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To effectively manage an interlibrary loan (ILL) unit, the supervising librarian needs a variety of skills. Drawing upon published reports, interviews with ILL leaders, and experience at Iowa State University, the author outlines a new typology of seven skills, relating these diverse skills to the place of ILL in the library organization, and the need for a formalized approach to educating and training ILL librarians.  相似文献   


ILL Manager is a complete interlibrary loan system designed and marketed by the Research Libraries Group, Inc. Based on the ISO ILL protocols, ILL Manager can function as a distributed peer-to-peer system, sending and tracking requests directly with partners that also operate on an ISO-compliant system, server to server. ILL Manager can also trade requests with partners still residing on the centralized OCLC and RLIN ILL systems by sending protocol messages through ISO-compliant gateways to those systems. Users of ILL Manager search any Z39.50 compliant catalog, transfer bibliographic data into an ILL workform, and send protocol-compliant requests to virtually any resource-sharing partner. By achieving one workflow for all ILL transactions and automating many routine procedures, ILL Manager has potential for greatly reducing ILL unit costs.  相似文献   


Many new ILL department heads are often new to supervision, and in addition to the challenges of managing a busy ILL service, new managers must also learn how to best supervise their most valuable resource—their staff. Supervising others can be one of the most daunting tasks a librarian has to face. Real-world strategies for hiring, motivating, and evaluating talented staff are discussed, along with practical guidance on budgeting, determining ILL costs, and quantitatively measuring ILL activity.  相似文献   


Librarians charged with the responsibility of developing and revising the ILL policy for their library can draw upon the experiences of others by reading ILL policies of various libraries. After reading other policies and incorporating some of their ideas, librarians can be better prepared for otherwise unforeseen situations.

The study reported in this article takes the reading of these policies one step further by evaluating them to discover trends in service. ILL policies of forty-two (42) universities were located on the World Wide Web. Five categories related to the borrowing of materials were analyzed, and from this analysis, conclusions were drawn about current trends in ILL borrowing service. Awareness of these trends can be instrumental in helping librarians shape a successful ILL policy.  相似文献   


Academic libraries increasingly rely on Interlibrary Loan (ILL) departments to obtain research materials. This adds to the workload of ILL at a time when many libraries are experiencing budget cuts and dwindling staff. Collaboration between ILL and Reference can assist ILL by providing searching expertise. Collaboration is facilitated by the paperless environment provided by ILL management software. Patrons benefit from increased fill-rates and reduced turnaround time for ILL requests. Reference benefits by exercising creative searching for difficult-to-find materials and gaining exposure to new reference sources and online catalogs. These benefits are explored through analysis of fill-rates, sources from which materials were ultimately obtained, sources used by the Reference Department, and interviews with staff.  相似文献   

Appendix 2     

QuickDOC is a software package that enables Interlibrary Loan (ILL) staff to enter DOCUNE ILL requests offline and upload them quickly to the DOCLINE system. It also enables users to automatically collect a range of statistics and billing information. QuickDOC is designed to be flexible and can be used in a number of different ways. This study aimed to find out how ILL staff, particularly in larger, net lending libraries, are using it and how satisfied they were with it. The study found that QuickDOC is able to function in large ILL operations and measured user satisfaction is measured. The variety of uses is described and possible enhancements are discussed.  相似文献   


ILL activity is governed by local, state, and national agreements and codes. Chapter 2 discusses the importance of national and statewide ILL codes of conduct, and also covers laws and regulations (confidentiality, the PATRIOT Act, HIPAA) germane to interlibrary loan.  相似文献   


What happens when libraries begin to use ILL to request items that they already own in their home collection? The goal of this multiyear study involving 9565 ILL requests to the Joint Library Facility in Bryan, Texas, is to examine whether or not the shared storage facility was becoming an ILL hub for some libraries. This paper reports the results of the study and how individual requesting and lending interlibrary loan policies and procedures might be altered to address these developing issues.  相似文献   


Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is intended to supplement a library's collection, but often patrons submit requests for items already owned. An analysis of a large academic library's ILL requests shows that in most cases the cataloging of bibliographic records is correct, but patrons need instruction in bibliographic searches and ILL policies and procedures. An unexpected result of the study was a realization that patrons are confused by the way items are shelved in the various branches.  相似文献   


This article proposes that an all-round practical training and educational enhancement is possible for library school students working in the ILL department. ILL and document delivery as described puts student trainees in contact with all the facets of librarianship by exposing them to the practical operations of the different departments as well as by exposure to the practical details of interlibrary lending. Therefore ILL serves its primary function in resource sharing, but can double as a training ground for future librarians.  相似文献   


