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Many recent studies have stressed the importance of students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) skills for successful learning. Consequently, primary teacher educators have been encouraged by policy makers to increase their students’ SRL opportunities in educational pre-service programs. However, primary teacher educators often find it difficult to implement these innovations in their teaching. In the present study, a literature search concerning SRL was conducted. Based on this search, seven process-oriented design principles were formulated, resulting in an SRL model for primary teacher education. This SRL model provides more insight into relevant SRL aspects and can support SRL implementation in pre-service teacher education.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of web-enabled pedagogies on students' involvement in learning. A series of quasi-experiments were conducted to investigate whether students' involvement increases over time if intervened, respectively, by problem-based learning (PBL), self-regulated learning (SRL), and their combinations. Two classes of 102 first-year students at a vocational school in a one-semester course were chosen for this empirical study. The results were generally supportive. The authors further discuss the implications for schools, scholars, and teachers engaged in e-learning.  相似文献   

为国家培养创新人才需从高校教育入手,积极探索和实践创新教育不仅是艺术教育的关键,也是为了更好的实现创新教育理念。高校艺术教育应该开拓新思路,从教育的传承与发展、教育培养模式及教育途径上结合当前社会需要不断进行创新和探索实践。本文则主要分析了在高校艺术创新教育中的相关探索以及实践。  相似文献   

美术教育的目的 ,不仅是要学生掌握某项技能 ,还要培养其良好的审美意识和敏锐的艺术感知力 ,最终成就艺术的创造力。因此 ,在教学的各个环节强调对学生创造意识的培养是高师美术教育不可忽视的问题。尤其是基础教学领域 ,改革单纯技能教学的旧模式 ,将创造意识的培养有机地纳入日常教学之中 ,对深化教学改革 ,培养适合 2 1世纪需要的创造型人才意义重大  相似文献   

Blended learning (BL) is a popular e-Learning model in higher education that has the potential to take advantage of learning analytics (LA) to support student learning. This study utilized LA to investigate fourth-year undergraduates' (n = 157) use of self-regulated learning (SRL) within the online components of a previously unexamined BL discipline, Music Teacher Education. SRL behaviors were captured unobtrusively in real time through students' interaction with course materials in Moodle. Categorized by function: (1) activating—online access location, day-of-the-week, time-of-day; (2) sustaining—online frequency; and (3) structuring—online regularity and exam review patterns, all six SRL behaviors were revealed to have weak to moderate significant relationships with academic achievement. Results indicated access day-of-the-week and access frequency as the strongest predictors for student success. Findings regarding access regularity when viewed through results from previous SRL-LA research may suggest the importance of this SRL behavior for successful students within several BL discipline areas. In addition, the role of learning design (eg, flipped instruction) in potentially scaffolding students' choices toward specific SRL behaviors, was revealed as an important context for future researchers' consideration.  相似文献   

人类对于美的追求和向往从未停止过,美育便伴随着人类的审美活动和艺术的形成而产生。而在现代教育中,随着社会进步,我国美术教育也在不断的发展,在发展专业能力的同时,更加注重大学生艺术审美力、艺术创造力等综合素质的培养。因此,想要在根本上解决目前我国高等美术教育中存在的普遍问题,还应该回归到艺术创作的本质,即创造。在实际教学环节中融入创意训练的练习模式,在强化专业的同时,激发当代大学生在艺术创作中的探索精神及创意思维,才能更加适应当今社会发展对新型人才的需求。这也是解决我国教育产业化,适应当今高校美术教育现状所提出的新的尝试和探索。  相似文献   

Meaning-oriented learning and deliberate practice may be expected to promote student teachers’ continuous professional development. We interviewed twelve expert teacher educators to explore their understanding of these concepts, as well as pedagogies to stimulate them in teacher education. The experts understood deliberate practice in two ways: an enactment conceptualization focusing on pupil learning, and a regulation conceptualization focusing on teacher learning. Pedagogies were operationalized in twelve design principles, which integrated ideas previously scattered in the literature, and added to it with respect to anticipatory reflection, diverse ways of “modeling”, and student teacher agency in creating a powerful learning environment.  相似文献   

