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Studies about mass media framing have found divergent levels of influence on public opinion; moreover, the evidence suggests that issue attributes can contribute to this difference. In the case of climate change, studies have focused exclusively on developed countries, suggesting that media influence perceptions about the issue. This study presents one of the first studies of media coverage in a developing country. It examines newspapers' reporting in Peru during the Fifth Latin America, Caribbean and European Union Summit in May 2008. The study focuses on the frames and the sources to provide an initial exploratory assessment of the coverage. The results show that the media relied mostly on government sources, giving limited access to dissenting voices such as environmentalists. Additionally, a prominence of "solutions" and "effects" frames was found, while "policy" and "science" frames were limited. The results could serve as a reference point for more comprehensive studies.  相似文献   

李斐  刘苗苗  王水献 《资源科学》2016,38(6):1160-1168
积雪融水是干旱区水资源的重要来源之一,深入地了解积雪面积变化的规律和趋势,有助于准确预测、合理规划干旱区水资源。本研究以新疆开都河流域上游为研究区,利用MOD10A2积雪数据对研究区积雪进行了分带提取,通过线性回归分析和Mann-Kendall秩次相关法对2001-2013年不同季节不同分带积雪日数、积雪面积变化进行了趋势分析和显著性检验。结合降水、气温等气象因素,分析了积雪面积对气象因素变化的响应程度。结果表明:①研究区整体积雪日数平均变化趋势并不明显,B带(海拔2000~2900m)以增加趋势为主,A带(海拔1098~2000m)、C带(海拔2900~3800m)及D带(海拔3800~4794m)以减少趋势为主;②D带积雪面积变化呈双峰曲线,其他各分带及整个区域积雪面积变化以单峰为主,最大值出现在冬季,最小值则出现在夏季;③B带秋季积雪面积显著增加(P<0.01),其他分带积雪面积有减小趋势但并不显著,积雪分布有向B带集中的趋势;④研究区气温、降水分别在春、冬季节与积雪面积相关性显著(P<0.01),对应的变化速率亦明显高于其他季节,这可能导致未来春季径流及春季洪水频率增加。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(2):104697
Climate change represents a significant problem to the planet which raises concerns from stakeholder groups about corporate commitment to climate change issues. In this paper, we explore the effect of eco-innovation and climate governance on corporate commitment to climate change. We develop a unique measure for climate change commitment by considering four components, viz. whether a company supports the Sustainable Development Goal 13 on climate action, whether a company is aware that climate change can represent commercial risks or opportunities, whether a company reports Scope 3 CO2 emissions and whether a company sets a target for emission reduction. We measure eco-innovation by using a score collected from the Eikon database that reflects a company's capacity to reduce environmental costs, eco-innovation intensity measured as environmental expenditures over revenues. We also create an index computed as a composite score by totalling five eco-innovation proxies collected from the Eikon database that reflect companies' efforts to reduce environmental impact. Concerning climate governance, we focus on three proxies, namely the existence of an environmental committee, climate incentives and the existence of sustainability reports. Based on a sample of companies listed on the London Stock Exchange for the period of 2014–2020, we find that corporate eco-innovation is positively associated with climate change commitment. We argue that firms that adopt innovative approaches to efficiently control pollution and resource use and reduce their environmental impact are more committed to climate change. We also find that climate governance is positively associated with climate change commitment. We claim that companies that integrate climate change issues in governance can help address climate change risks and opportunities. Our empirical evidence provides recommendations for managers and policymakers to promote the adoption of eco-innovative technologies and integrate climate change issues in governance, which can contribute to corporate commitment to climate change.  相似文献   

<正>Rapid major shits in vegetation types are most oten atributed to abrupt climate changes.However,recent studies have revealed non-linear vegetation responses to current global warming on the Tibetan Plateau[1].his also seems to be the case for the Holocene vegetation on the Tibetan Plateau.his high-elevation region is under the control of the Asian monsoon,causing relatively moist summers and dry winters.Monsoon inluence rapidly decreases from the southeastern to the northwestern parts of the  相似文献   

