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独立学院是中国国情下高等教育的特殊产物,它是由普通本科高校按新机制、新模式举办的本科层次的二级学院。随着高等教育大众化的深入推进,大学毕业生的就业问题越来越严峻,而独立学院毕业生的就业更凸显其特殊性。为此,提出从六个方面构建独立学院毕业生就业服务体系:建立服务毕业生就业的理念,落实就业工作"一把手"工程;加强服务毕业生就业工作的"软硬件"建设;构建全程化就业指导服务体系;创新毕业生就业工作模式,为毕业生就业搭建"直通车";积极拓展就业市场,为毕业生就业提供岗位信息服务;关注弱势群体,为就业困难毕业生提供援助。  相似文献   

对应往届教育技术学专业本科毕业生进行调查,通过问卷调查法、访谈法及文献检索法对毕业生就业的方向、途径、专业是否对口以及用人单位对毕业生的评价等现状的调查,发现就业中存在的问题,然后给出学生自身应做哪些改变与完善,学校在培养中应做哪些完善与改变的建议,希望通过这些能对毕业生的就业有所帮助。  相似文献   

就业是民生之本。当前,大学生就业难已经成为社会广泛关注的热点问题。解决大学生就业难的问题,提高毕业生就业水平,应该致力于培养毕业生核心就业能力。培养毕业生核心就业能力是一项具有开放性的系统工程,需要高校、社会、家庭、大学生个人以及用人单位的协同努力。仅从高校的视角和维度切入并展开粗浅的探讨。  相似文献   

随着每年高校毕业生人数的不断攀升,就业压力有增无减。在激烈的竞争环境下,保障大学毕业生顺利进入社会工作,已成为民生关注和社会稳定的重要任务,也是高校就业思想政治教育的主要目的。鉴此,从辅导员的角度探讨新形势下强化就业思想政治教育工作的对策。  相似文献   

依托母体高校举办的独立学院具有在招生、人才培养、就业指导等的特殊性,其毕业生所拥有人力资本和社会资本对就业期望可能产生特定的影响。基于人力资本和社会资本的双重因素,对某独立学院2012届毕业生的就业期望进行问卷调查和实证分析,结果显示独立学院学生在人力资本和社会资本的存量上存在差异;社会资本相对人力资本,对毕业生就业预期的影响更大些。为此,独立学院毕业生要正视所处的教育生态环境,理性认识人力资本和社会资本、高校要分类指导人力资本和社会资本不同含量的毕业生,正确认识社会资本的作用。既要维护"继承性社会资本"。也要开发"生成性社会资本"。政府应做好毕业生就业流向的合理疏导。  相似文献   

This study examined the post-graduation labor market experiences of recent college graduates for evidence of age-related barriers to employment. Older graduates were considerably less likely than younger graduates to seek new jobs following graduation, but, among those who did, the two age groups showed little difference in their job-seeking behaviors or their susceptibilities to unemployment. Despite these similarities, older graduates, on average, had fewer post-graduation job interviews and fewer job offers than younger graduates. The relationship between age and number of job interviews disappeared after controlling for the effects of other variables, but the relationship between age and number of job offers remained. Nonetheless, older graduates appear to have been employed in better jobs one year after graduation. Their higher average salaries were not explained by sociodemographic, educational, or employment-related variables. Thus, findings are generally inconsistent with the view that older graduates face age-related barriers to employment.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the alternative conceptions held by junior secondary science teachers enrolled in an in-service teacher training program. The subjects completed a written instrument which probed their understanding of biological concepts in the integrated science curriculum. The subjects, particularly the nonbiology graduates, were found to show serious misunderstanding in concepts concerning diversity of life, photosynthesis and respiration, reproduction, and detecting the environment. This finding supports the assertion that our science teachers, being graduates in specific areas, are inadequately prepared to teach a broad and balanced junior science curriculum. To strengthen the subject matter knowledge and pedagogical skills of prospective and practicing junior science teachers, a number of provisions are suggested for teacher training programs, undergraduate science courses, and school-based activities.  相似文献   

Students desiring specialized skills and knowledge in working with older adults frequently pursue gerontology certificates. This paper reports the results of a study of gerontology certificate graduates which examined their educational backgrounds, their employment status, the predictive factors which led to aging-related jobs, and their recommendations for improvement to the certificate program. Certificate graduates came from varying educational backgrounds. Most were able to use their gerontology training, usually by being employed in aging-related work or else by utilizing their skills in other professional capacities. Implications for job placement and curriculum development are discussed.  相似文献   

通过网络问卷调查方式,对广东工贸职业技术学院2007-2009届文秘专业毕业生的就业与工作情况进行了调查,涉及毕业生就业专业是否对口、单位性质、薪资水平,毕业生就业竞争力、变换工作情况及其原因、工作后面临的主要困境等,分析结果显示高职文秘专业毕业生就业岗位多元化,主要面临职业发展困境。基于调查,文章建议,文秘专业应打通相关专业进行专业拓展,加强学生基本素养和学习能力培养。  相似文献   

Eighty-six students with mild disabilities living in a rural area who had graduated (n = 52) or dropped out of (n = 34) high school were interviewed at two points in time (7 months apart) about their employment, residential status, and participation in postsecondary education and training programs. Information was also collected on students' high school experiences (educational, vocational, and work) and the reasons they dropped out of school. Of the students who had graduated (Caucasian = 26, black = 25, and other = 1), 31 were male and 21 were female. Of the students who had dropped out (Caucasian = 18, black = 15, and other = 1), 22 were male and 12 female. It was found that the majority of graduates and dropouts were employed full-time at both interviews, and held jobs that paid above minimum wage and provided employee benefits, as well. Nevertheless, by the time of the terminal interview, graduates had worked proportionally more time since high school than dropouts and had been employed in their current job more than twice as long. Neither group of former special education students was particularly active in pursuing postsecondary education or training programs. Finally, these former students had participated in a limited range of educational and vocational experiences during high school, both in terms of diploma tracks and vocational education programs. The implications of the findings for long-term employment and community adjustment are discussed.  相似文献   

