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Who knows!天晓得!It is not a big deal!没什么了不起!How come...怎么回事,怎么搞的。Easy does it.慢慢来。Don’t push me.别逼我。Come on!快点,振作起来!Have a good of it.玩得很高兴。It is urgent.有急事。What is the fuss?吵什么?It doesn’t make any differences.没关系。Don't let me down.别让我失望。God works.上帝的安排。Don’t take ill of me.别生我气。Hope so.希望如此。Go down to business.言归正传。None of my business.不关我事。I’m not going.我不去了。Does it serve your purpose?对你有用吗?I do…  相似文献   

Thousand times no!绝对办不到。Don’t mention it.没关系,别客气。Who knows!天晓得!It is not a big deal!没什么了不起的。How come...怎么回事,怎么搞的?Easy does it.慢慢来。Don’t push me.别逼我。Come on!快点,振作起来。Have a good of it.玩得很高兴。It is urgent  相似文献   

Just name it.你说吧。Name在此句中作动词讲。让对方说出他/她希望得到的东西的名称时,我们可以用这句话。实景演练—I can give you anything youwant.Just name it.你想要什么,我都能给你。你说吧。-Really?真的吗?This is it!就是这个!常用于找到了一直在找的东西时的场合。实景演练-What are you looking for?你在找什么?-This is it!It’s the birthday gift Iwill give to Jane.就是这个!这是我要送给简的生日礼物。Nice going!干得好!如果想夸奖别人的工作做得好,可用此句。实景演练—Ifinishedmyhomeworkintenminutes.我在10…  相似文献   

Where is my bag?【情景对话】Peter:Oh!My bag!I can’t find it.Where is it?Simon:Is it in your desk drawer?Go and have a look!Peter:No,it isn’t.Simon:Ah!Here it is!Peter:Where?Simon:It’s under your chair.Peter:Yes!Thanks,Simon.Peter:噢!我的书包!我找不到它。它在哪里?  相似文献   

*What a beautiful day!天气真好!*How hot is it outside?外面有多热?*It’s going to be a hot day!今天将是一个热天!*It’s raining.下雨了。*I hear it’s going to rain.我听说要下雨。*I love a rainy night.我喜欢雨夜。*It’s cold outside.外面很冷。*It’s snowing outside.外面在下雪。*What’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?*It is a nice day,isn’t it?今天天气很好,不是吗?*How was the weather yesterday?昨天天气怎么样?*It was raining cats and dogs yesterday.昨天下了一场倾*It is much colder today…  相似文献   

1.我不是开玩笑!I mean it!/It‘s(This is)no joke!情景扫描:Don‘t laugh!I mean it(=I‘m serious.)别笑!我是认真的。2.你到底想要说什么?Get(come)tothe point./Don‘t beat around the brush./What are you trying to say?情景扫描:Now,to come to the point,will you go yourself,or send a representa-tive?好的,直说吧,  相似文献   

A:Let me help you to some sweet and sour fish. B:Sweet and sour fish? A:Yes,the fish is first fried,and then a sauce made of vinegar and sugar is poured over it. B:This chicken is really tender.It melts in your mouth.How is it cooked?我津津有味地欣赏着广播中的美食节目in English.既能练听力,又能满足小子我画饼充饥的独特食欲,不愧是只有我才想得出的一石二鸟之计啊!  相似文献   

生活中不乏创意,而创意让生活变得更精彩、有趣。这次,大家想要什么样的惊喜?旅行的时候,洗漱用品不可或缺,带支普通牙刷太老土,USB充电杀菌牙刷绝对够潮!你想看的节目开始了,但弟弟还想看动画片,怎么办?忍者遥控器让他知道我不好过你也别想好过……只有这些吗?当然不止,想仔细了解本次有哪些新奇玩意,就老老实实往下看吧!  相似文献   

1.got stuck卡壳A:What's up?You look so unhappy! B:I got stuck on this problem.It is such a touchy issue! A:Well,cheer up,I think you can make it. B:Thanks.I will try to figure it out. A:怎么啦?你看起来闷闷不乐的! B:我在这个问题上卡壳了,这真是个棘手的问题。A:振作点,我想你能想出办法来的。B:谢谢,我再试试看。  相似文献   

小刺猬今天和小伙伴们在草地上玩了一整天,想知道什么这么吸引大家吗?听小刺猬嘟嘟告诉你吧. It can fly in the sky, It flies in wind. But it is not a bird or a plane, It has a line on its body.  相似文献   