This paper analyses how the funding for research grants was allocated from a specific research fund which aimed to support innovative research projects with the potential to have research impact by reducing carbon emissions. The fund received a total of 106 proposals, of which 27 were successful at obtaining financial support. Our aims were to test which factors influenced the funding decision and to discover whether or not and to what extent the fund met its intended objectives through the allocation of monies. The allocation process and its outcomes were analysed using correlation, logistical and linear regression to test our research hypotheses. Using this research funding process as a single study, we found that trying to clear the impact-innovation double hurdle in a single funding initiative ultimately compromises both goals. This paper therefore contributes to our understanding of innovation management within the context of carbon emission reduction and explains which factors influenced success in securing research monies through the funding process.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(9):104850
This paper revisits the patents debate and considers the role of intellectual property rights and their impact on society in the context of inventions designed to protect global common pool resources (CPRs) such as public health and the environment. A review of the theoretical and empirical literature suggests that there has never been a clear consensus among researchers on the benefits of the patent system and intellectual property rights. As Robinson notes, “The patent system introduces some of the greatest of the complexities in the capitalist rules of the game and leads to many anomalies.” We explore these anomalies by specifying a taxonomy of patents for different classes of inventions, including inventions to protect CPRs. This includes vaccines and inventions that reduce externalities, such as, CFC gases and greenhouse gas emissions. In these instances, the effectiveness of innovations depends critically on rapid global diffusion. Our theoretical analysis utilises Ostrom's CPR dilemma to analyse the complexities surrounding innovation and CPRs.We find that the effectiveness of innovations to protect CPRs depends on industrial characteristics and the wider regulatory environment. Empirical evidence is brought to bear on these conclusions via 2 case studies that each embodies a natural experiment; one on vaccines pre- and post-TRIPS and one on environmental technologies to reduce CFC gases and CO2 emissions with and without an agreed UN Protocol. The insights gained are explored in our policy section. Our analysis suggests the need for a more nuanced approach to patent policy that is embedded in the wider context of innovation systems and takes account of the anomalies raised by CPRs. For CPR protecting innovations subject to positive network externalities, we advocate that policy should prioritise diffusion over private incentives for R&D and use alternative policies to patents to stimulate investment in R&D.  相似文献   

Research into hyperlink interaction patterns has been particularly interested in whether they integrate the online space or segregate it into “echo chambers.” Concentrating on contentious politics in national settings, the existing studies have mainly examined the relationships between domestic actors, mostly bloggers. This study seeks to expand the focus by including several actor types, allowing their connective actions to reach beyond national borders, and employing a comparative approach that contrasts high- with low-contentious contexts. Analyzing climate change hyperlink networks originating in the US and Switzerland, the results show that their transnational dimension plays a crucial role in polarizing the discourse, regardless of the specific political context. We find similar patterns that segregate climate advocates from skeptics and lead to distinct transnational relationships within the camps. The results demonstrate that countermovement actors in particular are able to forge strong transnational alliances.  相似文献   

【目的】因研究区、研究数据、研究时段选择不同,浑善达克沙地的植被演变认识存在学术分歧。沙地腹地和边缘交错区的植被如何响应气候变化和人类活动,有待厘清。【方法】本文设置戈壁风蚀荒漠区为背景区,将沙地及周边区域分为沙地核心区和4种过渡类型区,基于长时序GIMMS NDVI3g v1.0(1982—2015年)数据集,结合气候、灯光、人口和畜牧业数据,分析了核心区及生态交错区植被物候、NDVI与气候变化和人类活动的相关性。【结果】研究发现:(1)沙地植被物候存在地带性差异:植被返青期(SOS)由东向西推迟,枯黄期(EOS)由西向东推迟,生长期(LOS)介于158~196 a之间,区内地带性差异达到38 d。(2)沙地植被增长率具有空间差异性:浑善达克沙地NDVI整体以0.00021/10 a的速率增加但不显著,各区NDVI增长速率有差异,最低增速与最高增速相差17倍。浑善达克沙地有向西、向南扩张,向东、向北收缩趋势。(3)沙地气候呈暖干化趋势:34年来气温以0.3℃/10 a的速率波动上升,降水以-14.0 mm/10 a的速率波动下降,各区植被对气温的敏感性高于降水。(4)沙地植被变异系数...  相似文献   

