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目的:观察急性有氧运动对肥胖男青年肱动脉内径的影响.方法:以14名肥胖男生为研究对象,测定其运动前(0h时间点)肱动脉内径,然后立刻进行持续45min的急性跑台运动,在运动结束后的15min和75min(即1h和2h时间点)时,对其肱动脉内径进行重复测定.结果:0h、1h和2h3个时间点的肱动脉内径分别是3.91±0.07mm,4.07±0.07mm和3.95±0.06mm,1h时肱动脉内径明显高于0h(P<0.05),但2h时与0h和1h无明显差别.结论:急性有氧运动使肥胖男青年的肱动脉内径一过性增大,但此效应会在运动结束后较快地消失.  相似文献   

肥胖男青年对两种强度有氧运动的生理代谢反应比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:分析两种强度有氧运动过程中机体能源物质动员的特点,为制定减肥运动处方提供理论依据。方法:8名无系统运动训练史的非继发性肥胖男青年进行40%和65%V。O2max强度有氧运动,监测运动过程中受试者HR、血压及RPE等生理指标和血清GLU、TG、FFA及GH等生化指标的变化。结果:40%V。O2max有氧运动过程中HR、收缩压、RPE及血清GLU水平显著低于(舒张压显著高于)65%V。O2max有氧运动;血清GH水平有降低趋势;血清TG、FFA水平显著高于65%V。O2max有氧运动。40%V。O2max有氧运动过程中,脂肪动员程度较大,随着运动强度的增加,机体糖代谢加强,脂代谢减弱。结论:肥胖者宜采用40%V。O2max有氧运动进行减肥健身锻炼,不仅能更大程度地动员脂肪供能,而且相对不易疲劳,主观体力感觉也易于接受。  相似文献   


Twelve male university students were tested twice on each of three continuous max [Vdot]RO2 protocols for treadmill running, pedaling on a bicycle ergometer while seated, and pedaling on a bicycle ergometer while standing. A comparison of the results failed to reveal any differences among protocols for pulmonary ventilation (max [Vdot]RE). For max [Vdot]RO2 (both liters [mdot] minute-1 and ml [mdot] minute-1. kg-1) all differences were significant with the highest value associated with treadmill running, the intermediate with cycling in the standing position, and the lowest with cycling while seated. Max heart rate (HR) was significantly higher on the treadmill than on either bicycle protocol, and the respiratory exchange ratio (R) was higher on the sitting bicycle task than on the standing bicycle task. No other differences among protocols were significant. Although the reliability coefficients for all protocols (range was from r = .95 to r = .97) and the intercorrelation coefficients among protocols (range was r = .93 to r = .94) were quite high, the magnitude of the standard errors of estimate tended to limit the ability to predict a subject's max [Vdot]RO2 on the treadmill based upon his measured max [Vdot]RO2 employing either a sitting or standing bicycle protocol.  相似文献   

中国青年男篮在第7届世界青年男篮锦标赛上成绩不尽如人意,暴露出的问题是多方面的,其中防守战术运用的整体能力不强又是极其突出的问题之一;战术结构优化程度上的相对不足导致战术整体功能上的不完善,战术运用效果也因此受到直接影响。而战术结构优化水平不高又和中国青年男篮在防守配合运用方面所存在的配合次数的不足和配合运用质量不高两方面的问题密切相关。  相似文献   

中国青年男篮高大运动员优秀群体现状的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对参加 1999年全国青年男篮前 8名决赛的 55名高大运动员优秀群体的投篮、篮板球、助攻、抢断等技术的调查分析 ,研究了在身高方面我国已在亚洲处于以大打小的局面 ,与世界强队相比身高完全不在欧美运动员之下的情况下 ,如何保持特点 ,加强训练 ,提高青年高大队员技术水平等问题  相似文献   

通过对山西省体科所健身俱乐部进行有氧健身操女性学员40余人,年龄25-45岁持续参加3个月以上有氧健身操运动前后的体质量指数(BMI)和腰臀比(WHR)的测试,从而进行对有氧健身操训练对中青年肥胖女性体成分影响的研究,并对其结果进行分析和提出相关建议。  相似文献   

目的:对不同腹部脂肪分布的青年肥胖女性进行60%VO<,2>max强度定量负荷功率车运动,探讨腹部脂肪分布对青年肥胖女性有氧运动后EPOC的影响.方法:内脏脂肪型肥胖(V组)、皮下脂肪型肥胖(F组)青年女性各10名,进行50 min的60%VO2max强度功率车运动,运动后恢复期,每隔15 s记录一次耗氧量、心率、呼吸商等指标,计算EPOC总量及EPOC持续时间.结果:EPOC持续时间、EPOC总量、运动后过量能耗,F组低于Ⅴ组(P<0.001),F组的VO2max绝对值和相对值均高于Ⅴ组(P<0.01),恢复过程中,RQ值Ⅴ组小于F组,血清FFA的变化趋势两组明显不同.结论:体脂量基本一致情况下,内脏脂肪积累过多与皮下脂肪积累过多相比,内脏脂肪积累过多使EPOC总量增多、EPOC持续时间延长,这可能是内脏脂肪型肥胖者容易减肥的原因之一.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,以河南省城市中青年女性体育消费行为作为研究主线,分析其体育消费意识、动机、方式、消费水平和结构等要素,为提升河南省城市中青年女性的生活质量,促进体育消费提供理论依据及参考。  相似文献   


Purpose: Improvements in motor performance and coordination may be impacted by the interaction of practice and organismic constraints. It has been proposed that these aspects of motor learning are achieved at a different time rate: first, during placement of the events (performance), and second, segmental spatiotemporal relationships (coordination). We focused on the acquisition of the longswing in high bar as one basic skill in gymnastics. The aim of this study was to determine how longswing performance and coordination change to increase swing amplitude as age and expertise increase. Method: One hundred and thirteen male gymnasts were classified into 5 distinct age groups (G1, G2, G3, G4, and G5) on the basis of the national competition rules. Longswing performance (swing amplitude and event placements) and coordination (positive and negative areas in the continuous relative phase) were measured for each group. Results: Analyses of variance revealed that the adequate placement and coordination of the earlier events were achieved in younger groups (G1, G2), while later events and their coordination were accomplished by the older groups (G3 through G5). Conclusion: Our results suggested that the process of longswing acquisition, as age and expertise increase, follows a progression parallel to the temporal occurrence of the task events, instead of the proposed learning sequence of event placement first and then coordination.  相似文献   

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