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In November 1987, the School of Education at the University of Tasmania at Launceston (then the Tasmanian State Institute of Technology) commenced a programme of pre‐entry assessment of BEd applicants with a view to conducting an ongoing research programme aimed at improving the quality of trainee teachers. Pre‐entry data gathering included English and mathematics skills, learning style, Higher School Certificate (HSC) aggregate scores and interview assessments of each applicant by a panel of at least two academic staff of the School. This paper reports findings from the interview data gathered on students who entered the BEd programme in 1989. In particular, the evidence from this cohort of students suggests that interview ratings by academic staff are successful predictors of future practice‐teaching performance, whereas HSC aggregate scores are not at all predictive. In addition to this finding, the data indicate that staff interview assessments are only marginally weaker than HSC aggregate scores as predictors of academic performance on the BEd course.  相似文献   

在定性研究方法中,访谈是最常使用的资料收集手段之一。根据访谈对象的人数多寡,访谈又可以分为个别访谈和集体访谈两种。个别访谈指研究者对一位研究对象进行访谈,集体访谈指研究者同时对一群访问对象进行访谈,焦点群体访谈(focusgroup)是一种最常见的集体访谈。拟从焦点团体访谈的起源和焦点群体访谈的优缺点两个方面加以论述,对现行制度的问题作一简要分析。  相似文献   

中小学教师资格考试面试质量保障体系:阐释与构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学教师资格考试面试是考查教师资格申请者基本素养和教育教学实践能力的重要环节。为保证教师资格考试面试质量,必须有相应的质量管理体系作保障。对教师资格考试面试质量内部保障体系的内涵进行全面分析和阐释,从学理层面建构体系框架。在此基础上,提出教师资格考试面试质量保障体系的实现路径和运行机制。  相似文献   

This paper reports on aspects of an in‐depth interview study in which students, preparing for degree courses in English literature, discussed their experiences of the subject at A level. Interview data will complement the results of a series of survey studies in this field; and analysis of interview data will explore the way assessment criteria shape learning paradigms, which I define as the set of assumptions and practices that construct any subject as it is being studied.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effect of a cognitive interview on 4- and 8-year-old children's correct recall and subsequent reporting of misinformation. Children viewed an event followed by misinformation that was read or self-generated either before or after a cognitive interview. Children were then given a recognition test under inclusion and exclusion instructions. A cognitive interview elicited more correct details than a control interview. Age-related changes were found such that the 8-year-old children's reports were more complete and they recalled more correct person, action, object, and location details than the 4-year-old children. A cognitive interview given after postevent misinformation reduced children's reporting of misinformation at interview and reduced reporting of self-generated misinformation at test. Process dissociation analyses revealed that recollection increased but familiarity decreased with age.  相似文献   

This investigation was designed to determine whether an enactment interview condition involving a doll and props, in contrast to a verbal interview, would enhance 3- and 5-year-olds' (N = 62) recall of a pediatric examination. An additional aim was to explore the influence of behavioral styles and language skills on children's performance, and the extent to which these relations varied by age and interview condition. Both 1- and 6-weeks following their check-ups, the children in the enactment condition, particularly the 3-year-olds, provided more spontaneous, elaborate reports than did those assessed with a verbal protocol. Nonetheless, enactment also resulted in increased errors by the 3-year-olds at the first interview, and by children in both age groups after the 6-week delay. The age and interview condition effects, however, were moderated by the children's behavioral characteristics. Among the younger children, a measure of manageability predicted performance in the enactment setting, whereas an indicator of persistence was associated with recall in the verbal condition. The results have implications for an understanding of children's memory of events and of their ability to provide testimony in legal settings.  相似文献   

《新闻采访学》作为新闻学专业的核心主干课程,对学生新闻采访能力的培养具有非常重要的作用。该课程突出的实践性,使得体验式教学法比传统教学方法更能有效地将学生学到的知识转化为能力。详细阐述了《新闻采访学》体验式教学的必要性和具体操作策略。  相似文献   

结合情境面试的特点和我国教师资格考试参加者情况,研究认为我国教师资格面试的性质为情境面试。在此基础上,研究对现有中国教师资格面试实施程序的规范性与公正性、考官组成以及评价工具的合理性进行研究。针对其中不足和问题,研究提出必须加强关键事件的工作分析、优化面试问题的开发、编制定锚量表、关注考官队伍的培养与培训、重视面试时长与题目数研究。  相似文献   