This article asks what happens to the learning of young children when they work regularly with a professional visual artist in their school. Through Creative Partnerships, a national programme initiated in 2002 to bring creative professionals into schools across England, some school children have had the opportunity for sustained project work with artists. Examined here is the context in which children (ages 4, 5, 6 and 7) worked one day a week during the academic year of 2003–2004 with Roy Smith, resident artist in Hythe Community School. Key to the children's drawing, painting and talking was close focused attention on details of three‐dimensional objects, portraits, still‐life works and their own creations. Smith's conversations with the children routinely included three and four‐syllable technical terms, biographical details of artists' lives and comparative critiques. Within several months, the art of the children reflected understanding of concepts such as foregrounding, and they showed confidence in working with problems Smith set up for them (“What do you think would happen if …?”). Particularly important here is the combination of manual and linguistic work that demands attention to detail, receptive understanding of complex terms and processes, and familiarity with the analytical and sequential thinking needed to identify and solve problems.  相似文献   

随着中国经济的发展,市场对艺术人才的需求日益增大,这给设计专业人才就业带来了广阔的市场。如何适应社会需求,培养实用型人才,通过一定的实践训练,有利于就业及就业后在工作岗位上缩短实践时间。这也是就业需求。  相似文献   

This article discusses the idea that overt verbalization helps to develop children's self-regulated learning of cognitive skills. Verbalization can enhance children's attention to task-relevant features. As a type of rehearsal, verbalization may improve coding, storage, and retention of material, and thereby facilitate subsequent retrieval and use. Verbalization can help children maintain a positive task outlook and cope with difficulties. Because verbalization makes salient a systematic approach for improving learning and children's ability to apply it, verbalization also can raise self-efficacy (perceived capabilities). Research is summarized that assesses the effects on children's learning due to verbalizing information to be remembered, modeled actions, and strategies. Future research needs to explore maintenance and generalization of systematic approaches to learning, verbalization of task-specific and general statements, and uses of verbalization in classrooms.  相似文献   

Self-regulated learning (SRL) has become a pivotal construct in contemporary accounts of effective academic learning. I examine several areas of theory and empirical research, which are not prominently cited in educational psychology's research into SRL, that reveal new details of what SRL is and how students develop productive SRL. I interpret findings from these investigations to suggest that nondeliberative, knowledge-based elements are inherent in the processes of SRL, and in learning more generally. Several topics for future research are sketched based on an assumption that learning effectively by oneself will remain a goal of education and can be an especially revealing context in which to research SRL.  相似文献   

艺术设计基础教学体系创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从造型艺术与设计艺术的关系出发,对艺术设计从产生、发展并成为一门独立学科的过程进行了深入的分析,针对目前艺术设计基础教学的现状以及其形成的原因,提出了艺术设计基础教学改革的方向和应采取的具体措施.  相似文献   

文章以当前本土艺术设计教育发展时代背景为前提,深入阐述了在艺术设计教学中培养学生的民族文化意识的重要性,旨在强调民族文化对艺术设计的重要影响,并引起设计教学工作者和设计师对民族文化传承的重视。  相似文献   

Electronic performance support systems (EPSSs) are the software programs commonly used in commercial environments since the early 1990s. These software programs are generally called performance-based systems and focus on the complete job rather than providing individual development. For that reason, the usage of these systems in learning environments has not been sufficiently investigated. In this empirical study, availability of using EPSS software for learning processes was investigated in order to contribute to the literature. An EPSS software was developed for undergraduate students to use in programming language courses and the effects of the software on students' self-regulation based learning skills were investigated. During the treatment process, while the experimental group was supported with EPSS, traditional teaching continued in the control group. The results of the study showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of motivational beliefs; however, there were significant differences in terms of cognitive, metacognitive, and resource management strategies.  相似文献   

