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This article documents the development of a two-stage curriculum intended to improve elementary teacher candidates’ understanding of technology integration. Most students in the program came from low-income districts and lacked technology experience. The first stage of the curriculum consisted of a prerequisite basic technology skills course offered by the Computer Science Department. This was then followed by an online educational technology course offered by the College of Education. The objectives of the authors in this article are twofold. The first is to describe the rationale, procedures, and design of a two-stage curriculum, as a pedagogical model for teaching elementary teacher candidates to teach with technology, with the goal of preparing a new generation of teachers who are capable and comfortable applying a broad range of advanced technologies to meet the learning needs of their students. The second objective is to share the authors' findings from the evaluation, which employed mixed methodologies, after the students completed the online educational technology course. The results showed that an online educational technology course contributed to the candidates’ development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and improved their attitudes and beliefs on their technology integration practices.  相似文献   

5G赋能数字时代的教育公平刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从技术视角审视教育公平是数字时代教育领域的一项重要命题。5G的兴起带来了数字时代教育公平的新机遇,5G通过催生教育理念革新、引发教育实践重构和改善教育外部保障,助推教育公平并提升教育质量。同时,底层数字基础设施缺乏整合,迎接5G的数字素养准备不足,新技术可能引发马太效应,数字技术未有效融入学习过程是5G赋能教育公平面临的新挑战。建议依托“新基建”建设高性能数字基础设施,多元并举提升社会整体数字素养,强化数字应用着力缩小新数字鸿沟,以人为本创设智慧化学习空间加以应对。  相似文献   

当前,我国正处于人口老龄化加快和社会数字化加速的同步进程,加剧了老年人面临的"数字鸿沟"问题,导致这个日益庞大的群体在生活等诸方面出现新的困难.因此,推进老年人智能技术培训迫在眉睫.从全局的视野来看,这并不是一个简单的教育问题,而是一个严肃的社会发展问题,关键是要全面认识和理解党和政府的政策取向.为此,有必要对相关政策进行研究.经过梳理发现,积极老龄化政策有助于增强老年人获得感、幸福感,让每位老年人都能生活得安心、静心、舒心,从而实现广大老年人及其家庭对美好生活的向往;数字惠民政策有助于让老年人共享信息时代的红利,让广大老年人更好地适应并融入智慧社会;强化教育培训是提升老年人运用智能技术能力最直接的政策,在国家持续发力、社会各方协同推动下,教育培训成为助力老年人跨越"数字鸿沟"不可或缺的重要力量.  相似文献   

Low-cost laptop programs attempt to address gaps in access to computers in developing countries. However, the translation of computing access from intention to actuality is mediated by many situational factors. This research presents a case study of how access to a set of laptops donated to a school for socially disadvantaged children in India was shaped by social, logistical, economic and value considerations. Findings illustrate how principles of equity driving the program clashed with limited resources to produce conditions that constrained student agency. Additionally, external dependencies for laptops, knowledge and support restricted the school’s ability to provide computing access, and set up uncomfortable internal inequalities within the school. Access increased for just one class of students, and even they only used the laptops for limited time periods, in pairs, and under direct supervision. Seven important access considerations related to equity, resources and agency are identified to support strategic planning of future laptop programs.  相似文献   

This article describes EXCEL, a program that encourages youth underrepresented in higher education to enroll in higher education, specifically at the sponsoring university. Eighty-three eighth grade students with GPA of B and above and standardized test scores at grade level or above were randomly assigned to the program or to a control group. The program guaranteed a scholarship to the sponsoring university and provided enrichment activities throughout high school. Program students were more likely to enroll at the sponsoring university than were control students. However, program and control students enrolled in higher education at rates that did not differ significantly. No differences were detected in self-esteem or high school GPA. Program students desired more education than control students. The results suggest that scholarship incentive and support programs that target average to above average achieving students in the eighth grade may not raise the overall number of aspiring minority youth attending college, but may be useful to specific universities to raise their minority enrollment.  相似文献   

从数码相机的结构、特点及其在教学中应用等方面来探讨如何使数码相机更有效地为教学服务。  相似文献   

液晶显示模块用于"微机接口技术"实验的教学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了液晶显示器在"微机原理与接口技术"实验课程中的应用,介绍了开发的液晶显示模块实验板和运用该装置开设出的综合性、设计型实验及它们在实践教学中的尝试。  相似文献   

This research is driven by a desire to understand the lifelong learner in the context of styles of learning and the emerging implications of technology enhanced learning for digital equity. Recognising cognitive learning styles is the first step educators need to take in order to be most effective in working with students of diversity and bridging across formal and informal settings. Learning environments as a characterising feature of learning styles have undergone unprecedented change over the past decade with learning environments now blending physical and virtual space. To support the increasing diversity of learners pedagogy has to be fair, culturally responsive, equitable and relevant to the ‘virtual generation’. This, in turn, will inform our understanding of the ‘middle way’ in recognising cognitive learning styles, associated cultural context, and the implications to digital pedagogy equity.  相似文献   

Who we are, our identities, as educators and learners cannot be considered separately from our histories and cultures. As such, many attempts at improving education for historically marginalized minority groups often revolve around finding ways to connect youth culture to curricula. What remains largely unexamined, however, are the history, culture, and identities of White educators and how these forces necessarily impact the ways in which curricula are designed for youth of color. By reconsidering DeGennaro and Brown’s article “Youth Voices: Exploring Connections between History, Enacted Culture and Identity in a Digital Divide Initiative” through a lens of Whiteness, this article aims to illustrate that the histories and identities of African–American learners are dialectically related to the histories and identities of White educators. However, because Whiteness tends to be invisible, White educators have the privilege of not examining who they are and where they come from as part of their own identity development during the teaching and learning process. This article invites White educators to question what it means to educate youth of color by recognizing their own Whiteness as a powerful force in shaping pedagogical activities. By understanding both themselves and their students as racialized, cultural actors, White educators can begin to develop curricula that are truly empowering for minority youth.
Tricia M. KressEmail:

