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台湾是目前世界上唯一通过正式颁行《家庭教育法》来推动家庭教育事业发展的地区。台湾家庭教育法的主要内容包括明确家庭教育的内涵、管理权责、实施机构与方式以及人员培训等事宜,其立法前提、立法精神、立法策略及法规内容,对于大陆地区设计推动家庭教育的措施、开展家庭教育立法工作具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

关于家庭教育立法问题的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代家庭教育所具有的关涉公共利益的社会活动的属性,使家庭教育立法具备了可能性与合理性。当前,在我国大陆推动家庭教育立法,将家庭教育纳入法制化发展轨道,是社会与教育发展的必需,对于现代教育体系的整体构建以及家庭发展和青少年学生的成长成才,都具有重要的意义与价值。当前家庭教育立法的条件已经成熟,但在法律的制订过程中,应注意遵循一些相应的原则。  相似文献   

在法治建设背景下,我国家庭教育立法显得非常必要且紧迫。家庭教育立法的理论研究、实践探索和国家整体规划逐渐成熟,立法的条件与时机已经到来。文章围绕家庭教育概念、法律条款性质对家庭教育立法定位进行探索,提出明确立法目的与家庭教育概念,确定家庭教育管理部门、社会、学校与家庭的职责,建立家庭教育推展方式,完善家庭教育的经费投入与保障机制、指导服务体系与网络资源平台,以保障家庭教育有序发展与家庭成员全面健康成长。  相似文献   

赵刚 《教育导刊》2007,(1):63-64
教育权,依法理分为三类:家庭教育权、国家教育权、社会教育权。后两权属公共权利,在我国立法史上已多受重视,且日臻完善。而作为构成现代教育体系三大组成部分的家庭教育,无论在管理体制还是在组织形式、物质条件等诸多方面,并未得到法律法规的有效保障。在人类的教育体系中,家  相似文献   

家庭教育是教育体系的重要组成部分,家庭教育对促进未成年人健康发展具有非常重要的影响。随着《中华人民共和国家庭教育促进法》的颁布,使家庭教育重回大众视野并提供了科学有效的养育观念,使各位家长依法育儿。文章通过整理国内与家庭教育相关的政策法规,提出了我国家庭教育未来发展的展望,即落实《中华人民共和国家庭教育促进法》,明确家庭教育地位;规范家庭教育服务指导,提升专业队伍素质;家庭、学校、社区多方协同,形成教育合力;贯彻“双减”政策,加大对特殊群体的扶持力度;普及家庭教育重要性,改善家长的教养观念。  相似文献   

家庭教育是每个人的起点教育,对学校教育和社会教育的进行起着基础性作用。当前,我国家庭教育中存在着功能弱化、社会支持系统不健全、家长不作为、重视程度和践行力不足等问题。因此,近年来关于尽快出台专门家庭教育法来保障家庭教育权和子女受教育权成为国家、社会与学界的普遍共识。家庭教育立法应当秉持人权保护、伦理道德、终身奠基与和谐共促的精神,从宏观的纲领性意义、中观的立法要素和微观的语言表述三个方面把握家庭教育法的立法技术。  相似文献   

我国有重视家庭教育的优良传统,更有家庭教育立法的历史与经验,清末即有《蒙养院及家庭教育法》(1903年),民国时期又颁布《推行家庭教育办法》(1940年),2003年初,我国台湾地区又正式颁布《家庭教育法》。  相似文献   

(一)家庭教育是教育体制的支柱之一,家庭教育的地位迫切需要立法确认。教育权可分三类:家庭教育权、国家教育权、社会教育权,后两者属于公共教育权。家庭教育起源于家庭的产生.只要有家庭关系存在就有家庭教育。从教育实施主体的角度,可以把教育分为家庭教育、学校教育和社会教育三部分,家庭教育也是不可缺少的重要支柱。  相似文献   

地方家庭教育立法是家庭教育法治化的必要保障,也是建设现代化教育强国与法治国家的基本要求。中国与日本在地方家庭教育立法上已经取得了阶段性发展经验:纵向上看,中日地方家庭教育立法的历史进程呈现出“国家要求—地方响应”的互动轨迹;横向上看,中日地方家庭教育立法的实践模式均形成了“主体共生—能力内生”的立法路径。相对而言,日本地方家庭教育立法侧重精准回应地方发展诉求,打造多元化的主体支持格局,重视开发各地优秀传统文化;中国地方家庭教育立法着重为促进家庭教育提供多样化的保障手段,加强家庭教育活动的规制性。未来我国地方家庭教育立法在借鉴中日先行经验时还应结合时代要求与地方实际:加强立法程序的规范性,重视共生关系的正义性,增强能力内生的激励性和提高条件保障的适切性。  相似文献   

During the 19th and 20th centuries modern Western education systems have become so globally embedded that alternative forms of educational provision-and goals-have become almost inconceivable. The article argues the likely need for a substantial reconceptualisation in the content, organisation and evaluation of contemporary education systems in response to the profound changes currently impacting on society. Comparative education, it is argued, has a unique capacity 'to make the familiar strange' but so far, despite the advent of exciting new methodologies and the rapidly increasing prominence of comparative studies as a tool for policy-making, comparative education has largely worked within the conventional 'delivery model' conception of education. By so doing, it has arguably helped to reinforce the status quo. Thus the second half of the article offers a prospective vision for the mode, purpose and context of comparative education studies which is in tune with the emerging new educational aspirations of the 21st century and the acknowledged shortcomings of conventional forms of educational provision. Such a 'neo-comparative education', it is argued, would focus on learning and its relationship with culture; would become perhaps better conceptualised as Wa 'comparative learnology' as the means of understanding how individuals can be encouraged to engage successfully with the many new forms of learning opportunity that are likely to characterise the third millennium.  相似文献   

