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The launch meeting for the E U C h i n a G R I D (I nt er conn ecti on & Interoperability of Grids between Europe & China) Project was held on January 24 in Athens, Greece. The partners of the project include the CAS Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS Computer Network Information Center, Peking and Beihang universities from the Chi- nese side; and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare in Italy, Università di Roma Tre in Italy, Consortium GARR in Italy, European Organiza-…  相似文献   

A Sino-Canadian research project titled "Responding to the global warming: Improving China's carbon storage capacity" was officially initiated on August 2.  相似文献   

In response to the initiation of a Sino-German research project on "Environmental Protection & Sustainable Development of Mega-cities (Urumqi-Changji) in an Arid Area," a seven-member delegation headed by Prof.  相似文献   

A new strategic priority research project named "Study on the New Generation Information Technologies for Sensing China" was officially kicked off at CAS on August 14, 2012.  相似文献   

The Chinese group of an in-ternational consortium to cre-ate the next generation mapof the human genome held its firstmeeting March 28 29 in Beijing,marking the launch of the new ven-ture in this country. With the do-mestic support from CAS, NSFCand MOST, the Chinese groupwill complete 10% of the entiretask.With the objective to speed thediscovery of genes related to com-mon illnesses such as asthma,cancer, diabetes and heart diseases,a $100 million international researchproject to deve…  相似文献   

<正>On June 18 an unveiling ceremony marks the inauguration of the School of Public Policy and Management(SPPM)under the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(UCAS).Integrating the resources for research and education in the field of public policy and management at CAS,this new entity aims to develop into an internationally leading school excellent in research as well as a renowned think tank,and is anticipated to culture a Chinese school of public management with international influence.  相似文献   

The Sun is not as quiet as it looks: its eruptions, includ- ing solar flares and coronamass ejections which occur fre- quently and periodically, may bring about a disastrous impact on the Earth. It can influence the perfor- mance and reliability of space-…  相似文献   

An international master's program on integrated dryland management has been launched recently at the Cold and Arid Regions Environmental & Engineering Research Institute (CAREERI) of CAS.  相似文献   

Following the success of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei and the University of CAS (UCAS) in Beijing, CAS is now building a third university - ShanghaiTech University in east Shanghai in a joint effort with local government. Located in the middle of Zhangjiang High-tech Park  相似文献   

利用二进制代数学给出了一个关灯游戏的数学模型,对基于有限域上的线性方程组的9阶情形给出了所有解,并进一步运用代数学中的陪集分类方法给出了游戏的等价类,便于游戏者判断和解决游戏问题。  相似文献   

<正>December 4,2014 witnessed the launch of construction work at the Sino-Africa Joint Research Center in Kenya The country’s Deputy President William Ruto,the Charge d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Kenya TIAN Lin,andthe Deputy Director General of the Bureau of International Cooperation of CAS QIU Huasheng attended the ground breaking ceremony.  相似文献   

正On November 2,2016,the Center of Excellence for Plant and Microbial Science(CEPAMS)was officially launched in Beijing as a joint establishment between CAS and the John Innes Center(JIC)of the UK.CAS Vice President ZHANG Yaping and Martyn Roper,Minister and Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Beijing attended the opening ceremony.As collaboration between the JIC and two CAS institutes,namely the Institute of Genetics and  相似文献   

文章通过对新型节能光源与原有普通光源的光效、初始成本、运营成本的对比分析,探索出一条本地区在已用建筑中应用高效节能照明产品的途径、方法,为以后呼和浩特市新建建筑使用、已有建筑改造升级节能照明产品提供现实参考依据。  相似文献   

提出一种离散化的光学层析成像方法用于提取检测物的纵向深度信息和光谱特性。利用液相的ZnSe量子点为光源,设计了分立的元件组成光学层析装置,提取了多层媒质的信息。在理论上分析了模型的有效性;在实验上,利用五层媒质验证了该方法的可行性。基于此方法的研究可以广泛地应用于光学成像、生物芯片等许多领域。  相似文献   

高校的专业人才培养工作需要与产业需求形成对接机制才能从根本上解决毕业生就业难的问题;半导体照明产业作为光源与照明产业的当代发展形态,正面临专门技术人才严重缺失的局面,高校尤其是地方高校需要积极面对这一市场需求进行光源与照明专业方向建设;新型照明技术的发展对专业人才培养提出了新的要求,对光源与照明专业方向的建设需要进行相应的思考与探讨.  相似文献   

基于开源软件项目发起人个体行为视角,以全球最大的开源软件代码托管平台GitHub上的8053组开源软件项目为研究对象,并随机收集了333位项目发起人问卷数据,探索项目发起人对项目绩效的影响及其作用机理,以及知识共享在二者之间的中介作用.研究发现:(1)开源软件项目发起人作为特殊开发者,其参与动机、个人价值观、个人影响力和创新意识对项目绩效具有显著正向影响,其中前两者比后两者的重要性更大;(2)开源社区内的知识共享对项目绩效起到了部分中介作用,高效的知识共享与清晰的知识流转过程对于项目最终质量起着至关重要的作用.研究表明,开源软件项目发起人对于促进开源社区的知识共享与提高项目绩效起到重要的影响作用,而知识共享在项目发起人与项目绩效之间具有中介效应.  相似文献   

随着网络技术的普及与发展,基于新型生产方式和创新方式的开源软件项目应运而生,如何对这种特殊项目进行绩效评价值得深入研究。以codeplex开源社区中的C#小社区为例,在总结codepelx开源社区基本特点的基础上,对DEA方法的决策单元和指标体系进行探讨,进而对选取的51个开源软件项目进行绩效评价,并基于绩效评价结果对开源软件项目开发提出建议。  相似文献   

The CAS headquarters in Beijing announced in early May that it had started an organizational reshuffle aimed at promoting the Academy’s administrative efficiency and facilitating innovation. Via the revocation, merger and establishment of bureaus, CAS will straighten the relationship between its administrative organs and research institutes, strengthen  相似文献   

上海市2004年冬季城市大气气溶胶含Pb单颗粒物的来源查证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用质子微探针技术,分析单个大气气溶胶颗粒物。将微束质子激发X射线分析(Micro-PIXE)同计算机模式识别技术结合,查证上海市2004年冬季城市大气气溶胶PM10中含Pb单颗粒物的来源。结果在上海大气气溶胶PM10中识别出七种铅污染排放源,它们分别是:汽车尾气,钢铁工业排尘,燃煤烟尘,土壤扬尘,柴油车尾气,助动车尾气和水泥尘。其中,钢铁工业排尘和燃煤排尘是禁止使用有铅汽油后上海市地区大气铅污染的最主要排放源。  相似文献   

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