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Educational Psychology Review - Emotions can both facilitate and hinder learning. Emotional design features such as colors and shapes can be embedded in multimedia learning environments to...  相似文献   

已有研究往往关注于养老院中老年人的生存状态,而对养老院本身缺乏足够的重视。作为老龄化过程中重要的社会化养老的承担者,养老院理应在更广泛的层次上获得关注。因而,本文通过对南京市若干养老院的资料搜集试图指出,南京养老院处于一种国家退场而市场原则又大肆扩张的状态。国家不断退出养老院的投资和经营而又对制度建构运作无力;而市场经济的原则大行其道,将养老院简化为一个单纯的金钱交易机构。要使得养老院真正担负起老龄危机下社会养老的重任,需要对这些机构进一步的研究。  相似文献   

“注重人文关怀和心理疏导,培育自尊自信、理性平和、积极向上的社会心态”,是党的十七大和十八大报告多次强调的“加强和改进思想政治工作”的重要举措。注重人文关怀,也是现代思想政治教育的内在要求,是近些年来思想政治教育学术界颇为关切的重要课题。国内学者在上世纪90年代初就开始关注这个问题,且通过专著和论文的形式对思想政治教育人文关怀的理论框架和实践路径做了初步的建构,围绕思想政治教育人文关怀的概念内涵、思想资源、意义价值、实现路径等进行了广泛的研究,取得了一批重要的理论成果。  相似文献   

A course teaching graduate social work students to use an evidence-based model and to evaluate their own practice was replicated and evaluated. Students conducted a project in which they reviewed published research to achieve a clinical goal, applied quantitative measures for ongoing assessment, implemented evidence-based interventions, and evaluated effects of their interventions with single-case designs. More than half of the students conducted self-improvement projects monitored with self-report measures, with widely varied goals and interventions. Approximately 48% of the projects showed statistically significant improvements, and an additional 10% showed statistically nonsignificant gains, suggesting the benefits of this instructional format.  相似文献   


Cooperative and collaborative learning are recognized as valuable components of classroom learning. However, many questions remain regarding how teachers might structure and guide children's group-learning experiences. An ethnographic case study of 29 Grade 6 and Grade 7 students who worked in groups over 5 weeks was examined to determine what was learned. Data included audiotape recordings of 6 groups of children working together across 11 work sessions, student interviews, children's self-evaluations and drawings, and research reports. Findings revealed that when working in groups, children require periods of unstructured time to organize themselves and to learn how to work together toward a mutual goal.  相似文献   

This paper describes an Elder Specialist Program developed by one school of medicine to sensitize medical students to geriatric psychosocial issues. Elder Specialists participate in panel discussions as part of each geriatric session. As an alternative to traditional senior mentoring programs, the Elder Specialist Program provides all students a consistent experience and enlightens students to the heterogeneity of the older adult population. Cost of the Elder Specialist Program is minimal. Without exception, the Elder Specialist component of each geriatric session has been rated by students as the highest. Measures of attitudes toward older adults are showing a positive trend.  相似文献   

Development Engineers' Conceptions of Learning at Work   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

英语学习中的错误可来源于母语或外部干扰、生硬的联系、错误的类推和过头的归纳 ,或来源于学习环境和交流中的避免策略。英语学习者和教师可采取一些措施来纠正、减少或消除这些语言错误  相似文献   

The learning processes of Australian tertiary students were examined in a longitudinal study which replicated that of Watkins and Hattie (1985). In accord with the earlier study, older students and Arts students were more likely to adopt deeper level approaches to learning. In addition it was once again those who most utilised surface level strategies, who disliked their learning environment and/or who had “pathological” learning problems who tended to perform least favourably in their first year courses. However, unlike the earlier study, it appeared that students who remained at ANU to complete their course did tend to change to less superficial learning strategies.  相似文献   

心理护理在急诊护理中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
心理护理是现代医学模式的重要组成部分 ,是维护患者身心健康 ,使病人取得最佳治疗效果的必要条件。处于危急状态的病人心理十分复杂 ,病人往往表现为紧张、忧虑、急躁、怀疑、恐惧、消沉、担心等复杂心情 ,这就要求急诊科的护士更应做好病人的心理护理 ,提高急诊护理的效果 ,提高抢救质量。1 急诊病人的心理特点1 1 急切与紧张 :急诊病人因病症突发性、剧烈性和病症后果的不可预测性 ,往往产生极度紧张的情绪 ,带着缓解病痛 ,解除病症的急切心理来就诊。1 2 烦躁与不满 :绝大多数急诊病症不是观察一眼即可确诊 ,需要根据病情作相应检…  相似文献   

