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北京市为加强对外埠来京务工人员管理,规范用人单位用工行为;使外埠来京务工人员取得合法务工手续,保护劳动者合法权益,2001年办理来京务工人员就业证现已开始,并作出许多新规定。 据了解,今年对外地来京务工人员办理《就业证》提出的新规定主要是:用人单位使用外地来京务工人员从事京劳社就发[2000]124号文件规定须持有《职业资格证书》的110个工种(职业)的,需取得《职业资格证书》后,再予办理《北京市外来人员就业证》。用人单位使用外地来京务工人员从事其他工种(职业)的,需先参加劳动法律法规培训,取得…  相似文献   


This article discusses how the purpose of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is reflected within the perception of teachers and educational stakeholders in Vietnam and whether a difference exists between the two respondent groups’ perspectives. Biesta’s three functions of education, qualification, socialization, and subjectification, are considered to be the theoretical outline for analyzing perceptions of the respondents. The empirical material for this analysis consists of interviews in Vietnam with secondary teachers and educational stakeholders. The perspectives of the two groups regarding the purposes of ESD somewhat overlap: central interests in ESD discourse are to qualify students with knowledge, skills, and competences, and to teach them how to behave in sustainable ways. In other words, qualification and socialization, not subjectification, are major concerns of the respondents. This reflection, to some extent, reveals Vietnam’s sustainable development priorities and the role education should play.  相似文献   

助学贷款政策是国家为了帮助高校贫困学生解决经济困境,顺利完成学业的一项重要措施。由于配套制度不够完善,实际运作较为困难。通过对这一现象的剖析,探索通过助学贷款政策帮助高校贫困生解决经济困境的有效途径。  相似文献   

The Quest for Holism in Education for Sustainable Development   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
'Sustainable development' is a 'paradoxical compound policy slogan' (Stables, 1996), of a type rhetorically constructed to appeal simultaneously to apparently opposed interest groups, and is widely recognised to be a contested notion. Indeed, structuralist and post-structuralist theories hold that no terms can have uncontested, stable meanings--even 'education'. Notwithstanding, environmental education (EE) has often been associated with a quest for a holistic worldview. This is despite the fact that the monological view of truth implied in such a quest, assuming absolute understanding (and thus enabling total control over nature), has been cited as contributing to the development of the ecological crisis. 'Sustainable development' can, however, remain a regulative ideal for environmental educators, as long as it is acknowledged that it has no absolute legitimation. Human reflexivity remains capable of reworking the cultural traditions which have shaped late modernity with reference to such a regulative ideal, albeit variously recognised. The quest for holism remains one voice in a continuing dialogue, or series of simultaneous and sometimes overlapping dialogues, about the environment and the human relationship with it.  相似文献   

化学思维教学策略谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思维教学,并不是教学生如何思维,而是在教师引导下,学生自己发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,真正地掌握所学的知识,即学生自己教自己.要让学生自己教自己,最为关键的就是,教师在课堂教学中要讲究思维教学的策略,即引发学生的好奇心、引导学生动手设计实验、注重一题多解和拓宽学生的学习空间.  相似文献   

性侵会对女童产生抑郁、自尊、焦虑等影响,农村留守女童性侵害的形势日益严峻,但常见的报警、私了、妇联帮挟等单一处理方式均存在弊端.家庭、学校和社会应转变观念,为儿童提供多样有趣的性教育,营造安全的环境预防性侵害的发生.在处理农村留守女童性侵害时,家庭、学校和社会应联合起来,链接社会资源,协助社工为女童及其家庭提供全面的社会工作服务,降低女童感染性疾病的风险,减少性侵事件对女童的伤害,修复性侵家庭的关系,营造良好的社会支持环境,以利于受害女童健康成长.  相似文献   

