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"Sam," says his father, "put on your cap and let us go for a walk."Sam is happy. He likes to go out with his father. He puts on his cap and coat and says, "Father, I am ready." Sam and his father go out into the street. Suddenly they see a big black dog. The dog begins to bark. Sam is afraid of the dog. He wants to run home. His father says, "Don't be afraid, Sam. Don't you know the proverb:'A barking dog does not biterb?"Does The Dog Know﹖…  相似文献   

Does the Dog Know the Proverb? “Sam,”says his father,“put onyour cap and let us go for a walk.”Sam is happy.He likes to go outwith his father.He puts on his cap andcoat and says:“Father. I am ready.”Samand his father go out into the street.Suddenly they see a big black dog.Thedog begins to bark.Sam is afraid of thedog.He wants to run home.His fathersays:“Don’t be afraid,Sam.Don’t youknow the proverb:‘A barking dog doesnot bite’?”“Oh,yes,”says Sam,“I know theproverb,you know the proverb,but doesthe dog know the proverb?”  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.同步阅读Passage1H ello,Im M aggie.Im13years old.I have a brother and a sister.M y brother is9and m y sister is only4years old.I like ham burgers andsalad.M y brother likes tom atoes and m y sister likes ice cream.W e have asm all sports collection.W e all like tennis.Today is D ecem ber21st.It ism y m others birthday.There s a big birthday cake on the table.H ow m uchis it?D o you know?Its7dollars.Com e to m y m others birthday partyand have som e cake.1.H ow old is M aggie s brot…  相似文献   

M y mother serves in the arm y. She has a regular w ay of lifeon her w orkdays.She gets up at 6o’clock every w orkday.Then she runs at6:15am . After running, she has her breakfast, she eats eggs,bread and apples.W hat a funny tim e to eat breakfast。She goesto w ork at 7o’clock, and she w orks for five hours, she servesin the arm y,because she likes an exciting job.At noon,she goeshom e and has lunch.W hat a short but happy tim e to have lunch。At 2:30pm ,m y m other still goes to w ork.A…  相似文献   

Good Dog     
Zoey tells her dog to STAY!But Sam jumps up and runs to play.Zoey tells her dog to SPEAK!But silently,he licks her cheek.Zoey shouts,"Sam,ROLL OVER!"And he sits down upon the flower.  相似文献   

My Good Friend     
Hello,everybody!Do you have a good friend?I have a good friend.She is a nice girl.Her name is Li Xue.She is thirteen.We are in the same class.She likes learning math and English.She also likes singing and dancing.On weekends she likes to listen to light music and draw.She likes sports after school.She always plays table tennis with me.She likes vegetables and fruit,so she is healthy.  相似文献   

Warm up or lead in设计一:利用语音规律教学师出示例图(如下):出租车上有两个人Sam,Tax,T:This is Sam.Sam,taxi.Sam likes taxi.This is Tax.Tax,Taxi.Tax likes taxi.Where is Sam?Sam is in the taxi.Where is Tax?Tax is in the taxi,too.以此方法学习bus。  相似文献   

Sam and Tom were 1)identical twins.They were so identical that even their mother found it difficult to distinguish one from the other.But except for their looks,everything else about them was different. Tom had no friends,while Sam was a great friendship maker.Sam loved sweets,but Tom loved 2)spicy food and hated sweets.Sam was 3)generous and selfless,Tom was 4)greedv and selfish!  相似文献   

School was over and I was both m entally and physically tired. I sat at the very front of the bus because of m y 1 to get hom e. Sitting at the front m ade m e 2 out like a shiny coin in a pile of dull pennies. Jane,the driver tried to break the 3 atm osphere by striking the m atch of 4 . I tried to m ind m y m anners and 5 listened, but usually I was too busy thinking of m y day.O n this day, 6 ,her conver- sation was w orth listening to. “M y father’s sick,” she said to no one in 7 .I c…  相似文献   

Bobby Bear likes to playwith his big ball.熊博比爱玩球。Bobby likes to bat his ball.熊博比爱击球。Bobby likes to bounce his ball.熊博比爱拍球。It's fun to play with the ball!玩球多快乐!Bobby likes to balance his ball.熊博比爱转球。熊博比$天津小小世界双语幼儿园  相似文献   

