this group in the last thirty years, a number of botanists were able to make a clearer delimitation of true Gentiana  and its allies and treated them in more natural way.  Moench’s genus Gentianella was  rerised.  In 1936, H. Smith separated Megacodon from Gentianella as a genus.  In the  present paper, the writer suggests a generic name Gentianopsis for the section Crossopetalum in the same Genus. This new genus is characterized by (1) its large and somewhat flattened ellipsoidal   flower bud, (2) two dissimilar pairs of calyx lobes which are distichously imbricate in  aestivation, (3) four triangular, ciflated intracalyx membranes at the base of and  alternate with the calyx lobes, (4) distinct gynophore and (5) enlarged stigma. While  in typical Gentianella represented by section Amarella, the flower buds are small and terete, a laciniate corona is usually present, and the calyx-lobes are leafy, lanceolate, imbricate, and not provided with intracalyx membrane.       Besides the morphological characters mentioned above, the anatomical structure of  the floral parts is also a significant generic criterion.  In Gentianopsis, eight vascular  bundles are present in calyx, representing four dorsals and four fused ventrals.  In each  corolla-lobe there are five bundles.  In the body of ovary six bundles are present.  The ovule bearing surface is extensive covering nearly to entire surface of the ovary wall with  the exception of a narrow longitudinal zone along the dorsal bundle.  In Gentianella, calyx bundles are three in each lobe, without fusion of the ventrals.  In each corolla- lobe, the bundles are three instead of five as in Gentianopsis but the lateral ones branch once dichotomously after entering the base of corolla. In the body of ovary only four main bundles are present due to the fusion of smaller ventral ones.  The placentation is confined to the region of the ventral bundles.        Phylogenetically Gentianopsis and Gentianella may be regarded as closely reIated and may represent branches of a common line with Gentianopsis standing at a lower level, Gentianella being more advanced. In Gentianella the number of bundles in the corolla segments and ovary wall are reduced by partial or complete fusion and the distribution of ovules is confined only to the region of the ventral bundles.  However, in the calyx of Gentianopsis there is fusion of ventral bundles, whereas the correspound- ing bundles in the Gentianella remain separate.  The Gentianopsis-Gentianella line on the one hand and the Gentiana line on the other may come again from a common acestral stock.  Gentiana possesses only three bundles in each corolla-lobe.  A variety of plicate between corolla lobes except in case of Gentiana lutea and intracalyx membrane above the throat of calyx-tube are also the common structures in Gentiana.  Thus the pollination mechanism is highly specialized in the genus.  As far as we know, in Gentiana the glandular appendages usually exist at the base of ovary.  If those nectarial processes are correctly interpreted as the representatives of staminodes, gentiana would, undoubtedly, be derived from an ancestral  form with  hypogynous  diplostemonous androecium, and bears no direct relationship to Gentianopsis or Gentianella in which the glands are epipetalous.  It may be reasonable to conclude the Gentiana and Gentianopsis- Gentianella line are two parallel derivatives from a common ancestor which has the floral characters of two series of hypogynous stamens. Gentianopsis and Gentianella may represent branches of a common line with Gentianopsis standing at a lower level, Gentianella being more advanced. Their relations may be diagrammed below:                                                       Gentianopsis                                                                                                                               Gentianella Common ancestor                                                       Gentiana        This new genus consists of fourteen species and two varieties in the world.  Onlyeight species and two varieties are represented in China. They are G. barbara, G. barbatavar. sinensis, G. grandis, G. scabromanginata, G. paludosa, G. nana, G. longistyla,G. lutea, G. contorta, and G. contorta var. Wui.     The species of present genus occur in the alpine regions of North Hemisphere.  InChina t,hey are distributed in Kokonor, Kansu, Shensi, Shansi, Chahar, Hopei, Manchuria,Hupeh, Szechuan, Sikang, Tibet, and Yunnan. G. Yabei (Takeda et Hara) is foundin Japan, G. detonsa (Bott&) in North Europe, G. ciliata (Linn.) in South Europe,G. crinita (Froel.) G. procera (Holm.) and G. degans (A. Nels) in North America.G. barbata is the most widespreading species and reported in Sibiria and China.G. contorta (Royle) is a common plant in Himalayan mountaineous range, China andNorth part of India.     The species and varieties cited in this paper are as follows:           t.  Gentianopsis barbata (Froel.) comb. nov.           la. Gentianopsis barbata (Froel.) var. sinensis, var. nov.          2.  Gentian opsis grandis (H. Sm.) comb. nov.          3.  Gentianopsis scabromarginata (H. Sm.) comb. nov.          4.  Gcntianopsis paludosa (Munro) comb. nov.          5.  Gentianopsis nana sp. nov.          6.  Gentianopsis longistyla, sp. nov.          7.  Gentianopsis lutea, sp. nov.  相似文献   

马兜铃科的地理分布及其系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马兜铃科基本是一个热带科。  东亚的横断山至华南一带是其原始分布与分化中心,热带美洲是其次生分布与分化中心。科的形态演化趋势是花被由分化的双被到不分化的单被,由分离到合生,由杯状到管状;雄蕊由多数到少数,由分离到与雌蕊结合成为合蕊柱;于房由半下位到完全下位;果实由蓇葖状蒴果到蒴果。马兜铃科分2亚科4族6属。  相似文献   

The evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) is widelyregarded as supplying the ‘gold standard’ in medicine—wemay sometimes have to settle for other forms of evidence, butthis is always epistemically second-best. But how well justifiedis the epistemic claim about the superiority of RCTs? This paperadds to my earlier (predominantly negative) analyses of theclaims produced in favour of the idea that randomization playsa uniquely privileged epistemic role, by closely inspectingthree related arguments from leading contributors to the burgeoningfield of probabilistic causality—Papineau, Cartwrightand Pearl. It concludes that none of these further argumentssupplies any practical reason for thinking of randomizationas having unique epistemic power.
1 Introduction
2 Why theissue is of great practical importance—the ECMOcase
3Papineau on the ‘virtues of randomization’
4 Cartwrighton causality and the ‘ideal’ randomizedexperiment
5 Pearl on randomization, nets and causes
6 Conclusion

 In the present paper, an brief historical account and the comments on the modern taxonomic systems of the genus Triticum L. are made. The author suggests that principles to determine a species be (1) a special type of genome, and (2) reproductive isolation. The principles to determine a subspecies are the special co-type of genome and incomplete reproductive isolation. There are no differences on the level of genome constitution and no reproductive isolation between the varieties or concultivars. According to these principles, the author schemes a taxonomic system of the genus Triticum L. based on biosystematics as follows:      Triticum monococcum L. sensu lat.        subsp. boeoticum (Boiss.) Yen, st. nov.           var. thaoudar (Reut ) Flaksb.           concv. Einkhorn        subsp. urartu (Tum.)Vap.      T. timopheevi Zhuk. sensu lat.           var. araraticum (Jakubz.) Yen, st. nov.      T. zhukovskyi Men. et Er.      T. turgidum L. sensu lat.           var. dicoccoides (Körn. in litt. in Schweinf.) Bowden           concv. (1) Emmer, (2) Durum wheat, (3) Rivet wheat, (4) Polish wheat, (5) Persian wheat.      T. aestivum L. sensu lat.           concv. (1) Tibetian weed wheat, (2) Spelt, (3) Vavilov wheat, (4)  Macha wheat, (5) Yunnan hulled wheat, (6) Winter common wheat, (7) Spring common wheat, (8) Branch-eared wheat, (9) Club wheat, (I0) Indian dwarf wheat, (11) Xinjiang ricewheat.  相似文献   

An assessment is offered of the recent debate on informationin the philosophy of biology, and an analysis is provided ofthe notion of information as applied in scientific practicein molecular genetics. In particular, this paper deals withthe dependence of basic generalizations of molecular biology,above all the ‘central dogma’, on the so-called‘informational talk’ (Maynard Smith [2000a]). Itis argued that talk of information in the ‘central dogma’can be reduced to causal claims. In that respect, the primaryaim of the paper is to consider a solution to the major difficultyof the causal interpretation of genetic information: how todistinguish the privileged causal role assigned to nucleic acids,DNA in particular, in the processes of replication and proteinproduction. A close reading is proposed of Francis H. C. Crick'sOn Protein Synthesis (1958) and related works, to which we owethe first explicit definition of information within the scientificpractice of molecular biology.
  1. Introduction
    1.1 The basicquestions of the information debate
    1.2 Thecausal interpretation(CI) of biological informationand Crick's‘central dogma’
  2. Crick's definitions of genetic information
  3. The main requirementfor (CI)
  4. Types of causation in molecular biology
    4.1 Structuralcausation in molecular biology
    4.2 Nucleicacids as correlativecausal factors
  5. The ‘central dogma’ withoutthe notion of information
  6. Concluding remarks

   本文根据我国薯蓣属(Dioscorea L.)根状茎组(Sect.  Stenophora Uline)的外部形态特征、细胞染色体数、花粉形态、植物化学成分、地理分布等的规律,证明根状茎组是该属中的一个比较原始的自然类群:1.具横走的多年生地下根状茎,其它组是一年生或多年生的块茎;2.大部分是2倍体,其它组是多倍体;3.花粉粒单沟型,外壁纹饰网纹或颗粒条纹,其它组为双沟型,外壁纹饰网纹;4.含甾体皂甙元(steroidal sapogenin),其它组不含。   我们的研究观察证明,N.N.TepaCNMeHKO根据R.Knuth系统(1924)提出的薯蓣皂甙元在该属中无分布规律的说法是无充分依据的。   本文讨论了某些组或种的划分及系统位置:取消sect.Illigerestrum Prain et Burk.;将马    肠薯蓣(D.simulans Prain et Burk.)改属根状茎组;触丝薯蓣(D.tentaculigera Prain et Burk.)应列入顶生翅组  (Sect.shannicorea Prain et Burk.),  并提出了盾叶薯蓣  (D. zingiberensis  Wright)和穿龙薯蓣(D.nipponica Makino)种的划分和定名的意见。  相似文献   

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