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Many academic libraries are expanding services to online and distance students to keep pace with enrollment trends in higher education, prompting additional research to evaluate the use and effectiveness of library reference and instruction services to distance users. This literature review explores this research from the perspectives of academic librarians, distance students, and faculty teaching online and distance courses, and finds both commonalities and contradictions among these viewpoints.  相似文献   

Although bibliographic instruction at technical and community colleges gets little attention in the literature, students at these institutions need such training as much as those attending traditional colleges and universities. This articles looks at how one library is providing library instruction in a technical college through the use of a self-paced, self-instructional workbook. The article describes the development, use, student and faculty reactions, and advantages and disadvantages of both a basic library skills workbook and a literature-based workbook used at North Central Technical College in Ohio.  相似文献   

图书情报硕士专业学位(MLIS)研究生需要具备扎实的专业知识素养、职业实践技能、社会协同能力和创新创业才能,其核心能力的缺失会造成人才竞争优势降低、学科声望提升受阻、图情事业发展驱动不足,以及图情教育缺乏支持等不良后果。文章提出通过采取优化培养方案、深化课程改革、加强实践教育、开展协作办学等措施,提升MLIS获得者的核心能力,进而克服跨专业报考教育劣势、功利目的严重、培养方案同质、师资水平失衡等制约MLIS人才培养的不利因素。  相似文献   

韩新忠 《图书馆论坛》2001,21(6):91-92,97
针对《普通高等学校图书馆规程》修订草案中关于图书馆的性质、地位、任务和作用,图书馆的文献资源建设的开展多种形式的读者服务工作以及高校图书馆的经费等三个方面的问题,谈了自己的几点认识和理解。  相似文献   

Many academic libraries rely on a student workforce for everyday operations, interacting with patrons, and assistance with larger projects. Training these students for such multifaceted and customer-service-focused positions can be a challenge. This article traces an overhaul of training procedures made during the transition to a centralized, services desk workflow. All aspects of training a large student workforce, from planning and presentation to assessment, are outlined. Interactive group sessions and peer-to-peer reinforcement of procedures have proven to be most effective in training student workers for varied roles in an academic library.  相似文献   

高校图书馆如何应对研究性学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从馆藏建设、读者教育、服务创新以及馆员队伍建设四个方面阐述了高校图书馆应对大学生研究性学习的方法.  相似文献   

河北省高校图书馆信息供给能力调研   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对河北省23所高校2000名大学生进行问卷调查,针对反馈结果进行统计分析,对于省内各高校连续几年扩招,办学规模急速扩大背景下的信息供给现状作出较客观的评估,供有关部门、人士参考。  相似文献   

陆海 《晋图学刊》2010,(2):35-37,62
高校本科教学评估对图书馆的建设与发展提出了新的和更高的要求。高校图书馆要以教学评估为契机,大力推进图书馆的建设与发展。要以评促建,建设以印刷型馆藏为主,多种馆藏形式并重的文献资源体系。要以评促改,扎扎实实地提高图书馆的服务质量。  相似文献   

This article explores the practice of keeping a reflective teaching journal to improve classroom instruction. Reflective practice and journaling have a rich tradition in the teacher education field. Accordingly, the teacher education literature provides the starting point for this case study of keeping a reflective teaching journal for library sessions given to first-semester freshmen enrolled in a learning community. The journaling process proved useful by helping to improve instruction while also providing a mechanism to link theory with practice.  相似文献   


The use of rigorous assessment in an Information Literacy program can be used to persuade reluctant faculty and administrators to buy into a program. A “culture of assessment” also assures quality control for internal and external audiences. Information Literacy at Wartburg College is unique in that it is a required component of five core courses in the general education program. This article describes Information Literacy Across the Curriculum (ILAC) at the Vogel Library and how the program has created a culture of assessment at the library and college. The article also discusses how the program is assessed at multiple times and in multiple ways through the use of direct and indirect assessment. This “culture of assessment” has been instrumental in Wartburg's acceptance of ILAC while assuring that the program thrives.  相似文献   

对教师用户数据库在高校图书馆构建的必要性进行了分析,然后从数据库的基本内容、构建方法及构建意义等方面对高校图书馆教师用户数据库构建的可行性进行了论证。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(89-90):93-106

This article will discuss three years of collaboration between the Freshman Engineering Program and the Engineering Library of the University Library System at the University of Pittsburgh. This collaboration has resulted in a library research project that is integrated into the freshman curriculum. The project ultimately provides the students with a research structure for presentations in an annual mock professional conference. The mission of the Freshman Engineering Program's academic and advising components is to create a first-year experience that promotes the student's continued pursuit of an engineering degree through commitment to clearly understood and self-declared goals. The goal for the Engineering Library is to introduce library research as a necessary skill-set for successful engineers. The successful outcome of all of these goals requires the collaboration between “teaching” faculty and “library” faculty and results in better prepared, more focused students. Developing and integrating a library research project into the freshman engineering academic curriculum is a significant opportunity for library instruction, and the approach demonstrated here may be transferable to other disciplines.  相似文献   

The internationalization of higher education and the continuing expansion of technology as a means for learning and sharing information have radically changed the way in which academic libraries offer services and perform outreach. Retooling is essential to maintaining a vibrant and responsive workforce. Continual innovation on the part of training and development professionals is required to manage the expansion of relevant competencies. Through analysis of the current literature and using the results of an exploratory study, which engaged library associations globally, the author demonstrates the need and desire for increased international dialog and collaboration in the area of professional development.  相似文献   

高校图书馆报纸的价值及开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章揭示了报纸情报源的参考利用价值,分析了读者对报纸利用的特点,提出了开发利用报纸的方法与途径。  相似文献   

通过访问美国7所名校图书馆,对美国大学图书馆服务教学、科研的方式方法进行了重点考察和研究,并重点介绍了宾夕法尼亚大学图书馆在学科馆员和知识服务、文献资源和硬件支持等方面的举措。  相似文献   

模拟教学法因其良好的教学效果,在众多学科教育教学中被广泛应用。文章从分析模拟教学法的内涵和特点出发,对在图书馆入馆教育中引入模拟教学法的可行性和实施途径进行了初探,以期达到解决入馆教育中存在的一些问题,或为图书馆教育教学提供新思路的目的。  相似文献   

我国图书馆学学术型硕士教育现状调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的/意义]调查了解目前我国图书馆学硕士研究生教育的发展现状,推动图书馆学硕士研究生教育事业的进步。[方法/过程]选择学术型图书馆学硕士学位点的培养方案为调查对象,从硕士点地区分布、培养机构、培养目标、学制与学分、研究方向、课程体系、专业必修课程等方面对目前我国图书馆学学术型硕士教育现状进行分析。[结果/结论]发现目前图书馆学学术型硕士教育存在一些不足,并提出落实多元化的培养目标、合理调节学制与学分、科学规划研究方向、合理配置课程体系、重视实践环节等改进建议。  相似文献   

论高校图书馆网络信息资源组织   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
全万 《晋图学刊》2005,(1):23-26
本文根据网络信息资源的特点,分析讨论了当前高校图书馆信息资源组织存在的问题,论述了网络信息资源的选择与收集以及网络信息资源的组织方法等问题。  相似文献   

张洁 《晋图学刊》2011,(2):46-48
对山西省73所高校图书馆网站的网站建设、访问能效、内容设置方面进行了调查,分析了其在宣传服务、网站设置、网站互动性等方面存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

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