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幼儿探究活动是幼儿主动经历世界,从自己的周遭生活和教师提供的环境中主动地观察和尝试探索、发现问题和解决问题的过程。对幼儿科学探究活动的研究,我们从案例研究入手,通过活动设计与指导案例的剖析和研讨,来阐明我们在幼儿科学探究活动的设计与指导中对活动的程序设计、幼儿探究内容的难易程度、材料的结构性、问题的设计等方面的认识与思考。  相似文献   

在幼儿园科学领域,我们都知道:经常带幼儿接触大自然,激发其好奇心与研究欲望是关键,也要为幼儿提供一些有趣的探究工具,和幼儿一起去发现有趣的事物或现象,一起寻找问题的答案。我们在木质文化的实施过程中,就非常自然地考虑了幼儿的领域目标。为幼儿创设与自然接近的自然元素,创造与自然相贴近的材料,在科学探究活动的实施过程中,我始终关注幼儿,在该领域寻求有利于幼儿发展的生活化、游戏化、社会化途径;为幼儿的科学探究活动提供舞台;不断关注幼儿在活动中产生的问题,并适时地给予指导或帮助,使科学探究活动更加精彩纷呈,让幼儿的探究更专注,幼儿的思考更深刻,幼儿的学习更主动。  相似文献   

在幼儿园开展科学教育活动,是对幼儿进行科学素养的早期培养,教育的内容应包括科学知识、科学方法和科学精神。教师在对活动进行设计与指导的过程中,要结合幼儿的学习科学的心理特点,引导学生主动探究科学知识。本文对幼儿园科学教育活动设计时应注意的事项进行分析,并就幼儿园科学教育活动的设计与指导策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

幼儿园科学教育是对幼儿进行科学启蒙的教育。科学探究活动是教师有目的、有计划地组织幼儿进行科学探究,获得科学启蒙教育的过程。因此,科学探究活动的有效性就是指教师采用适当措施,让幼儿主动参与探究,积累知识和经验,体验活动的乐趣,从而逐步提升科学素养。下面笔者就结合中班科学活动案例“气球变大了”,谈谈对幼儿科学探究活动教学有效性的理解。  相似文献   

<正>一、小班幼儿科学活动开展的现状分析一些教师对科学探究活动的目标把握不准,致使在组织指导上出现了偏差,出现了材料的提供未能起到支持幼儿探究和发现的作用、提问没有指向核心目标等弊端;一些教师虽然努力引导幼儿亲历科学探究的过程,对幼儿有效指导,但还是暴露出对一些探究环节的作用理解不够,对各环节应如何指导把握不准的问题,对各环节中应如何指导经验不足等问题。这些都影响了我们组织科学探究活动的有效性,从而也使幼儿对科学探  相似文献   

蔺江莉 《早期教育》2010,(10):28-30
在教研组的教学活动观摩中我们发现:教师们在设计和实施以动物为内容的科学探究活动中普遍存在关于活动材料设计的问题,不同的材料设计直接影响了科学探究活动的有效性,影响了教师对幼儿科学探究活动的有效指导。下面例举中班《认识鲫鱼和昂刺鱼》活动中的若干个情境来谈。  相似文献   

幼儿是科学区角活动的主体,教师应成为其参与活动的支持者、合作者和引导者。科学区角活动是幼儿探究科学现象的自主活动,是幼儿自由探究科学的乐园。在叶圣陶教育思想的指引下,教师可通过对不同年龄段幼儿在科学区角探究行为的特征及案例分析,优化在活动中的指导策略,满足幼儿不同程度的需要,支持和鼓励他们在探究中发现新知,表达所想,培养幼儿良好的科学探究兴趣和能力。  相似文献   

<正>在参与社会性学习环境对小学科学课堂探究活动影响的研究中,我更关注自己设计并营造的课堂学习环境对儿童学习科学的影响。在感受教科版三年级下册指南针一课的教学案例中,我反思了教学内容设计、教学指导方法和课堂组织等三个方面,设计适合儿童的科学探究活动值得我们重视。一、在实践中捕捉探究的机会,设计探究活动从教师用书对教材设计的解读中了解到:指南针一课从科技史角度让学生了  相似文献   

<正>新《纲要》指出:科学活动应密切联系幼儿的实际生活进行,利用身边的事物与现象作为科学探索的对象;要尽量创造条件让幼儿实际参与科学探究活动。可见,新《纲要》更注重幼儿在科学活动中创造能力、探究能力的培养。如何有效地让幼儿自由探索,激发幼儿主动学习,开发幼儿的创造力、探究力是我们最关注的问题。一、关注活动选择的梯度科学活动内容的确立对于幼儿科学的发展十分关键。其实在现实生活中,可供幼儿进行探索与操作的内容是十分广  相似文献   

中班幼儿在科学探究中已有一定的问题意识,会努力寻找问题答案,但由于认知水平有限,探究的持久性和深入程度还有待提高。研究者尝试在中班科学活动中引入STEM教育,结合具体案例,从生成主题、确立目标、投放材料、调整探究等方面讨论实施要点;并根据实践研究结果总结了应用过程中的注意事项:整合和提炼,以推进幼儿科学探究;强调科学探究与幼儿的实际运用和生活相结合;灵活、准确运用科学概念并引导幼儿使用科学工具。  相似文献   

