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Art Information     
China-Russia Cultural Fair to be celebrated in NE China The third China-Russia Cultural Fair will be held from August 18 to 24, according to the Chinese Ministry of Culture. With the theme of "promoting cultural trade, cultural exchange, friendly cooperation and prosperous development", the cultural festival will include such various events as people-to-people exchanges, cultural products fairs, performances,  相似文献   

The year 2009 is a significant year that marks the 60^th anniversary of the People's Republic of China and the 60^th anniversary Of China-Russia diplomatic ties. Shategic partnership that is mature, stable and sound has common strategic pursuits in the complicated and changing context of international relations While celebrating the 60^th anniversary of diplomatic ties, China and Russia vowed to be always good partners, good neighbors and good friends. Both world peace and stability.  相似文献   

The year 2014 marks the 65th anniversary of China-Russia diplomatic relations and the Year of China-Russia Friendship for Youth. It is also the 4th anniversary of Russia Cultural Center (RCC) in Beijing. Thanks to its achievements in promoting China-Russia cultural ex- changes, RCC has gained increasing recognition among Russian expatriates and Chinese people who are interested in Russian culture. Our magazine recently took an interview with Mr. Victor Konnov, R CC's director.  相似文献   

Editor's words: Co-initiated by Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Putin, the Year of Russia and the Year of China were launched in 2006 and 2007 respectively. This is the largest cultural event ever held in each other's country in the history of China-Russia exchange. In September, the staff reporter had an exclusive interview with Mr. Li Dongwen, Director-General of the Bureau for External Cultural Relations, Ministry of Culture of China, who gave a comprehensive review of the Year of China in Russia.[第一段]  相似文献   

Culture serves as a bridge linking people's hearts and deepening mutual understanding and trust between countries. China and Russia are each other's biggestneighbors and enjoy longstanding friendship. Over years, the two countries have made efforts to expand exchange and cooperation in various fields. On October 18, 2013, as part of the agenda for the 17th Session of the Chinese and Russian Premiers' Regular Meeting Committee, vice premiers of the two countries held talks at the Tang Paradise in the historic city of Xi'an, experiencing the time-honored history and culture of theTang Dynasty.  相似文献   

From April 13 to 25, “Her Colorful Space: The 8th International Women Artists Exhibition for Beijing 2008” will take place in the National Art Museum of China. 146 women artists from 17 countries will display their latest creations from different perspectives and in various styles, which express their common aspirations for peace. The exhibition will be co-organized by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries,  相似文献   

Art Information     
Government and Bank Collaborate to Support Cultural Industries
On March 10, the Ministry of Culture of China (MOC) and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) signed a strategic cooperation agreement in supporting cultural industries. Cultural Minister Cai Wu and ICBC Chairman Jiang Jianqing attended the signing ceremony. According to this agreement, MOC and ICBC will abide by the principle of"conducting long-term cooperation, supplementing each other's advantages and promoting common development" in order to encourage the development of cultural industries of China.  相似文献   

The Tomb Sweeping Day is a traditional festival of China which fails on early April. On this day, people will honor their ancestors by visiting their family graves and offering sacrifices. Weeds on graves will be pulled and dirt swept away. The family will set out offerings of food and spirit money to express their condolence to their past ancestors. In ancient times, Chinese people also celebrated the Tomb Sweeping Day with dancing, singing, picnics and kite flying. And the latter is known as the most popular and distinctive way of celebrating this festival.  相似文献   

China and France have for centuries enjoyed friendly relations in the fields of politics, trade and culture. The China-France Culture Year, beginning this October, as the largest Sino-foreign event since the founding of New China, is expected to spark a new round of exchanges between the two cultures.After two years of planning, the China Culture Year is to be inaugurated in France soon this September. With the theme of "Ancient China, Colorful China, Modern China", the event aims to offer a comprehensive view of the  相似文献   

In conjunction with the Year of Russia, a largest-scale exchange event that Russia has ever organized in China, the Chinese edition of "Beijing: My Childhood Hometown" will be released soon in China by Oriental Press. The author N. A. Speshnev is a renowned sinologist, translator and professor with the Department of Oriental Studies in St. Petersburg State University in Russia.  相似文献   

The Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, held in 2006, represents a landmark for the country's cultural exchange and cooperation with the African Continent. In Beijing Action Plan declared at this historic event, cultural interactions have been upgraded as an important dimension equaling to the political and economic cooperation that both sides believe will considerably enrich the new type of China-Africa strategic Dartnership. In the Plan,  相似文献   

