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This is the first public output of the joint Arts Council/University of Portsmouth research project into photography teaching in GNVQ Art and Design and Media Communications and Production. It reports principally from various contacts and interviews in the first six months of the project and from the results of a questionnaire survey of art and design lecturers involved in GNVQ. The paper suggests that the increasing significance of photography in artistic cultural and social practices is not adequately reflected in formal education. It describes a variety of aims and practices in those institutions involved in GNYQ, although we have found little collaboration between art and design and media courses. In some art and design courses, photography functions mainly as an aid to research and preparatory work, elsewhere we found lecturers willing to describe it as ‘an art form in its own right’ or as a ‘fundamental part’ of the art and design curriculum. We report on the resource implications of offering substantial photography courses. some preliminary findings about the kinds of students studying art and design GNVQ, and the perceived value of official publications. The question of choosing ‘A’ level or GNVQ is raised, as is the issue of progression. We have found expectations that GNVQs will become a regular route into HE although their currency is not yet clear. Although we report difficulties with GNVQs in art and design, and more specifically with photography, we also record comments which indicate some reasons for optimism.  相似文献   

This paper examines the phenomenon of Post-modernism and its growing relationship to art and design education and its limitations in that context. It examines how and why an authentic architectural style developed into a late twentieth century philosophy, was exploited by visual artists, and was then applied to art and design education. The paper looks at a range of issues and concepts coterminous with the growth of post-modern thought, particularly the idea of post-historicism. In that sense it posits Post-modernism as one narrative amongst a number. The language of Post-modernism is also explored, as is the idea of a ‘post-medium age’. It is then suggested, using the argument of Post-modernism itself, that art and design education for the next millennium depends upon the recognition of the need for a range of new narratives.  相似文献   

王亚静 《现代教育技术》2007,17(3):16-18,21
“知识媒体”的概念已为更多的人所了解,但人们对“知识媒体”的内涵及它对教育实践的指导意义仍存在着模糊认识,甚至将它与“计算机多媒体”及“电化教育”等量齐观。本文立足于我国教育的现状,从探究事物的本质出发,阐述了“知识媒体”的引入对我国教育产生的影响。  相似文献   

新媒体艺术教育的现状与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新媒体艺术是20世纪末数字技术与艺术的结合而引发的一个崭新的交叉课题,是真正的艺术与科学相结合的学科。目前高校新媒体艺术专业存在着一些不合理的因素,可以借鉴国外的经验和做法,加强和改善新媒体艺术教育。  相似文献   

Interior design, as a field of study, is a rapidly growing area of interest — particularly for teenagers in the United States. Part of this interest stems from the proliferation of design‐related reality shows available through television media. Some art educators and curriculum specialists in the nation perceive the study of interior spaces as a ‘practical application’ of the arts. This article discusses an experiential design problem, originally used in higher education interior design studio courses that was modified and shared with students in third grade to address national academic standards. Later, this same project was modified for use with high school students in the educator's community and with international design students in South Korea. Lastly, the project was presented in a workshop to art education students at a higher education institution. The project was modified to address (1) the age group level and (2) a topic relevant to the audience. Goals of the design project were: (1) to explore creative problem‐solving, (2) to explore the application of design elements and principles, and (3) to increase student understanding of spatial relationships within an interior environment. Findings indicate that the project supported several visual art standards, including perception and community. This project may be of interest to current and future art educators and others interested in the potential of interior design content supporting art education.  相似文献   

利用流媒体技术开展网上远程教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流媒体技术在现代远程教育中得到广泛应用。本文介绍了流媒体技术的基本概念,着重论述了如何利用现代远程教育系统开展网上教学,包括教学流媒体信息的制作与开发,利用教学影音网站开展远程教学以及如何保证远程教学的质量。  相似文献   

The Brisbane Media Map is both an online resource and a tertiary-level authentic learning project. The Brisbane Media Map is an online database which provides a detailed overview of about 600 media industry organizations in Brisbane, Australia. In addition to providing contact details and synopses for each organization’s profile, the Brisbane Media Map also includes supplementary information on current issues, trends, and individuals in the media and communication industry sectors. This resource is produced and updated annually by final-year undergraduate Media and Communication students. This article introduces the Brisbane Media Map, its functionality and systems design approach, as well as its alignment with key learning infrastructures. It examines authentic learning as the pedagogical framework underpinning the ongoing development work of the resource and highlights some synergies of this framework with participatory design principles. The Brisbane Media Map is a useful example of an authentic learning approach that successfully engages students of non-traditional and non-design areas of study in human–computer interaction, usability, and participatory design activities.  相似文献   

This paper describes the implementation and evaluation of the use of video as a method of delivering feedback to students taking certain practical art and design modules, as part of their first degree programmes at De Montfort University. Initially tested within Lens Based Media photographic modules, the results were such that video was considered to enhance a feedback process that referred to visual imagery, as well as offering students comparative feedback on their own performance. Further tests were undertaken, with an Interior Design module, to investigate the effectiveness of video in assessment procedures that included both two and three dimensional work. Insights are also given into various perceived improvements that this use of video can offer art and design education. These include the freeing up of staff time for individual tuition and creative work, a rapid speed of turnaround between assessment and distribution of the feedback to students, and a method of alleviating problems associated with the storage of student work.  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展,世界各国在现代远程教育方面进行了大量的研究和实验。但是,目前基于流媒体技术的远程教学平台多以流媒体的教学录像点播为主要解决方案,教学信息展播形式较为单一。文章采用SMIL技术将多媒体教学资源与教学视频同步,并引入了交互式网络学习平台,设计并实现了基于流媒体的交互式多媒体远程学习平台。  相似文献   

