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学校事故一直是困挠学校正常教学的一个问题。它可以分为意外事故和侵权事故两类。对意外事故如果学校履行了相应职责,无行为不当,则不承担责任;对侵权事故,学校根据自身行为对学生合法权益造成的损害程度承担责任。学校侵权事故产生的原因则在于法制健全,依法治教的观念淡漠。因此,要防范学校侵权事故必须加强立法,健全法制,同时还需提高教师的法制观念。  相似文献   

学校事故是指学生在校期间所发生的人身伤害事故.随着近年来学校事故的增加,学校事故的处理已成为学校法律活动的一个重要方面. 学校事故发生的范围、种类是极其复杂的.有与学校的设施、设备有关的建筑物倒塌、火灾等原因造成的学生人身伤害事故;有与教职工有关的教职工在教育教学活动中故意或过失造成的学生人身伤害的事故:有与学生本身有关的,如休息时间学生之间的游戏、斗殴所造成的学生人身伤害事故等等.  相似文献   

学校事故是特指学生在校期间或在与学校有关的教育活动中发生的人身伤害事故。本通过归纳和分析学校事故产生的原因并提出相应的对策,试图为学校事故的防范和正确处理提供理论依据和实践指导。  相似文献   

分析244例中小学校园安全事故司法案例,可以发现,学校在因学生之间行为引发的事故、体育教学及竞技性活动中发生的事故、学校场地及设施引发的事故、学生自身原因引发的事故,以及校外第三人导致的事故中承担不同比例的责任。学校在校园安全事故中不应承担无限责任,而是要根据安全风险的来源及强度大小、学校对安全风险的控制能力与成本、学校对安全风险的可预见性,以及受害学生自我认知与判断能力等因素来综合判定。  相似文献   

学校事故日益增多,防不胜防,而在事故的处理过程中,学校又处于被动和难堪的境地。因此,必须明确学校与学生的法律关系,学校事故的归责原则以及赔偿金的来源,才能更好地维护学校的合法权益,保证学校的正常教学秩序。  相似文献   

学生伤害事故是学校管理中的常见事故,要正确处理学生伤害事故,必须先明确学校与学生的法律关系是教育关系,而不是监护关系或合同关系;因此学校承担责任的原则只能是过错责任原则,而不能适用无过错责任原则或公平原则;据此,学校仅承担文中所列十三类事故之责任。  相似文献   

乡村学校文化建设的目的在于推动乡村学校主动融入乡村文化,以形成保持乡村学校教学有效性的教学文化、促进乡村学生健康成长的学生文化和追求乡村教师职业幸福的教师文化。乡村学校文化建设的逻辑理路在于实现乡村学校教学文化的重生、乡村学生文化的高扬和乡村教师文化的引领。  相似文献   

学校学生伤害事故若干问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生伤害案件名称以学生伤害事故为佳;该事故仅包括学生在校期间因为各种各样的原因受到伤害的情形;侵权法对学生伤害事故进行规制的目的在于保护学生而不论其成年与否,学校的范围不应限于中小学、幼几园,无论公立学校还是私立学校,对学生都负有安全保护义务。  相似文献   

中小学学生伤害事故及责任归结问题研究   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
我国现行的相关法律如《民法通则》、《教育法》、《未成年人保护法》等都没有对有关学校事故的处理如何认定事实 ,如何归结责任作出明确规定 ,因此在实践中造成了很大歧见。学校事故的法律调节取决于如何界定学校与学生这对关系的法律性质。“特殊关系说”把学校与学生的关系界定为基于教育与受教育、管理与被管理的权利与义务关系 ,称之为教育法律关系。这种关系是学校及其他教育机构依据国家教育方针和教育教学标准 ,在实施教育教学活动的过程中产生的、具有公法特征的法律关系。学校或教师在履行教育教学职责时如果由于过错伤害了学生的身体 ,因而可能构成民事侵权行为 ,所承担的是一种基于自己的侵权行为而产生的过错责任。解决学校事故问题可供借鉴的思路是把办学的风险适当分散到社会 ,使学校事故的赔偿责任社会化  相似文献   

学校制度是指关于学校的规则体系,其作用在于调整学校内外部的关系,使教育有序运行。学校制度所要调整的内部关系,包括学校与教师、学校与学生、教师与学生等关系;外部关系包括学校与政府、学校与社会等关系。本文主要讨论学校内部的制度建设问题。  相似文献   

The results indicate that in Flanders secondary schools of different denomination and of different school type (based on their curriculum offerings) differ with respect to several characteristics. With respect to the educational framework, learning environment and learning climate differences between schools are small and differences are more situated within schools. Multilevel analysis reveals that almost 19% of the variance in mathematics achievement is at school level. The effect of denomination is small and disappears when student background (which is related to school practice) is taken into account. The effect of school type remains important when controlled for student background and denomination. Group composition, the social and learning climate, and the opportunity to learn seem to matter and explain almost 90% of the school effect. They also explain more than four fifths of the effect of school type (and denomination together) which accounts for 65% of the school level variance.  相似文献   

