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随着我国高中英语课程标准对测试题型的建议和基础英语教学及测试界对英语语言产出能力要求的提高,全国版和大部分分省命题省份高考英语试卷引入了一些建构性题型,从而扭转传统高考英语试卷中选择性题型占绝对优势的现状,但是,建构性题型答案可控性和高考英语测试的效度和阅卷信度密切相关,最终影响高考公平。本文对全国各地高考英语试卷中的典型的建构性题型进行了研究和思考,借鉴国外实践和作者的思考,提出了系列加强我国高考英语命题中建构性题型答案可控性的措施,以供有关命题机构参考,以尽力确保我国高考的权威性和公平性。  相似文献   

语法填空和短文改错是近四年高考英语卷必考的构建性题型,包括修改、添加和删除,删除只出现在改错中,内容涉及到词法、语法和句法。英汉共有的是介词、语言逻辑、状语从句和名词从句。英语独有的是冠词、定语从句、派生和曲折词缀。派生词缀形成词法规则,曲折词缀表现为语法作用和句法规则。前缀后缀一般改变词义和词性。名词曲折表现为复数和属格,形容词和副词表现为等级,代词则有人称、数、性和格。动词曲折体现时、体、态、式及限定动词和非限定动词,构成英语句法核心。限定从属分句加入使句子变得复杂。两类题型的130个例句初步整合了高中英语词法、语法和句法。本文拟对全国卷2016—2019年24篇两类题型作详细归类分析,探究应对这两类题型的具体办法。  相似文献   

高辛 《海外英语》2016,(4):63-65
以2011-2015五年高考试题为例,从短文选材、修改方式和考查内容三个方面对英语短文改错试题进行分析,并运用前阶段归纳总结出的命题特点和规律,具体呈现短文改错的解题过程,以帮助学生全面了解常见错误类型以及自身语言使用过程中易犯的错误,提高学生语言使用的准确性和综合语言运用能力。  相似文献   

按照2014年国务院高考综合改革文件《国务院关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》的精神,我国高考命题从自主命题大幅回归全国统一命题,2017年全国26省区市使用了教育部考试中心命制的3套高考英语全国卷。文章从命题素材、试题设计、答案可控性等维度抽样分析3套全国卷中的建构性试题,以研究其素材选择和命题特征,并提出进一步完善命题工作的建议。  相似文献   

一、语法填空 阅读下面短文,根据上下文填人适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填。  相似文献   

一、语法填空 阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空。  相似文献   

2015年高考英语全国卷语法填空题有其特点,这些特点对今后的高中英语语法教学具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

福建省英语高考题型改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据《英语课程标准》,参照国内外权威英语考试体系,提出设计新课标英语高考题型改革方案,建议取消单项选择和短文改错,增加翻译题型、听力的填空题型和阅读理解的选择搭配题型,适当调整完形填空的题量和权重,增加写作的,权重和题型,使英语高考笔试试卷更具科学性、时代性和多样性,更好地发挥高考风向标的正确导向作用。  相似文献   

语法填空是全国各地高考英语的必考题型,旨在考查考生综合运用词法、句法及整体理解语篇的能力。要答好语法填空题,除了具备扎实的语言知识、语法基础和上下文逻辑分析能力,还需要熟悉命题方向和答题策略。本文通过探究全国卷英语语法填空的命题特点,明确备考的深度和广度,从 而有效提升考生的解题技巧和应试能力。  相似文献   

本文从试题选材和试题设计两个方面分析2019年高考英语短文改错题的命题质量。结果表明,2019年高考英语短文改错题试题选材和试题设计总体上保持一致。试题选材贴近学生生活,具有真实性,试题总体设计合理。考点分布面较广,设疑方式、考点层次的分布比较合理。本文拟对高考英语短文改错题的命制及高中英语教学提供启示。  相似文献   

College students use information about upcoming tests, including the item formats to be used, to guide their study strategies and allocation of effort, but little is known about how students perceive item formats. In this study, college students rated the dissimilarity of pairs of common item formats (true/false, multiple choice, essay, fill-in-the-blank, matching, short answer, analogy, and arrangement). A multidimensional scaling model with individual differences (INDSCAL) was fit to the data of 11 1 students and suggested that they were using two dimensions to distinguish among these formats. One dimension separated supply from selection items, and the formats' positions on the dimension were related to ratings of difficulty, review time allocated, objectivity, and recognition (as opposed to recall) required. The second dimension ordered item formats from those with few options from which to choose (e.g., true/false) or brief responses (e.g., fill-in-the-blank), to those with many options from which to choose (e.g., matching) or long responses (e.g., essay). These student perceptions are likely to mediate the impact of classroom evaluation on student study strategies and allocation of effort.  相似文献   

