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我国的明星新闻在20世纪80年代以后进入了迅速发展的时期,和平的环境和改革开放为明星新闻的发展提供了良好的条件和环境.伴随着明星新闻的发展,明星新闻报道中出现的问题也大量涌现.经济的发展也为明星新闻的发展带来了一定程度的负面影响.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,新闻策划作为新闻产品生产链中的一个重要前置环节,越来越为新闻业界所重视。新闻策划需要在遵循新闻真实性原则的基础上追求新闻报道的出新出彩,是一项既要讲究“求真”艺术,又要讲究“求新”艺术的新闻业务活动。然而,在具体的新闻实践活动中,新闻策划的“求真”与“求新”之间并不总是能保持和谐统一,有时也会出现二律悖反的情形,导致新闻报道的真实性、客观性与出新出彩产生冲突。尤其是在当前新技术、新媒体带来的全新传播环境下,新闻策划中如何做到兼顾“求真”与“求新”双重诉求,显得日益重要。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,我国媒介环境逐渐形成,它对小说创作产生了重要的影响。作家通过媒介了解客观世界,从信息世界中获取材料、创作灵感,用与客观世界形成的间接体验方式进行文学创作;另一方面文学对新闻进行不动声色的“改造”,在一定程度上对新闻报道形式的多样化起到了促进作用,而新闻的即时播报等特点也对小说创作产生了重要的影响,它自身的一些“缺陷”为小说发挥文学艺术的特长留下了足够的空间,它的发展也为小说的复兴提供了更广泛的读者基础。  相似文献   

蔡隽 《文教资料》2013,(20):14-15
大卫·马梅特是20世纪70年代以来活跃于美国剧坛最具影响力的剧作家之一。国外马梅特研究始于20世纪80年代,伴随其创作日益兴盛,对国外马梅特研究进行全面系统的梳理有利于推进中国马梅特研究的深化与发展。  相似文献   

探究式学习始于20世纪60年代,对美国的科学教育产生了深远的影响,并逐渐形成世界性的教育改革浪潮.当人类社会迈入21世纪,世界各国都将培养高素质、兼具创新精神和实践能力的人才作为教育的目标,探究式学习作为一种与接受式学习相对应的学习方式,它更强调的是参与和过程、平等与合作、鼓励与创新,是培养学生创新精神和实践能力的有效途径,在世界范围内受到了越来越广泛的重视,得到了各国的广泛推崇和倡导.本文对如何在地理教学中实施探究性教学提出了自己的观点和看法.  相似文献   

6月5日是世界环境日。科学家认为:21世纪环境意识将成为人类个体意识的基本特征,拥有环境意识是将来人类必须具备的基本素质,也是社会发展的要求,是素质教育的表现。可见,环境教育将与素质教育一道完成人才培养的跨世纪工程。 环境教育始于20世纪60年代的美国,而后,世界各国相继实施。我国虽然起步较晚,但改革开放以来发展非常迅速。它的兴起和深受广泛重视的直接原因是美、英、日等国的重大环境问题的出现。在20世纪30年代,美国中西部大草原地带,由于过分的开垦耕地,使草场植被受到严重破坏,加之气候干旱,风速大等原因,使之…  相似文献   

一、课程实施的发展历程 课程实施在早期的课程研究中并没有受到应有的重视。到了20世纪40年代,西方学者在研究课程的开发中才开始涉及课程实施的一些关键性因素,如课程实施要有教师的广泛参与。20世纪五六十年代,始于美国的“学科结构运动”最后失败,引起了人们对改革方案的实施过程进行反思,引发了学者对课程实施的研究。直到20世纪60年代末70年代初,  相似文献   

教学环境的研究始于20世纪30年代,国内外学者对教学环境有不同的理解,对"教学环境"这一概念的界定还没有取得一致的意见。国外多侧重于心理环境的研究,目的是要揭示课堂环境与学科教学之间的关系,提高  相似文献   

