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传统的以图书资料进行人才培养服务的方式已经远远满足不了高职高专人才培养模式和教学的需求。音像资料具有生动直观、形象逼真、声像并茂等特点,在培养学生专业技能方面有着图书资料所不可替代的重要作用。高职院校应加强音像资料建设,多渠道搜集、制作音像资料,完善音像资料保存与管理的制度,充分利用音像资料,会对教育教学会起到重要的辅助作用。  相似文献   

随着多媒体计算机技术和网络通信技术的飞速发展,影音素材被广泛运用到大学英语教学中。本文将从理论和实践两个层面上,就影音素材辅助大学英语教学模式进行探讨。  相似文献   

学界广泛认同字幕在二/外语视听教学中的作用,但何种字幕形式效果最佳尚无定论。文章通过实验研究的方法,以同一内容、不同字幕形式(无字幕、英文字幕、中英字幕以及中文字幕)的四个视频文件作为视听材料,以200名非英语专业的大二学生作为研究对象,考察了四种字幕形式的视频对英语学习者视听理解、词汇习得以及视听焦虑三个方面的影响。研究结果表明,中英字幕和中文字幕在促进学习者视听理解、降低视听焦虑方面的效果更优,中英字幕还有助于促成学习者的词汇习得。  相似文献   

Summary One of the significant movements in the history of audio-visual communication was the development of audio-visual departments in city school systems. This line of development took four forms. Educational school museums were founded, slide libraries were organized, film libraries were established, and nondepartmentalized audio-visual education developed. In most instances, audio-visual budgets, materials, and personnel were limited. Most materials consisted of slides and stereographs rather than films. The two most commonly used distribution methods were the “circuit” and “special-order” methods. Film evaluation and utilization were still hardly touched; however, the Berkeley Visual Education Department published a graded list of films and slides as early as 1923. Generally, the growth of visual education considerably increased the complexity of educational administration and created some confusion as to the precise status of audio-visual directors or coordinators. This is the second in a series of papers designed to provide an historical account of audio-visual communication. The first article, “Historical Overview of Audio-Visual Communication,” appeared in the Spring 1954 issue. Paul Saettler is assistant professor of education, Sacramento State College, California. The study from which this paper is drawn was completed for the PhD degree at the University of Southern California.  相似文献   

通过教学途径学习的英语和英美日常生活中使用的英语有一些差别,这些差异会在跨文化交际中引起一些交际困难或失误。利用真实的视听材料如原版电影安排教学活动,可以让英语学习者熟悉和适应这些差异,弥补课堂教学的不足,丰富了学习情境。英语电影欣赏的内容、方法、教材编写等方面还有待于进一步探讨。  相似文献   

文章聚焦民国时期电化教育学术发展,梳理发展脉络,总结学术发展规律。通过对从网络数据库、其他研究者以及实体图书馆等渠道收集的民国时期有关电化教育的期刊、著作、报告以及政府文件等史料的分析和解读,认为民国时期我国电化教育学术研究经历了幻灯教学理论的形成(1912—1932年)、中国特色五论电影教育理论体系的形成(1932—1937年)、中国独特电化教育学术领域的形成(1937—1949年)三个发展阶段;是由幻灯、电影和播音技术推动的,由价值论、方法论和本体论构成的研究螺旋;技术更新与进步、教育思潮和理念的涌现、电化教育的实践需求是学术发展的三个动力;体现出紧扣国家社会需求、注重实践研究、具有国际视野和历史自觉四个方面的特点。  相似文献   

英文声像资料是一种形象生动的教学手段,将其与导游英语教学相结合,能够提高学生的学习兴趣,使学生掌握纯正地道的语言知识,体验丰富的中西文化内涵,培养跨文化交际能力,进而完善专业素质建设。本文通过笔者的《涉外导游英语》教学实践证实了英文声像资料教学的独特优势。  相似文献   

教材是日语课程实施的重要组成部分,选择和使用合适的教材是完成教学内容和实现教学目标的重要前提条件。本文对本学院日语专业的听力教材进行了分析评估,并对目前其他高校广泛使用的《日语听解教程》(2009)进行了试用和分析,提出了对本学院日语专业听力教材改革的建设性意见。另外,从目前外语教学的研究动向来看,集视听说等模态于一体的新兴教材已经成为外语视听教学的一种发展趋势。  相似文献   

重组教学资源构建系列医学视听教材集群的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系列医学视听教材集群在现代医学教学中发挥着越来越重要的作用,其构建从总体规划设计开始,主要从3个方面进行:一是优选现有视听资源,二是购买,三是组织制作。重组教学资源是组织制作和整个构建的中心环节。重点讨论系列视听教材集群的内涵及其构建的程序及策略,并对资源的重组进行详细的论述。  相似文献   

章学诚的《校雠通义》具有目录学的系统思想,他认为目录学的作用在于“辩章学术,考镜源流”,并指出图书资料,目录与学术是紧密相联的。该书中提出的“互”,“别裁”等体例,是对古典目录学的极大突破,具有近代科学研究的思想,至今影响着目录学的发展。  相似文献   

Evaluation of audio-visual teaching materials has only recently become the subject of scientific research among French educationists. The reason for this is not difficult to grasp: in the absence of any clear doctrine, and amid the confusion of aims concerning the use of audio-visual media, everyone felt condemned to work in an ill-defined field. This double difficulty was complicated by a more local factor: in France, more than anywhere else probably, research was for a very long time divided into the ancient intuitive and subjective categories. This would account for the limited number of evaluational studies so far undertaken in the field of audio-visual education. Those we shall mention here are tentative, isolated and dispersed. At the same time it is clear that a new trend is taking shape. We find that without abandoning qualitative research, which indeed has a role to play, qualitative evaluation is slowly beginning to win its rightful place.  相似文献   

