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诚信教育无论在学校教育还是在家庭教育中都有着至关重要的作用,是基础教育的重要组成部分,对人的一生都有着很大的影响。我国作为有着悠久历史的文明古国,从古至今都在倡导诚信行为、推崇诚信精神。所以从小对幼儿进行诚信教育将会对幼儿一生的成长和幼儿的身心发展都有着良好的促进作用。本文作者结合多年的实践经验,针对如何对幼儿进行诚信教育展开讨论,和大家共同学习。  相似文献   

家长教育方式对儿童的社会化过程、学习知识和技能的过程以及如何承担在社会中的性别角色都有着直接的关系。而家长适当的教育方式和不适当的教育方式,对儿童的心理性格、智力发展、人际交往能力等都有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

庄屈浪漫主义有四个方面的共同之处,即:产生于共同的楚文化的背景,对现实都有着清醒的认识,对理想社会、政治热烈的追求,从性格上说,都有着孤傲不羁的气质,表现出来的是纵横捭阖的手法  相似文献   

尤平 《天中学刊》2009,24(4):91-93
哈代和张爱玲都是处在社会转型时期的作家,他们的作品在表现现代意识方面有着惊人的相似性,都有着"原生态"描写、荒原意识与忧患意识,从而体现出作品对传统文化的超越和作家自身对现代文学贡献的价值.  相似文献   

在当前高校音乐教育中,很多都是对意大利古典歌曲以及中国歌曲的演唱以及分析,对中国本土的民族歌剧的涉猎和研究少之甚少,笔者认为探索民族歌剧的发展,对音乐专业学生更深层次的了解与掌握中国民族歌剧以及歌剧当中的经典唱段的深入了解都有着举足轻重的重要作用,以及对弘扬中国传统音乐乃至传统文化都有着非常实用的意义。  相似文献   

从关联理论的视角探讨商务英语语用翻译的等效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关联理论和翻译有着很好的兼容性,两者研究的都是交际过程。从关联的角度出发,探讨商务英语语用等效翻译的建构对翻译研究有着非常重要意义。  相似文献   

有人说,孩子是祖国的花朵。我国在教育层面实行科教兴国的政策,由此可见,幼儿教育管理的重要性。幼儿教育好比播种子,种子能否播种得好,对种子以后的成长发育都有着潜移默化、根深蒂固的作用,对大面积的土壤以及整体效果都有着不可取代的作用。因此,幼儿教育的加强是势在必行的实践。  相似文献   

在信息时代高速发展下,信息技术在教育领域也取得了较为显著的成果,各学校也都逐渐重视对教师信息素养的培养。对于小学教师来说,在各项教学活动中科学运用信息技术,不论是对增强授课效果,还是对进一步激发、增强学生学习兴趣等方面都有着重要意义。因此,教师信息技术实践能力的提升有着重要意义。  相似文献   

有人说,孩子是祖国的花朵。我国在教育层面实行科教兴国的政策,由此可见,幼儿教育管理的重要性。幼儿教育好比播种子,种子能否播种得好,对种子以后的成长发育都有着潜移默化、根深蒂固的作用,对大面积的土壤以及整体效果都有着不可取代的作用。因此,幼儿教育的加强是势在必行的实践。  相似文献   

姚叔凝 《科学教育》2005,11(3):41-43
教学目标培养学生发现问题的能力教学内容确定活动课题教学重点依据学生兴趣确定活动的主题学生分析每个学生都有着自己的爱好、兴趣,每个学生对身边的事、环境都有着自己的看法、见解。教学过程  相似文献   

The primary objective was to investigate the effect of an important motivational variable — interest ∶ on sixth-grade children’s performance on a writing task. Because our previous research showed that prior knowledge has an inordinate effect on writing, we augmented the children’s knowledge of the topics they were to write about. Students studied one of four texts (two high-interest/moderate-knowledge and two low-interest/high-knowledge) and then were assigned to either a tutorial condition, in which they studied and wrote about the same topic, or a control condition, in which they studied one topic and wrote about a companion topic at the same interest and knowledge level. Our general expectation, that children writing with tutorial support on high-interest topics would do better than all other groups because of the motivational effect, was not supported. The results unexpectedly showed that low-interest topics supported by tutorials resulted in longer productions. In addition high interest topics facilitated only better quality ideas, but not qualitatively better writing. These results indicate that the motivational power of generally interesting topics in writing is confounded with the role of prior knowledge. It is further suggested that attentional factors may explain why topic interest has a limited effect on children’s writing performance.  相似文献   

一般说来,同一绘画体系下不同题材的绘画作品在发展与演变的过程中,其艺术理念与技法材料都应当是在同步发展的。可是工笔画发展到宋代这一文学艺术全盛之时,人物、花鸟、山水在表现手法上出现了不同,山水画因其表现对象特殊性导致与人物花鸟不同的技法与风格,但是同为勾线染色的人物画和花鸟画却在造型法则上发展不平衡。花鸟画呈现出精致人微的高度写实的造型法则,而人物画是一种相对概括与提炼的装饰性的写实法则。二者同样生在“皇家”出自“院体”却出现了“同体不同法”的现象。这种不平衡是因为二者有着不同的学习方法传统、各自的绘画理论、封建礼教的影响、题材的功能有所侧重、以及尺幅大小的几个方面原由使然。  相似文献   

