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China-EU Year of Intercultural Dialogue: On February 1st, 2012, Rosas Danst Rosas presented by ROSAS and the Chinese dance Linchi offered by Guangdong Modern Dance Company in BOZAR were set as the prelude of China-EU Year of Intercultural Dialogue. The two dances focus on  相似文献   

Last autumn, the exhibition "Early China: the Formative Period of Chinese Civilization" was held in the Capital Museum in Beijing. The 210 sets or pieces of exhibits showcase the origin and early evolution of Chinese civilization from 3500 BC to 1400 BC.  相似文献   

Cultural exchanges with foreign countries have a long history in China, as the Chinese nationkeeps introducing and integrating the cultural essence of other nations to enrich and develop its own culture, the ancient Chinese intellectuals, scholars and monks devoted themselves or evensacrifice themselves to the cause of international cultural exchange, leaving many legacies of much-told stories and much-visited relics: from the Silk Road in the Qjn and Han dynasties to Fa Hsien's travel to South Asia.  相似文献   

Means of Exchanges
Means of Cultural Exchanges between China and Japan: In the 18th century, China and Japan are neighbors with equal status, both highly centralized feudal societies advocating the policy of isolation. Although the cultural exchanges between the two were no longer as thriving as those in the Tang and Ming dynasties, they remained uninterrupted.  相似文献   

Last autumn, the exhibition Early China: the Formative Period of Chinese Civilization was held in the Capital Museum in Beijing. The 210 sets or pieces of exhibits showcase the origin and early evolution of Chinese civilization from 3500 BC to 1400 BC.  相似文献   

二十世纪大概也可以說是中國文化史上的最不堪回首的一個世紀.我們的文化體系在此前的任何一個歷史時期幾乎還從來沒有受到如此强烈的來自知識分子内部的懷疑和否定.  相似文献   

唐金培 《寻根》2008,(5):48-52
作为中国民俗文化重要发祥地的中原农村社会,其传统婚姻礼俗世代相袭,传承久远。但辛亥革命后,随着社会急剧变革和中西文化猛烈碰撞,中原农村的传统婚姻在观念、制度、仪式等方面都出现了一些新动向。其变化虽不及城市特别是沿海开放城市那样迅速而显著,但也初步呈现出中西杂糅、新旧并陈的时代特征。  相似文献   

甘肃西汉水流域的早期秦文化遗俗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵琪伟 《寻根》2010,(6):102-105
<正>被誉为历史文化"活化石"的民间习俗是非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分。甘肃天水、陇南是秦文化的发祥地和秦人的根基所在,从秦先祖仲衍的玄孙中潏"在西戎,保西垂(礼县大堡子山周围)"(《史记·秦本纪》)开始到宁公200多年的创业阶段,秦人就活动在陇山以西的西汉水流域和渭河流域,秦人在此崛起东迁后,这一带  相似文献   

李金莲 《寻根》2010,(6):80-86
<正>中国封建时代,贫困之家迫于生计,常将新生婴儿弃之于野,或溺之于江。为革除这种陋俗,仁人善士广泛倡议设立专门的收养机构——举子仓、慈幼局、婴儿局、育婴堂等,并雇请乳妇拯救幼婴。民  相似文献   

王振忠 《寻根》2005,(2):136-138
民国壬戌(1922年)之夏六月十五和七月十一,浙江省两次大水,“滚滚洪涛卷地来”,酿成了奇灾浩劫,新安江畔的淳安、分水二县受灾尤为严重。为了体察灾情,淳安县一位叫方赞修(述斋)的人,“登山涉水,驰勘数月”,后提笔成吟,遂成《勘灾杂咏》。  相似文献   

《Popular Communication》2013,11(2):79-94
This issue of Popular Communication features two particularly interesting pieces of scholarship whose salience should be noted in that the authors work expressly to extend our ideational boundaries regarding racial identity-in these two instances, the categories of Blackness and Whiteness. The authors share a common goal, though one taken with great care: to disrupt plebeian notions of what is thought to be essentialized Black cultural forms (e.g., hip-hop culture) by studying what they consider out-of-the-common practices of Blackness. Adopting the "different contexts" modality, one author locates the Black popular within Whiteness to reveal the elasticity of performative Blackness as well as evidence an accessibility to, and even mastery of, Black cultural participation by those outside of the African American race. The other author locates Blackness within "high culture" Black communicative practices and celebrates the fact that the presumed prole core of the Black popular can be elevated to a higher and, therefore, more worthy cultural plane. More, the author characterizes this ascent of Blackness as being especially noteworthy because it is facilitated by a figure believed to be marginalized within Black popular discourses-a member of the Black bourgeoisie.  相似文献   

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