This article provides bibliography, some with annotation, for three areas of computer use in interpersonal communication: computer‐assisted instruction, simulation of interpersonal communication, and analysis of verbal behavior. There are brief introductory comments for each section of the bibliography.  相似文献   

高校形象的好坏从整体上体现了一个学校在社会上的声望、信誉、社会地位,反映了社会对高校的认同程度,对高校的发展具有十分重要的影响。从形象传播内容和途径进行分析,湖北省地方本科院校主要存在着视听传播系统标志不鲜明,缺乏新闻策划、宣传和公关意识,媒介传播系统不健全等问题。这些高校应拓宽网络媒体报道内容,加大报道力度;在校歌、校旗、校服方面体现学校精神,反映学校特色,突出学校形象,除了新闻策划和广告宣传外,还可以用公关来传播学校形象;充分利用印刷媒介、电子媒介和户外媒介三种大众传播方式,宣传高校,为高校的改革、建设、发展创造良好的社会舆论环境。  相似文献   

从传播学的新视角研究宋代女性词,发现宋代女性词的传播与接受具有自身的特点和互动关系,从传播方式上看,因传播媒介的不同可分为三种传播范式:书面文字传播、合乐歌唱传播、题写刻录传播。在接受类型上,宋代女性词在传播过程中,因传播方式、传播对象、传播目的、传播环境等不同因素,形成的接受差异主要可归纳为三种:休闲娱乐型接受、审美鉴赏型接受和情感认同型接受。同时,各种传播范式和接受类型之间又存在复合交叉的现象。  相似文献   

语言不是孤立存在的,而是文化的一部分,学习使用语言不能离开一定的社会情景。因此,利用英语原声电影这样真实的视听材料安排教学活动,能提供直观真实的交际语境,激发学生的学习兴趣和语言综合能力;能有效导入英美国家文化,培养学生对文化差异的敏感性;能帮助学生了解风土人情,提高跨文化交际能力。利用英语原声电影进行大学英语教学,需要合理地选择电影,并将其具体运用到听力训练和口语训练活动中去。  相似文献   

英语专业视听课程是提高英语语言能力和交际能力的课程,在诸多英语专业课程中有着特殊的地位和作用.由于该课程选取的视听材料具有一定的主观性和随意性,所以建立科学系统的视听资料库是积极而有必要的.本文根据建构主义理论和跨文化交际理论,提出基于主题构建的英语专业视听课程资料库建设的指导原则与实践意义.  相似文献   

王攀峰 《教育科学》2020,36(1):15-21
总体上说,教科书内容分析可以分为实证研究中的内容分析、符号学视角下的内容分析和传播学视角下的内容分析这三大类型。其中,实证研究中的教科书内容分析分为量化内容分析、定性内容分析和计算机辅助内容分析;符号学视角下的内容分析分为教科书语构分析、教科书语义分析和教科书语用分析;传播学视角下的内容分析分为教科书传播内容分析、教科书传播原因分析、教科书传播学效果分析。对不同学科视角下教科书内容分析方法的应用与发展情况进行梳理,有助于深化教科书内容分析法的研究,推动教科书研究方法的发展。  相似文献   

Summary The existing research on television of interest to educators was analyzed and found to be grouped into four general categories: (a) studies of the general social effects of television, (b) content analyses, (c) studies of the educational effects of television, and (d) technical studies. Studies in each of these four categories were reviewed and generalizations drawn from them. No attempt was made to review related research that is, no doubt, applicable to the problems of television. For example, the vast amount of research information developed in the audio-visual field during the past 30 years was not touched. Future investigators will find that the existing television research and the existing audio-visual research provide only a sketch map of the field of audio-visual communication. To use these important instruments wisely, and this is particularly true of television, it is necessary that we know and understand much more. This is the challenge for future research. To the knowledge of the editor, this is the first comprebensive review of educational television research to be published. The organizing of the research into four categories—general social effects, content analyses, educational effects, and technical problems—the rather detailed reviewing of the results, and the drawing of general conclusions should greatly aid the educator in understanding the unique contributions of educational television. An attempt will be made in future issues of Audio-Visual Communication Review to supplement this review of research by regularly publishing, in “Research Abstracts,” reviews of the most recent television studies. Dr. James D. Finn is Associate Professor of Education and Chairman of the Audio-Visual Education Department, University of Southern California. This paper was originally prepared at the request of the California State Department of Education for inclusion in theBrochure of Background Materials: Educational Television for the Governor’s Conference on Educational Television, held in Sacramento, California, December 15–16, 1952. It was necessary to develop the material in a very short time, and the writer wishes to express his indebtedness to F. Dean McClusky and May V. Seagoe of the University of California, Los Angeles, and to Lester F. Beck and Nicholas Rose, his colleagues at the University of Southern California, as well as to several of his graduate students for helping in locating copies of the studies reviewed.  相似文献   

在前贤研究的基础上,用文献资料和考古资料相结合的方法,探讨了秦军法的起源、内容、特点和意义。  相似文献   


Technical communication is being integrated into the pre‐college curriculum at an accelerating pace. However, few curriculum materials have been developed for the pre‐college level. This annotated bibliography is a partial attempt to address this lack. The entries have been divided into two categories: Pre‐College Level Material and Adaptable Post‐Secondary Material.  相似文献   

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