Experts agree that citizens of the information society will need new and additional skills in the future that are connected with the effective and efficient use of digital media technologies. Today, there is unequal access and use of those technologies, which is described as the 'digital divide'. In a unique project, the State of Bremen (Germany) has created Public Internet Usage Points in 25 schools. These 'Web.Punkte' offer access to computers and Internet for the community and support for external users by students. The project is embedded into a larger context of building a regional infrastructure for lifelong learning. Starting with interpretations of lifelong learning, this paper tries to combine those views with concepts to bridge the digital divide, explaining organizational barriers and success factors. Using formative evaluation, the results of the project will be highlighted and arguments for a regional learning network will be drawn.  相似文献   

当前,小学教育专业学生的教学技能训练普遍存在着教师职业基本技能训练独立化,专业技能训练模糊化,综合模拟训练形式化的问题。提升小学教师素质的关键是提高教学技能水平,探索“连环递进”实践教学模式,形成基本技能、专业技能和综合模拟训练相统一的循序渐进式课堂教学技能训练体系,切实增强小学教育专业学生的从教信心。  相似文献   

高等教育入学机会在中国历来是一种相当稀缺的资源。高等教育入学机会的分配与国家的高校招生政策密切相关。自1949年以来,我国高校招生政策历经变迁,大致经历了三个阶段:新中国成立初期;教育“革命”时期(包括文革时期);改革开放后。在不同时期,机会的供给主体、机会的分配标准、机会的分配方式,以及机会向谁开放、为谁所享有等方面存在很大差异,形成了对教育机会分配的不同模式。  相似文献   

兰德公司"T项目"充分探讨了数字化信息与通讯技术(ICT)对学前教育的影响及学前教育应当采取的回应方式,认为信息技术素养对儿童的数字化生存意义重大,学前教育应担负跨越"数字鸿沟"的使命。因此,当以儿童发展为本,从ICT的使用目的、发展适宜性ICT的界定、相应的支持体系、师资准备、家长参与等方面综合建构有效的工作模式。中国学前教育也当直面数字时代的挑战,基于深入研究寻求ICT在儿童生活中的有效整合。  相似文献   

王椰林 《培训与研究》2002,19(3):98-100
在英语教学中,学生阅读能力的提高是一个关键的问题,而速度、理解和词汇是阅读技能的三个基本要素。抓住这三个要素进行训练,对于提高学生的阅读能力有着非常重要的作用。教师在教学中,使这三种基本要素联系得越紧密,教学的综合效果就越好。  相似文献   

在视唱练耳课的教学实践中,读谱训练是其中重要的一个环节。而在读谱训练中,应紧紧把握对乐音的高低、长短感受等能力的培养,重点解决学生读谱训练中的节奏、音准和音乐的理解与表现力。因此,笔者结合亲身的教学实践谈谈如何就这几个方面进行读谱训练。  相似文献   

The internet presents many potential opportunities for people to learn for both formal and informal purposes. However, not everyone is able to make the most of the internet for learning. This paper utilises quantitative nationally representative survey data of internet use in Britain in order to explore the digital divide in relation to learning activities online. The results from this analysis give a detailed picture of the digital divide in Britain; illustrating those who are non‐users and users of the internet and the reasons that are important in explaining the diversity in non‐use and use of the internet for learning (e.g., age, educational background, skills, attitudes and experience). The findings may assist in the development of policies that seek to support under‐served groups to make the most effective use of the internet for formal and informal learning opportunities.  相似文献   

文章通过对2008-2009年新疆教育学院(新疆中小学少数民族"双语"教师培训基地)培训少数民族信息技术专业"双语"教师口语教学模式的研究,提出基于现代教育技术的创新口语教学模式,旨在提高中小学少数民族"双语"教师口语培训的整体水平。  相似文献   

“电子技术基础”教学思想与教学改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"电子技术基础"是电子、电气、通信、计算机、师范物理等专业的一门重要专业基础必修课程.随着电子技术和电子设计自动化(Electronic Design Automation,简称EDA)技术的发展,"电子技术基础"课程的教学也将顺应日新月异的电子技术的发展进行相应的改革.本文结合本课程的教学实践,通过在教学中研究性学习的尝试,探讨提高教学效果、开发学生创新能力的教学方法.  相似文献   

1949年至1965年,国家通过报考资格政策倾斜、优先录取政策、免试保送入学政策等措施,使得工农阶层子女获得大量的高等教育入学机会。"文革"期间废除高考、实行推荐入学制,最终导致人情、权力等在招生中泛滥。1978年恢复高考以后,高等教育入学机会按照能力本位原则进行分配,同时国家不仅对少数民族考生、华侨子女、退役军人、烈士子女等实行降分投档优惠,而且对学科、艺术、体育绩优生实行加分政策,具有文化资本优势的阶层子女获得更多入学机会。而1999年高校扩招以来,随着高校自主招生、独立学院、艺术招生规模的扩大,那些具有经济资本、权力资本与文化资本优势的阶层子女获得越来越多的优质高等教育入学机会。  相似文献   

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