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在政治哲学里,公平常常被拿来作为合法性论证的重要前提和决定性因素。教育公平是关涉教育政策合法性论证的价值前提,它决定了教育政策合法性的表现形式和主要内容,规范和引导着教育政策合法性的确立。同时,教育公平引导下的公民广泛参与是提升教育政策合法性的主要实践路径。  相似文献   

Sex and Race Differences in Faculty Tenure and Promotion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from the 1993 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty are used to explore sources of the lower representation of women and minorities among tenured than tenure track faculty and among full professors than lower ranking faculty. A 2-step approach is used. First, differences in the probability of being tenured rather than on a tenure track are explored. Then, differences in the probability of holding the rank of full professor among faculty who are tenured are examined. Logistic regression analyses are used to isolate the effects of sex and race on the dependent variables after controlling for human capital, productivity, and structural characteristics. For both tenure and promotion to full professor, separate analyses are conducted for women and men in order to explore sex differences in the tenure and promotion processes. All analyses are conducted separately for full-time faculty working at public 2-year institutions and full-time faculty working at 4-year institutions.  相似文献   

Inequalities continue to exist in higher education, with Black and minority ethnic (BME) academics less likely to be professors or occupy senior decision-making roles compared to their White colleagues. In order to increase BME representation in senior decision-making roles, specific programmes targeted at BME groups have recently been introduced in higher education institutions (HEIs). This article draws on research carried out on two such programmes in England. By using principles of critical race theory (CRT), I argue that racism continues to play a key role in the lack of BME groups in senior leadership roles and that such programmes benefit HEIs rather than contributing to a commitment to inclusion, equity and creating a diverse workforce. Furthermore, such programmes work for the benefit of HEIs to perpetuate and reinforce White privilege, rather than addressing structural inequalities.  相似文献   

遗产税具有调解社会分配不公、抑制社会浪费、平衡纳税人心理、引导公益捐赠等功能。目前,世界上已有100多个国家和地区开征遗产税。我国伴随着经济的持续高速增长和分配制度的改革,收入差距过大、两极分化严重制约着和谐社会的构建,应开征遗产税来缓解社会不公。我国开征遗产税的经济条件和法律环境具备,需在征管配套制度上进一步完善。  相似文献   

This study analyzed the impact of specific types of financial aid on students' college choice, with particular focus on racial differences. For overall student populations, the receipt of grants or a combination of grants with loans had a positive impact on attending first choice institutions. In contrast, having loans only had no significant impact. Going one step further, distinct patterns were found in the effects of financial aid on college choice by racial groups. White students were more likely to attend their first-choice institutions if they received grants or a combination of grants with loans. Asian American students were strongly influenced by having loans or a combination of grants with loans when they decided to attend their first choice of colleges. In contrast, college choices of Latino and African American students were not influenced by financial aid. Implications of the findings for financial aid policy are indicated and future research on the topics recommended.  相似文献   

Distance learning and educational equity both began with an emphasis on access, on providing underserved students with an increased access to education. Today definitions of equity have gone beyond simple access to include equal or equivalent treatment and outcomes while definitions of underserved students have expanded to include girls, children of color, children with limited English proficiency and children with disabilities. At the same time the definition of distance learning has expanded to include new technologies, new audiences and new roles. Based on these new definitions and roles, the article raises a number of equity challenges for distance learning educators centering around who is taught, what is taught and how the teaching is done. To answer these challenges, a series of recommendations are suggested that educators can implement to make distance learning a leader in increasing educational equity for all students. The time to act is now.  相似文献   