新闻中标点符号的用法是一个值得关注的问题,如标点符号用法的规范化与异化、如何看待无标点新闻报道,或是没有文字只用标点符号的新闻报道等等。这些在新闻语言中出现的新问题非常值得我们去研究和探讨。  相似文献   

李曼 《海外英语》2014,(10):4-5
你见过幽灵喝?你在夜里听到过奇怪的声音吗?20世纪30年代时最大的新闻故事是关于位于英国马恩岛的一个鬼屋。这个幽灵非常特别。猫鼬幽灵(P4)20世纪30年代影响最大的鬼屋故事 奇怪的声音 一切开始于20世纪30年代的马恩岛。那时候.欧文先生和夫人与他们13岁的女儿伏伊瑞住在一间农舍里。  相似文献   

The purpose of this case-study is to narrate a secondary science teacher’s experience of his professional development (PD) education and training in innovative technologies (IT) in the context of engaging students in environmental research projects The sources from which the narrative is derived include (1) the science teacher’s reflective reports during three summer institute programs and (2) the science teacher’s reflective reports while subsequently engaging students in IT-embedded environmental research projects in his classroom. The science teacher’s explanations for changes in students’ perception of their IT fluency illuminate his personal narrative. The science teacher attributed his growth and significant changes in students’ perceptions of their IT fluency to the following mechanisms: (a) a personal commitment to developing his own and his students’ IT abilities in the context of doing environmental research projects, and (b) an increase in class time devoted to science education due to school-time scheduling policy. The study implies that immersive professional development opportunities have the potential to produce significant increases in students’ perceptions of their IT fluency.  相似文献   

任洋 《唐山学院学报》2018,31(4):97-104
当前我国的环境监测执法工作问题重重,环境监测数据不真实的情况屡屡发生,《国务院机构改革方案》的通过为环境监测执法体制改革提供了契机和平台,在此背景下,应当从统一执法权力、整合执法队伍、建立保障机制等方面深化和推动环境监测执法体制改革,实现监测程序规范化、监测过程痕迹化、监测报告全面化。  相似文献   

Traditionally, education in various forms has been used as a tool to change values and behavior in children regarding the environment. This study reports findings from the We Love Reading Program that utilizes the reading of Social Stories in various communities in Jordan to address the environmental problems of Jordan. Results indicated the effectiveness of this informal educational intervention showing a significant increase in children's knowledge about environmental issues and a positive change in behavior related to electricity and water consumption and littering, as reported by parents. The authors provide several recommendations on how Social Stories and appropriate curriculum can be used in schools and community to create awareness in students regarding environmental issues.  相似文献   

Early childhood educators currently provide content focused learning opportunities for children in the areas of well-being and environmental education. However, these are usually seen as discrete content areas and educators are challenged with responding to children’s interests in popular-culture inspired food products given these influence their consumption of energy-dense, nutrient-poor and highly packaged food in the early childhood setting. This paper reports preliminary findings from a pilot randomised trial examining the interconnectedness of sustainability, well-being and popular-culture in early childhood education. Planning, assessment documentation and summaries from twenty-four learning experiences implemented by six educators over a six-week period were analysed using a deductive approach. Twenty well-being and environmental education topics were identified and shown to be generated by the educators when considering the children’s ‘funds of knowledge’ on popular-culture inspired food products. We argue that topics derived from children’s engagement with popular-culture may help educators to create an integrated approach to curriculum provision. This may impact child weight and facilitate obesity prevention and environmental sustainability as children create stronger connections between these content areas and their everyday choices and practices.  相似文献   

Environmental education in schools is an important strategy in achieving environmental improvement. However, it needs to be based on children's understandings of environment rather than on assumptions of what children know and believe. This paper reports on a research project where school children's answers to a question 'I think the term/word environment means ' were analysed using the qualitative research method of phenomenography. Six distinct conceptions were isolated, ranging from the least sophisticated--environment as a place--to the most inclusive and expansive--environment and people in a relationship of mutual sustainability. An important qualitative difference was found between conceptions that treat the environment as an object and relational conceptions. The implications of these findings for environmental education are discussed.  相似文献   

