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Needs analysis is an important task in continuing education for the companies as well as for the course provider. After a classification of needs different strategies of identification and analysis are described, Young, university-based CEE centres are often faced with a certain pressure to supply courses and it is felt that not enough time is left for careful study of needs. Another point is that academic institutions have certain ‘sensor’ functions and often realise future technological trends at an early stage. Companies faced with everyday problems have to be motivated to deal with problems of tomorrow. An integrated approach to technology transfer and CEE is described as an example of an advanced procedure in CEE provision.  相似文献   

Anne Baynes (Project Director of The Education Towards Employment Project at North Tyneside College) and Alan Dyson (Co-director of the Special Needs Research Group at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne) identify and discuss the disadvantages experienced by people with learning difficulties in the labour market, particularly at a time of high unemployment, and raise fundamental questions about the relationship between special and vocational education. The Project at North Tyneside College has had to confront these issues in developing an 'employability' course for adults with learning difficulties.  相似文献   

This study examines the potential of the tree diagram, a type of graphic organizer, as an assessment tool to measure students' knowledge structures in statistics education. Students' knowledge structures in statistics have not been sufficiently assessed in statistics, despite their importance. This article first presents the rationale and method for using tree diagrams as assessment tools in statistics education, followed by an empirical study examining the technical quality of tree diagram assessment. Thirty-seven university students enrolled in an introductory statistics course, and four statistics experts participated in the study. The results provide evidence of reliability and validity for the proposed function of using tree diagrams to measure knowledge structures in statistics education. As reliability evidence, the interrater reliability of tree diagram scoring is high (Pearson's r = .96); alpha coefficient of the 21 linked vertex pairs in tree diagrams is .89. As validity evidence, experts performed better than novices on the tree diagram assessment; students' performance with the tree diagram is significantly correlated with their performance on statistics achievement tests (Pearson's correlation coefficient r = .62); tree diagrams are sensitive to the discrepancies in students' knowledge structures, and most students considered tree diagrams helpful to their organization of statistics knowledge.  相似文献   

主体回归:高校毕业生就业率统计的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学、客观、高效地统计大学毕业生就业率,是发挥就业率重要性的前提和基础。国内外在就业率统计过程中存在许多问题,毕业生、用人单位主体地位的缺失是这些问题的根源。充分发挥二者的主体作用、进行动态化网络化就业率统计,是解决问题的主要措施。  相似文献   

本文基于对评价功能问题的思考,介绍了两种新出现的以发挥评价发展和促进功能为基本出发点的学前教育评价方案,即多彩光谱评价方案和米歇尔的作品取样系统评价方案,并对每种评价方案产生的理论基础、具体内容以及优缺点进行了分析,以揭示它们之间的异同及其对当前我国学前教育评价的启示.  相似文献   

上海市特殊教育师资的需求及其对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文回顾了上海市特殊教育师资队伍建设及其培养的工作基础,探 讨了上海市特殊教育发展对师资的需求和挑战,提出了若干对策。  相似文献   

利用项目管理中范围控制、阶段管理和优化管理等方法,在就业指导教学工作中针对学生的现实需求,提出教学工作个性化、高效化、精细化的相关建议.  相似文献   

通过随机抽取样本,对样品进行检测和整理加工从中获得样本质量数据信息,以概率数理统计为基础,对总体的质量状况作出分析和判断。  相似文献   

本研究使用文献分析法比较国内外高等教育领域中绩效评价实施的需求、内涵与作用机制的异同。第一,国外高等教育中绩效评价的实施是内外部力量综合作用的自觉行为;国内主要是学习模仿的应对行为。第二,国外高等教育中的绩效评价是一个多维度的概念,不仅体现经济理性观和组织再造观,还珍视高等教育的独特性;国内则侧重于从指标的角度来界定,在某种程度上过滤了高等教育多维复杂的特点。第三,国外高等教育中绩效评价的实施是在理顺不同主体间相互关系的基础上强调过程与结果;国内则是在投入-产出的基础上构建指标测量绩效,忽视了主体及主体间的特性。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article describes the outcomes of a needs assessment concerning current training needs and performance targets for non-degreed employees in the food industry. Focus groups were used to gather data from 5 food-processing companies: a fresh vegetable company, a canned vegetable company, 2 snack food companies, and a meat company. Focus group participants consisted of 1 senior-level manager each from human resource, production, quality assurance, purchasing, and product development departments within each company. The needs assessment identified 4 major themes that employers indicated as beneficial knowledge and skills for employees to possess: safety training, knowledge of food and production systems, learning and applying mathematical skills, and professional conduct. The authors anticipate that the knowledge of industry needs, with respect to the desired incoming workforce competencies and knowledge, will facilitate the development of integrated curriculum modules for secondary career and technical education programs (high school grades). These integrated curriculum modules will address the growing needs of the food industry and facilitate the development of employment skills required to function and prosper in the new global economy.  相似文献   

本文从印度高校毕业生就业的宏观环境和高等教育现状出发,分析了印度高校毕业生就业的总体特征和模式,提出了可供解决我国目前面临的高校毕业生就业难的思考.  相似文献   

This article reviews the development and current place of Statistical Quality Control and points out the implications for vocational education.  相似文献   

民办高校教师专业技术职务评聘制度改革具有明显的内源性特征,主要表现为:教师来源复杂,发展需求呈现多样化;教师平均年龄较低,职称、学历提升空间较大;教师总量不足,身份认同感需进一步提高;在体制、管理和文化上存在明显优势。当前民办高校教师专业技术职务评聘鲜明的变革特征是:业绩导向的方向性变革,业绩导向主要是教学业绩、岗位业绩和业绩贡献三个方面,主要体现在教学、科研、学生管理工作和服务社会等四个维度上;深入推进岗位目标管理,实施全员岗位聘任,按需设岗;机制保障主要体现在薪酬激励机制和考核评价机制上。为进一步满足学校师资队伍转型发展需求,民办高校专业技术职务评聘制度,下一步的改革重心应在强化改革趋向、细化评聘条件和发挥机制优势等三个方面:进一步发挥自身机制优势,积极利用自主权,强化教师评聘制度改革的导向作用,把教学业绩作为教师评聘的重要依据,制订教学、科研等效评价认定标准,强化应用型科研;对原有条件进行适度改革,结合评聘导向细化评聘条件,增强可操作性;在岗位设置、评聘条件、考核评价和薪酬管理等方面充分发挥机制优势,对学校制度进行整体性改革与创新,有效提升教师的教学、科研水平,推进学校的可持续发展。  相似文献   

毕业生就业管理系统是基于Visual FoxPro设计的就业率统计模块,通过编程,根据实际需要设计了按系、专业、就业行业、就业区域等项内容进行就业率统计,可以方便的一键查询所需要的就业率.  相似文献   

This is Part II of a three-part series describing the consultancy and training demands that are encountered in technical assistance projects in Central and Eastern Europe. This part highlights project management and cooperation aspects in delivering support to the Romanian Assessment and Examination Service. Part I dealt with strategic issues for a successful delivery of "Western Technical Assistance to Eastern Needs." Part III will address training of Polish subject experts, preparing to take on responsibility for a decentralized and drastically changed final exam, the Matura.  相似文献   

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