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童年的一天,他在屋里玩,父亲沉默地坐在角落里。10分钟内,他做了11件事情:写了一个半字,画了一个没画成的苹果,看了几秒钟书,大叫了几声,踢翻了一个凳子,发呆半分钟,玩了三样玩具而且都扔到了门外,傻乎乎地唱了几句歌,欣赏了一下父亲没画完的画作,画了个女孩并哈哈大笑,最后发疯地叫了几声妈……  相似文献   

近些年来,作文作秀的现象已成了众矢之的。梦境多了,真情少了;忧郁多了,天真少了;深沉多了,清纯少了;抒情多了,记叙少了;概述多了,素描少了;柔情多了,激情少了;历史多了,现实少了;排比多了,平实少了;感悟多了,经历少了;上帝多了,自己少了。学生作文越来越偏离了自己的感情世界和真实的生活。  相似文献   

春天到了,小草绿了,树叶长出来了。小鸟在树上叽叽喳喳叫个不停,好像在为春天的到来歌唱;溪水哗哗地流着,欢乐地拍打着沿岸的石头。草儿绿了,花儿开了,天蓝了,雪融化了。那樱桃花也盛开了,开得如此的灿烂,如此的美丽。我一看到它,就想起了我曾经听过的一段故事:  相似文献   

告别了充满童趣的低年级,踏入了洋溢着希望的高年级。虽然,课程增加了许多,作业的包袱也重了几分,玩耍的时间更少了,但是,我却真切地感到:"我长大了!"我长大了,告别幼稚,走向了成熟。我看问题的角度变了,变得更加客观、全面;我常常努力尝试依靠自己的力量弄清某个事物的原理。我长大了,告别依赖,走向了独立。我  相似文献   

我记得,母亲上床休息,总是等孩子们在火炕上睡了,等进了窝的鸡睡了,等挂在屋檐下的镰刀睡了,等炉灶里冒着烟的火睡了,等储藏室里的叉子和盆子睡了,等对着井水照影子的苹果树睡了,等白鹳鸟巢(cháo)上空的云睡了,等被庄稼起伏摇荡的田野里的路睡了。  相似文献   

综观当前的语文课堂,我们欣喜地看到了:教师教学理念变新了,教学内容拓宽了,知识结构综合了,教学方式丰富了……但同时我们也看到不少语文课堂,尤其是常态课上,其教学内容“胖”了,教学环节“碎”了,能力训练“浮”了,教学形式“花”了,失去了语文教学的“本分”,教学效果自然就“虚化”了。这里例举小学语文教学中最为常见的三种偏失现象。  相似文献   

古时候有一位国王,梦见山倒下来了,河干枯了,花也谢了,他便叫王后给他解梦。王后说:"大事不好了!山倒塌了,指江山要倒了;河干枯了,指民众离心,因为君是舟,民是水,河干枯了,舟也就不能行驶了;花谢了,表示好景不长了!"国王惊惶失措,出了一身冷汗之后便患了病,而且愈来愈重。  相似文献   

已经开展了那么多期的辩论、讨论、演讲,是不是觉得有点枯燥了?哈哈,不要紧,我们本期不给同学们安排新的论题了,大家一起来轻松一下吧。那说点什么内容呢?呵呵,反正不讨论了!好了好了,不卖关子了,请同学们一起来——  相似文献   

糟了糟了—— 春天被打翻了, 洒出了生机勃勃的笑声, 笑声送给了小草,小草高兴地发芽生长; 笑声送给了花儿,花儿露出了美丽的笑脸; 笑声送给了孩子们,孩子们尽情地欢唱。  相似文献   

佚名 《高中生》2011,(19):24
1.走着走着,就散了,回忆都淡了;看着看着,就累了,星光也暗了;听着听着,就醒了,开始埋怨了;回头发现,你不见了,突然我乱了。2.我的世界太过安静,静得可以听见自己的心跳。心房的血液慢慢流回心室,如此这般轮回。聪明的人喜欢猜心,也许猜对了别人的心,却也失去了自己的。傻  相似文献   

如何处理孩子成长过程中的“问题行为”已成为许多父母最感棘手的问题。本文作者就什么是问题孩子、问题孩子与家庭的关系、问题孩子的家庭教育对策等问题进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

对交叉规划问题作了进一步的研究,给出了一种使用替代问题求解交叉规划问题的方法,并给出了该替代问题的目标函数应当满足的几个公理:pareto原则、非强加性、非独裁性和传递性.  相似文献   

Although official curriculum documents make cursory mention of the need for problem posing in school mathematics, problem posing rarely becomes part of the implemented or assessed curriculum. This paper provides examples of how problem posing can be made an integral part of mathematics teacher education programs. It is argued that such programs are a good place to start the process of redesigning mathematics curricula so that school mathematics will pay more than lip service to problem posing. Data are presented and analyzed showing that teacher education students can recognize the need for problem posing both in their own programs and in school mathematics curricula. Examples of problems posed by teacher education students are presented and discussed. An active learning framework for interpreting the role of problem posing in mathematics classrooms is presented.  相似文献   