The psychometric literature provides little empirical evaluation of examinee test data to assess essential psychometric properties of innovative items. In this study, examinee responses to conventional (e.g., multiple choice) and innovative item formats in a computer-based testing program were analyzed for IRT information with the three-parameter and graded response models. The innovative item types considered in this study provided more information across all levels of ability than multiple-choice items. In addition, accurate timing data captured via computer administration were analyzed to consider the relative efficiency of the multiple choice and innovative item types. As with previous research, multiple-choice items provide more information per unit time. Implications for balancing policy, psychometric, and pragmatic factors in selecting item formats are also discussed.  相似文献   

2001年高考英语试卷分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语高考试卷的质量既关系到高等学校录取新生的质量,也对中学英语教学起到重要的导向作用,本文试以浙江,山东两省2001年高考英语答郑为例对2001年高考英语试卷的反馈和反拨作用进行分析,以期更好地指导英语教学和教研工作,并对某些问题提出讨论,供高考命题及中学教师教学参考。  相似文献   

Multiple‐choice, short‐answer, and extended‐response item formats were used in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study to assess student achievement in mathematics and science at Grades 7 and 8 in more than 40 countries around the world. Data pertaining to science indicate that the standings of some countries relative to others change when performance is measured via the different item formats. The question addressed in the present article is the following: Can the instability of ranks in this case be attributed principally to item format, or are other important factors at work? It is argued that the findings provide further evidence that comparing student achievement across countries is a very complex undertaking indeed.  相似文献   

While previous research has identified numerous factors that contribute to item difficulty, studies involving large-scale reading tests have provided mixed results. This study examined five selected-response item types used to measure reading comprehension in the Pearson Test of English Academic: a) multiple-choice (choose one answer), b) multiple-choice (choose multiple answers), c) re-order paragraphs, d) reading (fill-in-the-blanks), and e) reading and writing (fill-in-the-blanks). Utilizing a multiple regression approach, the criterion measure consisted of item difficulty scores for 172 items. 18 passage, passage-question, and response-format variables served as predictors. Overall, four significant predictors were identified for the entire group (i.e., sentence length, falsifiable distractors, number of correct options, and abstractness of information requested) and five variables were found to be significant for high-performing readers (including the four listed above and passage coherence); only the number of falsifiable distractors was a significant predictor for low-performing readers. Implications for assessing reading comprehension are discussed.  相似文献   

Many innovative item formats have been proposed over the past decade, but little empirical research has been conducted on their measurement properties. This study examines the reliability, efficiency, and construct validity of two innovative item formats—the figural response (FR) and constructed response (CR) formats used in a K–12 computerized science test. The item response theory (IRT) information function and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were employed to address the research questions. It was found that the FR items were similar to the multiple-choice (MC) items in providing information and efficiency, whereas the CR items provided noticeably more information than the MC items but tended to provide less information per minute. The CFA suggested that the innovative formats and the MC format measure similar constructs. Innovations in computerized item formats are reviewed, and the merits as well as challenges of implementing the innovative formats are discussed.  相似文献   

应用项目反应理论等值含有多种题型考试的一个实例   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文以美国一个州的高中统考为例介绍应用项目反应理论来对含有多种题型的考试进行等值处理的具体做法,同时也对考试的其他技术环节进行了一些探讨。  相似文献   

The current study investigated how item formats and their inherent affordances influence test‐takers’ cognition under uncertainty. Adult participants solved content‐equivalent math items in multiple‐selection multiple‐choice and four alternative grid formats. The results indicated that participants’ affirmative response tendency (i.e., judge the given information as True) was affected by the presence of a grid, type of grid options, and their visual layouts. The item formats further affected the test scores obtained from the alternatives keyed True and the alternatives keyed False, and their psychometric properties. The current results suggest that the affordances rendered by item design can lead to markedly different test‐taker behaviors and can potentially influence test outcomes. They emphasize that a better understanding of the cognitive implications of item formats could potentially facilitate item design decisions for large‐scale educational assessments.  相似文献   

2013年高考是河北省高中实施新课改之后的第二年高考。与去年不同,今年使用的是高考新课标全国卷Ⅰ。对该套试题命题特点的研究和分析将为今后省内考生高考复习备考提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

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