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把超长整数从高位数至低位数按四位数字划分若干段,保存在数组中,解决了超长整数的表示与计算。  相似文献   

标准粒子群算法主要用于优化连续性,而对粒子群算法求解非线性整数规划,算法的粒子位置必须解决取整问题。基此,文章提出一种粒子位置最终取整的方法,以改进粒子群算法解决整数规划的具体过程。基准函数的仿真结果表明,改进后的取整方法的搜索成功率优于直接取整和随机取整,综合搜索效率更佳。  相似文献   

本根据求极大化整数规划的松弛问题的最优目标函数值是原整数规划目标函数值的上界,以及整数规划的其他特点,培出了求解整数规划的一种新的简便算法。本算法与割平面法、分技定界法等比较,当变量个数不很大时,具有更简便易行、大大减少计算工作量等优点,经试算效果明显。  相似文献   

文[6]中,我们对非线性混合整数规划的解法进行了探讨,利用罚函数把有约束非线性混合整数规划问题化为等价的无约束非线性混合整数规划问题,然后把离散整变量连续化,从而非线性混合整数规划化为与之等价的无约束非线性规划。本文弱化了文[6]中定理1的条件,并得到了相应的结论。  相似文献   

指定范围随机整数的生成:VBA语言中提供了Randmize函数和Rnd随机函数,前者以系统时间作参照为后者产生0~1之间随机数的种子数;而在“最大值,,与“最小值”之间产生随机整数的典型公式是:Int((最大数一最小数+1)*Rnd)+最小数);显然产生“2~最大数”之间随机整数的公式是:  相似文献   

说课举例——小数乘以整数○自治区教研室李宜菁一、教材分析1.小数乘以整数在教材中的地位和作用。(1)小数乘以整数是在学生掌握了整数乘法的意义和计算法则、小数的性质、小数点位置的移动引起小数大小的变化的基础上,进一步学习并掌握的重要知识,是小数乘法的基...  相似文献   

本文获得最大整数函数的两个恒等式,拓广了文(2)的结论。  相似文献   

本文探讨最大整数函数的两个问题:1°将最大整数函数的一个重要恒等式作了进一步推广;2°对Tom.M.Apostol 的一个问题作了进一步探讨.  相似文献   

师:通过上节课例1的学习,我们知道了除数是整数的小数除法的计算步骤与整数除法基本相同,唯一不同的是解决小数点的位置问题。下面我们继续学习除数是  相似文献   

本所指的复合函数是指在初中现阶段所出现的用整式表示的函数、用分式表示的函数、用二次根式表示的函数和用零指数幂或负整数指数幂表示的函数,两两混合在一个解析式中的函数.  相似文献   

Matlab求解整数规划问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
克服Matlab不能直接求解整数规划问题的不足,给出了Matlab求解整数规划问题的一般程序,并通过资源分配和会议筹备这两个问题说明了程序的可行性.  相似文献   

在计算机高级语言编程中,由于计算机内存空间有限,对于超出一定范围的整数不能识别和处理。为了解决计算机处理长整数的不足,提出了一种巧用C 中的数组加以解决的算法,并给出了相应的C 程序予以实现。  相似文献   

一种防止缓冲区溢出的整数溢出检测方法(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了防止由整数溢出引起的缓冲区溢出,提出了一种简化的基于路径松弛的整数溢出检测方法.表示动态分配缓冲区大小的整型变量发生溢出,极有可能引发缓冲区溢出.该检测方法基于这一发现,在动态测试之前先进行轻量级的静态分析,跟踪与动态分配缓冲区大小相关的关键变量,保存追踪的关键变量在不同地方的取值上限和下限,并将维护信息插入源代码中.测试时通过路径松弛,在执行路径上不仅考虑追踪变量的当前测试用例值,判断程序是否出现整数溢出,还根据插入的维护信息进一步考虑追踪变量可能的取值范围,判断程序是否有可能出现整数溢出.实例研究验证了该方法的有效性,并且与同类方法相比,减少了检测量,提高了检测效率.  相似文献   

文献【1】中Hansen和Zheng把六角系统的Clar数计数问题转化为线性规划的最优解问题,文献[2]中Chvaital给出了两个匹配相邻的一个充要条件.受此启发,给出了六角系统的线性规划模型解向量的凸包构成的多面体(Clar多面体)上两个Clar覆盖相邻的充要条件和Clar多面体的维数.  相似文献   

在心理学的视野下,我国基础教育课程改革最根本的目的是促进学生身心健康发展。实现上述目标的途径是多方面的。其中,把握教学的整体性,并按该要求实施教学过程应该不失为基本的途径之一。教学整体性内涵丰富,最主要的是教学内容的整体性、认知结构的整体性、学习策略的整体性和教学活动的整体性。  相似文献   