The article explores changes in the examination performance of a random sample of 500 English secondary schools between 1992 and 2001. Using econometric methods, it concludes that: there is an overall deterministic trend in school performance but it is not stable, making prediction accuracy poor; the aggregate trend does not explain improvement over time at school level, where there is very considerable variation in improvement paths; there is a degree of persistence with respect to changes in performance at school level but it is short-lived; whilst there is evidence of a general upward trend across schools, there is a large amount of year-to-year variation and little evidence of sustained improvement at school level; and the model applied has little ability to forecast the direction of change for particular schools in the following year(s).  相似文献   

近年来,英国教育标准局为了提高督导效能,强化了学校自我评价,要求学校形成有效的自我评价机制,一方面作为外部督导评价的可靠依据,另一方面,作为学校实现自我改进、提升自我发展能力的重要机制。学校自评呈现出广泛参与、与学校发展计划紧密相联、将自评融入到学校日常管理中等特点,文章论述了英国教育标准局有关学校自评的内容和具体要求。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The effects of school inspections on school improvement have been investigated only to a limited degree. The investigation reported on in this article is meant to expand our knowledge base regarding the impact of school inspections on school improvement. The theoretical framework for this research is partly based on the policy theory behind the Dutch Educational School Supervision Act (the latter includes assumptions about how school inspections lead to school improvement). Interviews and a survey with school inspectors gave insight into how school inspectors implement the Supervision Act and how they assess schools, and stimulate schools to improve. The results of ten case studies showed that all schools started to improve after a school visit. The innovation capacity of the school and the school environment do not seem to contribute to school improvement after school inspections. No effects were found on school-improvement processes of the number of insufficient scores that schools received from inspectors, the extent of feedback and suggestions for improvement, and the number of agreements. The provision of feedback about weaknesses, the assessment of these weak points as unsatisfactory, and the agreements between an inspector and the school regarding improvement activities do appear to make a difference in promoting school improvement.  相似文献   

追求学校教育质量与效能是当今世界各国基础教育改革的核心要旨.学校效能研究从揭示学校对学生的成就影响开始,其间经历有效学校运动到学校改进运动,其目的是改进学校,使学校成为有效能的学校.学校效能研究在40年的发展过程中在方法论上不断革新,试图揭示学校效能的因素,在实践层面为政府以及学校重建提供理论指引;同时学校效能研究面临着政治化、专门化和技术化问题,问题的解决有待于研究的进一步深化.  相似文献   

重视大学精神的凝练是治校治学走向成熟的重要标志。校风、校训、校歌、校徽是一所高校大学精神的显性特征,在加强学校文化管理、实施学校组织再造、凝练与优化大学精神的形势下,了解和把握校风、校训、校歌、校徽的基本内涵和文化底蕴,对于建立共同愿景、凸显学校特色,提高办学水平、优化大学形象具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to find out how teachers, principals, vice principals and students perceive school safety and how that differs related to school size. 194 educators and 1420 students' views were elicited by two self-deviced school safety inventories conducted in 10 state high schools in Istanbul in 2008. Cronbach alpha value for educators' safety perception inventory Cronbach was found to be 0.941 and 0.902 for Student School Safety Perception Inventory. Frequency, percentage, t-test, Kruskall Wallis H-analysis and Man Whitney U-techniques were used as statistical analysis. After analysis, it appeared that perceived safety problems in school as disciplines, interpersonal relations, school building, school counseling differ related to school size. When the school size increases, teachers reported that safety problems increase as well. Schools with 500-1000 students were perceived less problematic in discipline and interpersonal relations. Violence, drug dealing, carrying gun, stealing, appeared as common safety problems at schools. Principals and vice principals appeared as more optimistic than teachers in safety problems at schools. Female teachers and principals perceived building related problems, counseling problems more serious then male colleagues. School principals should scrutinize school safety problems, should develop school safety plans comprehensively and should update it regularly. Standards related to school size should be developed and number of students in a particular school should be determined according to those criteria. Social and cultural facilities should be built in connection with the number of students studying at school. Arrangements related to school size should take into account students grade, sex, duty of educators. School environment's safety should be paid more attention.  相似文献   

从管理学校走向经营学校   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校在市场经济条件下出现了经营行为,但由于目前缺乏科学理论指导,这不仅让学校管理者感到困惑,同时也时理论研究提出了挑战。研究学校经营问题,重新构建学校管理理论,引导学校从传统的行政管理向适应市场经济发展的学校经营转变,是当今教育管理学发展研究的当务之急。本文主要就学校经营概念的界定,学校经营的可行性、现状以及前提条件和运作模式等问题提出了思路和建议。  相似文献   

关于学校文化建设与学校发展的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学校文化是学生一生发展的文化摇篮,优秀学校文化所给予的人格教育可以为学生一生的发展指明方向.学校文化建设决定着学校发展,决定着学校教育教学的创造力、凝聚力和竞争力.以先进文化推动学校发展应确立先进文化的建设方向、把文化建设融入学校发展战略并着力打造先进的文化风尚.  相似文献   

一所学校的文化传统、文化精神,是这所学校教育事业的血脉和灵魂。"关爱至上"是一轻工业学校办学以人为本思想的体现。中职示范校内涵建设的核心意,在于创建办学特色,推动文化传统,创建与时俱进的文化精神。  相似文献   

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