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张振宇 《现代教育技术》2012,22(12):119-121
在新媒体环境下教师教育技术技能是教育技能中重要的组成部分。教育技术技能实训课程建设是当前师范类高校课程改革的重要内容,文章从实训课程的需求分析,内容设置,师资队伍的建设以及实训成果如何有效地与其他教学环节相融合四个方面阐述了教育技术技能实训课程建设的路径问题,以期能为教育技能实训课建设提供参考。  相似文献   

The following paper has as its basis a series of workshop presentations already made to colleagues at over 20 universities. At these, its core findings have been outlined, discussed and refined. Drawing on original work by a Fund for the Development of Teaching and Learning Project studying assessment for students of languages, it proposes a blueprint for the separate and explicit assessment of transferable skills. It is suggested that this approach to transferable skills assessment is valid for subjects other than languages and could be adopted more widely across the higher education curriculum.  相似文献   

中小学信息文化教育与信息技术教育问题观察报告(下)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
四、信息技术教育中的三大研究任务即使将信息技术课程中信息技术的概念收缩到大众性的计算机和网络技术范围之内,其内容依然非常丰富,还有许多具体问题需要关注,需要投入研究。我们简单地将信息技术教育中需要研究的内容收束为三大研究任务:其一是信息技术的不同内容的最佳启蒙与训练时间问题;其二是信息技术课程的开设问题;其三是信息技  相似文献   

高职学生心理健康现状调查及教育模式研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对浙江省四所高职院校428名学生进行心理健康状况调查(男生:216名,女生:212名),该次调查采用SCL-90量表作为测量工具。结果显示:具有不同程度的心理问题的高职生占38.03%,其中具有中等严重程度心理问题的捡出串为10.75%,分布的因素项主要为强迫、精神病性、人际关系和抑郁。依据调查所得结果,提出了在高职院校实施心理健康教育的模式。  相似文献   

加拿大高等教育考察报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加拿大高等教育非常发达,在办学自主权、校企合作教育、教育管理效益、远距离教育、拓展国际教育市场及双语教学等方面自成体系,很有特色;结合我国高等教育实际,我们可以借鉴其先进经验,落实改进措施,如政府部分进一步转变职能;尽快构建高等教育机构立交桥;大力推进高校的联合办学,挖掘办学潜力,提高办学效益;拓展境外生源市场;提高管理的现代化、信息化水平等。  相似文献   

The Higher Education Council Report Achieving Quality (October 1992) identifies ‘generic skills, attributes and values’ as the ‘central achievements of higher education as a process’. The account which the Report offers of those generic skills and of the graduate ‘attributes and values’ which, it claims, should accompany them is flawed, however, by a pervasive vagueness and inconsistency. Personal qualities, generalized capacities, individual attitudes, value systems, professional competencies, higher order generic skills and lower order technical ones are all lumped together in a general hodge‐podge of desirable graduate attributes. In the present paper the authors offer a more systematic, though still preliminary, analysis of higher order generic skills as they manifest themselves in thinking, research and communication, and of the way in which these skills assume a variety of different forms in their different disciplinary contexts. Definitional work of this kind, the authors argue, is currently neglected, but it remains a fundamental pre‐condition for any successful review or audit of Quality in undergraduate education.  相似文献   

扁平化管理是管理学家在企业内部推行的一种管理模式,其特点是管理层次减少、信息传递快而真实。多少年来高等学校的学生管理一直沿用传统的管理模式,将企业的这种较先进的扁平化管理模式引进高校学生管理中来,通过试验、对比、分析,目的是探索出一种新的学生管理新路子。  相似文献   

高职机电专业学生职业技能竞赛探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对高职机电专业学生职业技能竞赛存在的师生参与热情不高、赛项知识技能覆盖不全面等问题,各级大赛组织者应该改善机电专业学生职业技能竞赛的组织和设计,更加关注学生实际应用能力和独立解决问题能力的提升,同时让更多的学生参与到各类竞赛中。高职院校也应有效地组织和利用大赛,使其与课程教学有机结合,提升机电专业学生的职业素养和实践技能水平。  相似文献   