分赌注问题是个有名的概率问题.但一般的分赌注问题只研究的两个人分赌注,如果三个人分赌注又该如何分呢?本文在详细探讨了两人分赌注的前提下,推广到了三人分赌注的情况.  相似文献   

The cognitive processes used by children during problem solving have received considerable attention in recent years. The identification of the processes used by both successful and unsuccessful problem solvers has been hampered by the difficulties involved in making accurate observations of mental processes which may or may not have physical manifestations during problem solving. In addition, problem solvers themselves often are unaware of many of the thought processes they use while attempting to solve problems. The most popularly used methods for studying problem solving processes are not sufficiently reliable or valid. This study explored the potential effectiveness of a new procedure for identifying and studying certain of the cognitive processes used during problem solving. In addition, the procedure was used to categorize the types of conceptual thinking problem solvers employ, to study the use of trial and error behavior, and to investigate problem solvers’ abilities to coordinate multiple bits of information. It appears that the procedure has application for generating hypotheses about cognitive processes problem solvers use.  相似文献   

两种研究复杂化工技术问题时的典型思维方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化工原理属于技术基础课程,在该课程所研究的化工技术问题中,有很多是复要的技术问题。在研究分析这些复杂的化工技术问题时,存在着两种典型的思维方式,称为实验研究方法和数学模型方法。教学中引导学生正确利用基础理论知识,技巧性地分析和解决复杂的实际工程问题,培养学生科学的思维方式和解决问题的能力,是素质教育所必须的。  相似文献   

Solving word problems is a difficult task for students at‐risk for or with learning disabilities (LD). One instructional approach that has emerged as a valid method for helping students at‐risk for or with LD to become more proficient at word‐problem solving is using schemas. A schema is a framework for solving a problem. With a schema, students are taught to recognize problems as falling within word‐problem types and to apply a problem solution method that matches that problem type. This review highlights two schema approaches for second‐ and third‐grade students at‐risk for or with LD: schema‐based instruction and schema‐broadening instruction. A total of 12 schema studies were reviewed and synthesized. Both types of schema approaches enhanced the word‐problem skill of students at‐risk for or with LD. Based on the review, suggestions are provided for incorporating word‐problem instruction using schemas.  相似文献   

目的:探讨藏族大学生社会支持与问题行为的关系。方法:采用社会支持评定量表和青少年行为问卷,对西藏地区三所高校的460名藏族大学生进行问卷调查。结果:(1)藏族大学生客观支持与退缩、神经质、考试焦虑和问题行为总分存在显著负相关,主观支持与攻击行为、退缩、神经质、考试焦虑和问题行为总分存在显著负相关,支持利用度与问题行为各维度和问题行为总分不存在相关。(2)回归分析发现,藏族大学生主观支持可以预测攻击行为、退缩、神经质和考试焦虑,客观支持与支持利用度均无法预测问题行为,社会支持的三个维度对问题行为的学业适应不良、违纪都没有显著影响。结论:社会支持是影响藏族大学生问题行为的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

效率与公平的关系及其在社会发展中的地位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
效率与公平的关系问题,是一个历史性课题,也是当今社会的一个重大现实课题,还是一个理论难题.从社会发展和人的发展视域审视效率与公平的关系,可以发现,效率与公平是人类社会生存和发展追求的两大价值目标,要具体地、历史地看待和正确处理效率与公平的关系问题.效率与公平,既是经济问题,又是政治问题和社会问题,效率与公平的关系问题从属于社会发展目标和人的发展目标.  相似文献   

Metacognitive monitoring and regulation play an essential role in mathematical problem solving. Therefore, it is important for researchers and practitioners to assess students?? metacognition. One proven valid, but time consuming, method to assess metacognition is by using think-aloud protocols. Although valuable, practical drawbacks of this method necessitate a search for more convenient measurement instruments. Less valid methods that are easy to use are self-report questionnaires on metacognitive activities. In an empirical study in grade five (n?=?39), the accuracy of students?? performance judgments and problem visualizations are combined into a new instrument for the assessment of metacognition in word problem solving. The instrument was administered to groups of students. The predictive validity of this instrument in problem solving is compared to a well-known think-aloud measure and a self-report questionnaire. The results first indicate that the questionnaire has no relationship with word problem solving performance, nor the other two instruments. Further analyses show that the new instrument does overlap with the think-aloud measure and both predict problem solving. But, both instruments also have their own unique contribution to predicting word problem solving. The results are discussed and recommendations are made to further complete the practical measurement instrument.  相似文献   

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