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通过冬泳对女性健美价值的探讨,以自身实践,从理论上分析了冬泳对女性健美产生的影响。  相似文献   

汪颖  杜邦胜 《内蒙古电大学刊》2006,(9):112-112,F0003
采用文献资料法、逻辑推理法等研究方法,结合健美探的特性、女性的生理心理特点,分析健美探对女性的影响,从而使女性对自身有更深入的认识,对健美探有更深入的了解,在女性中更好地开展健美探,促进女性的身心健康。  相似文献   

女子健美不同于男子,一般以群众性健美为主,而女性通过健美训练所期望的,并不是想拥有与男子一样发达的肌肉,本文根据女子健美标准的几项要求,探讨女性在健美训练中的多种训练方法及内容,让更多的女性通过正确的训练途径,到达最佳的训练效果。  相似文献   

通过对本县冬泳爱好者参加冬泳活动的目的、动机、年龄结构和每次冬泳持续的时间、每周冬泳的次数进行调查统计和分析,尤其是对参加冬泳活动的人数、年龄进行统计,为将来更好地开展冬泳活动提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

通过对安康城区冬泳人群的年龄、冬泳年限、职业、学历、动机等特征的调查分析,得出如下结论:安康城区冬泳人群中老年人居多;冬泳队伍近几年发展较快;学历较高者、脑力劳动者较容易接受冬泳锻炼;参与冬泳的动机主要为强身健体、磨砺毅志、愉悦身心、与人交往;冬泳活动的科学性有待进一步提高.  相似文献   

拥有一副健美的体型,是多数女性共同的愿望,为了如愿,诸多爱美女性不惜忍饥挨饿,或是花费重金来以身试“瘦”,其结果往往是不尽人意,或事倍功半,或事得其反,收不到有效的健美效果。  相似文献   

文章结合有关冬泳方面的研究成果,分析了冬泳与身体健康、心理健康的关系,并分析了冬泳时应注意的安全问题,以期推动冬泳活动的顺利开展。  相似文献   

常言说,气色挂在脸上,超越一切美感和时髦的东西——是健康.身体的健康人皆向往,然而健身之道健美之法却并非人人彻悟.对世纪追求人体健美的女性,必须遵循人体发展和人体美的规律.通过快乐体育,趣味运动来塑造健美的体型、锤炼坚强的意志、陶冶美的情操,以建立高尚的兴趣和爱好,使人赢得生命的活力,焕发青春的朝气.1身体健康与体育运动体育运动,即是健康健美的锻炼,也是智力的开发.人们参加运动不断地改造着自身,提高人体的潜能,同时也给人们带来了智慧和创造力.一个ZI世纪的女性,没有健康、没有身体健美、只能算半个文…  相似文献   

康睿 《教师》2009,(22)
冬泳是一项特殊的群众性健身运动项目,以冰水为锻炼载体的冬泳运动是近代社会才兴起的.本人通过查询文献资料,发放问卷的形式对两安市48名冬泳人员参加冬泳前后身体状况的变化作了调查与分析.  相似文献   

目的:研究冬泳对不同年龄阶段成年男性血流变状况和皮肤微循环的影响.方法:在宜春市冬泳协会的成年男性冬泳爱好者中,选取20~40岁冬泳爱好者(A1组),40~60岁冬泳爱好者(A2组),60 ~70岁冬泳爱好者(A3组)各30人.检测其全血粘度、血浆黏度、血沉以及甲襞微循环,并与相对应年龄阶段未接受系统体育训练的成年男性(B1、B2、B3组)相对比(对照组各年龄阶段所选人数与冬泳组相同).结果:A1组与B1组,A2组与B2组,A3组与B3组相比较,在同一年龄阶段,男性冬泳爱好者血流态积分、袢周状态积分、总积分、全血粘度、血浆黏度及血沉均低于普通正常男性(P <0.05,差异有统计学意义).结论:冬泳可以明显改善成年男性的血流变状况和皮肤微循环.  相似文献   

文章主要针对以河南、河北、山东为代表的华北平原地区冬季气候特点及孕妇的生理特征,展开孕妇装功能设计研究,从保护胎儿的健康发育和增强孕妇日常着装的舒适保健功能的角度,论述了孕妇装设计中面料防静电、防辐射、保暖、安全和保健等性能要素。  相似文献   

少儿游泳训练过程中,速度、力量、耐力、柔韧、灵敏等各项运动素质均衡发展是培养优秀运动员的重要因素。针对目前我省基层少儿游泳训练中普遍出现力量训练和柔韧素质训练脱节的现象进行分析,提出几点建议,为促进我省少儿游泳训练水平的提高提供理论参考。  相似文献   

