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This article explains how ‘electronic talking books’ might be used to help children who have mild reading difficulties improve their oral reading fluency. Observations made during a study of three middle primary students with mild reading difficulties are analysed in order to address some associated practical issues.

It has been suggested that CD‐ROM ‘electronic talking books’ may be used to help children improve their oral reading fluency (Ford, Poe & Cox, 1995; Glasgow, 1996–7; Lewis, 2000). However, there has been little discussion about the issues teachers may need to consider in planning, implementing and evaluating interventions using them. The purpose of this article is to describe some facilitating factors and problems that emerged during a study into the use of electronic talking books to improve reading fluency, and to present some possible solutions to the problems. Although the participants of this study were nine‐year‐old boys who experienced mild reading difficulties, many of the issues that arose should be applicable to teaching students with a wider range of reading ability/disability.  相似文献   

This paper examines young children's working styles when they are engaged with a peer on a computer‐based reading task. Two types of pairing were investigated: (i) ‘Equal’ pairs, where the children were of equal reading attainment and (ii) ‘Unequal pairs’, where there was a disparity between the children's reading attainment. The results suggest that the children's reading attainment and/or their gender may be more significant factors in determining the nature of children's collaborative activity than pair type. The implications of these results for practitioners who wish to use talking books as a classroom resource are discussed.  相似文献   

The reading development of children depends on various sensory stimuli, which help them construct reading contexts and facilitate active learning and exploration. This study uses sensory stimuli provided by picture books using various forms of media to improve children's concentration performance. We employ picture books using four forms of media: conventional picture books, pop-up books, talking books, and e-books. Children in young (Grade 3) and senior elementary school students (Grade 6) are recruited as participants. The NeuroSky MindBand (electroencephalogram) is used as a tool to measure children's concentration. The results indicate that children in Grade 3 express higher concentration and interest than children in Grade 6 in picture books, and the effect of gender is greater than that of grade on the level of concentration invested in the picture book media form and exhibits a significant interaction and effects on children's concentration performance. As a result, we suggest that talking books or e-books, which provide multisensory stimuli, should be selected for elementary school boys. In addition, talking books should be selected for girls in young elementary school students, while conventional books should be used for girls in senior elementary school students to avoid distraction caused by excessive media stimuli.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a small‐scale study that considered whether a phonic‐based ‘talking book’ could outperform one‐to‐one reading tuition with an adult with respect to improving beginning readers' phonological awareness over a short period. It also examined whether the children's reading strategies were affected by their use of the software. Two groups of children, one aged five years and one aged six years, used three phonic‐based talking books over six 15‐minute sessions and were assessed on their phonological awareness and reading strategies both before and after this intervention. Their performance was compared to that of matched comparison groups who were given one‐to‐one adult tutoring with the paper versions of the same books. There were no significant differences between the two groups in their phonological awareness attainment, with both groups showing equivalent gains from pre‐ to post‐test. Use of specific features of the software was associated with gains in rhyme detection ability and with changes in the children's reading strategies.  相似文献   

要求孩子“喜欢听故事、看图书”,就需要有相应的阅读策略教给孩子.本文以新批评的细读策略为基础,从文学作品形式的感受、叙述关系的理解、音韵格律的体验及儿歌意义的阅读四个方面阐述了儿歌阅读的策略.  相似文献   

To examine whether parent-child reading of online storybooks might elicit the same sorts of interaction that have been observed for joint reading of traditional books, an exploratory study was conducted with seven parent-child dyads. Each dyad was observed while reading two online storybooks that presented branching stories that incorporated "choice points" at which readers chose the path that the story would follow. Results indicated that parents and children engaged in many of the same behaviors found in past literature involving traditional storybooks, and that utterances involved similar levels of abstraction. When choice points were reached in the stories, it was typically the preschool children who selected the path that the story would take, either by themselves or with their parents. In this way, children not only saw and heard the stories, but also helped to determine the course of events, with implications for emergent literacy.  相似文献   

To examine whether parent-child reading of online storybooks might elicit the same sorts of interaction that have been observed for joint reading of traditional books, an exploratory study was conducted with seven parent-child dyads. Each dyad was observed while reading two online storybooks that presented branching stories that incorporated “choice points” at which readers chose the path that the story would follow. Results indicated that parents and children engaged in many of the same behaviors found in past literature involving traditional storybooks, and that utterances involved similar levels of abstraction. When choice points were reached in the stories, it was typically the preschool children who selected the path that the story would take, either by themselves or with their parents. In this way, children not only saw and heard the stories, but also helped to determine the course of events, with implications for emergent literacy.  相似文献   