幼儿园科学探究活动是实现幼儿科学教育,激发科学潜能的主要方式。本文结合幼儿园科学探究活动,探讨如何为高职学前专业学生构建幼儿科学探究活动设计的平台,从而有效提升学生的自然科学素养,为幼教事业输送高素质的人才  相似文献   

幼儿园教师专业认同是教师对自己身为一名幼儿园教师所具有的意义的整体看法。从教师成长的历程来看,教师专业认同是多元的、复杂的、动态发展的。本研究旨在探讨幼儿园教师专业认同对教师专业发展的影响,运用叙事研究法,选取一位幼儿园教师作为研究个案,透过教师专业认同的个案故事,从自我形象、专业准备、工作动机、教学实践、未来展望等方面分析影响幼儿园教师专业发展的因素。  相似文献   

In this article, a preschool teacher and an early childhood teacher educator describe and analyze their work co-creating and co-facilitating an early childhood inquiry group over seven years. The group consisted of veteran lead teachers, assistant teachers, instructional coaches, and an outside teacher educator at an urban, public preschool in San Francisco, California. Using the framework of narrative inquiry and portraiture, the article tells the story of the group’s formation, its structure, and its benefits for the participants’ personal and professional growth. The authors argue that an inquiry group is a highly viable, home-grown form of professional growth that relies on the group as a forum for self-study and reflection. The inquiry group provided the teachers with an increased understanding of child development and instructional strategies, a trusting public forum for sharing and validating their inquiry and teaching, and a communal opportunity to make visible the voices of teachers, children, and families.  相似文献   

This study examines the ways in which preschool teachers support the development of children's explanatory language through science inquiry. Two classrooms in a preschool center using a science inquiry curriculum were videotaped during a 5-week unit on color mixing. Videotapes were analyzed for how teachers facilitated children's explanatory language. An assessment of explanatory language was administered to 47 children in the center before and after the color mixing unit. Analysis of discourse revealed that teachers engaged children as conversational partners and as scientific investigators responsible for their own learning. Explanations were dynamically co-constructed by adults and children within the context of participation in scientific inquiry. By the end of the unit, children produced more on-topic responses, more standard color-mixing terms, and more causal connectives in their responses to the assessment of explanatory language.  相似文献   

Human agency is significant to the understanding of professional identities and actions. It is through human agency that individuals can become powerful in changing or authoring their own identities. Stemming from a larger narrative inquiry focused on understanding the professional identities of public preschool teachers, this paper draws on cultural models theory to explore identity, agency and professional practice through the lived stories of CeCe, an African-American public preschool teacher from the United States. Findings demonstrate the influence of CeCe’s lived experiences to her developing sense of human agency and highlight the importance of critical incidents and voice to identity and human agency.  相似文献   

This article describes a group of Druze preschool and kindergarten teachers from Northern Israel who participated in an in-service course in their community. The focus of the training experience was to improve the social climate of the classroom by implementing a life-world approach. Analysis of their reports shows that the children’s meaningful learning, improved emotional coping with ordinary hardships, and mutual social support are a product of intervention that involves multiple, interrelated activity channels: staff collaboration, guided small group discussions, informal discussions, cooperation with parents and community agents, and free play. Each activity channel is associated with a compatible, dominant, learning modality and a predominant interpersonal process—free play, for example, is mainly associated with free inquiry and discourse among children, whereas group activity is also likely to be associated with learning guided by educators.  相似文献   


Observation is one of the basic methods in science. It is not only an epistemological method itself, but also an important competence for other methods like experimenting or comparing. However, there is little knowledge about the relation with affective factors of this inquiry method. In our study, we would like to find out about the relations of emotional well-being and involvement with children’s observation competency. Seventy preschool children participated in our test observing a living mouse, a snail and a fish. From their behaviour in the test situation, we coded their observation competency as well as their emotional well-being and involvement. The data show that both emotional well-being and involvement are significant predictors of children’s observation competency. Further analyses confirm our hypothesis of a mediating role of involvement between well-being and the performance in the observation task. In conclusion, theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate how preschool teachers in Iceland view early childhood education and the professional preschool teacher. Focus groups consisting of early childhood educators in Iceland were interviewed. Each of four focus groups comprised educators who held similar positions. They were: (1) preschool teachers; (2) preschool directors; (3) preschool consultants; and (4) educators of preschool teachers. Data were analyzed using strategies of qualitative inquiry. The analysis revealed dilemmas concerning the use of concepts such as teaching and care, cooperation with the primary schools, the organization of the preschool day, and the role of preschool teachers in children's learning. The results were interpreted in the light of postmodern perspectives of the child and early childhood institutions.  相似文献   

丁丹 《成才之路》2021,(15):100-101
在幼儿教育中,要提升幼儿区域活动的有效性,就要充分利用空间环境的设置,促使幼儿进入到特定的情境中,激发幼儿探究兴趣。教师可采用动静分离、相关区域有机融合、室外拓展、充分留白、创新规划等方法,艺术性地设置区域活动空间,调动幼儿参与区域活动的积极性和主动性。  相似文献   

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