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There is an increasing demand for spatial data within the social sciences as such data promise to contribute to a better understanding of how the concrete living environment influences individuals’ attitudes and behaviors. Spatial data can complement data from surveys; however, as of yet there is no spatial data infrastructure for the social sciences in Germany that facilitates merging of spatial data with survey data. This article explores avenues for creating such a spatial data infrastructure (SDI) for the social sciences in Germany. We examine the role that librarians, archivists, and curators can play in offering spatial data infrastructure services for social scientists, and show the scope and nature of necessary tasks in areas such as harmonization, archiving, dissemination, and user support. As the case of Germany is similar to that of other European countries, we expect our results to be helpful in the creation of SDIs in other countries as well. This article suggests technical and organizational measures for merging survey data and spatial data in compliance with German privacy legislation. Measures for storage and dissemination of enriched survey data, for example by providing restricted access to the data in a secured environment, also are explored.  相似文献   

目前,许多国家都在做数字化方面的工作,重点是传统文献资源的数字化保存。而对已经数字化的信息如电子书、电子期刊、网站信息等的保存问题也越来越为世人所重视,并着手实施。据调查,1998年44%的网站的寿命有1年,到2002年网站的寿命只有44天。保存数字信息刻不容缓。美国国会已于2000年12月通过了PublicLaw106-554,计划拨款1亿美元给国会图书馆进行数字保存项目的研究,并委托国会图书馆制定国家数字信息基础结构和保存项目(NDIIPP)的具体计划。同时敦促国会图书馆和主要政府管理部门合作,如商务部、白宫科技政策办公室、国家档案局同国…  相似文献   

周雷 《情报资料工作》2021,42(1):105-112
[目的/意义]构建文化遗产数字基础设施既是保护传承文化遗产的重要手段,又是开放科学环境下支撑新的研究范式的重要保障。[方法/过程]本研究以德国国家文化遗产科研数据基础设施建设项目NFDI4Culture为研究对象,从建设内容、核心问题、组织结构到运行机制进行了分析。[结果/结论]研究发现,NFDI4Culture项目以建设科研数据基础设施的方式进行文化遗产数字化,具有协同合作、标准统一,并且建立全数据生命周期生态系统的特点。本研究在结尾给予我国图书馆/信息机构进行相关工作给予建议。  相似文献   

美国国立实验室和实验基地承担着国防、能源、航空航天、卫生健康,农业等领域的重要研发任务。长 期以来,美国联邦政府对这些实验室的管理形成了一套规范的办法,特别是在其经费管理方面具有独到的方法,从而 保障了国立实验室的有效运行。美国的这些方法对我国的研发经费管理很有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The U.S. National Broadband Map (NBM) is arguably the most complex articulation and synthesis of telecommunications data ever generated by the federal government. Drawing upon information collected by fifty U.S. states, five territories and the District of Columbia, broadband provision is tabulated at the Census block level and made available to the general public in a variety of formats (e.g., maps, tabular databases, and geographic coverages). One major policy challenge associated with deepening our understanding of wireless broadband provision in the United States is developing a methodological process for accurately rearticulating NBM wireless data collected at the block level to more meaningful economic units (e.g., Census block groups or tracts). Without this ability, policy analysis and an objective evaluation of the goals set forth in the National Broadband Plan are compromised. The purpose of this paper is to outline such a methodology, while simultaneously highlighting several consistency checks for ensuring completeness and data aggregation integrity.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]作为国家信息资源管理体系的重要组成部分,厘清传统的档案部门与新兴的数据管理部门的职能关系,加强二者协调合作,是科学推动国家信息资源统筹管理的重要基础,是更好实施国家大数据战略的基本保障。[方法/过程]基于文献与实地调研,系统梳理我国省级档案部门、数据管理部门及两者间职能关系的现状,进而剖析存在的问题并提出优化其关系的政策建议。[结果/结论]发现目前的问题包括:国家层面对两个部门管理对象的法律界定不清,各地区两个部门在管理对象上存在交叉且交叉情况不同,政务信息资源管理的职责划分不明,职责分工的协商协调机制亟待建立。优化两个部门的职能关系,需要明确档案部门在国家大数据战略中的定位,加强政务信息资源管理法治建设,统筹优化国家信息资源管理体制,加快建立健全职责分工协调机制。  相似文献   

