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表现性评价是一种以评价任务的真实性为特色的质性评价方式,因其真实性、综合性、过程性、开放性等特点对语文教学产生独特的作用,但因其自身缺陷也存在着一些不足之处。为了能更有效地在语文教学中运用表现性评价,教师可以从明确评价目标、设计评价任务、制订评价标准等方面着手,充分发挥表现性评价的优势,全面真实地评价学生的学习和发展状况,使语文教育教学更具现实意义。  相似文献   

王伟 《大观周刊》2011,(35):131-131,133
教学评价是新课程改革的关键,它倡导“立足过程、促进发展”的教学评价思想,是体现评价体系、评价方法与手段以及评价实施过程的根本性变革,新课程评价突出重视学生的自我评价,强化活动表现评价、改革纸笔测验、采用更科学的结果报告方式等。本文就如何在新课标下开展物理学习评价,谈自己一些浅显的认识。  相似文献   

学生档案是学生在学校学习期间学习生活的真实记录,是学校对学生学习、品质、能力、表现的客观综合评价。学生档案是一种重要的共享信息资源,在社会资源信息化和数字化的今天,学校有义务保证学生档案信息的真实性、完整性和查询、交流的便捷性。下面就学生档案数字化发展路径谈一下个人浅见。  相似文献   

甄靖 《大观周刊》2013,(12):149-149,154
有学习就会有评价。因为评价既可以检测学习的成效,反馈在学习中的得失,也是推动学生学习的一个重要手段,评价是学习过程的一个必不可少的组成部分。开展语文综合性学习评价,应注意明确语文综合学习评价目标,要立足“语文”,要注重过程的评价,并把评价与指导结合起来,组织学生进行互评自评。  相似文献   

朱敬梅 《大观周刊》2011,(20):228-228
课堂评价是课堂教学过程中不可缺少的环节和有效的教学手段。课程标准指出:“评价的主要目的是为了全面了解学生的学习历程、激励学生的学习和改进教师教学的有力手段。”如果教师能灵活利用评价手段,它对于创造良好的学习氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学习的积极性,增强学生学习的自信心,将发挥着重要的作用。新课程理念下,如何开展好小学数学课堂的评价,我在初步的探索尝试后浅谈几点自己的认识与浅见。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过文献调研梳理合著论文作者贡献度评价方法,总结研究不足及未来发展方向,为后续开展科技人才评价相关研究提供参考。[研究设计/方法]在Web of Science、Springe Link和CNKI等学术平台检索2010-2023年间发表的合著论文作者贡献度评价方法的研究文献,从传统评价方法、基于作者贡献声明的评价方法和基于科研产出的评价方法三个方面对文献进行归纳梳理。[结论/发现]合著论文作者贡献度评价方法已经取得了丰富的研究成果,但仍存在一些不足之处。未来的研究应从多方面出发考虑,进一步探索作者研究领域、作者学术关键词等学术背景因素对合著论文参与程度的影响,深入挖掘引文语义特征关系,以及加强对新模型及机器学习、深度学习算法的应用。[创新/价值]揭示了合著论文作者贡献度评价方法的发展进程与特点,阐述了合著论文作者贡献度评价方法的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

一、什么是档案袋评价的方法档案袋评价是以档案袋为依据而对评价对象进行的客观的、综合的评价。而档案袋是由学生在教师的指导下,搜集起来的,可以反映学生的努力情况,进步情况,学习成就以及课堂表现等一系列的学习作品的汇集。包括书面材料、音频、视频材料等。它展示了学生某一段时间,某一领域内的技能发展。  相似文献   

使用ASP编程和MSSQLServer2005数据库设计B/S结构的教学质量评价平台。实现了评价对象和评价主体的多元化,平台通过信度检测等有效性甄别措施保障数据的真实性.通过教师个人评价结果与团队和学科建设关联,达到强化教学评价的激励和导向功能、促进影响教学质量的软硬件环境整体改进的目的。  相似文献   

刘宝玉 《大观周刊》2012,(32):201-202
实施课堂教学评价是新课程改革中物理教学评价改革的重点、热点和亮点。学生物理学习评价的目的是促进学生在知识与技能.过程与方法,情感、态度与价值观等方面的发展,发掘学生多方面的潜能,了解学生发展中的需求,使每一个学生通过评价都能看到自己在发展中的长处,增强学习的信心。  相似文献   

伴随着高校课程改革的发展,基于学习档案的评价方式势在必行。学习档案评价贯穿学生的整个学习过程,完整地记录了学生的成长历程,再现了学生学习的真实情境,真正地实现了课程、学习和评价的一体化和自主学习的目标。  相似文献   