This article covers the contribution reading and stories (children’s literature) have made to reading, its study, its material world, and the implications for teaching and learning to read -particularly with picturebooks – at the heart of that practice. It first explores the category of children’s literature as a possible ‘lie’, but also its special contributions: animal story or fable as a ‘creativity and criticality genre’ par excellence, attracting artists and writers of extraordinary talent, frequently breaking boundaries, and unashamedly taking partisan positions on matters of identity formation and socio-political justice. Distinctive experiments in crosswriting and originality are cited, and the material poetics, or ‘thingness’ of books, from the constructivist tradition onwards, as one of children’s literature’s leading innovations. The article then engages with the role children’s literature has played in the ‘reading wars’, including teaching strategies and governmental policies for learning to read; the controversies and competitive tensions inherent in the metrics and mechanisms of reading ‘for the test’ or for pleasure. After decades of reader-response theory emphasising the active roles of the reader and the text, the piece concludes with a plea to re-describe reading for new, screen-based, visual literacies offering linear, radial, spatial forms of reading, or reader-as-player.  相似文献   

Children's literature helps young people make sense of gender. However, while books offer children the imaginative ability to create their own worlds, normative gender can manifest in characters and stories. The study described in this article draws upon ‘disruptive’ storytimes with 114 preschool children, interviews with 20 parents and staff, and observations at 20 preschools. Employing a feminist, queer approach, I develop two derivative books that switch a boy-hero for a girl and vice versa. These books are read to children in educational settings. This method interrogates gendered characters and stories’ attachments to such concepts as love, acceptance, bodily agency, and adventure. Results show how children interact with these characters and stories and how they use categorisation and narrative construction to make sense of gender. I focus on the gender discourses at play and moments of childhood discursive agency. Themes include literature, doing and being, positioning, bodies, and feminist tales.  相似文献   

A fiercely contested debate in teaching reading concerns the respective roles and merits of reading schemes and real books. Underpinning the controversy are different philosophies and beliefs about how children learn to read. However, to some extent debates have largely been rhetoric‐driven, rather than research‐driven. This article provides a theoretical perspective derived from instructional psychology and explores the assumptions that have been made about the use of real books and reading schemes, which have tended to polarise arguments about their respective strengths and limitations. It analyses the structures of adult literature, children’s real books, and reading schemes, and examines the demands that they make on children’s sight vocabulary and phonic skills. The critical high‐frequency words and grapheme–phoneme correspondences (GPCs) are identified that will enable children to read the majority of phonically regular and irregular words that they encounter which, perhaps surprisingly, occur more often in real books than structured reading schemes. Learning additional sight words or GPCs is of limited value due to their relatively low occurrence in written English and, thus, potentially minimal impact on children’s reading. Finally, the implications of this research for teaching reading are considered, particularly the complementary roles of real books and teaching methods derived from instructional psychology. In the past they have been viewed as diametrically opposed and mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

This article examines anti-racist strategies employed in Finnish children’s literature. The examples from four stories illustrate that certain physical characteristics and cultural markers can become strong signifiers of nationality, that is Finnishness. The characters in these stories have to cope with experiences of exclusion and loneliness before the people around them learn that difference and diversity do not change the fact that all humans are worth the same. However, the paper argues that the intended positive outcome of books with a strong anti-racist agenda threatens to be lost as heavily accentuated moral lessons often become counterproductive. The paper demonstrates some of the changes that have taken place in Finnish children’s literature during the past two decades and addresses significant cultural and societal issues that affect children’s everyday lives.  相似文献   

CD-ROMs are becoming more widely used now and one particular genre seems to have a good deal to offer as a medium for the development of reading. These so-called ‘interactive books’ have not yet been investigated in terms of their usefulness in teaching reading and Clare Burrell and John Trushell make a useful beginning to this. They are particularly concerned with whether the eye catching graphics of these books helps or hinders children’s reading of them and their report raises many interesting issues.  相似文献   

小学低段儿童的阅读起步在阅读课程中占据重要的地位。面向小学低段儿童的阅读、讲述、写作一体化的读写绘课程的实施证明,图画书为最佳的阅读媒材。叙述与补白、把握与调控、互动与开放、在言传中意会以及反复讲述,是让故事成为故事的重要教学策略;利用故事情境、仿用故事结构、借用人物原型、链接自我生活,是给写绘的创意以支点的有效策略。  相似文献   

尽管从本调查结果中只能看到小学生课外阅读的某些不足,如喜欢读科普知识、儿童小说、儿童诗、古典诗歌等的比例还低于甚或远远低于喜欢读明星趣事、魔幻小说、作文辅导、鬼故事和武侠小说等的比例,但是,如果联系一下当前小学生何以会有这样的阅读"需求"以及社会"供给"状况来看,则可以说今日之小学生的课外阅读还是存在着不小的问题.倘若想让孩子们真正地热爱上读书并多读值得一读的书,那么,我们的社会就必须在很多很多的事上先做好.  相似文献   

