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This article expands on the figure of the cyborg librarian (Yoder 2003), specifically addressing its overtly cyberfeminist intentions. Drawing on critical information literacy and feminist pedagogy, the cyborg is positioned within the discussion of academic library instruction. This article suggests cyberfeminist techniques for encouraging students to navigate complex and diasporic information resources while thinking critically about issues of diversity and inclusion. Also provided are examples of ways in which the cyborg can guide students to use digital technologies to subvert the narratives that are woven throughout dominant information and knowledge paradigms.  相似文献   


Academic libraries are taking a closer look at how well they are serving the needs of their users. As a result assessment activities become more important. In this column, the authors will focus on and describe one major tool of assessment—the user survey.  相似文献   

《Public Services Quarterly》2013,9(1-2):191-220

Information literacy instruction is integrated into the distance education program in library and information science (LEEP) at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). This article describes the LEEP program and the library services provided to its students. Published research on LEEP and related topics in librarianship is reviewed. Student evaluations of library instructional sessions have been gathered since 2002, shared with teaching faculty and administrators, and used to improve and promote information literacy instruction within LEEP. In the fall of 2005, the instructional model for LEEP was adapted to the on-campus environment. Preliminary analysis of the on-campus student evaluations suggests that modifications are needed to deliver an equivalent learning experience to all LIS students at UIUC, whether on-campus or off.  相似文献   


The author looks at what has been done at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, to evaluate networked resources and services, and also highlights some of the major publications and projects dealing with assessing these resources and services that are of use to Cal Poly Pomona and should prove to be so to other libraries as well.  相似文献   

加拿大高校图书馆数据素养教育模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 调研加拿大高校图书馆数据素养教育现状,总结其特点和经验,为我国探索数据素养教育提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程] 从数据素养的概念和内涵出发,选取加拿大12所高校图书馆作为研究对象,从教学对象、教学目标、教学形式、教学内容和教学评估5个方面分析加拿大高校图书馆数据素养教育的实践情况,并总结其数据管理培训和数据素养教育的特点和经验。[结果/结论] 可借鉴的加拿大高校图书馆数据素养最佳实践包括:合理安排授课时间和教学内容、选用恰当的教学形式、将数据素养集成到其他课程、教学内容与实践工作相结合以促进创新、可持续开展教学等。  相似文献   

论高校图书馆系统的效益评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
指出图书馆系统的效益评价是图书馆工作科学化、计量化的基础和保证;阐述高校图书馆系统效益评价的概念及意义;论述图书馆系统效益评价的可能性和必要性;分析当前图书馆系统的效益评价模式;结合高校图书馆建筑和设备的投入成本和产出效益对图书馆系统的效益结构进行初步探索。  相似文献   

Librarians at four different academic institutions concurrently completed curriculum mapping projects using varying methods to analyze their information literacy instruction. Curriculum mapping is a process for systematically evaluating components of an instructional program for cohesiveness, proper sequencing, and goal achievement. There is a dearth of documentation of how this process has applied to an information literacy curriculum; however, the benefits of an organized examination of course progression is clear. The librarians explored curriculum mapping using different methodologies and approaches in order to formulate a more strategic approach to teaching students information literacy skills.  相似文献   


Library webmasters in medium-sized academic libraries were surveyed about their educational backgrounds, job responsibilities, and training and experience levels in Web development. The article summarizes the findings of the survey with recommendations for libraries and library and information science programs.  相似文献   

借助NVivo 8.0质性分析软件,对面向13名教学主管人员所进行的深度访谈所获得的访谈资料作定性分析,归纳出5个核心维度:了解度、适合度、支持度、认可度和需求度。研究结果表明:用户认知、用户使用意愿、用户接受度、宣传推广、考核评价方法是高校图书馆嵌入式教学实施的5个主要影响因素。  相似文献   

文章从学术成果产出数量和学术影响力两个维度,对我国30所"985工程"大学图书馆从核心期刊发文数量和分布情况、论文被引数量和频次、论文的基金资助情况和论文国际化程度进行量化分析,并对一流大学图书馆的整体学术能力进行了综合评价和排名。  相似文献   