My Chinese dream is to see the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, which is the common aspiration of generations of Chinese suffering from the humiliation of imperialism for centuries. What does rejuvenation mean? It means to rejuvenate the glorious times when the Chinese nation made major contribution to the progress of human civilizations. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation begins with cultural rejuvenation, the core of which is the rejuvenation of China's original culture and philosophy, the great spirit of perseverance and tenacity,  相似文献   

Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) recently announced that it planned to translate and pub-lish all works of Shakespeare under the sponsorship of the British Govern- ment in order to attract more Chinese readers. As an exchange, 14 Chinese drama classics will English, providing ish readers to learn be translated into a window for Brit- about Chinese dra-ma traditions. These translation and publication projects are just part of the British Government's ambitious Pack- age Program to speed up China-UK exchange and cooperation in the field of culture.  相似文献   

China's booming market and growing consumers of luxury goods have attracted world luxury brand names to come for a new round of gold rush. Flagship stores and outlets of famous brands such as Louis Vuitton and Giorgio Armani are burgeoning in big cities across the country. In this intense struggle for market shares in the world's fourth largest economy with the biggest potential population of luxury consumers, a local Chinese brand name is growing fast to become an inevitable rival of those Western heavyweights. From Millionaire Fair to Extravaganza, it has been invited as an equal member to stand amidst world top-class brand names such as Rolls Royce, Cartier and Dior. It is NE.TIGER, a shining fashion brand founded in China and by a Chinese designer. "In fact, China has exported numerous luxuries to the rest of the world for hundreds of years, such as silk, porcelain and tea. In the contemporary time, NE.TIGER will continue this glorious tradition and try to be the best example of China's high-end brand names," said Zhang Zhifeng, chairman and chief designer of NE·TIGER.  相似文献   

Cultural exchange and cooperation between China and Sudan goes all the way back to ancient times. In particular, China began to train acrobats for Sudan from the 1970s as part of the country's cultural aid programs for Africa. Since 2005, a number of Sudanese students have been sent to Henan Province to learn Chinese acrobatic stunts in Zhengzhou Acrobatics Troupe, Puyang Acrobatics School and Puyang Acrobatics Center.  相似文献   

Magazine Review     
Big Push to the Reform
35 years have passed since the policy of reform and opening up was launched in China. The magazine released the feature column of "Figures of Reform" in this issue, reviewing the practices and experiences of several key economists in the country's relbrm process. These featured economists include Du Runsheng, dubbed as "father of China's rural reform", Lin Yifu who proposed the development strategy of comparative advantage, Zhang Zhuoyuan who participated in the drafting of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, Mao Yushi, generally considered to be one of the most controversial intellectuals in China, and Cai Fang, widely called "economist speaking for the benefit of the poor". All these economists bear strong responsibility for the nation and the people and work hard to pursue truth.  相似文献   

LAST Autumn stage artists from the Republic of Korea,Aus-tralia and Russia visited Beijing and several other cities inChina to give dazzling performances and to enrich the culturallife of the Chinese people.At the invitation of the China’s CPAA Cultural EntertainmentCompany,the prestigious National Art Ensemble of the Republic ofKorea came to China for the first time.The Korean artists were inBeijing,Tianjin and Shanghai from September 7 to 18 to performsongs and dances,such as Corolla Dance,Long Drum Dance and FanDance.  相似文献   

When mentioning porcelain, people will always associate it with China.The colorful porcelain in various kinds, suffused with pearl-like luster, has witnessed the glory and splendor of the history of the Chinese porcelain production.The integration of clay and fire gives birth to the unique, charming and legendary art treasure - porcelain. When you touch it, its tender texture and crystal-clear luster will make you feel so grateful for God for bringing this magical gift to China  相似文献   

The Culture and Finance Club was officially founded on June 16 in Beijing, an association co-established by China Society for the Promotion of Development-based Finance and China Society for the Promotion of Press and Culture. At the inauguration ceremony, CPPCC Vice Chairman Chen Yuan said that cooperation between culture and finance provides a key engine to drive the fast, sound and sustainable development of cultural industries in China.  相似文献   

The successful launch of China's first unmanned lunar orbiter, Chang'e Ⅰ witnessed the country's leading status in the space industry and fulfilled Chinese people's dream to explore the moon. In order to show respect for Chinese scientists who have made great contribution to the countrv's space exploration and express Chinese people's commitment to the peaceful utilization of space for the benefit of human kind,  相似文献   

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