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The increasing use of problem-based learning in higher education affords librarians new avenues for promoting the development of information literacy skills among students. Information literacy instruction supports problem-based learning activities by providing students with skills to locate relevant resources for developing solutions to these exercises. The author created three WebQuests (together with tutorials) aimed at promoting faculty-librarian partnerships to deliver information literacy instruction through a problem-based learning approach in the context of course work in a distance learning environment. These problem-based learning WebQuests can be adapted to various disciplines as well as to traditional learning environments. Lastly, these WebQuests promote the development of information literacy skills in students as well as increase their exposure to problem-based learning. doi:10.1300/J106v14n03_03  相似文献   


This case study reports on the process for creating a self-paced non-credit information literacy (IL) course delivered via a university's course management system. The four online modules are designed to contextualize information literacy competencies within the curriculum taught in First Year Seminar (FYS) courses. The meta-course approach changes the model of delivery of instruction for IL from a traditional face-to-face “one-shot” session to a hybrid model, with the responsibility for content delivery shifting from the librarian to the instructor of the FYS course.  相似文献   


This article provides an overview of the “fake news” issue and places it in the context of information literacy instruction for college students. In 2017, the faculty librarians at a large state college in Florida developed a news literacy instruction program that included instructional faculty outreach, lesson plans for one-shot information literacy instruction sessions, lessons assignments for one-credit information literacy classes, and learning objects in a LibGuide that can be used by students or embedded by faculty into courses across the disciplines.  相似文献   


The article presents a faculty-librarian collaborative course model for information literacy instruction for liberal arts students. Information literacy was integrated seamlessly into a master's thesis seminar, and the faculty member and librarian worked together to teach students effective research skills while helping them make personal connections to their theses. The learning experience was transformational. As students engaged themselves with problems of the real world and shared their learning, their voices articulated insights about themselves and the world. The authors conclude that integrating information literacy into the curriculum and teaching students holistically is the key to successful student learning.  相似文献   


This paper compares the results of a comprehensive exam taken by undergraduates enrolled in face-to-face and online sections of a three–credit course in information literacy. Authors discuss choosing, adapting, and implementing the comprehensive exam. Questions are mapped to the ACRL Competency Standards for Information Literacy for Higher Education to assess the effectiveness of the course. Preliminary results indicate that online students performed slightly better than their face-to-face counterparts.  相似文献   


Research consultations can be an integral layer of instruction for an information literacy program. One-on-one instruction provides an ideal situation for librarian teachers to reinforce and deliver personalized information literacy instruction in a confusing, information-glutted environment. However, reference departments must consciously move away from a service model of source provision to one of instruction provision in order to develop and provide this much needed supplement to an information literacy program. This article discusses the implementation of a research consultation service at Missouri State University's Meyer Library, as well as the results and analysis of user satisfaction surveys administered to both the patrons and the librarian providers of the new service. doi:10.1300/J106v14n03_06  相似文献   


The article describes the collaborative process between the authors in adapting course assignments in undergraduate music history courses to demonstrate actual learning of content and information literacy skills. Although the inclusion of the information literacy standards is an important step in developing critical thinking skills, other factors impede students to perform well such as lack of knowledge on how to structure a research paper or not understanding how to properly cite the information. By monitoring student performance, the faculty and instruction librarian can make changes to improve student learning and the acquisition of critical thinking skills.  相似文献   


Open education resources represent a great opportunity to reduce textbook costs, but many of them have not been evaluated for quality. Librarians and former students in an introduction to engineering course collected and evaluated open education resources to supplement the course textbook in future semesters. Both searching for and evaluating these resources created opportunities for the librarians to evaluate information literacy skills of these students and to provide instruction to improve these skills.  相似文献   


Librarians, as service providers, are always looking for innovative ways of using technology for designing and improving information systems that allow teaching and building of information literacy skills. Online learning and teaching tools offer teacher librarians undreamed of opportunities to enhance face-to-face information literacy instruction. This paper describes the librarian's research, discoveries, and experience with using WebCT Campus Edition and Vista, ePortfolios, and Wikis to deliver online information literacy instruction as part of fully-online, Web-enhanced, or hybrid courses. Models of librarian/faculty partnership and collaboration are also illustrated.  相似文献   


This paper will discuss a method of incorporating demonstrations into online information and technology literacy courses. The demonstrations are designed to increase the visual component and to address point-of-need questions and problems. Also discussed will be experimentations with this method in other library services, such as electronic reference services, one-shot course-related instruction, subject research guides, and outreach to faculty for their own professional development and as a way to incorporate information and technology literacy in their courses. Recent developments in tutorial software have made it possible to quickly create brief demonstration modules to visually illustrate information literacy concepts and research tools. The primary example presented here is the incorporation of short, task-oriented demonstrations into lesson modules, answers to student questions, and assignment instructions and feedback in an online information and technology literacy course. Initial comments from students and instructors indicate high satisfaction with this method.  相似文献   