This article presents a methodology for modelling the development of self-regulated learning skills in the context of computer-based learning environments using a combination of tracing techniques. The user-modelling techniques combine statistical and computational approaches to assess skill acquisition, practice, and refinement with the MetaHistoReasoning tool, a single-agent system that supports inquiry-based learning in the domain of history. Data were collected from twenty-two undergraduate students during a 4-h session where user interactions were logged by the system. A logistic regression model predicted user performance in relation to a skill categorization task with 75 % accuracy. The manner in which users apply the skills that are acquired is then assessed through a rule-based reasoning system that allows the pedagogical agent to adapt instruction. The results show that the model allows the agent to detect instances when skills are inappropriately applied as well as what type of goal that is pursued by students. We discuss the implications of these user-modelling techniques in terms of sequencing instructional content and using the tutoring agent to deliver several types of discourse moves in order to enhance learning.  相似文献   

Adult learners are already involved in the process of self-regulation; hence, higher education institutions should focus on strengthening students' self-regulatory skills. Self-regulation can be facilitated through formative assessment. This paper proposes a model formative assessment strategy that would complement existing university teaching, and can be used in higher education to promote student-centered self-regulated learning with minimal effort and time input from teachers. Based on this model, a real-world teaching example on writing an essay as a challenge task has also been developed. This model strategy incorporates Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick's seven principles of good feedback practice that promotes self-regulation.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):356-375

The aim of this article is to report on a study conducted to assess the effect of an intervention programme to improve SRL and the achievement of a group of poorly performing undergraduate students at the Tshwane University of Technology. SRL was used as theoretical framework. The case study reports on 20 Engineering students who attended learning skills intervention sessions and wrote a college version of the learning and study strategies inventory (LASSI) pre-test and post-test. The intervention consisted of 12 workshop sessions presented over a period of three months. The LASSI pre-test showed that the group scored below the 50th percentile on four scales (anxiety, attitude, selecting main ideas and test-taking strategies). Observed improvements in the post-test scores of the LASSI scales for seven out of ten scales were statistically significant. The students’ academic achievements also improved. The findings are important for improving student success and throughput in South African higher education.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis examined research on the effects of self-regulated learning scaffolds on academic performance in computer-based learning environments from 2004 to 2015. A total of 29 articles met inclusion criteria and were included in the final analysis with a total sample size of 2648 students. Moderator analyses were performed using a random effects model that focused on the three main areas of scaffold characteristics (including the mechanism, functions, delivery forms, mode, and number of scaffolds; how to promote self-regulated learning by scaffolds); demographics of the selected studies (including sample groups, sample size, learning domain, research settings, and types of computer-based learning environments); and research methodological features (including research methods, types of research design, types of organization for treatment, and duration of treatment). Findings revealed that self-regulated learning scaffolds in computer-based learning environments generally produced a significantly positive effect on academic performance (ES = 0.438). It is also suggested that both domain-general and domain-specific scaffolds can support the entire process of self-regulated learning since they demonstrated substantial effects on academic performance. Different impacts of various studies and their methodological features are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of self-regulated learning strategies (SRLS) on performance in a learner-controlled and a program-controlled computer-based instruction (CBI). SRLS was measured using a self-regulated learning strategies questionnaire. Seventh-grade subjects were divided into high and low levels of SRLS and then randomly assigned to one of two versions of a CBI lesson: one allowing learner control over the sequence and content of the instruction and the other having the learners follow a linear instructional sequence. Results revealed that the performance differences between learners with high SRLS and those with low SRLS were greater under learner control than under program control (p<.05). Poor performance by subjects with low SRLS under learner control indicates a strong need for learners to possess self-regulatory learning strategies to achieve success under learner control. Program control, however, seems to minimize the performance differences between low and high levels of SRLS.  相似文献   

新的课程标准把培养学生勇于探索、通于创新的科学精神 ,明确地写入了基本理念之中。学生创新能力的培养是现在学校教育的方向。数学教学在发展学生的创新能力 ,克服高分低能现象中有不可推卸的责任和义务。中学数学课堂教学中如何培养学生的创新精神、创新能力 ?一、课堂讨论探究 ,启发引导学生“发现”新知。“一个坏教师奉送真理 ,一个好教师则教人发现真理”。我们不仅要传授知识 ,更重要的是要善于引导学生在学习、分析、探究、解决问题的进程中 ,去主动地发现新知 ,使他们获得探索真理的能力。这种能力就是创新能力 ,在数学课堂教学中…  相似文献   

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