Real Media和Windows Media是当前两大主要的流媒体技术,同时它们在现代远程教育中已经得到了很好的应用,并且都想以技术优势争夺远程教育市场,文章论述了这两大主流技术在2001--2002年的新一轮技术比拼,探讨了它们在流媒体市场的新举措,为远程教育技术的选择提供了一个参照。  相似文献   

艺术的创作和传播与媒体发展紧密相连。新媒体的发展和普及改变了人们的生活方式,推动人类进入一个前所未有的数字时代,艺术的创作方式和存在形式也因此改变,艺术与非艺术的界限正在消失,艺术有了更丰富的内涵。"新媒体艺术学院"、"数字媒体艺术"、"媒体创意"等专业院校大量涌现,伴随着数字艺术的蓬勃发展,艺术教育面对前所未有的挑战。艺术教育工作者需要结合新媒体艺术的特点,从课程设计、创新教育、团队协作等方面进行探索。  相似文献   

面向色盲人群的媒体界面设计策略与流程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
色盲人群作为远程学习者的一个群体的色彩需求往往被媒体界面设计者所忽视.本文从调查色盲人群在媒体界面设计方面的色彩需求入手,分析满足需求的策略和方法,提出了远程教育中满足该类人群的媒体界面设计原则,并以系统方法为指导,提出了面向色盲人群的界面设计的流程:需求分析报告、概念模型设计和详细界面设计三个阶段.作者希望本研究用于远程教育过程中的媒体界面设计,为色盲人群远程学习提供公平的学习机会.  相似文献   

本就多媒体远程教学系统中连续媒体实时传输问题进行了分析,着重对流化技术进行了深入的探讨。根据网络教学的需要,以Microsoft的Media Server Service为内核,设计了一个应用于Internet的多媒体远程教育系统,对其中的连续多媒体流实时传输系统的设计进行了全面的介绍,并通过模拟试验的数据,对系统的性能进行了评价。  相似文献   

教学媒体不仅是承载信息的工具,更是给学习者创设一种学习情境。教学媒体的应用是一个复杂的过程,教学媒体的相关研究也需要从宏大的视角进行解读。媒介环境学这一视角在关注教学媒体自身作用的同时,也需要关注教学媒体呈现信息内容的重要性。教学媒体的应用研究必将使教学媒体使用者对媒体的本质有一个正确的认识,同时提高教学媒体使用效益,推进教育信息化进程。教学媒体的应用也必将对教育领域产生更加深远的影响。  相似文献   

流媒体技术在远程教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了流媒体的基本概念和有关术语,并重点介绍了常用流媒体开发工具Windows Media Service及其在远程教学中的应用。  相似文献   

在互联网+时代,互动媒介艺术与其他学科如科技、生物等相交叉,帮助越来越多需要被帮助的人。互动媒介艺术传递的双向性,使帮助自闭症儿童发展社交具备了可能性。不论在中国还是在国际上都是前沿领域,对自闭症儿童治疗也还处于初步的探索阶段,它不仅与科技、生物等领域相结合,甚至将医学与教育领域相结合,目前的理论指导为未来项目的进一步开展做理论基础,说明互动媒介艺术在人类医疗健康领域也有着研究和实践潜力。  相似文献   

美国媒介素养教育发展历史虽不长,但其K-1 2媒介素养教育课程却独具特色,对美国K-1 2教育具有重要的补充作用,对提高学生的媒介素养水平具有重要意义。美国K-1 2媒介素养教育课程以保护主义为宗旨,教学主体大多为一线教师和民间组织,是一场自下而上的草根运动。课程实施方式大多以融入式课程为主,各州媒介素养教育课程设置状况和标准纷繁多样,并不统一。本文旨在结合美国的时代和历史背景对K-1 2媒介素养教育课程的特点进行分析。  相似文献   

新媒体的广泛使用给高校思想政治教育工作带来了新的挑战。为了对高校思想政治教育的舆情监控进行研究,文章提出了一种可以快速、有效地发现和掌握新媒体下各种舆情事件的监控机制。通过多学科交叉融合的研究思想,文章使用理论研究、实证研究和实际应用相结合的方法,对新时代高校思想政治教育面临的困难以及舆情监控中的常见问题进行了探究。该舆情监控机制,为高校思政教育工作提供了支持,及时理清了学生思想变化脉络,有针对性地对学生采取了应对措施,有效化解了学生的思想危机,使得学生工作得以高效顺利推进。  相似文献   

媒介教育(MediaEducation),或称媒介素养教育,其目的在于培养学生具有健康的媒介批评能力,使其能够充分利用媒介资源完善自我,参与社会发展。它是20世纪下半叶在欧洲、北美洲和大洋洲以及拉丁美洲、亚洲部分地区渐兴渐进的一种新的教学科目。作为媒介教育的发起国,英国的媒介素养教育经历了三个阶段。在英国教育体系中,媒介素养教育有其严肃的文化、社会、经济以及政治层面的科学基础。  相似文献   

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