由于市场经济的发展,家庭模式开始多样化,养老机制逐步社会化,学前教育也开始公共化,传统儒家文化背景下的家庭教育功能逐步丧失,小型化的家庭难以独立承担家庭教育的重任。家庭教育具有准公共性,政府承担了准“公共父亲”的角色,接管了部分本应由家庭承担的教育任务。在责任方面,政府以适度干预为准则,对家庭教育负有帮扶与监管的责任,责任范围包括“指导、支持、保障、督导、服务”等。在程序上,应鼓励地方政府制定家庭教育实施条例,然后由人大常委会制定“家庭教育法”,各级政府依法配置家庭教育中心建制,开展家庭教育的有关工作,并制定家庭教育的相关细则和补充条例。  相似文献   

从世界范围来看,无论是成文法国家还是判例法国家,都以提高父母及其他监护人的家庭教育能力、维护未成年人健康发展权为立法宗旨,对政府及家庭教育的主管机构、服务机构、学校及其他教育机构、社会等的职责进行重点规范。基于中国父母家庭教育水平整体状况及私人领域父母教育权保护的基本研判,中国家庭教育立法应借鉴其他国家的通行做法,以提高父母及其他监护人的家庭教育能力为宗旨。同时,采取单独管理模式,明确将教育行政部门作为家庭教育的主管机关;建立专门的家庭教育指导服务机构,明确公立学校开展家庭教育指导的法定义务;强化政府职责,将家庭教育经费纳入各级政府财政预算,保障家庭教育工作获得必需的财力支持。  相似文献   

It is argued that whether the course of cognitive development is characterized by growth, stability, or decline is less a matter of “fact” than a matter of the metamodel on which the theories and data are based. Three historical shifts in basic research on adult learning and memory are reviewed. The associative approach, dominant until the late 1950s, is rooted in the mechanistic metamodel. Within this approach, learning and memory are seen as the formation and dissolution of stimulus-response bonds. The associative approach has projected an irreversible decrement view of aging and learning/memory performance. The information processing approach, dominant from the early 1960s until the present, is rooted in the organismic metamodel. Within this approach, learning and memory are governed by storage structures and control processes, and active processing on the part of the learner is emphasized. The information processing view has projected a decrement with a compensation view of aging and learning/memory performance. Finally, it is argued that a contextual approach is emerging in the present historical context. A contextual perspective appears to emphasize the activities of perceiving, comprehending, and remembering rather than encoding, storage, and retrieval. Acquisition is seen as involving the articulation of input with past experience which sets the boundary conditions for perceiving and comprehending the new material. This differentiation and integration are viewed as occurring within a hierarchy of levels which reflect wider and wider contexts. Remembering is seen as the reconstruction of previous events. Event reconstruction depends, in large measure, on the extent to which original events are differentiated from and integrated with past experience during acquisition. In addition, event reconstruction also depends on events occurring following acquisition. Such a contextual perspective on acquisition and remembering leads to several suggestions for examining these activities during adulthood including an emphasis on meaning, broad contexts, and multiple influences on cognitive development.  相似文献   

The adequacy of traditional approaches to the study of animal learning to account fully for learning phenomena has been seriously questioned during the past decade. Critics of traditional analyses advocated a biological orientation to the interpretation of associative processes and introduced a variety of concepts intended to provide a new framework for the study of animal learning. This promise of a reorientation of the field has not been realized. The concepts of biological constraints, adaptive specializations, and situation specificity of learning have had a less profound influence on the general process approach to instrumental and classical conditioning than anticipated. The present paper makes explicit the conceptual bases of the original biological approaches to learning, identifies reasons why they failed to change fundamentally the study of instrumental and classical conditioning, and proposes an alternative approach to the use of ecological and evolutionary principles in studies of conditioning. We suggest a renewed comparative approach to the study of learning phenomena that avoids many of the difficulties inherent in earlier formulations by providing (1) a strategy for the discovery of adaptive specializations in learning, (2) an ecological framework for the discussion of these adaptive specializations, and (3) a renewed emphasis on the study of species differences in learning.  相似文献   

关于缩略语的内涵和外延、缩略语特球的词汇性质、词汇化和结构关系、构造规律都有不同程度的探索,对于如何规范使用缩略语也提出了不少建设。但是在研究探讨的过程中,形式和意义相结合的原则还没有得到充分的贯彻,对于缩略语内部不同类型和与缩略相关的各种语言现象的比较还不细致、不系统,跨语言或跨语系的比较非常薄弱,还没有把缩略语的词汇化和汉语词汇化中的其他类型纳入到一个完整的、统一的体系中,因此导致我们的认识裹足不前,很多更为根本的规律还没有清楚的认识到。文章回顾了汉语缩略语的研究进展,分析了存在的一些问题,对如何进一步深化研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

梦窗的生卒年,早期行迹、苏杭精事、与翁氏兄弟的关系,交游萎石帚和贾似道等重要的问题均学人深入考索,日趋接近事实真相;梦突窗词的本研究经历了激烈的否定之否定的过程,为今后全面客观地权衡和定位夯实了基础,梦窗词的审美研究近时在揭示导糅方面有突破性进展;未来的梦窗研究应在继续考虑其经历的基础上,加强本解读,追寻其艺术个性及其成因等。  相似文献   

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