Professional staff of colleges and universities usually do not have the kind of clearly defined paths for advancement that are available to members of the faculty. The results of a survey examining opportunities for professional staff are presented in this article. Information obtained from the survey was organized into five categories: (a) job classification system, (b) salary and wage schedules, (c) job-performance evaluation process, (d) promotion process and (e) incentive programs, and these categories were used as a basis for comparing responding universities. The conditions of employment of professional staff at selected state universities are presented and recommendations are provided for improving the upward mobility of members of this vital support group.  相似文献   

本文从动画设计符合学生学习认知规律的要素着手,论述了动画在MCAI课件课程设计中的重要性,以及在优化课程设计作用的方面提出了自己的见解.  相似文献   

从动画设计符合学生学习认知规律的要素着手,论述了动画在MCAI课件课程设计中的重要性,以及在优化课程设计作用的方面提出了自己的见解.  相似文献   

Personal counseling is a valuable growth experience for counselors in training. The authors provide a decision tree and guidelines for the supervisor's use in recommending personal counseling.  相似文献   

在培智学校开展可持续发展教育,是智障儿童参与社会建设、发展与进步的有效途径,对其未来生活品质的提高、公平参与社会活动、学会生存,掌握生存技能、更好履行公民义务有着重要作用.文章从可持续发展教育的产生出发,客观分析了在培智学校开展可持续发展教育的依据与重要性,进而探讨可持续发展教育对培智学校现有教学目标、内容与方法的挑战,从而为在特殊学校开展可持续发展教育提供借鉴.  相似文献   

浅析情感管理在高校研究生管理工作中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将管理心理学中的情感管理引入研究生管理工作,促进管理工作“人性”化,可以在理论和实践上丰富管理的内容和形式,进而提高工作效果。  相似文献   

在高等教育大众化进程中.高等职业教育迎来了前所未有的机遇与挑战。学校生存发展的关键在于自身的准确定位。长江职业学院正是在这些基本建设中创建了自己的办学思想与摸式特色.并取得了良好的社会效益.本文特别推介长江职业学院办学思想与摸式特色研究.以飨广大读者。  相似文献   

Developed in response to examples of unacceptable assessment practices, the Principles for Fair Student Assessment Practices for Education in Canada contains a set of principles and guidelines generally accepted by professional organisations as indicative of fair assessment practice within the Canadian educational context. Assessments depend on professional judgment: the ’Principles’ identify the issues to consider in exercising this professional judgment and in striving for the fair and equitable assessment of all students.  相似文献   

华盛顿消息:奥巴马政府周五(7月10日)呼吁朝鲜民主主义人民共和国特赦两名美国女记者。这两名记者因针对朝鲜的“敌对行为”而被判12年监禁。  相似文献   

一文 《高中生》2011,(10):15
日出嵩山坳,晨钟惊飞鸟。——《少林寺》插曲《牧羊曲》真有王维山水诗的意境,现代歌曲中罕见!一阵风掠过,放开还有温暖的手,大海在等候那条河流。——李健《想念你》此歌是李健为逝去的父亲而作,是一个男人对父爱最含蓄深沉的礼赞。这个歌手真是歌坛的异数。  相似文献   

Sweden is placing much greater emphasis on the technical education and training of young people. Since 1982/83, technology has become a required area of study throughout the compulsory school system. This provides an excellent opportunity for girls to learn much more about science and technology at a young age and to become confident in these fields. However, school teachers of young children themselves lack confidence and expertise in technology and are inclined to approach the teaching of the subject in a diffident, somewhat abstract manner

A range of very practical activities are outlined which can be introduced into the training of compulsory school and indeed nursery school teachers, so that they have a much better approach to the organisation of technology classes. The author has direct experience of all the work she describes and has been very active in developing curriculum content for technology classes at nursery and compulsory school level. She has arranged for a number of her engineering students at LinkÖping Institute of Technology, mainly women, to become involved as instructors of trainee nursery school teachers. Other students have worked on special technology projects with compulsory level school teachers. The women engineering students act as powerful role models for young trainee teachers and for school girls alike

The author stresses that quite simple, often home made and inexpensive materials can be used in imaginative ways to intrigue and involve children and especially girls, in technical activities and studies.  相似文献   

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