Library assessment as a concept is so complex that we often fail to see the entire scope of the endeavor. Consequently, our approaches tend to be somewhat piecemeal. By exploring three dimensions of library assessment (the organizational, the inquisitive, and the methodological), this article will discuss how diverse assessment practices fit into an overall scheme, or Total Library Assessment (TLA). The article also presents several strategies to maximize assessment coverage and extend the reach of the assessment librarian. This top-level view of library assessment can be a helpful intermediate step toward thoughtful, effective, structured assessment planning that operates within the context of a unique organization.  相似文献   

黄婧 《图书情报工作》2011,55(23):64-67
我国高校图书馆成效评估的理论和实践落后于西方发达国家,在明确成效评估等相关概念的基础上,通过梳理国外高校图书馆成效评估的理论体系形成过程及相关实践的发展脉络可以看出,高校图书馆评价理论发展是以实证研究为支撑,不断向高等教育等相关学科借鉴学习的过程。国外的发展经验对我国图书馆评价理论及实践发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   


This article presents a practical method for formative, self-reflective assessment of the liaison activities of individual librarians and to evaluate liaison activities in general. Many libraries evaluate their liaison programs, but few evaluate the effectiveness of individual librarians’ efforts within the program. Librarians of Rollins College redefined and re-branded their liaison program as “Your Librarian.” As part of this effort, the author surveyed the faculty and assessed the program and the effectiveness of individual librarians. The author outlines the liaison responsibilities, the survey instrument, and how the results are analyzed and used in a process of continuous reflective improvement for the program and librarians.  相似文献   


Collections are one of the core resources provided by libraries and are often seen as what defines a library. Collection policies and priorities are put into place to guide the growth of libraries’ collections. However as time passes, are the collections created best suited to the current patron population? Collection assessment can be used to evaluate how well the developing collection follows the guidelines that have been put into place. Collection assessment can also be beneficial in the library strategic planning process by identifying strengths and weaknesses in the collection, particularly in new areas of interest. It can also help identify areas that may need additional funding to continue the level of support previously maintained for an area.  相似文献   


Collections assessment in academic libraries has experienced a shift in recent years from project-based models to continuous models that aim improve the responsivity of library collections to campus needs. This article reports on how one university library used a library committee with representation from across library departments to develop a holistic, on-going Collection Management Cycle. This newly created process evaluates the entire library collection over a five-year period and aligns with library reporting requirements for university program review to minimize additional workload and improve the impact of external reporting activities.  相似文献   

Seed libraries are a relatively new innovation in the library field, offering seeds, gardening information, and the opportunity for community and ecological engagement to members. While they are increasingly popular in public libraries, they have not yet established a foothold in academic libraries. This paper defines the nature and role of seed libraries, the current state of seed libraries in North American universities, and offers recommendations for the establishment of seed libraries in academic libraries.  相似文献   

高校图书馆发展数字资源馆藏的调查研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
本研究调查了三种不同类型的群体(学生、教师、馆员)对图书馆发展数字资源馆藏的看法。结果显示:高校图书馆应积极发展数字资源馆藏;应加大力度整理网络可检索资源;资料类型是选择电子资源的重要参考因素。分析结果还表明:读者与图书馆员在“获取”与“收藏”、馆藏量大小以及付费利用数字资源等方面的看法有明显差异。  相似文献   

大学生的闲暇生活是多元的,要使图书馆成为大学生闲暇生活的首选目标,图书馆必须发挥自身的优势,以吸引更多的大学生利用图书馆。  相似文献   

In some libraries, the video collection is not accessible to browsing patrons and is overlooked as an information source. To publicize Stetson University Library's video collection, staff sent annotated subject bibliographies of video titles to faculty. To generate the bibliographies, staff created a database and sorted the records into bibliographies for each department. Faculty received subject bibliographies relevant to the classes taught each semester. During the first month of the project's implementation, video circulation increased significantly over the pervious year's level and faculty reaction was positive.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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