The evolution of information literacy instruction for graduate students at the UCLA Anderson School of Management is described. The emphasis is on the need for instruction that develops student competencies with an eye toward the long view-a lifetime of learning. Key success factors are leveraging partnerships with key stakeholders, and developing just-in-time interventions at significant events in the student life cycle. An Information Literacy Campaign helped define the needs and competencies, and the subsequent pilot program, InfoIQ, has been successful in integrating information literacy instruction into the core MBA experience.  相似文献   


The Internet has brought great changes to reference services in academic libraries. One significant impact has been the growth and evolution of the reference librarian's role as teacher. This article reviews the literature on the librarian's increased teaching role with the emergence of the Internet, discusses the changing student populations who require a librarian's instruction and the skills that students need to achieve information literacy, and reviews how the Internet has affected current teaching strategies including classroom instruction, Web-based instruction, and efforts to integrate information literacy instruction into the curriculum. In addition, it also introduces emerging Internet technologies with their potential impact on teaching and instruction. The authors conclude that the reference librarian's teaching role will further increase with the development of information technologies.  相似文献   


“Drop-in” workshops historically played important roles as components of instruction programs in college and university libraries. Unrelated to any specific course and initiated largely at the library's discretion, these sessions-along with tours, course-related library instruction sessions, and credit courses-served to introduce library users to the basics of information research as well as the organization of particular, local libraries. Perhaps because of increasing demands for library instruction and upon instruction librarians' time, as well as changes in values brought by the focus on information literacy, workshops have not factored significantly in recent library literature. Workshops still merit continued attention-as well as marketing to maximize their attendance and thus their effectiveness-because they uniquely allow students, faculty, and staff to behave as lifelong learners, not just to learn the information literacy skills characteristic of lifelong learners. Data from over a decade's worth of drop-in workshops at New Mexico State University underlie the discussion herein of ways to market workshops successfully by attention to their topics, their timing, and publicity.  相似文献   


Information literacy instruction has become a core responsibility of many academic librarian positions in recent years. Online information literacy tutorials have gained increasing popularity among librarians struggling to keep up with the growing demand for this type of instruction. The availability of high-quality, open source tutorials has prompted some librarians to customize existing tutorials rather than build their own resource from scratch. This article provides an overview and checklist for librarians who are considering customization of an existing online tutorial as a means of meeting student information literacy needs.  相似文献   


As academic libraries evolve with digital humanities scholarship, subject librarians may find themselves teaching in this new pedagogical landscape before colleagues with digital humanities expertise arrive on their campus. The author provides a practical pedagogical path specifically for the subject librarian for planning, providing instruction, and evaluating a course with a significant digital humanities component. An examination of an English course is offered in addition to a detailed background of the challenges and opportunities encountered in revisiting information literacy pedagogy through student-led projects in digital humanities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of online and in-person instructional methods for teaching research skills, as well as to determine student preferences for each method. Undergraduate students received librarian-led research skills instruction either through an online course management system or in person at the library. Students were surveyed about their experience and format preference, and their grades on a subsequent literature review assignment were collected. The online group’s scores were significantly (p?=?0.002) higher, and a majority of eligible participants stated a preference for the online format. Many of the students in both groups reported increased skills and confidence in conducting speech-language-hearing science research following the library instruction. The results of this study support the possibility that online instruction may be more effective than in-person for improving performance on a literature review assignment and is preferred by on-campus students for learning information literacy skills.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to report on how Web 2.0 tools in an online information literacy instruction course aligned with ACRL's Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. A qualitative case study was undertaken on an online graduate course related to information literacy instruction. Data collected included: course activities, assignments, emails, online discussions, and surveys. The educational theory of constructivism and its adherence to reflection, active learning, and social interaction was used to find patterns in the data. Activity theory provided a framework for data analysis and interpretation related to the patterns of activities that took place while students used each Web 2.0 tool. Web 2.0 was found to enhance all five information literacy standards. These standards related to collaboration, information organization, creativity, discussion, and technology education.  相似文献   


How do educators capitalize on students’ comfort with ubiquitous communications in order to develop information literacy skills required in the 21st century? A curriculum materials librarian and a professor in the School of Education present an approach that uses library instruction, online research scaffolds, and peer evaluation within a class wiki to enhance student research practices and academic achievement. The explosion of information sources and access to networked technologies has provided the opportunity to “ratchet up” the expectations for student research in higher education. The Association of College & Research Libraries's information literacy standards for higher education provide a framework for setting these expectations. The authors describe features of an introductory education course that seeks to enhance honors freshman students’ knowledge of library research resources, efficient research skills, and scholarly writing, as described in these standards.  相似文献   

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