语言学习依赖于大量的阅读,儿童只有"培养广泛的阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,多读书,读好书,好读书,读整本的书",他们的语言能力才会得到长足的发展。目前我们儿童英语学习低效的原因也和缺少阅读、缺少语言环境有关。近年来,笔者在教学中倡导开展英文绘本阅读,扩大儿童的英语阅读量,让儿童尽可能多地接触原汁原味的英语,这无疑是提升儿童英语水平的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

绘本以鲜艳的色彩,鲜明的主题吸引了低年级学生的阅读兴趣。在低年级开展多种形式的绘本阅读,可以极大调动学生的阅读积极性,提高学生的阅读能力。  相似文献   

加强对少年儿童进行传统文化教育,已成为全社会和教育工作者的共识.古诗文是传统文化的重要组成部分,优秀的读本对于少年儿童的阅读有非常重要的作用.优秀读本的编写,一要突出情景,符合少年儿童的阅读心理,引起阅读兴趣;二要注意思维训练,培养少年儿童的知识迁移能力,提高阅读的实效性.以“情景故事”为特色的《国学经典趣味读本》在这方面做了初步的探索.  相似文献   

Two education projects, one in Southern India and the other in the rural Punjab, Pakistan, have as their focus the shift of the curriculum from a rote learning of text books to an active, experiential and child centred approach to learning. Achieving literacy is a key element in the success of these projects. In these two areas the drop out rate from education can be particularly high from the first year in school, where learning to read is seen as learning complex letter shapes in a de-contextualised way which does not build on early language experience. Class 1 children are not exposed to texts in any form until they have mastered letter formations. Further reading is often rote learning of the text books and book materials can be almost non existent in public schools. The question has to be raised of how easy it is, in reality, to implement active approaches to learning to become literate in conditions where lack of training and inadequate materials make the task difficult for teachers. Are there aspects of recent research and understanding of language acquisition and children learning to read that might be generalisable even in very different pedagogical and cultural conditions? Experience suggests that there are language resources available to teachers at little or no cost and that once they have experienced using these materials they can become enthusiastic and inventive teachers of literacy. The ubiquitous ‘action song’ is a popular element in early education, enjoyed by both teachers and children. Encouraging teachers to produce a written version of the action song to be learned can give access to a text right from the earliest time in school. Common rhyme and letter patterns in the songs can be identified and high lighted and children have shown that they can quickly identify these written elements in the text. Versions of stories derived from pictures and told to the teacher for writing down have resulted in simple Big Books being used for shared reading with children in Class 1. Teachers have been surprised at how detailed and accurate these children's drawings can be. Both these simple, low cost literacy approaches can be undertaken by teachers of large classes without them needing to change very much in the way that they manage the class. Even so the focus of learning shifts from the teacher to the learner and the methodology is based on sound, relevant and up to date research in language acquisition. Examples that are given show that active learning approaches can be successful if teachers are given training and support that takes account of their previous understanding and classroom conditions.  相似文献   

An increasingly prevalent and accessible form of hybrid nonfiction picture books blends factual information with poetry or poetic devices to create literary nonfiction. This important form of hybrid text has been sparsely examined. This article addresses three questions about poetic nonfiction picture books: first, how might we categorize picture books that represent this hybrid text?; second, by what criteria might we evaluate the quality of these books?; third, based in Rosenblatt’s concept of reader’s stance, how might we read these books? The author develops a typology of six categories along a continuum from poetry to narrative or expository prose. He examines well-established criteria in the fields of picture books, children’s nonfiction, and poetry that can apply to poetic nonfiction picture books. He argues that in the best of these books, the poetry or poetic devices are synergistic with the content and raise the overall reading experience. The author also argues that, depending where along the continuum each of these books is located, a reader’s stance moves along the continuum of efferent to aesthetic experience. All these books demand a dynamic and recursive reading process. He suggests ways to work with teachers to teach deep readings of these books.  相似文献   

This paper offers a new characterisation of young children’s (2–8 years) reading for pleasure (RfP) with digital books. This characterisation is rooted in a re-contextualisation of Anna Craft’s conceptualisation of twenty-first century childhoods in Creativity and education futures (Stoke on Trent, Trentham, 2011) and a review of the literature concerning young children’s RfP with digital books. The paper develops Craft’s (2011) work by considering the ways in which digital books can resource the ‘4Ps of digital childhood’ in reading for pleasure. Six facets of reader engagement, nested within Craft’s (2011) 4Ps, are presented: affective, creative, interactive, shared, sustained and personalised reading engagements. It is argued that this characterisation of young children’s reading engagements can enrich our understanding of the affordances of digital books in relation to RfP in the twenty-first century. The paper thus offers an important new contribution, going beyond established work in the field, which typically explores digital books in relation to children’s learning, product design or developmental outcomes.  相似文献   

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