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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) library instruction program provides training services to staff, clinicians, and researchers across NIH and several Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) operating divisions. The audience, training needs, and training topics are diverse and constantly changing. The NIH library has developed several new services and class topics to meet the needs of its NIH and HHS communities. Context, strategies, and future directions for the NIH library instruction program are described.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(67-68):175-186

This article presents the Open House as a viable public relations and instruction technique to introduce incoming students to basic library facilities and services in a fun and relaxing atmosphere. An overriding goal of the Open House is to empower participating students with the self-sufficiency skills that will allow them to smoothly navigate the library on their own. Includes a comprehensive blueprint for detailing successes, innovations, and pitfalls. Outlines the specific steps to take regarding fundraising and donation solicitation. Ultimately, an Open House event can strengthen a library's outreach potential; an important-yet often neglected-facet of academic librarianship.  相似文献   

I have pleasure,privilege a couple of years ago to be with world bank to come to China and take a look at the landscape of the library and similar institutions and three provinces of China,Guizhou,Jilin and Chengdu.I spend some time here.So I have a sense of the situation in the rural areas of China,in terms of public libraries,things  相似文献   

Data play a crucial role in health research, education, and patient care. Initiatives such as Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) and Precision Medicine point to the increasing focus and value of data use and reuse. As the universe of data continues to grow exponentially, health education needs to provide students with practical hands-on learning sessions that illustrate the multitude of uses for data and statistics. Giving students early exposure to data reuse provides a solid background for the more complex data they may gather later in their education. This column describes how librarians at a general academic library used data dashboards and Tableau in two library sessions to provide students with hands-on experience in data visualization and its role in decision-making.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(69-70):129-139

This article focuses on some major contributions from learning theory that impact how adults learn. Following an overview of two major learning theories—behavioral and cognitive theories—the authors discuss four factors that affect learning. These are attention, perception, memory, and contiguity and practice. Other topics presented include prior knowledge effect and transfer of knowledge problems. The article closes with five recommendations for incorporating results from learning theory research into reference service and user instruction.  相似文献   

Usability testing has become a routine way for many libraries to ensure that their Web presence is user-friendly and accessible. At the same time, popular subject guide creation systems, such as LibGuides, decentralize Web content creation and put authorship into the hands of librarians who may not be trained in user-centered design principles. At Metropolitan State University, researchers performed usability testing on LibGuides in order to see how patrons interact with guides. Researchers completed two rounds of usability testing on a total of ten students, one alumnus, and one community patron. The results indicate that patrons struggled most when encountering jargon, inconsistent language, and visual clutter. Based on their findings, researchers recommend ongoing usability testing of subject guides as well as the creation of a style guide to help librarians create usable, accessible guides.  相似文献   

本文在分析《Anderson Cooper 360°》节目主持人库伯对该节目影响的基础上,将该节目同中国央视同名栏目《360度》进行分析对比,以期从中找到值得借鉴的地方。  相似文献   


This study investigates the impact that pre-tests have on the effectiveness of library instruction when students are given feedback on their pre-test performance. Librarians and academic faculty partnered to measure library instruction outcomes in two Master's degree classes. The Research Readiness Self-Assessment (RRSA) was used as a pre-test (before instruction) and a post-test (after instruction) in Class 1 and as a post-test only in Class 2. Students who completed both tests performed significantly better on a post-test, earning higher scores on obtaining information and overall information literacy. They reported greater library/research experience and less reliance on browsing. Compared to students who did not take a pre-test, students who received pre-test-based feedback had higher scores on library/research experience and lower scores on reliance on browsing. To enhance the effectiveness of library instruction, students can be given pre-test-based feedback that compares their actual and perceived literacy and encourages the use of library databases.  相似文献   

An investigation into preservice teachers’ information evaluation skills at a large university suggests that formative assessment can improve student achievement. Preservice teachers were asked to apply information evaluation skills in the areas of currency, relevancy, authority, accuracy, and purpose. The study used quantitative methods to assess preservice teachers’ evaluation skills as demonstrated within the context of a final project, or summative assessment, in an elementary education course. The authors compared the preservice teachers’ and researchers’ evaluations to analyze final projects from two semesters. When asked to evaluate the sources cited in a final project for an education methods course, preservice teachers who received formative feedback from librarians improved in most information evaluation areas. Formative assessment is explored as a tool for improving information literacy instruction.  相似文献   

