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青少年情感类谈话节目是传统情感类谈话节目衍生出来的,旨在关注青少年情感世界的全新节目类型.文章以湖南卫视青少年情感类谈话节目<8090>为例,从机构、文本、受众三方面分析节目的成功之道,以及如何摆脱情感类节目的同质化现象,并指出突破节目瓶颈还需注意的问题.  相似文献   

基于大学生成功学习的美国本科新生体验计划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国新生体验计划不是一个单独的项目、活动或课程,而是新生们在本科第一年中的经验总和。新生这些体验大都来自于大学为他们设计的课程以及课外活动,最终是为了让学生们更好地适应大学学习和生活并获得成功。  相似文献   

文章根据大学生个性特征及岗位需求情况,从目标教育的视角将大学生的职业生涯规划分层为若干,提出"目标定位分层设计大学生职业生涯"的路径,以实现不同类型的职业生涯规划与岗位的有机对接、匹配,对促进大学生就业,提高就业质量有重要作用。  相似文献   


Purposes of this study were to assess young children’s understanding of number conservation and to examine the effect of instruction in accelerating the attainment of this concept. Of the 103 children, only nine could be classified as conservera on the basis of the Pretest. The remaining ninety-four, classified as nonconservers, were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. While the control group received no special instruction, the experimental group was provided with organized experiences designed to foster development of number conservation. After a five-week instructional period, both groups were retested. Results of the Posttest indicated that the experimental group made significant gains at the 1 percent level over the noninstructed group.  相似文献   

实施人才战略是西部大开发成功的关键   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西部大开发,实施人才战略是关键,本通过对西部地区的教育状况,人才资源总量,人才分布结构,人才流失状况的分析,提出了从转变政府思想观念,加大对教育的投入,开发现有人才,引进外来人才,搞好人才预测和规划,建设人才市场,建立新机制,营造好环境等几个方面着手开发西部人才资源,实施人才战略。  相似文献   

News has just come from the recently convened "Credit and Loan Seminar of Chinese Banks" that a new personal credit-and-loan item—the "loan for studies abroad"—is to become a hot point in consumer credits and loans following the institution of housing mortgages, automobile loans, and loans for durable consumer goods. These loans for studies abroad, which will be extended to persons who have fixed incomes (or whose parents and relatives have such incomes), who have a certain amount of financial assets, and who intend to make long-term investments in education, will provide those who go abroad to study for degrees with 100,000 to 500,000 yuan in loans, with payback periods of from five to ten years.  相似文献   

Licensure is a strict form of practice regulation: People must first earn a license before they may legally engage in professional practice. Typically, the last hurdle in the licensure process is the passing of an assessment of skills (responsibilities) and knowledge important for competent beginning professional practice. A content-oriented approach to validation is often applied to licensure assessments, and implementing a job analysis is a critical component in such a validation strategy. The job analysis conducted to define the content domain for the School Leaders Licensure Assessment—a licensure assessment for school principals—is described. Content experts first defined responsibilities and knowledge areas believed to be important for competent, beginning professional practice. The survey responses of 2,460 school principals confirmed these judgments. The methods and results of the job analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Empirical evidence and recent revisions of conventional business doctrine indicate that companies that actively promote social performance and develop their clients' markets and skills as part of business strategy have a better chance of achieving sustainable profitability and growth than those that do not. This article discusses how landmark companies, emerging economies, and in particular a Latin American company sustained success over long periods of time by developing socially‐focused strategies. By applying the Megaplanning methodology to the development of clients and the social environment during a three‐year period, an Argentinean refinery developed its local and regional market, increased its revenues and market share and reduced turnover and costs generated by social conflict, outperforming its previous conventional, Macro‐focused business strategies.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationships between achievement at university and self-reported characteristics of students and their social environment. Subjects were 240 college freshmen. They were interviewed twice. The first interview covered their social and study experiences during the first semester, and the second one dealt with the preparation of the final examinations in the first year. Determinants of academic achievement were selected on the basis of significant correlations (p<.01) with the grades obtained from the final examinations in the freshmen year. The findings revealed that midterm performance was most strongly related with final examination grades. Next in order were academic self-esteem, expectancies and efficiency of study strategies. Other personal factors such as study effort, interest in the study option, ability to understand lectures, prior knowledge and fear of exams were identified as moderate determinants; followed by external determinants such as help from others, information on exams and exam difficulty which were weakly associated with achievement. Unlike previous research, this study attempts to provide an overall framework of the characteristics that determine learning outcome based on the intercorrelations. Multidimensional scaling analyses revealed that characteristics are structured along two main dimensions: causal locus (internal vs. external) and control (controllable vs. uncontrollable). Overall, the findings corroborate the associations reported in previous studies on determinants of academic attainment. Similarities between the present data and attributional studies on causes of student outcome, as well as potential implications and limitations for remedial purposes, are discussed.  相似文献   

针对崔致远的出生年份及其及第年龄这一问题,尤其是对“857年出生、18岁及第说”和“855年出生、20岁及第说”的各种论点和症结进行了再考论。对于“857年出生、18岁及第说”,虽然不少的后世文献记录都为其提供了根据,但它与崔致远自述中所说“在唐生活了18年”这一事实并不相符,这是决定性的一点。反之,“855年出生、20岁及第说”虽与后世文献的一些记录不相符,但基本上能与崔致远的自述相吻合,然而还需要通过对当时的制度或某些词汇的解释进行补充说明。两种说法虽然都存在一些症结或疑问,但从对这些问题的解释上来看,“855年出生说”比“857年出生说”更具有合理性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the current state of research on Success for All, a program built on the idea that every child can and must succeed in the early grades, no matter what it takes. The idea behind Success for All is to use everything we know about effective instruction for students at risk to direct all aspects of school and classroom organization toward the goal of preventing academic deficits from appearing in the first place, recognizing and intensively intervening with any deficits that do appear, and providing students with a rich and full curriculum to enable them to build on a firm foundation in basic skills. The Success for All program is based on a commitment to do whatever it takes to see that every child becomes, a skilled, strategic, and enthusiastic reader as he or she progresses through the elementary grades.  相似文献   

近年来,方言电视栏目剧悄然崛起。在数十个卫星频道争奇斗艳的中国荧屏,缺少大制作、缺少大明星、讲着重庆方言的《雾都夜话》凭借其清晰准确的市场定位、本土化的真实故事、共同关注的情感话题和简洁化的故事情节等成为其中的佼佼者,给方言电视栏目剧的制作带来有益借鉴。  相似文献   

远程教育研究的困境表现为两点:一是远程教育理论缺乏对远程教育的整体性把握,也落后于远程教育实践的发展;二是远程教育研究的学科化仍旧任重道远。出现此种困境的原因在于远程教育研究者没有找到稳定可重复的研究对象。远程教育学的研究对象应是远程教育系统。教育游戏作为一种特殊的远程教育系统,能够克服以往远程教育系统的弊端,给出远程教育发展阶段与技术之对应关系。教育游戏能推动远程教育的深度变革,将它作为研究对象是远程教育研究的可能出路。  相似文献   

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