Are students able to learn from exam experience about their level of knowledge for tested topics? Prior to taking an exam, undergraduates made predictive category learning judgments (CLJs) by estimating the percentage of questions they expected to answer correctly for six topics. After the exam, they made postdictive CLJs for the same topics. Supporting the postdiction superiority hypothesis, postdictive CLJs were slightly more accurate than predictive CLJs, indicating students could make better formative evaluations after taking an exam. However, postdiction accuracy was low, and in a second study, accuracy did not differ for predictive and postdictive CLJs. We also investigated two processes required to make accurate postdictive CLJs: monitoring performance for individual questions and accurately classifying each question with respect to the topic that it assessed. Although students performed these tasks adequately, their less-than-perfect performance would constrain their ability to accurately judge their topical knowledge from exam experience.  相似文献   

Conclusion Primary teachers will continue to be confronted with topics about which they themselves may not share the understandings of experts in the area. They are surely not alone there. Secondary and tertiary science teachers who have more extensive backgrounds find themselves in the same situation. Increasing the number of areas in which primary teachers share the understandings of scientists would be of value. However the data of this study suggest that it would also be worthwhile to focus attention on the strategies and understandings they may use to increase their familiarity with scientist's understandings of natural phenomena. The Interactive Teaching Approach (Biddulph and Osborne, 1984) offers an appropriate model for such activity.  相似文献   

金莲川藩府文人中的优秀词人,形成一个有着相同的政治目标和生活环境的特殊词人群体。他们的词创作,是藩府文人思想情致的显现,也是时代风会所造成的藩府儒士文人群体心态的一个缩影。其词作题材相近,风格相似,表现出典型的河朔地域词风,纯朴质野、伉爽清疏、豪旷雄健。金莲川藩府词人群体,在金末元初北方词坛影响很大,对元代词的创作和发展有着深远的意义,其成就是不可忽视的。  相似文献   

从《背影》到《离别》,两篇著名散文佳作引起的强烈反响,进而谈论散文家朱自清和林非,已是近年来文坛广为流传的佳音。《背影》和《离别》是在自然的气候中,生活的土壤里,经过作家心灵的栽培,真情地浇灌,从同一杆枝上生出的两杂奇葩。由于两文的作者都追求艺术的真实性,又是此管弦乐中的双重奏。林非在游记中引导人们在美丽的风景中,建设更加美丽的心灵世界。  相似文献   

新见魏裔介佚作九篇,《兼济堂文集》失收,可补其阙。另通过他校法,校勘《兼济堂文集》中的十四篇文章,所得异文可以补充作品的写作时间;并就典籍所载,知其佚文四篇,然尚未得见原文,兹存目于此,以备寻访。  相似文献   

A category learning judgment (CLJ) involves judging one’s learning or performance for a given topic or category. The present study was the first to investigate CLJs in a classroom, where students’ judgments of how well they have learned topics may be particularly relevant for guiding their study decisions. In an undergraduate statistics class, students predicted their performance on six different exam topics, as well as predicting their global exam performance, for each exam during the semester. Regarding the absolute accuracy of CLJs, we observed slight overestimation (bias), substantial deviation from accuracy (absolute bias), and little improvement across exams. Students’ CLJs varied among topics, but they were less variable than actual topic performance and were poor at discriminating well-learned from poorly-learned topics (i.e., low relative accuracy). We examined two factors predictive of CLJ accuracy: topic difficulty and student mastery of the topics. Regarding topic difficulty, a hard-easy effect was observed, such that more difficult topics produced greater overestimation and easier topics produced more underestimation. A hard-easy effect also extended to absolute bias: difficult topics produced larger deviations from accuracy than easy topics did. Regarding student mastery of topics, we found that lower mastery predicted CLJ overestimation and higher mastery predicted CLJ underestimation. Lower mastery was also associated with larger absolute bias. Compared to global judgments, CLJs were less accurate, although students were more confident in their CLJs. In sum, developing methods to improve the accuracy of CLJs in classrooms is an important direction for future research.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that anatomy students who complete oral laboratory presentations believe they understand the material better and retain it longer than they otherwise would if they only took examinations on the material; however, we have found no studies that empirically test such outcomes. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of oral presentations through comparisons with other methods of assessment, most notably, examination performance. Specifically, we tested whether students (n = 256) performed better on examination questions on topics covered by their oral presentations than on other topics. Each student completed two graded, 12‐minute laboratory presentations on two different assigned topics during the course and took three examinations, each of which covered a third of the course material. Examination questions were characterized by type (memorization, pathway, analytical, spatial). A two‐way repeated measures analysis of variance revealed that students performed better on topics covered by their presentations than on topics not covered by their presentations (P < 0.005), regardless of presentation grade (P > 0.05) and question type (P > 0.05). These results demonstrate empirically that oral presentations are an effective learning tool. Anat Sci Educ 2: 260–264, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Internet offers people with intellectual disabilities (ID) unique opportunities to access information and to participate in society. But concerns have been raised about the potential risks they face when accessing the Internet (e.g. giving credit to false information, being exposed to manipulative content). As part of the current debate between positive risk-taking and overprotection, our study empirically tested the extent to which 43 adults with ID identified and selected topically relevant as well as trustworthy web pages while searching the Internet for several topics (e.g. Can social networks use your pictures for advertisement?). Participants also justified their search decisions. Results revealed that while searching familiar topics (i.e. social networks), participants selected more relevant and trustworthy pages than irrelevant and less trustworthy ones. Searches of less familiar topics (i.e. daily health), were carried out randomly, that is, without applying a specific criterion. Results point to the importance of topic familiarity on people’s with ID performance on Internet searching tasks. This pattern of results suggests that, first, we should avoid overprotection when people with ID search for familiar topics and, second, they need more support when searching for information about less familiar topics.  相似文献   

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