The whole village soon learned a lot of money hadbeen stolen.Sam had lost his wallet(钱包)while takinghis money to the post office.Sam was sure that the walletmust have been found by one of the villagers,but it wasnot returned to him.Three months passed,and then onemorning,Sam found his wallet outside his front door,in itwas half the Money he had lost,together with a note,which said,"A thief,yes,but only 50% a thief!"Twomonths later,some more money was sent to Sam with an-other note,"Only 25% a thief now."In no time all Sam'smoney was paid back in this way.The last note said,"I'm100% honest(诚实的)now!"  相似文献   

We had WSSa a Pienie last term and it lot of fun,so BD One苏苏州) the other this month. let’5 have (2(X)7江飞汤501】le other ()2. another一0玩A.C 50 many people in the amuse- meni park!一刊obedy likes to stay at home—C .eould D.have to ()7 .1’m really  相似文献   

1.This is song I’ve told you about.Isn’t it beautiful one?A.the;the B.a;aC.the;a D.a;the2.There is book on the desk.It is interesting book.A.a;a B.a;theC.a;an D.the;the3.Jim likes to play football and w as on school team.A./;theB./;/C.the;the D.a;a4.This m orning I had egg and a bottleof m ilk for m y breakfast.A.anB.a C.the D./5.—W hat’s the m atter with you?—I caught bad cold and had to stay in bed.A.a;/B.a;the C.a;a D.the;the6.sun is bigger than earth.A.A;the B.A;anC.The;a…  相似文献   

Passage1H ello.I’m M aggie.I’m13years old.Ihave a brother and a sister.M y brother is9and m y sister is only4years old.I like ham-burgers and salad.M y brother likes tom atoesand m y sisterlikesice cream.W e have a sm allsports collection.W e alllike te…  相似文献   

In an old woman' s gar-den, there are many red roses. They are very beau-tiful. But nobody dares pluck (采,摘)them. One day, a boy passes by the garden. He likes the roses and plucks one. When he is going to give it to a lovely girl, the rose changes to blue!  相似文献   

第1句Form any people,m ovies are theirfavorite form ofentertainm ent.Everyone likes to goto the m oviesw hen they have freetim e.对很多人来说,电影是他们最喜欢的娱乐方式。每个人闲暇之余都喜欢去看电影。【换句话说】G oing to the m oviesisprobably the m ostpopularleisure tim e activity.第2句Form e,Ilike to go to the m oviesw ith a bunch offriends.对我来说,我喜欢跟一群朋友去看电影。【换句话说】W hatIenjoy m ostisgoing to see a m ovie w ith a group offriends.第3句M y friends like to see H ollyw oo…  相似文献   

根据句意和首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。1.—W hy are the students singing?—Because they wantto r m oney forcharity.2.—W hatis the m ostinteresting hobby am ong you?—C stam ps.3.—Thanks fors m e the pictures.—M y pleasure.4.—Are you i in listening to m usic?—Yes,Ilove itvery m uch.5.—W hats yourh,Sam?—Ilike flying kites.6.The weatheris too hot.Ican ts it.7.The old jeans look terrible.Puton anotherp.8.Ifyou finish these t in tim e,we can go to see a film tonight.9.—Com e and h…  相似文献   

A Little Girl     
Last Sunday Iwentto the big park nearm y home.Spring was com -ing.The grass started to come outand the trees turned green.There werem any flowers in the park.Som e people were watching the beautifulflow-ers and m any children were flying kites in the warm sunshine.H ow happythey were!“W hat beautiful flowers!” a good-looking wom an said. Then shewanted to pick a red flower.“Excuse m e,M adam .You m ustn't pick flowers!”A little girl tookherarm .She was only 5years old.Atfirst,the wom …  相似文献   

Leo and Sam exited and locked the car in a hurry,forgetting to remove the key which was in theignition.Realizing the mistake,Leo asked,“Why don't we get a coat hanger to open it.”“No,that won't work,”answered Sam.“People will think we're trying to break in.”So Leosuggested,“What if we use a pocket knife to cut around the rubber,then stick a finger in and pull up  相似文献   

I’d like to go to a rainforest—the place I’ve alw ays dream t of going to. D uring m y long holiday in M ay, it m ay take a w eek to be on m y adventure. A nd I think it’ll be a really fantastic journey as there m ust be a va- riety of creatures along m y w ay. W henever I get tired and bored,they’ll cheer m e up.D if- ferent creatures m ake m e excited. A nd the m ore dangerous m y journey is, the m ore curi- ous I w ill be. I m ay get to m y destination by air, but in order to enjoy m y journey to the ful...  相似文献   

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