中国科学院2005年度工作会议3月20—22日在京召开。这次会议的主题是:以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,贯彻落实科学发展观,深入学习贯彻十六大、十六届三中、四中全会精神,学习中央领导同志关于科技发展的重要讲话精神,进一步明确中国科学院在新时期新阶段的历史责任和战略定位,回顾总结试点工作进展,深入研究试点三期方案,部署2005年重点工作,全面加强我院党的先进性建设,将试点工作推向“创新跨越、持续发展”新阶段。全国人大常委会副委员长、中科院院长路甬祥出席会议并做了题为《以加强科技创新能力建设为主线,把我院试点工…  相似文献   

This paper contributes to extant understandings of media representations of climate change by examining the role of the English regional newspaper press in the transformation and dissemination of climate change discourse. Unlike previous accounts, this paper contends that such newspapers shape public understandings of climate change in ways that have yet to be adequately charted. With this in mind, this paper examines the ways in which global climate change is translated into a locally relevant phenomenon. That is, it focuses on its "domestication." Although we acknowledge that there are a number of ways in which this process occurs, specific attention is drawn to stories that highlight the destruction of local landscape features, the transformation of important habitats, and the arrival of "alien" species. The broader significance of such stories is considered in relation to long-standing debates concerning the importance of landscape to notions of national and regional identity.  相似文献   

傅荣  裘丽 《科技管理研究》2007,27(8):256-258
本文建立了一个基于层次的企业间网络演化分析框架,将企业间网络演化过程分解为知识网络、信任网络、资源网络和电子商务协同网络四个层次,着重分析了知识、信任和资源在企业间网络演化中的作用和地位,提出作为复杂过程的企业间网络演化是各个层次网络演化的叠加。  相似文献   

Research on the use of trademarks by innovating companies is growing. Yet, large research gaps exist in our understanding of the use of trademarks beyond manufacturing and beyond specific service sectors. This study focuses on the creative and cultural industries (CCIs) and argues that these industries represent a salient case to advance research on trademarks. After reviewing the main characteristics of CCIs, a conceptual framework is developed to classify motives to trademark and motives not to trademark for firms in these industries. The paper offers original empirical evidence on the relevance of these motives from survey results on a sample of 486 European firms in five selected CCIs.Results from principal component analysis are used to propose a taxonomy of firms with specific attitudes and strategies towards trademarking. All results are discussed in terms of their implications for using trademarks as the basis for novel economic indicators of product variety and innovation.  相似文献   

把握基本内涵和主要特点科学推进高校科技创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校科技创新在其办学和国家经济社会发展中具有重要的地位和作用.探讨了高校科技创新的基本内涵,分析了高校科技创新的主要特点,并结合高校的基本职能和特点,提出了科学推进高校科技创新应坚持的几个原则.  相似文献   

一 现状和战略需求 我国是海洋大国,不仅有广阔的海域和绵长的海岸线,而且我国海域自然条件优越、资源丰富,是世界上海水化学、海洋生物、海底矿产、海洋能源等自然资源最丰富的国家之一。全国海洋经济的新增产值已占国内生产总值的3.44%左右,到2020年预计可达8%左右。  相似文献   

林艳 《科教文汇》2012,(23):39-40
自然与设计关系密切,本文通过探讨自然与设计、文化之间既简单又复杂的关系,呈现设计不仅要仿制自然,而且要进入自然,它如同人类社会一样需要将自己的生命力延续下去。求证设计本身仅仅是一个被功能化了的概念,艺术家的某些职责也因此被界定在为"自然"存亡而服务的范围之内。  相似文献   

苏中锋  李垣 《科学学研究》2008,26(4):827-831
 战略柔性对企业建立竞争优势有重要的作用,那么战略柔性是如何帮助企业建立竞争优势的呢?本文指出:由于战略变化和技术创新对企业应对环境变化的重要作用,战略柔性可以影响企业的战略变化和技术创新,进而建立竞争优势。本文分析了战略柔性对战略变化和技术创新的影响作用,揭示了战略柔性是如何帮助企业建立竞争优势的。  相似文献   

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