The adoption of educational policy measures to close the achievement gap, as well as the significant amount of scholarship dedicated to the subject, are just some of the indicators that reflect the tremendous concern in education about the academic performance of students of colour. Within research aimed at promoting equitable practices in education, culturally relevant teaching has emerged as a good teaching strategy to improve achievement. Using genealogical methods to examine the ways in which culture has become relevant to classroom practice, the author argues that that the perceived difference from white students that made it possible to conceive of children of colour as culturally deficit in the 1960s is also invoked in more recent literature that promotes attending to culture as an equity strategy. The take-up of culturally relevant teaching as something that a teacher can ‘do’, instead of a critical stance that a teacher takes, is also examined and critiqued.  相似文献   

教学理论的前提是教学理论得以确立的“灵魂”所在,其主要统摄人性、知识、目的和方法四个方面.其中,人的本质和人的形象是确立教学理论原点的首位要素和直观认识;不同的知识本质观和知识价值观影响教学理论依托的确立,而默会知识的提出以及知识载体的变化则拓展和发展了教学理论依托的确立;发展对目的的具体化和超越、目的与目标的区分以及目的内在的价值性牵涉教学理论旨归的确立;方法的适切性和艺术性是教学理论本然和应然的追求.  相似文献   

公平分配:构建和谐社会的基石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会主义的本质是实现共同富裕,和谐社会的主题是维护社会公平。当前我国城乡之间、地区之间、不同所有制和行业之间的收入差距持续扩大,不利于这两大目标的实现。党的十七大报告指出,初次分配领域和再分配领域都要处理好效率与公平的关系问题。因此,必须及时调整收入分配政策,将社会公平作为社会发展的首要目标,大力缩小收入差距。  相似文献   


This study addresses the issue of educational inadequacy and inequity for disadvantaged minority students. It estimates desired national standards and examines interrelated gaps in key school–teacher resources and mathematics achievement by linking national education data sets (National Assessment of Educational Progress [NAEP], Common Core of Data, and Schools and Staffing Survey). Although poor minority students’ chances to meet the national mathematics proficiency standard are undermined by the lack of their access to qualified teachers and adequate school funding, it turns out that the adequacy-based (absolute) gaps are much larger than the equity-based (relative) gaps. Meeting the NAEP Grade 8 mathematics proficiency standard requires substantial increases in per-pupil education spending (from $6,493 to $7,197 in year 2000 dollars) and in-field mathematics teaching rate (from 49% to 91%) across the nation. Research and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

首先揭示,康托对角线法的使用存在一个隐含前提。如改变前提,是可以得到连续统与自然数集合间的一个一一对应的。这一结论,与传统看法明显不同,而由此,连续统假设的相对独立性将是必然的,从而为这一问题的澄清提供了依据。  相似文献   


State-by-state comparison of charter school laws is complicated by the wide variation in terminology and by the idiosyncratic impact that interpretation and implementation by mid-level administrators has on the actual way in which charter school laws work. In this regard, each state is different and true comparison can best be accomplished by parallel studies conducted by local practitioners or researchers in each state. Also, longitudinal studies which trace the evolution of legislation over time provide greater insight into a state's charter school legislative environment in the same way that longitudinal studies of student achievement provide more information than one-point-in-time assessments.

This paper describes the first of such studies; a combined content-analysis and policy assessment of current charter school legislation in the state of Hawai'i. The current statutes are traced through eleven drafts and a 58-page report from a public Task Force brought into being as the result of earlier legislation. Lessons, which might be applied in other states, are explored. Similar studies of legislation in other states are proposed. doi:10.1300/J467v01n03_13  相似文献   

《宪章录》是明代薛应旂编纂的一部记载本朝历史的编年体史书,史料价值颇高。在体例上,此书恰当汲取纪传体、纪事本末体的编纂优点,克服编年体之不足,充分保证全书结构的合理、完备;在内容上,作者注重臧否本朝人物、记载官修文献等,尤其是书中的大量“按语”,是研究薛应旂历史思想的重要史料。  相似文献   