语音加工技能在汉语为母语个体英语学习中的作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
语音加工技能是英语为母语个体读写能力发展的核心技能,在汉语为母语个体的英语学习中也具有重要意义,不仅如此,汉语加工与学习经验对学习者英语语音加工技能发展及其作用也具有显著的影响,因此,我国英语教学及其研究应当更充分地关注语音加工技能的发展,系统考察学习者语音加工技能的发展与口语词汇、学习起始年龄与学习方式的关系,深入探讨语音加工技能训练的作用与条件,研制有效的训练方案,加深对英语学习内在过程的认识,并为促进英语学习和教学提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Higher education and K-12 school partnerships are typically designed with an end-goal that serves the instructional needs of one group over the other. For this project, a university professor and elementary school instructor used problem-based and project-based learning strategies to design a curriculum that served the academic needs of both groups of students. Undergraduate students in an urban planning course partnered with elementary students from a local school to work on an interdependent civic engagement project. The partnership provided innovative, twenty-first teaching for both groups of students while also reinforcing public service.  相似文献   

高职学生学业情绪现状初步调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对高职学生学业情绪的初步调查发现,高职学生中主要存在33种学业情绪,其中被试选择率超过40%有15种具体情绪,学生的积极学业情绪主要与努力得到回报、受到肯定、学习进步、师生交流等因素相关;而消极学业情绪大体与就业压力、努力得不到回报、不能胜任学业、学习本身的无趣等相关.  相似文献   

This study examines reading difficulty characteristics in Hebrew in three reading-impaired populations. Two are groups of dyslexics: 100 readers with impaired auditory perception and 100 readers with impaired visual perception. The third group comprises 61 readers with deep/severe hearing impairment. All were elementary schools students in the second to sixth grades. The subjects were tested with a conventional Hebrew reading test. It examined types of reading errors (e.g. changes of phonetic structure or word content), self-correction in reading, reading speed, sequential/holistic reading, the effect of reading texts with and without the Hebrew diacritical vowel signs ('punctuation'), and the effect of meaningful or meaningless text material on the amount of reading errors. The literature describes distinctions between various kinds of reading disability related to auditory impairment and visual perception, and the definition of dyslexia as being one category or including sub-groups. Our research hypothesis was that similar characteristics of reading difficulties would be found amongst auditory perception-impaired students and hearing-impaired students, and that they would differ from those of students with impaired visual perception. Our findings support this hypothesis. Many of the sub-tests revealed similarity in the reading difficulties between the hearing impaired students and those with impaired auditory perception versus the visually impaired. An unexpected finding revealed that fourth grade students in all the groups were a special sub-group in each group. These findings suggest, in accordance with a major research approach, that dyslexia should be defined in terms of dyslexia sub-groups rather than as a single category.  相似文献   

就所在领域从业人员应具备的基础技能水平与新入行的高职毕业生掌握该技能的程度,对高职教师、校友、企业进行调查。调查发现,口头表达、人际关系、计划和职业写作是基础技能中最重要的技能,高职生毕业时实现程度最高的基础技能是数学、计算机应用和资源管理,计划、决策、领导和口头表达能力是高职毕业生达成度最低的基础技能;高职教师不太重视高职生的基础技能培养。  相似文献   

医患沟通是否成功很大程度上取决于医务人员的态度和沟通技巧。当今社会,医患关系紧张,良好的医患沟通是化解医患矛盾的有效方式。因此,医务人员沟通技巧的培养应从医学生抓起,并且贯穿整个医学教育的始终。  相似文献   

This article provides a conceptual base for pedagogy that embraces and incorporates the assets of nontraditional students in higher education and advocates for practice that honors and builds on students' cultural and social capital. It describes the challenges and opportunities faced by nontraditional students within institutions of higher education, focusing specifically on early childhood teacher preparation programs. The article proposes the use of narrative/storytelling practice as a way to generate inclusive and transformative learning that expands upon the wisdom of students' lived experiences. A set of recommendations is offered for incorporating this type of pedagogy in order to provide nontraditional students with meaningful learning and an environment that supports the social networks they require to be successful.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - In the United Kingdom, the higher education landscape has undergone a transformation since the late 1980s as seen in the “massification” of higher...  相似文献   

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