文章重点研究了美国地理空间数据及其组织与管理体制、有关数据分享政策法规建设、地理空间信息政策研究及相关争论等问题,提出我国地理空间信息体制建设和产业发展可借鉴美国经验,重视政策与立法,做好顶层设计,制定科学管理模式,协调各方利益。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]合作是美国开放政府计划的三大原则之一,是推动美国政府数据开放运动进程的关键因素,研究美国政府数据开放共享的合作模式,总结美国开展政府数据合作共享的经验,为我国开展政府数据开放共享的合作工作提供借鉴。[方法/过程]采用文献资料调查法和案例分析法,探讨美国政府数据开放共享的3种合作模式:政府间合作、政企合作以及政民合作,结合我国的实际情况对这几种合作模式的成功经验进行总结。[结果/结论]我国可以通过以行政等级为主线统筹政府数据开放工作、构建跨部门的合作组织、加强国际交流与合作、促进数据产业的发展以及鼓励社会公众参与这5个方面来促进我国政府数据开放共享与合作。  相似文献   

科技平台人才队伍建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技平台人才队伍包括管理人才以及服务人才两类。目前,我国科技平台人才队伍建设已经有了一定的 成绩,但是总体上科技平台人才还相对缺乏,并且存在体制落后和缺乏考评机制等问题。所以,对人才资源进行合理 规划,建立人才选聘、评价制度与激励机制以及参与科技平台建设的开放环境,兼顾科技平台人才的物质层面与理念 层面需要等显得尤为重要,这些都有利于进一步规范科技平台人才队伍建设,推动我国科技平台建设的进一步发展。  相似文献   

U.S. Department of Labor unemployment insurance files, ES202, are increasingly used to study new business start-ups, but their accuracy is questionable, and this could negatively influence some theories of entrepreneurship. This study assesses the accuracy of ES202 new business data from four states: Iowa, North Dakota, Maine, and Arkansas, and discusses the theoretical implications of the study for entrepreneurship. Rural areas in each state were scientifically selected. In each area, telephone directories, community/business leader surveys, on-site inspections, newspaper stories, and postal records were used to develop a list of all new businesses. Telephone interviews with about 1,500 entrepreneurs from the lists were undertaken to verify information about their firms. The ES202 list was then compared with the composite list developed from alternative data sources. The ES202 list failed to include many new businesses in the study areas. Because ES202 lists are so biased, researchers should not use them to build or test theories of entrepreneurship. ES202 lists can be used when supplemented with other lists.  相似文献   


A central tenet of the open data movement is that, to the extent permitted by law, data—especially data collected or produced by government agencies—should be published without restrictions on access or reuse. Proponents of open data believe that unrestricted access to raw data yields many benefits to society, including increased organizational transparency, accountability, public engagement with democratic processes, and economic growth. This article presents a case study based on one of the data sets created under the federal government's open data program, an XML version of the United States Government Manual published by the Office of the Federal Register. Working with the Government Manual data set uncovered various quality issues that presented technical barriers to data reuse, despite its compliance with open data principles of formatting and licensing. This experience raises questions about the purported link between open data and its promised benefits, which I discuss within the wider context of critiques of open data.  相似文献   

Resources on the history of Hungarians in the U.S. have been an object of extraordinary interest among information professionals in Hungary in recent years. The article categorizes the major collections of Hungarica in the United States and efforts within Hungary to document those collections.  相似文献   

从 1 92 0年第一家定时播出节目的广播电台KDKA的成功亮相到 2 0世纪 40年代末 ,广播的发展势不可挡。在报纸与广播之间的大战中 ,借助“一战”中受众对快捷信息的迫切需求 ,广播全面胜出。“二战”后 ,电视的崛起宣告了广播的黄金时代告一段落。在激烈的竞争中 ,大批广播电台倒闭 ,幸存下来的不得不通过专业化、细分化的改革在夹缝中求生存求发展。 2 0世纪七、八十年代以来 ,电视又遇到前所未有的激烈竞争的挑战。  相似文献   

正在走向市场经济的中国媒介产业 ,报刊 ,广播 ,电视以及新兴的网络媒体 ,如何在日益激烈的广告和受众的竞争中占据有利地位 ,并在竞争中协调合作、共同发展 ,是一个紧迫的课题。美国在这方面起步早 ,经验和教训也多 ,日本中央大学综合政治系教授山口秀夫以一个亚洲研究人员看美国新老媒体竞争演化的视角 ,对之进行了详尽的分析 ,相信会给我们一些启发。  相似文献   

论高等学校院系图书馆的定位和发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于对现代图书情报知识服务趋向的理解和把握,对新形势下高等学校院系图书馆(资料室)的组织结构,情报资料的来源和管理,管理人员的基本要求等方面进行了探讨。从知识组织管理的角度对院系图书馆进行了重新定位,在此基础上提出了信息时代图书馆进一步发展的方向,以适应新形势下知识服务的客观需要。  相似文献   

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