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液晶显示屏 液晶显示屏安装在DPK 100打印机右侧控制键的上方.该显示屏能够直接显示打印机工作状态及打印机故障信息,通过使用者与打印机的"对话",使打印机的交互功能得到很大的提升,从而提高DPK100打印机的使用性能和可操作性.  相似文献   

节能一点通电脑的外围设备如打印机、扫描仪等不要老挂着,请随用随开。知其所以然打印机、扫描仪真正工作的时间是很少的。许多人习惯将打印机与电脑同时启动,使打印机始终处在待机状  相似文献   

针对3D打印机的使用成本高、打印效率低的弊端,提出3D打印机的低成本、多头高效打印的生产模式.依据熔融沉积成型原理设计了多打印头3D打印机,并与单打印头3D打印机进行对比实验,结果表明据此设计的多头3D打印机,能够3~5倍提高工作效率和设备利用率,快速完成产品的生产工作,为3D打印机在工业生产中的高效快捷生产提供了研究方向.  相似文献   

无论是工作中还是家庭的日常使用,电脑都是无处不在的。为了打印的方便,有时需要安装打印机,然而打印机却不能像电脑那样普及,而且很多时候也没有必要每人安装一台打印机。解决的办法就是在一个局域网内共同使用一台打印机。那么今天我们就来讲一下如何在局域网内部将一台打印机设为共享。这样不管是在办公室还是在家中,  相似文献   

正假如你有一台打印机以及各种原料,就可以打印出一份能吃的比萨饼。这并不是科幻电影中的情节,而是在美国SMRC科技公司实验室里已经发生的事实。这种打印机不是普通的打印机,它叫作3D打印机。普通打印机只能在纸上打印出图像,但是3D打印机却能打印出实物。首先,操作者在电脑里建立一个要打印的东西的模型,包括各个细节的所有数据,比如长、宽、高;然后,电脑把这个数字化的模型传输给3D  相似文献   

佳能彩色喷墨打印机的维护方法王承义,伯金平由于彩色喷墨打印机可以输出色彩丰富、图像清晰的彩色投影片,所以成为微机制作彩色投影片的首选输出设备。本文以佳能BJC—600彩色喷墨打印机为例,介绍这一类打印机的维护方法。一、更换墨水盒彩色喷墨打印机通常配有...  相似文献   

很多早期的微机配备有M1724打印机,但在各种中文WINDOWS环境下,常出现不能正确打印的问题.故障现象主要有以下情况:1.发出打印命令后,打印机没有反应.屏幕给出打印机未准备好、打印机缺纸、或打印机设置不正确的提示.2.发出打印命令后,打印机有反应.但不打汉字,只是一直空走纸、或只打一些乱七八糟的怪码.怎样才能使用M1724打印机在中文WINDOWS环境下正确打印汉字,充分发挥早期设备的作用呢?  相似文献   

打印机是计算机系统的常规输出设备、微机系统都配置了打印机适配器,以便和打印机联机使用。实际上,打印机适配器还可用作非打印机并行接口,实现与非打印机设备的通讯和对其进行控制。PC系列机的打印机适配器采用CENTRONICS并行接口标准,除有并行数据线以外,还提供选通、回答、忙等联络信号,信号电平又是TTL电平,兼容性强。因此在应用时硬件上不需作任何改动,只要针对所需实现的功能,充分利用适配器提供的各种信号,辅以适当的输出/输入驱动程序,即可实现与非打印设备的通讯和对其发布控制命令。PC系列机的打印机适配器的…  相似文献   

近日,"墨仓时代应声而出"——爱普生2012打印机新品发布会隆重推出第四代ME系列学习型打印机系列——爱普生ME-10学习型打印机和三合一学习型一体机爱普生ME-101。这两款产品不仅沿袭了前三代爱普生学习型打印机系列的核心优秀品质,而且加入了更多的人性化设计,更加时尚小巧。  相似文献   

近日,“墨仓时代应声而出”——爱普生2012打印机新品发布会隆重推出第四代ME系列学习型打印机系列——爱普生ME-10学习型打印机和三合一学习型一体机爱普生ME-101。这两款产品不仅沿袭了前三代爱普生学习型打印机系列的核心优秀品质,而且加入了更多的人性化设计,更加时尚小巧。  相似文献   

Goals for Health was a National Cancer Institute funded program designed to impact health behaviors of adolescents living in rural Virginia and New York. This study examined three specific objectives: (a) to examine participants' perceptions of the program components and the relationship between program components and overall program perception, (b) to examine whether subgroups of our participant population perceived the program differently, and (c) to examine whether having positive perceptions of the program predicted changes in program outcomes. Results indicated that program components were significantly related to program perceptions. Perceptions of the program did not differ by subgroup and program perceptions significantly predicted changes in tobacco attitudes and self-efficacy about eating behaviors. Given these findings, school consultants should become aware of how implementation of a program and perceptions of a program may impact program outcomes.  相似文献   