在英语学习过程中学生为什么会出现错误?这个问题引起了许多语言学家和教育工作的关注,并对此进行了深入的探索。本作试图从母语的负迁移、过度概括、学生的学习方式、本民族化因紊和教师的教学训练等五个方面对学生在学习中出现的错误进行归纳分析。  相似文献   

This study examines learning in home care visits aimed at systematic facilitation of clients’ physical mobility. Building on the theory of expansive learning, we ask what kinds of learning cycles may be identified in home care encounters charged with implementing the new Mobility Agreement practice, what kinds of interplay may be detected between the parallel learning cycles of the home care client and the home care worker, and what the characteristics of defensive learning are. The data consist of 30 videotaped home care visits. The learning cycles of the encounters were found to be either predominantly defensive or expansive, which led to the identification of 4 basic types of combined learning cycles. Encounters in which the client’s and the worker’s cycles were aligned tended to contain fewer learning actions than encounters in which the cycles moved to opposite directions. The latter types of encounters were characterized by subtle orientational mismatches that left matters open and invoked further elaboration by the client and the worker. Defensive cycles were more reflective than expected and seemed to involve aspects of agency that are not commonly acknowledged.  相似文献   

我国已基本确立了以居家养老为主的养老模式,近年来,居家养老中心如雨后春笋般遍布各地。然而,由于缺乏专业的指导理念和服务技巧,居家养老并没有充分发挥其为老服务的功能。结合南京市鼓楼区大方巷居家养老中心的实践,探索社会工作介入居家养老服务的路径,旨在提高我国居家养老服务的专业化水平,更好地缓解人口老龄化压力。  相似文献   

随着我国人口老龄化的加剧,"医养结合"成为融合医疗和养老资源的一种新型养老模式。本研究通过文献梳理和实地访谈,总结"医养结合"的相关研究成果,结合Q社区"无围墙敬老院"居家养老模式的成功经验及面临的挑战,提出"医养结合"服务主体多元化、服务内容专业化、服务提供方式合力化、服务买单简单化的相关建议,以期探索出更有效的"医养结合"途径。  相似文献   

谈留学生在汉语学习中的语用失误   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于思维方式或观察事物的角度和范围的差异以及不同文化背景和社会习惯所引起的心理障碍等原因造成了留学生在学习汉语中的语用偏差与失误,应该把语用学研究成果运用到对外汉语教学中去,以避免其发生失误。  相似文献   

This paper aims to problematise how gender is being done—1. through occupational choices in two occupations that are traditionally gender divided, elderly care and police work, and 2. through the division of work assignments in police work. Interviews with care workers and police officers are analysed using a “doing gender” perspective, a post-structural notion of subjectivity inspired by Michel Foucault and positioning theory. We argue that a caring discourse operates in elderly care workers’ and police officers’ statements concerning occupational choices, while a daring discourse operates in statements concerning occupational choices within police work. Through these discourses, gender is being done in different ways; caring dispositions are constructed as totally female within the context of elderly care but as more gender-neutral in police work. At the same time, a macho or daring attitude is constructed as a male attribute in police work. Such constructions may have social consequences in terms of dividing work tasks for police, where male officers work in more prestigious and “dangerous” areas, while female officers are left with less prestigious, more caring-associated working areas.  相似文献   

Postpartum depression (PPD) occurs in 13% of new mothers internationally, but many do not receive treatment. In the Western world, hospital-based perinatal nurses have extended contact with new mothers and are in a unique position to teach them to recognize symptoms of and seek treatment for PPD. In this replication study framed by self-efficacy theory, teaching new mothers about PPD was predicted by a nurse’s self-efficacy related to PPD teaching, expectations for teaching from supervisor, PPD continuing education, teaching experience on other topics, and experience with observing other nurses teaching patients about PPD. The results of the study demonstrate the importance of the climate created by the nursing supervisor in which teaching about PPD is expected and facilitators of effective patient teaching are available.  相似文献   

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