As the demand for counseling within a religious setting increases, clergymen are expressing a need for more counselor education. If pastoral counseling is considered distinctly different from other counseling, then pastoral counseling education is the province of the seminaries. If the pastoral counselor is not considered basically different from other counselors, a secular counselor education program can serve the needs of ministers as well as other counselors by having a central core of required professional courses and then optional branches for specialization in counseling. Finding appropriate instructors for the pastoral counseling courses could be a problem. Candidates for pastoral counseling should be as carefully screened and tested as other graduate students in counseling. The counseling program should offer ministers the opportunity to learn about group work and, ideally, the opportunity for supervised practicum work in several different settings. There should be some provision for individual and group therapy for the pastoral counselors themselves as a means of enhancing their own effectiveness. When a secular institution feels that it cannot adapt its regular program to fit the needs of pastoral counselors, it can be of service by arranging special workshops and conferences for the clergymen of the area, and counselor educators can be available as consultants to seminaries and churches that request assistance.  相似文献   

A BASIC Instructional Program is being developed as a vehicle for research in tutorial modes of computer-assisted instruction (CAI). Several design features will be appropriate to training in other technical areas and applicable in other instructional settings where the development of analytic and problem-solving skills is a goal. Methods are incorporated for monitoring and aiding the student as he works on programming problems in the BASIC language. The instructional program developed can be used to investigate schemes for optimizing problem presentation and giving assistance during problem-solving based on a model of the student's abilities and difficulties. Previous experience in the instructional and technical aspects of teaching a programming language indicates that a course in computer programming can be designed to help the student acquire programming concepts in a personalized and efficient manner as he develops skills at increasingly advanced levels. This article reports on work currently in progress and briefly summarizes observations and conclusions based on operation during the pilot year. A major goal of the research project is to increase the sophistication with which the instructional program monitors the student's work and responds to it with appropriate hints and prompts. One aspect of such work is the utilization of algorithms for checking the correctness of a student procedure. Limited but sufficient program verification is possible through simulated execution of the program on test data stored with each problem. Within the controllable context of instruction, where the problems to be solved are predetermined and their solutions known, simulated execution of the student's program can effectively determine its closeness to a stored model solution. The BASIC Instructional Program (BIP) is written in SAIL (VanLehn, 1973; Swinehart and Sproull, 1971), a versatile, ALGOL-like language, implemented exclusively at present on the DEC PDP-10 computer. SAIL includes a flexible associative sublanguage called LEAP (Feldman et al., 1972), which was used extensively to build BIP's information network. The course is now running on the PDP-10 TENEX timesharing system at the Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences. It was offered during the pilot year as an introductory programming course at DeAnza College in Cupertino, California, and at the University of San Francisco in San Francisco, California. The collected data are being used to modify the problems and the “help” sequences in preparation for a more controlled experimental situation planned for the next academic year.  相似文献   

利用Java输入输出对象开发了无组件上传程序,上传文件操作包括提交上传文件页面和处理上传文件页面两部分.上传文件可直接存储到指定目录,并采用数据库管理.  相似文献   


The way computers are used in foreign language teaching reflects teachers' ideas about how foreign languages should be learned. We describe different methods of foreign language teaching, one of which is at the base of our computer program IT'S English. In this program, different types of exercises are implemented: receptive, reproductive, and productive. To implement our ideas of a communicative approach to teaching into a computer program, we built an intelligent tutoring system, which incorporates a dictionary, grammar rules, and the digitized pronunciation of words and sentences stored on a CD‐ROM. The software is flexible in that the learning environment it offers can shift from a teacher controlled setting to a fully learner controlled environment. Four groups of eight pupils used the program during eight weeks and were compared with students not using the program. The research showed that the students interacting with the software used its various components in an adequate and goal‐appropriate way and found the use of the software to be a positive experience. After the experimental period, knowledge of vocabulary was significantly higher for one of the computer‐using groups compared to its control group, although in the word (re)production tests no significant differences were found between the experimental and control groups. Implications of the results of the experiments for teacher education are discussed, with an emphasis on the importance of teachers learning how to assess the pedagogical approach of software and the didactic principles involved in its design and intended use.  相似文献   

Diversifying the faculty in community colleges, especially with faculty of color, continues to be problematic as we move through the first decade of the 21st Century. National statistics show that overwhelmingly the faculty continues to be Caucasian, even at a time when more and more students are coming from diverse ethnic backgrounds. This seemingly intractable problem is particularly acute in California, where the majority of community college students are students of color, but not the faculty. A faculty diversity program that has been in existence for 17 years has made important progress in changing the situation in southern California. This comprehensive program recruits, trains, and places interns in 10 community colleges in cooperation with a regional university. The results of the program demonstrate that substantial numbers of faculty of color are being prepared by the program and that they are getting hired in community colleges as adjunct and full-time faculty. Community colleges can be and should be proactive in identifying, developing, and hiring faculty of color. They shouldn't wait for other societal institutions to do the job for them. By working cooperatively with other local colleges, community based organizations that involve communities of color, and nearby universities, they have the opportunity to make significant inroads into diversifying their faculty. This program can and should be replicated in other parts of the country as a way to nurture the next generation of community college faculty leaders.  相似文献   

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