在程序设计教学中,学生始终感觉程序调试无从下手,程序调试比程序编写难度还要大。本文从避免程序错误、程序调试工具的使用及掌握调试程序的技巧几方面入手,介绍程序的调试。  相似文献   

本文根据北京大学在培养汉语国际教育硕士研究生时的一些思考和做法,特别是近两年来采取的新举措,讨论汉语国际教育硕士培养中的三个问题。文章指出,“汉语国际教育”是“对外汉语教学”这个学科内的一个专业;培养汉语国际教育专业硕士生和对外汉语教学硕士研究生时,相同点要大于二者的差异。文章认为,汉语国际教育是一个教育项目,遇到的很多问题都是学术问题,培养者需要增强学术意识;同时,培养单位应根据自身的特点,突出自己的特色。  相似文献   

改写中断程序需要修改C程序的汇编启动代码,这项工作比较繁琐。本文针对这方面的技术和方法做出总结,以方便读者简便高效地实现动态的加载和改写异常中断程序。  相似文献   

由于对项目课程的内涵存在认识偏差,导致高职项目课程改革存在很多误区,如将项目等同于教学单元,将项目课程等同于技能训练或项目教学法等。消除误区的最好方法是用系统方法进行项目课程的设计,即依据职业领域构建项目课程体系;根据工作任务设计典型工作项目;依据工作逻辑序化项目课程结构,根据知识分析选择项目课程内容,依据职业特点设计学习情境及创设教学活动。  相似文献   

It is commonsensical to assume that a program needs to be implemented in order to have an impact. However, most impact evaluation studies tend to pay little attention to the issue of program implementation. This paper argues for the logical priority of program implementation through a mixed-methods evaluation of a language intervention program initiated in one of the largest urban school districts in the United States. By selecting a mixed-methods evaluation approach, the evaluation yielded results that have implications for addressing implementation issues in an impact-oriented evaluation. At the local district level, the evaluation results of what works, what does not, and how the implementation varies across teachers and classrooms have a direct implication for program staff. They can use this information to monitor the program implementation and make necessary adjustments to enhance the effectiveness of the program so that the ultimate program goal can be accomplished.  相似文献   

高职院校培养程序设计专门人才,必须做好程序设计课程教学的各个环节,探讨程序设计课程一体化教学,是培养程序设计人才的必要手段。本文分析了程序设计课程教学现在存在的问题,并从教学设计、教学资料建设、教学方法、师资力量、实践环境、校企合作、教学评价与考核、教学督导等方面构建程序设计课程教学一体化,为培养高素质程序设计人员奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

This continuous research within Nordic engineering institutions targets the contexts and possibilities for leadership among engineering education program directors. The IFP-model, developed based on analysis of interviews with program leaders in these institutions, visualizes the program director’s informal and formal power. The model is presented as a tool for starting a shared discussion on the complexities of the leadership of engineering program development. The authors liken program development to hunting in teams. Each individual expert in the program is needed, and all experts will need to work and collaborate for the same target. This calls for strategic and long-term thinking of engineering education development. Institutions should support the development of both formal structures as well as informal leadership skills among their program directors, but never fall for the temptation to see the program director as the only actor on the stage.  相似文献   

This article describes a model for implementing an affective education program which was developed using systems analysis techniques. The following seven independent and interdependent functions are identified and described: obtain community involvement, conduct needs assessment, specify program goals, select program materials, prepare for program installation, implement affective education program, and evaluate affective education program. The use of experts and an affective education advisory board is recommended to facilitate program implementation. In addition, assessment techniques and a team approach for remediation are described.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of type of instructional control and program mode on the achievement, option use, time in the program, and attitudes of higher-ability and lower-ability university students. Ability level was determined using participants' Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and American College Testing Assessment (ACT) scores. Participants were randomly assigned to four versions of a computer-delivered instructional program within higher-ability and lower-ability groups. The four versions of the instructional program were created by crossing the two control conditions (learner control, program control) with the two program modes (full, lean). Participants in the full program scored significantly higher on the posttest than those in the lean program, and higher-ability students scored significantly higher than lower-ability students. Learner-control participants chose to view 68% of the optional screens in the full program but only 35% in the lean one, and participants also spent significantly more time in the full version. Participants had more favorable attitudes toward learner control than program control.  相似文献   

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