Assessment has become more of a priority for libraries across the country in the last decade. Using the instruction program as a case study, the authors detail the history of assessment development during the past ten years at Mercer University. Along with the university's culture of assessment, institutional-, library-, and program-level assessment are discussed, including how information is communicated across these levels. The authors also share an evolving multifaceted assessment plan for a traditional library instruction program, including methods such as attitude surveys, peer observation, and authentic assessment. In addition to past assessment, future directions are considered.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):159-174
This study examines 10 recent high-profile cases of journalistic deceptions at major American news organizations, and analyzes deceptive news and authentic news in a comparative perspective. Applying disaster incubation theory and normal accident theory to newsrooms, it focuses on how newsroom organizational culture contributes to journalistic deceptions. Results suggest that prior to the final revelation of a reporter's deception, an incubation period occurs during which a “first flag”—an initial warning signal often related to the reporter's earliest work that gives rise to suspicion of authenticity—is overlooked. The study also identifies patterns in deceptive news that distinguish it from authentic news. Deceptive news stories are more likely than authentic news stories to be filed from a remote location, to be on a story topic conducive to source secrecy, to be on the front page (or magazine cover), to contain more sources, more “diverse” sources and more hard-to-trace sources. It is suggested that editors might use these recognizable patterns to help prevent journalistic deceptions.  相似文献   

开放政府数据评估体系述评:特点分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的/意义]随着开放政府数据运动的快速发展,开放政府数据评估体系也在研究和实践中不断出现,对这些评估体系的特点进行分析,有利于采取更科学合理的方法对开放政府数据进行准确评估,推动开放政府数据的可持续发展。[方法/过程]对研究与实践中现有的开放政府数据评估体系进行系统梳理,归纳出现有评估体系的评估动因、评估内容和评估方法及相应特点和适用性。[结果/结论]研究发现现有评估体系在城市层面、特定行业和开放数据成熟度评估方面存在局限,提出应根据不同评估动因、因地制宜地选择评估内容和评估方法的建议,并构建了开放政府数据评估动因、评估内容和评估方法的循环迭代检验机制。  相似文献   

本文首先探讨了"图书馆权利"的术语之思之辩,其次论述术语与价值:"图书馆权利"的术语之思;再次论述技术与价值:"图书馆权利"的价值之思;最后论述"权利"的普泛价值:"图书馆权利"的价值之重。  相似文献   


Students at universities spend an average of $1,250 yearly on textbooks and course materials. Can a collaboration between the Library and the Instructional Design Department create value for student populations by incorporating OER into the course development process? This is a case study of one University with a large online and distributed network with controls over the course design, timeline and curriculum delivered by the faculty. This University’s team tested whether the entire course could be designed in a scalable format using OERs collaborating with a librarian to organize the resources so students will have ready access to OER every time the course is offered. The result was an internal recommendation on structuring collaboration with the Library and course developers and presentation of the selected OERs in the Learning Management System. The result explored how adopting OERs redesigned course assignments and assessments in courses and fostered the development of original OERs in discipline-specific topics and content. The impact was a greater use of library resources by faculty and students and an economic impact to the student who does not have to purchase costly course materials. This process also supported course authentic assessment creation that are not dependent upon paid resources.  相似文献   

According to ISO 15489, the international standard on records management, the four main characteristics of authoritative records are reliability, integrity, usability and authenticity. In this article, the traits of an ideal record as specified by ISO 15489 are discussed by looking at the opposite of an authentic record – a forgery. By examining the varieties of forgeries found in archives, ranging from forgeries of details to forgeries of entire documents both by record creators and users, the argument is put forth that the difference between an authentic and reliable record and a forgery is not at all obvious. Since forgeries are a regrettable evil of an archive, instead of trying to fix authenticity, more thought should be spared on users’ and archivists’ attitudes towards forgeries and how inauthentic records should be handled in an archive.  相似文献   

Googlitis, the overreliance on search engines for research and the resulting development of poor searching skills, is a recognized problem among today's students. Google is not an effective research tool because, in addition to encouraging keyword searching at the expense of more powerful subject searching, it only accesses the Surface Web and is driven by advertising. American higher education unwittingly fosters the use of search engines in research by emphasizing results rather than process. Academic librarians emulate teaching faculty in their reliance on lectures, and their course-related instruction is limited in its effectiveness because it is constrained to one-shot, lecture-driven sessions. A more effective way to teach research is to collaborate with faculty via problem-based and project-oriented learning tasks that incorporate authentic discipline-specific information finding and critical thinking into assignments.  相似文献   


A careful analysis of the role of authentic discourse and primordial language in Heidegger's works helps one to understand what Heidegger means by the “path” to Being. His works move toward a more perfect and yet primordial notion of discourse where humanity learns to use language in authentic ways and where logos speaks for Being.  相似文献   

文章首先概述了我国公共图书馆评估研究及公共图书馆评估工作的情况,之后通过分析广东省公共图书馆评估定级的等级结构分布特点,总结经验与存在的问题,提出公共图书馆评估工作在今后实施中的改进策略。  相似文献   

This article explores application of a taxonomic approach in legal research pedagogy to outcomes assessment based on Prof. Paul Callister's adaptation of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives which integrates instructional design and learning activities compatible with formative assessment during the learning process and summative assessment at its conclusion. It reviews the development of outcomes assessment initiatives by legal educators and the development of outcomes assessment standards by the American Bar Association for the accreditation of law schools.  相似文献   

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