1.What time is it?现在几点钟?It!s eight o!clock.现在8点钟。2.May I have your time,please?请问几点钟了?My watch says two.我手表上是两点。3.Nancy,is your watch right?南希,你的表准吗?Maybe.也许吧。问时间@世荣~~  相似文献   

Can you answer these questions?赢积分的机会来了! 把你的答案寄来,得奖品,又可赢积分,过两期我们就要公布积分大榜了,快抓紧时间吧! 1. It has four legs,but it can‘t walk.It has two arms, but it can’t carry anything.It has a back,but it can’t bend.What is it?  相似文献   

小猪贝贝可不是普通的小猪,她从小就有远大的理想——长大当世界名模!每次世界名模大赛它从不耽误,从初赛到决赛,场场必看。它边看边扭着身子,模仿着那些名模的优美动作,心里美滋滋的,仿佛自己已经是一个世界名模了。它的同伴笑话它:“你哪儿不舒服呀?”“你们懂个啥?我是未来的世界名模!”“哈!还世界名模呢!圆滚滚的身子,老长的猪嘴……”“你们……你们别损我好吗?我这不是在培养自己的气质吗!”“哈!每天除了吃就是睡,该不是要培养个‘睡美人’吧!”你……你们……”小猪贝贝气得一扭头,“哼!‘燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉’!”啥?你说啥呀?”“…  相似文献   

William:Hello, John! How do you do? John:Hetlo, William! I am fine. William:What are you doing? John:I am reading an article. William:What is it about? Is it interesting? John:It is about the history of human beings, I find it quite interesting.William:History of human beings? Sounds very interesting and special. Can you tell me a little bit about it?  相似文献   

My TURTLE     
I have a turtle. It's very young. It is maybe 1 or 2 years old. Its shell is so hard that it can break my pencil! And there are many stripes (条纹) on its shell. It is very cute. Its nose, eyes and ears are all very small. They look like my pinkie. Its feet are very small, too. Although the turtle is small, it is strong! Its claws are sharp, and they can prick (戳穿) about 5 pieces of paper at once. It can also climb out from a tall vat. It always puts its head, feet and tail into its shell when we touch it. It's interesting. It has no name yet. Can you help me give it a good name?  相似文献   

Feeling stressed? Don't get mad; get smart with these easy-to-fol-low tips.感觉到压力吗?别为此而疯狂,尝试以下的简易解除压力的方法。Don 't let it build up别让压力有机可乘If you're upset, blow off steam by jogging, walking, just doing something active. It is much better than stewing over a problem. 假若你感觉到难过,尝试作些运动如跑步、散步或一些体力活动,这总好过让情绪积压成问题。  相似文献   

1.How do you like it?你觉得如何? ——Look at my new T-shirt.How do youlike it?看我的新T恤,你觉得如何? ——Terrific!好看极了! 2.How is everything?近况如何? ——Hi,John,long time no see,how is everything?嗨,约翰,很久没见,近况如何? ——Not bad,how about you?还不错,你呢? 3.How was I?我表现得如何?  相似文献   

Boy:Look at that snowball.How big it is!Why does it roll bigger and bigger?男孩:瞧那个雪球,多么大呀!它为什么越滚越大?Girl:My father tells me about it.The snowball has weight, It gets more snowflakes to itself by rolling. When it  相似文献   

想知道地道的美语吗?想学会最新、最酷的口语吗?Please join us。G od knows。天晓得!例句:G od know s where he w ent。天晓得他去哪儿啦!It’ll cost G od knows how m uch.天晓得要花多少钱。Thank G od。谢天谢地!例句:Thank God you’re safe。谢天谢地你平安无事!H ow com e?怎么回事,怎么搞的?例句:H ow com e he didn’t find out?他怎么会没有发现呢?D on’t push m e.别逼我。例句:I’m not pushing you,if you don’tw ant the job,don’t take it.我不想勉强你,如果你不想做这份工作,就不要接受。H e pushed her into m …  相似文献   

Everybody uses one.There is one on my desk now.It is1.Is there one on your desk,too?2am I talking about?Can you3what it is?It is a pencil.4pencils are about18centimeters long.One pencil can5a line thirty-five miles long,or write45,0006!One pencil may be s…  相似文献   

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