当前,随着毕业生总量的逐年上升,有些毕业生暂时不就业,形成慢就业现象。95后毕业生初入职场,毕业生毕业后两年内更换工作的比例也很高。但毕业生一旦离开学校,就失去应届毕业生身份,只能以社会人员身份参加各类招考,想要通过二次择业提高就业质量存在一定的困难。为缓解毕业生就业压力,2019年广东省出台高校毕业生就业择业期政策,...  相似文献   

大学毕业生求职是当今社会的热点问题之一。作为高职毕业生,面对当前的就业形势,应认识到求职面试的重要性。作为学校应对学生进行必要的求职面试训练与指导,使学生把握面试的策略与技巧,从而帮助他们成功就业。  相似文献   

This paper describes a new community-based training and employment program for people with disabilities that offers full time training in integrated settings with minimum wage paid throughout, and results in competitive employment success rates of 85% to 90%. Program operation and outcomes during the first year are discussed.Paper presented to the Third International Consultation on Counselling Disabled People and Their Families, under the auspices of Rehabilitation International, Vienna, Austria, July 1987.  相似文献   

在高等教育大众化的趋势下,高职毕业生就业形势严峻,“以就业为导向”已成为高职院校人才培养的宗旨。高职学校毕业生就业竞争力呈现出层次、学科与地区性不均衡,既有优势与机遇,也存在劣势、面临挑战。高职院校国际商务专业毕业生就业竞争力主要由文化基础、专业技能和职业素养三要素构成,学校应从培养模式和课程体系改革入手,分阶段培养高职国商专业毕业生就业竞争力,力图通过三年时间的教育,使学生具备在人才市场激烈竞争中占据一席之地的优势。  相似文献   

We report an analysis of whether a psychology placement provides significant benefit to graduates’ careers. Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey data six months post‐graduation suggested that placement programme graduates across the university are significantly more likely to be (1) in work and (2) in graduate‐level jobs. For psychology, the association between graduates’ placement status and employment status at the same time was not significant overall. However, when analyses were split by degree classification obtained, it was shown that amongst those graduates with 2.1 degrees reporting themselves as working, more placement vs. non‐placement programme graduates had obtained graduate‐level jobs (63% vs. 33%). In 2.2 classified graduates there was no significant association. This pattern persisted in the data from a survey of psychology alumni (from 18 months to six and a half years post‐graduation). Psychology placement programme alumni were also more satisfied with their careers. Although placement graduates earned marginally more, this difference did not reach statistical significance. This study was therefore able to show some measurable and persistent effects of a psychology placement year, although whether the benefits can be claimed to outweigh the costs is inconclusive. Limitations and implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the adequacy of training provided to more than 80 graduates of a school counseling program for specialists with hearing impaired individuals according to employment demands and continuing education needs. Results indicated that almost all graduates were employed in settings consistent with their training. Continuing education needs in the areas of consultation skills, networking strategies, and administrative and management training were similar to results obtained in studies of generic counselor education programs.  相似文献   

Adult non-formal education and training (NFET) in South Africa was adopted in 1990 to address the problem of unemployment of non-educated and unskilled adults. Public and private NFET centres aim to meet the training needs of adults who were deprived of formal education that would foster access to opportunities for employment. The paper reports on a study conducted to investigate what constitutes NFET enabling environments for employment. The paper focuses on the approach of training delivery fostering labour market entry of graduates. The findings show that individual trainees who participated in private centres had a higher probability of being employed because of the creation of internal enabling environments for skills acquisition and focus on income-generating activities. The authors conclude that an integration of technical skills with business skills and ‘learning by earning’ is a potential training delivery approach enabling graduates to participate in economic activities.  相似文献   

职业指导体系的构建新法探索   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在职业技术教育明确提出职业教育就是就业教育的时候,普通高等教育也对以就业为导向有所思考。面对连年的高校扩招,高校毕业生就业成了社会共同关注的焦点。该文通过对家庭、学校、学生本人分工的研究,提出构建学生职业生涯体系的设想。  相似文献   

我国高校毕业生就业形势日益严峻,独立学院作为一种新型的办学体制其毕业生的就业问题也日益突出。该文以独立学院人才培养方案中存在的问题为立足点,以就业为导向,针对英语专业人才培养方案进行分析,提出培养适应社会需求的专业人才的有效方法。  相似文献   

The employment outcomes and social adjustment of mildly handicapped students were examined in a sample of 65 randomly selected youths who exited high school in 1984. Personal and telephone interviews were conducted to obtain current employment data such as income, employment and training history, and use of community and social services in securing employment. Postschool social adjustment data included marital status, place of residence, types and frequency of social activities, friendship patterns, and satisfaction with social life. Seventy-eight percent of the respondents were employed. The majority worked on a full-time basis for minimum wage or better, were satisfied with their jobs, and relied on a self-family-friend network to secure employment. The majority of respondents were single, resided at home, and engaged in a variety of social activities on a regular basis. When the employment and social activity variables were combined, it was found that over 60% of the respondents were employed and held positive perceptions of their social life.  相似文献   

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