二战后,为维护世界和平与安全,国际社会成立了联合国,将和平解决国际争端原则写进《联合国宪章》,并成为当代国际社会限制武力使用的重要国际法文件.但由于受到大国强权政治等因素的影响,这一国际法准则不断受到挑战,尽管如此,《联合国宪章》中所规定的各种禁止使用武力的法则已经被国际社会广泛接受,因此,未来国际社会应继续强化《联合国宪章》在限制武力使用方面的监督作用,从而更好地维护世界的和平.  相似文献   

简析中国公立大学章程的内容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公立大学的章程作为公立大学的“宪法”,是最基本的规范性文件,与其他的具体规章制度不同,规定的是公立大学最重大的和最基本的问题。目前,国内一些公立大学依照我国高等教育法已经制定了自己的大学章程,但在章程的内容上仍然存在着许多问题。笔者拟从公立大学章程内容在思想、制度和现实层面的三个目标体系,制定的法律依据,基本机构三方面入手,对公立大学的章程进行更深一步的法律透视。  相似文献   

高等学校教育公平问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国高等教育大众化时期的到来,高等教育公平问题日渐成为社会的热点话题。人们更多地将目光聚焦于高等教育的外部公平,而忽视了内部公平。高校要科学地理解教育公平的内涵,走出认识误区,认真落实学校内部教育公平,以促进学生和谐发展和高等教育质量持续提高。  相似文献   

The focus of this article is the tenure review process in Canadian universities, a rigorous and high-stakes evaluation of junior academics that serves as a prime exemplar of ‘disciplining academics', our project's title. In-depth interviews in seven Ontario universities with 30 knowledgeable informants such as senior managers and faculty association personnel provide the data. Literature on tenure and the persistence of equity issues suggests that we might expect some concern on those grounds to be raised by participants, especially as the faculty complement slowly grows more ethnically diverse and more gender balanced. Although not usually raised without direct questions, some discourses around equity did appear in the interviews. We argue that apparently equal outcomes in the tenure review process may be obscuring differential experiences of evaluation that need further examination.  相似文献   

Drawing on the traditions of critical race theory, the paper is presented as a chronicle – a narrative – featuring two invented characters with different histories and expertise. Together they explore the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative approaches to race equality in education. In societies that are structured in racial domination, such as the USA and the UK, quantitative approaches often encode particular assumptions about the nature of social processes and the generation of educational inequality that reflect a generally superficial understanding of racism. Statistical methods can obscure the material reality of racism and the more that statisticians manipulate their data, the more it is likely that majoritarian assumptions will be introduced as part of the fabric of the calculations themselves and the conclusions that are drawn. Focusing on the case of recent national data on the secondary education of minoritized children in England, the paper highlights statisticians’ ability to define what counts as a ‘real’ inequality without public challenge or scrutiny; reflects on the dangers of statistical ‘explanations’ in the realm of public debate and policy outcomes; and questions quantitative assumptions about the intersectional relationships between different forms of oppression, including gender, class and race.  相似文献   

特许学校是美国20世纪90年代兴起的一种新型的公立学校形式。它的运行给美国公立教育的改革带来了一种全新的思路。本文以"三角协调模式"为基础,围绕政府、市场、学校三要素之间的关系运动深入剖析特许学校的运行机制。  相似文献   

试析形式逻辑的前提问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
长期以来,人们对形式逻辑的前提问题存在着误解,认为形式逻辑不管自己的前提,也无法解决自己的前提来源。其实,亚里士多德在创制形式逻辑时就已经深刻论述了这一问题,他把直观和归纳法作为形式推理的前提来源。后来的归纳逻辑和辩证法对形式逻辑前提问题所作的批判都是基于对亚里士多德这一思想的忽略,而且它们也都未能解决自身的前提问题,归纳逻辑不能证成自身的合理性,辩证法不能解决结论的可检验性。其实,无论形式逻辑、归纳逻辑还是辩证法都是人类认识事物的一种方式,它们共同服务于人类的实践,它们之间是互相补充关系,而不是互相取代关系。  相似文献   

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