This paper reports research results of the proposed experiential learning using a game-based educational material. The educational material was an application running on a mobile device and was supported for learners to study university library instruction. During the experiential learning, the learners answered several quizzes provided from the educational material. The quizzes were including experiential contents such as actually to find an academic journal or to reserve a learning room. In order to evaluate learning effectiveness of the experiential learning, this research made a comparative experiment. The experimental group used the educational material and the control group used another educational material of e-learning (non-experiential) but the contents was almost same as the contents of the experiential learning. The comparative experiment took several evaluation elements such as pre-/post-test scores, delayed-test scores and learning motivation scores based on IMMS of ARCS model. The experimental results revealed that experiential learning was superior for the several elements of these metrics. This research, furthermore, analyzed learner's operation data to the educational material and learner's behavior data during the learning in the experimental group. The analyzing results showed three types of the learning behaviors and indicated that an instructor needs to adopt suitable instructional design to each type to bring superior learning effectiveness.  相似文献   


For institutions of higher education, accreditation and re-accreditation are facts of academic life. Since accreditation standards now include distance education and related support services, librarians and library administrators involved with distance learners and distance education programs need to know the published guidelines and methods for demonstrating that standards are being met. This article discusses ways to become familiar with relevant accreditation standards; it highlights a study of assessment by Bonnie Gratch-Lindauer, and it reviews pertinent items from the ACRL Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services. It also notes practices suggested in the Guidelines, especially those related to assessment and evaluation, which provide methods and data that can be used to document how specific standards are met.  相似文献   

美国研究图书馆协会2007年12月21日发布了图书馆评估报告《Library Assessment,SPEC Kit 303》。调查结果显示,19世纪80年代或更早时候,已经有一定数量的图书馆开始了评估活动,1990年至2004年期间,从事评估活动的图书馆数量猛增。进行评估的动力是服务驱动和用户,来自图书馆自身的因素要大于外部因素;开展评估活动的首要动因是希望更多地了解用户的需求。SPEC Kit 303包括来自应答者的工作描述、评估宗旨、计划、报告、网站和组织结构图等信息。  相似文献   

当今电视界新闻频道、新闻性栏目愈趋增多,观众的选择空间随之扩展,在总收视时间相对固定的情况下,电视新闻媒介竞争愈趋激烈。中央电视台新闻频道虽然可以看作是全国范围内最具影响力的电视新闻发布平台,但是来自中央电视台内部,如国际频道的竞争,和来自各省市电视台,特别是“民生新闻”的竞争,以及凤凰卫视等境外媒体的竞争,都使中央电视台新闻频道面临强有力的挑战。在这种媒介情势下,科学合理地编排频道和节目就成为生存之本。中央电视台新闻频道近期改版,自6月5日起开始在每周一至周五晚8:00至9:00直播的《360°》是此次改版的重头戏。…  相似文献   

"深度报道"现在是各家媒体的时髦的话语,可什么才是真正的"深度报道"呢?在很长一段时问里,"深度报道"是和舆论监督报道划等号的.1994年,中央电视台《焦点访谈》开播,在短时间内取得了极大的成功,焦点访谈式的深度报道也被众多地方媒体所认同和仿效.发展到今天,对时效性的追求发展到了极致,电视直播变成了稀松平常的事情,这个时候深度报道同样面临着困境和突围.  相似文献   

红星美凯龙,作为中国家居流通业的领导品牌,2013年,以其独具特色的创新再掀行业新潮,成为引领家居行业改革创新的先驱者。一直以来,红星美凯龙秉承以改变来提升自身品牌形象,以高品质创意体现品牌精髓,通过多元化、多样化、多渠道等360°品牌营销方式,将家居生活理念不仅涉及到自身,更涉及到文化、公益、网络等多方面印刻到了每一个消费者心中。"2天"、27周年、鲁班文化、世博"惠"、爱家日,一年之中、红星美凯龙与25hours鼎力合作,契合品牌所展开的营销策略活动,通过与众不同的想法与理念,全方位打造精致的视频、网络口碑、平面等品牌企业形象,将创意进行到底!  相似文献   

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