Inter-Library Loan (ILL) service is one of the services provided by libraries that offers users a way to access library resources beyond their affiliated libraries. Additionally, it allows participating libraries to share and maximize their resources. This work examines the ILL process used by libraries in Singapore and proposes that the existing paper-based manual system be replaced by a Web-based ILL system. Such a Web-based system has been successfully designed and implemented at the Nanyang Technological University. The paper presents an overview of the system requirements and architecture, implementation details and demonstrates the feasibility and advantages of the new system.  相似文献   


Videocassettes are difficult to obtain via PRISM ILL. Very few participating OCLC members lend videocassettes and PRISM ILL is not designed to steer borrowers to the few lenders of this type of material. A worksheet, based on responses from the forthcoming ILPD, 5th ed., is offered for use at the OCLC workstation. A strategy for best use of this worksheet is also included.  相似文献   


OCLC's ILL PRISM Transfer (IPT) is a method for transferring the data from an electronic interlibrary loan form to OCLC's ILL Review File. This article explains the IPT process and Olivet Nazarene University's IPT program development using HTML forms, C programming, and OCLC formatting. The authors provide their IPT development as freeware to the Internet and library communities.  相似文献   


Several library directors in the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL) hypothesized that charging for interlibrary loan transactions was a false economy. They suggested that if ASERL libraries implemented ILL reciprocity, savings would be realized. From September 1, 1992 through June 30, 1993, thirty-six ASERL libraries participated in a pilot project. OCLC/ILL transaction data for borrowing and lending activity among the libraries was reviewed for two periods, one prior to and the other during the pilot project period. This paper reports on data analysis and a follow-up survey of participants. The results supported the hypothesis that ASERL library directors would accept terms of ILL reciprocity that were based on standard protocols and analysis of quantitative data.  相似文献   


Interlibrary loan (ILL) services receive requests for resources that are available locally and form a major portion of canceled requests. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between requests canceled due to local availability and three aspects to identify impacts on ILL. The authors explored library service aspects such as collection format, the link resolver knowledge base, and discovery system functionality for potential influence on requests for locally available resources. Quantitative methods were used to identify evidence of different aspects’ impact through analysis of ILL borrowing request data. The most important finding was that the discovery system had impact on ILL services by improving retrievability of locally available resources published recently. The results suggest that a modern discovery system can efficiently provide more relevant results sourced from a carefully curated set of authoritative resources, save users’ time to access available materials, and reduce library staff members’ time and effort. This study will be helpful to libraries through its analysis of library services that impact the cancelation of ILL requests due to local availability and how those services may influence service improvement.  相似文献   


ILLiad is an interlibrary loan borrowing system designed and implemented in the University Libraries at Virginia Tech. ILLiad models the ILL borrowing process so as to track the status of an ILL request as it is processed, either by the staff or by software. This process approach to automating interlibrary loan is leading to fundamental improvements in ILL management and service. The process approach allows continued expansion and modification of the system, including the addition of electronic delivery of articles. The process approach results in substantial improvements in customer service by allowing customers to intervene directly in the borrowing process without staff assistance.  相似文献   


When deciding whether to use UnCover2 or ILL for document delivery, consider these factors: accessibility of the article, how quickly it is needed, and how much it costs the patron. Then within your ILL unit, determine the average delivery time for libraries that own the material. An informal study of UnCover2 shows that within Colorado, ILL can usually deliver quickly enough at no charge to the patron. If the owning libraries cannot deliver within the time frame needed and the patron will pay an average of $10 to $12, UnCover2 can do the job.  相似文献   


The Virginia Boucher-OCLC Distinguished ILL Librarian Award is the most prestigiouscommendation given to practitioners in the field. The following questions about ILL were posed to the two most recent recipients of the Boucher Award: Tom Delaney (2002), Coordinator of Interlibrary Loan Services at Colorado State University and Lynn Wiley (2001), Information Resource Retrieval Center Coordinator at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Questions were written by Douglas Hasty, a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Access Services.  相似文献   


The Resources section is an annotated list of books, articles, websites, and more that can be consulted during the ILL process. Materials included in the Resources section can assist with problem request verification, identification of potential suppliers, handling rare or fragile materials, automating the ILL process, and much more. Also included are some titles of historical interest, for those looking to understand the earlier practices and history of interlibrary loan.  相似文献   

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