The close link between environmental education and development education advocated by major international reports of the last decade is operant in the UNESCO Asia‐Pacific region. A regional collaborative effort sponsored by the Asia‐Pacific Centre of Educational Innovation for Development (ACEID), UNESCO and Griffith University is creating an action research network to support teacher education in environmental education. The process is informed by Paul Hart's and Ian Robottom's argument that constructivist epistemology is consistent with an ecological world view and, therefore, provides an appropriate grounding for professional development in environmental education. Teacher educators from some 20 countries in the region are sharing in the writing of workshop modules for pre‐ and in‐service teachers; these are then critiqued and adapted in accordance with the needs of other countries. A culture of action research is being created by encouraging those involved to write case studies of their design, critique, adaptation and use of the materials as part of their professional development  相似文献   

The paper explores the important but neglected field of primary schoolchildren's attitudes towards the environment using a specifically designed scale in Arabic and English. It reports attitude differences towards the environment and three domains -- pollution, waste and animals and plants -- according to nationality and gender. Overall the findings show that environmental education programmes produce only slightly positive attitudes. Consideration is given to the further research required to enhance such programmes.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a systematic literature review of policy research in the area of environmental and sustainability education. We analyzed 215 research articles, spanning four decades and representing 71 countries, and which engaged a range of methodologies. Our analysis combines quantification of geographic and methodological trends with qualitative analysis of content-based themes. Significant findings included temporal spikes in published policy research occurring in the mid-1970s, late 1990s, and after 2005, as well as geographic under-representation of Africa, South and Central America, Eastern Europe, and North and West Asia. The majority of articles reviewed were non-empirical; empirical articles overwhelmingly focused on teaching and learning directives, rather than exploring the complexity of policy development or enactment. We conclude our analysis by describing key research gaps as highlighted by the review and propose directions for moving forward policy research in environmental and sustainability education. In particular, we suggest greater research attention to critical policy theory and methodology, issues of intersectionality, and climate change education policy research. By outlining in greater detail the policy research that has been undertaken to date, the review provides a platform for a broadened diversity of policy studies in environmental and sustainability education.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):232-252

Environmental management systems implemented in schools are regarded by many as a mechanism for the integration of environmental matters in all the operational functions of the school. The links, however, between environmental management and curriculum practice have not been adequately addressed in the literature. This article reports on the results of a project aimed at integrating pedagogical aspects in environmental management systems in 60 primary Kanyimba, Richter and Raath The integration of pedagogical aspects schools in four provinces of the Republic of South Africa over a period of two years. A baseline survey and post-baseline surveys assessed the integration of pedagogical aspects in environmental management systems. The data were evaluated with the aid of Cohen's effects sizes. The results show that primary schools in this case study had succeeded in developing environmental management structures as part of the overall school management system. The pedagogical aspects, however, were not successfully synchronised with the environmental management systems. The study identified an unrealised potential to link environmental management systems to curriculum practice and suggests opening a two-way conversation between environmental management systems and actual delivery of instructional content. It is suggested that existing learning connections that are present in neighbourhoods, such as outdoor classrooms, be harnessed to assist in the development of values and attitudes of teachers and learners.  相似文献   

This investigation is the first longitudinal behavioral genetic study of self-concept during adolescence. It is a follow-up of a previous study examining genetic and environmental contributions to children's perceived self-competence and self-worth using a twin/sibling design. The study investigated adolescents' reports 3 years later and stability across two time points. Participants included 248 pairs of same-sex twins, full siblings, and stepsiblings between 10 and 18 years old. The results showed that six of the seven subscales were heritable at the second time point. None of the scales showed significant shared environmental effects. Longitudinal analyses revealed genetic contributions to stability for perceived scholastic competence, athletic competence, physical appearance, and general self-worth. Social competence, on the other hand, showed nonshared environmental mediation across time. These findings highlight the importance of genetically influenced characteristics and unique experiences as correlates of individual differences in self-concept during adolescence.  相似文献   

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