海南冬季瓜菜是农业产业结构调整、增加农民收入的重要手段。针对海南冬季瓜菜品牌化过程中存在的主要问题,建议进一步强化品牌意识、完善监管体系、倡导绿色包装、推行"一村一品"等。  相似文献   

毛泽东财经思想的理论来源中,主源是马克思主义,次源是中国传统财经思想。土地革命时期毛泽东对中国经济情况的分析是民主革命时期毛泽东财经思想的经济基础。民主革命时期毛泽东财经思想的发展和形成过程可分为萌芽阶段、初步发展阶段、进一步发展阶段和形成阶段。文章对民主革命时期毛泽东财经思想体系的主要内容、灵魂及特点进行了总结。  相似文献   

借鉴Rowe和Kahn对成功老化的定义,以加拿大学者Stebbins提出的“深度休闲”概念为基础,以德阳市老年冬泳队为例,对这些具有深度休闲活动行为的老年人进行深度访谈,运用扎根理论研究范式,探究了深度休闲行为对老年群体成功老化的影响.主要结论为:通过深度休闲赋予老年休闲活动参与者“身体健康”、“积极情感”、“归属感”等利益的方式,促进了老龄者在生理层面、心理层面和社会层面的成功老化.  相似文献   

汪敬钦 《闽江学院学报》2007,28(3):112-115,118
受现代"物流"管理理念启示,在高校图书馆应用RFID物流管理旨在大流通基础上利用RFID的现有技术和相关设备来实现图书馆管理现代化的阶段性目标,为今后发展奠定基础;同时,该研究还超前意识地探讨了未来图书流通"拿走即借,放回即还"的高度RFID化的物流管理前景.  相似文献   

Subregion Commissioners and district (City) chiefs (mayors): 1. "When the days are cold and the ground's frozen, it is time to study. When flowers bloom and the water's warm, it is time to serve the peasants." These two sentences, a north Shensi proverb, explain the popular historical basis of the winter study program. Today, due to the situation of the rural villages, where economic development is inadequate and most of the inhabitants are illiterate, winter study is still an extremely important form of education. It not only expands the capacity of the schools for educating youth but also results in an increase in training schools for adult men and women and for lower-level cadres. If we wish to eliminate illiteracy, if we wish to raise cultural standards, then we must broaden the winter study movement. We have in the past operated winter study schools, and in some areas they have met with success, but because the financial status of the majority of the people had not been raised to a satisfactory level, and because the way in which we ran winter schools was in some respects faulty, the schools were unable to develop, and those in operation were unable to continue. With the great development of agricultural production in the past two years, the life of the people has improved to the point where they may be said to be well off, and labor has been gradually collectivized; the demand for literacy and the need for an increased understanding of production have at the same time grown and spread, so that favorable conditions for a winter study movement have been created. Because of this, it has been decided that beginning this year winter education will be organized each year throughout the Border Region; the slogan for this winter is "every township run one winter school." Where conditions are favorable, as many schools as possible should be run. Classes in reading should be added to the winter training program of the self-defense forces. In the future, we wish to have a winter training program in every village, so as to attain the goal of having all citizens of the Border Region, except for those past the age of fifty who are decidedly unwilling to study, able to understand 1,000 characters and thus able to read mass newspapers; cadres who cannot read or whose reading ability is limited should in particular act as the vanguard and as models for the people's literacy movement.  相似文献   

张之洞是晚清历史上的重要人物之一,《劝学篇》是集中体现其“中体西用”思想的一部著作。本文以鸦片战争后中国人西洋观的嬗变为《劝学篇》成书的时代背景,从《劝学篇》所反映的张之洞对西方物质文化、制度文化、精神文化三方面的认识来剖析其西洋观,从而揭示出张之洞提出“中体西用”思想的缘由,并对其西洋观略作客观评价。  相似文献   

针对大学生特点及英语教学目的,提出将成功教育理念实施于大学英语教学中.使大学生在学习中充分获取成功感,从而发挥其主体作用,顺利完成学习任务。  相似文献   

The UK engineering and technology (E&T) sector is male-dominated, with women facing various cultural and structural barriers in entering and developing their careers within it. Existing research in this area has focused on women’s recruitment or retaining women in employment, but little has addressed women’s transition to industry through the higher education (HE) system. This paper therefore explores women’s experiences of HE in E&T, focusing particularly on the gendered help and support women were found to receive, as well as possible causes and consequences of this behaviour. The research adopts a qualitative design, using semi-structured interviews with women E&T students. The gendered help women received is shown to be something of a ‘poisoned chalice’; although there are sometimes short-term benefits, this is likely to hinder women from progressing in their careers at the same rate as their male peers.  相似文献   

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