文章试图探讨访谈法在教育研究中的作用。文章首先通过梳理访谈法的基本概念和分类,来概括教育研究中的访谈法的主要特点。其次,文章集中分析访谈案例,考察访谈法在教育研究中的具体应用。文章以陶行知研究为个案,以“无结构式”的深度访谈的方式采访了相关专家,在一定程度上还原了陶行知的日常生活细节和生活教育的现场感。文章认为,访谈法丰富了陶行知教育思想研究的内涵,使我们对陶行知先生的生平有了许多新的发现,对他的教育思想也有了更多的感性认识,对还原一个客观、生活化、人性化的陶行知,有着十分重要的意义。文章在最后总结了访谈法的优点和局限。认识这种优点和局限,能够让教育研究者更好地发挥访谈法的作用。  相似文献   

高职院校的教学活动是以就业为导向的职业教育。因此,毕业生求职面试活动就成为关键环节。本就学生如何准备面试提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   

本文是上海市参加首批本科教育工作审核评估三所高校主管教学工作的副校长访谈录。校长们介绍了各自在迎评、评估中和评估后所做的工作与体会。对其他高校有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

随着出版行业的飞速发展,地方文献的来源日益丰富,给图书馆地方文献采访工作带来了新课题,做好地方文献收藏工作,采访工作至关重要。本文从地方文献类别、地方文献采访原则及地方文献采访方法三个方面,论述了公共图书馆的地方文献采访工作。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the effect of instruction on pre-service science teachers' conceptions of the scientist. Twenty-six pre-service science teachers involved in a 14-week course were the subjects. The constructivist teaching approach was adopted. The students' preconceptions were the starting point for the teaching. Seven students were selected for in-depth interview to determine the reasons for their positions (change or no change in view at the end of the period). It was found that instruction enhanced better conceptions of the scientist. The pre-test to post-test change scores differed from zero and the difference was significant at the 0·05 level of significance. However, the interview revealed that the changes in conceptions were mediated by the students' life worldviews. We therefore conclude that whereas remediating strategies enhance understanding (comprehension), worldview of the students has a greater effect on meaningful learning (apprehension).  相似文献   

隐性采访与显性采访相比较,在一些特殊的报道领域具有优势,近年成为媒体比较喜欢采用的采访手段,但不应该成为媒体哗众取宠和提高收视率的手段.隐性采访的隐瞒身份和采访意图的做法,使人们越来越多地从法律和道德伦理角度质疑它的合理性.本文从隐性采访涉及的新闻职业道德问题入手,探讨了新闻记者在隐性采访中的道德自律问题,并且关注隐性采访对媒体公信力的负面影响.  相似文献   

This study compared the effectiveness of structured and branched-format employment interviews in differentiating strong and weak teachers. In addition, the study examined the correlations between principals' ratings and teachers' self-ratings on measures of efficacy, commitment, job satisfaction, and morale. To simulate structured and branched interviews, eight experienced elementary teachers were employed to construct eight videotaped interviews. Four of these teachers were identified as strong, and four were identified as weak teachers based on formal district evaluations. Sixteen elementary principals each viewed two tapes, one representing a branched interview format and the other representing a structured format. Tapes of strong and weak teachers were randomly assigned to principals within each interview format. The principals then rated the teacher on the five scales: overall teaching ability, efficacy, commitment, satisfaction, and morale. Teachers completed a par allel questionnaire before videotaping the interviews. Analysis of the data indicated both interview methods were effective in differentiating between strong and weak teachers on ability, efficacy, commitment, job satisfaction, and morale measures. With certain cautions, this finding supports the common practice of placing great emphasis on verbal interviews to select teachers. There was not, however, a significant difference between the two interview formats; either format seems acceptable. Correlations between the principals' rating and the self-rating of the teachers were significant on the efficacy, job satisfaction, and morale measures; the correlations were not significant on the commitment measure. This finding implies that collection of specific types of survey data before the interview might increase the predictive validity of the interview process; alternatively, it might allow the process to be shortened with little loss of information.  相似文献   

首先从系统功能语言学的人际隐喻角度探讨了"投射"句的功能语义特征,然后又从功能文体学的角度,统计分析"投射"人际隐喻在英语新闻访谈中的分布特征,揭示其文体价值.  相似文献   

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