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Kim Komenich, 58, has worked as a photographer since he was a kid. He has traveled the world, making pictures—from Iraq to Vietnam, El Salvador, and the Philippines. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography in 1987. Now he is an assistant professor for multimedia at San Jose State University, his undergraduate alma mater.  相似文献   

Ealing Revisited     

重访阮冈纳赞   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
印度学者S.R.阮冈纳赞提出的"图书馆学五定律",虽然在20世纪90年代的计算机图书馆和信息服务中依然被使用着,但仍需增补两条原则"每位读者都拥有他的图书馆"和"每位作者都可向图书馆供稿".  相似文献   


Many archivists regard the archival imagination evidenced in the writings of David Bearman as avant-garde. Archivist Linda Henry has sharply criticized Bearman for being irreverent toward the archival theory and practice outlined by classical American archivist T. R. Schellenberg. Although Bearman is sometimes credited-and sometimes berated-for establishing “a new paradigm” centered on the archival management of electronic records, his methods and strategies are intended to encompass all forms of record keeping. The essay provides general observations on Bearman's archival imagination, lists some of its components, and addresses elements of Henry's critique. Although the longlasting impact of Bearman's imagination upon the archival profession might be questioned, it nonetheless deserves continued consideration by archivists and inclusion as a component of graduate archival education.  相似文献   


This article discusses the theory of exhibition presentation as a genre, the specific issues of curatorial styles, and the distinct features of exhibitions in libraries. Based on my personal reflections on taking part in curating the Russin Revolution: Hope, Tragedy, Myths exhibition at the British Library, the article discusses the tension between the nature of collections held in libraries and their transformation when turned into an exhibition display, as well as the tension between the purpose of collecting for libraries and collecting for displays. It also presents the author’s experience of the challenges and solutions that exhibitions in libraries normally face. As the number of exhibition projects in all kinds of libraries is growing, the library communities are looking toward a better understanding of how libraries’ special and general collections can function in an exhibition environment and how information professionals can contribute to curatorial practices. Sharing experience about library exhibitions in the wider framework of art and museum curation will help to recognize exhibition curating as a requisite part of librarianship, which might change our perception of libraries and their relations with users now and in the future.  相似文献   


The entityrelationship model in the IFLA draft Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records (FRBR) provides a useful mechanism for reexamining the multipleversions problem in serials cataloging. The model provides a hierarchy of levels of abstraction that accommodates versions at both the concrete level of an exact reproduction of text, etc. (the manifestation level), and a more abstract level of an approximate reproduction of essential content (the expression level). Such a flexible model is especially useful given the expansion of novel version classes, especially that of dynamic remotely-accessible electronic documents. But along with the increase in usefulness afforded by the FRBR model comes an inevitable increase in ambiguity regarding what constitutes a version within the model, and at what level of that model, and ultimately what constitutes a work.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


The objectives of this presentation are to: outline important developments influencing the publication of scholarly journals, describe several electronic scholarly communication models now in development, summarize the goals and current status of Project Muse at Johns Hopkins, and share some preliminary findings and observations drawn from this experiment in scholarly publishing.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(7-8):177-183
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The Future Voices in Public Services column is a forum for students in graduate library and information science programs to discuss key issues they see in academic library public services, to envision what they feel librarians in public service have to offer to academia, to tell us of their visions for the profession, or to tell us of research that is going on in library schools. We hope to provide fresh perspectives from those entering our field, in both the United States and other countries. Interested faculty of graduate library and information science programs who would like their students' ideas represented in these pages are invited to contact Nancy H. Dewald at nxd7@psu.edu.

Heather Dodge is a recent graduate of Long Island University's Palmer School of Library and Information Science and has completed an additional Master's degree in Humanities and Social Thought from NYU's Draper Program for Humanities and Social Thought. In this column, she discusses the effective development of chat reference competencies.

The ALA-Accredited Palmer School of Library and Information Science was established in 1959 at Long Island University's (LIU) Post campus. Palmer's mission is to empower information professionals through education, research and achievement. The Palmer School offers a Doctorate in Information Studies; the Master of Science in Library and Information Science with optional concentrations in Archives and Records Management, Rare Books and Special Collections; Advanced Certificates in both Archives and Records Management and in Public Library Administration. The School also offers a Masters in Science in School Library Media. The Archives and Records Management certificate can be taken post-Master's or concurrently as part of the MSLIS program and is now offered both face-to-face and online.  相似文献   

周恩来、邓颖超是一代伟人,两位楷模。他们的丰功伟绩、高尚品格,举世公认。不仅如此,他们还倡导了一场移风易俗的丧葬革命。他们没有留下骨灰,也没有立下墓碑.但是,他们的高风亮节却永远留在人民的心中。  相似文献   

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