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当前政府办公自动化系统的公文管理功能普遍存在问题,其中的瓶颈亦即最根本性的问题是公文流程问题。当前政府公文流程存在功能分散、相对封闭、文档分治等主要问题。基于这种流程开发的办公自动化系统忽略了档案管理中对于电子公文长期保存的需求,所保存下来的电子公文将来无法作为档案发挥应有的凭证作用。要解决这个问题,必须研究并设计国家层面的电子公文流程,实现文档一体化的全程管理,统一文档管理体制,更新办公自动化系统开发模式。  相似文献   


This article gives a thorough introduction to authority control at the National Library of China from several perspectives including bibliographic services, the online cataloging center, acquisitions, and the library's integrated library system. It introduces the objectives, principles, applications, solution to the problem, and concludes with comments and insights on the issues surrounding the proposed NLC authority control system. This article also discusses the importance of authority control for access.  相似文献   

Analyzing archives and finding facts: use and users of digital data records   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article focuses on use and users of data from the NARA (National Archives and Records Administration), U.S. Who is using archival electronic records, and why are they using them? It describes the changes in use and consequently user groups over the last 30 years. The changes in use are related to the evolution of reference services for electronic records at NARA, as well as to growth in the types of electronic records accessioned by NARA. The first user group consisted mainly of researchers with a social science background, who usually expected to handle the data themselves. The user community expanded when electronic records with personal value, like casualty records, were transferred to NARA, and broadened yet again when a selection of NARA’s electronic records became available online. Archivists trying to develop user services for electronic records will find that the needs and expectations of fact or information seeking data users are different from those of researchers using and analyzing data files.  相似文献   

This article presents a conceptual framework for library name authority control, including methods for disambiguating agents that share the same name and for collocating works of agents who use multiple names. It then discusses the identifier solutions tried or proposed in the library community for name authority control, analyzes the various identity management systems emerging outside of the library community, and envisions future trends in name authority control.  相似文献   

本文通过分析英国国家档案馆开放信息服务及其publication scheme的内涵,并与我国档案信息公开工作进行比较分析,指出我国档案信息公开指南中存在的不足,进而提出一些建设性对策。  相似文献   


The researchers extracted a disproportionate stratified random sample from 40?years of thesis bibliographic records at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. Match rates for thesis authors in the LC/NACO Name Authority File and in Canadiana Authorities were examined. ProQuest digitization of older theses, the creation of an institutional repository, the move to electronic theses and dissertations in 2011, and the implementation of vendor-assisted authority control in 2017 impacted bibliographic records. In addition to the dearth of matches in general, results uncovered false matches and significant changes to Library and Archives Canada thesis authority control practices over the years.  相似文献   

《工商档案管理学》蕴含着陆时万系统而丰富的档案思想,如关于企业档案及其管理的概念认知、价值认识、职能设计等方面的思想。作为时代的产物,《工商档案管理学》及其档案思想固然存在一定的局限性,但此种对工商领域档案管理的探究拓宽了近代档案管理工作与研究的范围,且在工商档案管理工作界定中展现出超前的服务意识。给予该讲义必要的关注和解读,对全面把握近代档案思想遗产,深入研究企业档案管理的历史传统,有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

在信息化时代,档案机构必须寻求新的媒介传播档案信息,建立档案网站无疑是档案机构最好的对外交流平台。论文从日本国立公文书馆网站的设计、理念、内容、检索、互动功能和人性化服务等角度入手,介绍了国立公文书馆网站的整体建设情况和在网站建设方面可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

郝伟斌  肖祎星  陈健 《档案管理》2020,(3):14-17,21
通过对《档案事业发展"七五"计划》到《全国档案事业发展"十三五"规划纲要》分析,发现我国国家综合档案馆信息化经历了自主探索、目标确定和大力发展三个阶段的发展。国家综合档案馆在面对当前机构改革、"单轨制"实施以及大数据事业发展的时代背景下,综合档案馆信息化未来的发展也面临新的要求,为此国家综合档案馆应调整档案信息化战略发展规划、做好档案馆工作数字转型以及重视档案信息化治理。  相似文献   

档案开放利用中的矛盾阻碍了档案价值的发挥,不利于档案工作的顺畅开展。因此文章首先明确了档案开放利用中保密与开放、利用与公布、履职与担责以及国家和个人利益之间的矛盾,其次从法律法规、档案工作人员、档案用户三个方面来具体分析这些矛盾产生的原因,继而提出从宏观、中观和微观三个层面建立有效的矛盾防控机制,以期预防和控制矛盾,促进档案的开放利用。  相似文献   

In 1999–2000 the National Archives of Australia (NAA) adopted a functions-based approach to appraisal. Since that time functional appraisal projects have for the most part been conducted in cooperation with individual agencies. What has been missing is a broad whole-of-government or macroappraisal framework which might assist with the strategic prioritisation of projects, the allocation of resources and the identification of high-value functions, activities and record classes. This article describes a project commenced by the NAA during 2003–2004 to research and develop a functions-based macroappraisal framework for current and prospective appraisal and for retrospective application to records of the past 30 years of the Australian Government. The article compares the Australian approach with macroappraisal strategies pursued in Canada, the Netherlands and South Africa.  相似文献   


To celebrate the 20th anniversary of LITA/ALCTS CCS Authority Control in the Online Environment Interest Group (ACIG), a survey was sent out to its past chairs to identify the major issues concerning authority control during their tenure as chair, ACIG's major accomplishments during the year, and comments the past ACIG chairs had on the current focus and challenges for authority control in the future. The author discovered that since ACIG's creation in 1984 by Barbara Tillett, ACIG has contributed greatly to the field of authority control by addressing timely authority control topics with programs, discussions, and publications for the library community. ACIG meetings have always been well attended. All ACIG chairs were very proud to be part of having contributed to authority control, and quite a few of them have been working very hard to promote authority control issues ever since.  相似文献   

关注国际编目进展 强化书目规范控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过研究探讨近年来国际编目领域关于规范工作的新思想、新理论、新标准、新技术,结合我国书目规范控制工作面临的种种问题,提出加快我国书目规范控制工作进程中的一些相关对策.  相似文献   

美国国家档案馆档案文化活动的特色分析及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任越  路璐 《档案学通讯》2020,(4):96-102
美国国家档案馆将美国文化、爱国教育、历史知识、人文情怀融入主题丰富、形式多样的档案文化活动中。这些文化活动极具怀旧与创意元素,借助社交媒体的宣传与推广而呈现出主题-时间-形式高度契合的特点。我国各级综合档案馆可以借鉴美国国家档案馆在创意融入文化活动设计、社交媒体参与文化活动推广、打造国家档案文化品牌方面的成熟经验,以此丰富档案文化活动的内容,提高档案文化活动的品质,引发社会公众共鸣。  相似文献   

韩双 《档案管理》2020,(2):56-56,58
在抗击新冠肺炎疫情的斗争中产生的疫情防控档案是党和政府领导人民抗击疫情的真实记录,对此开展及时收集和利用就显得十分重要。疫情防控档案如何收集,怎样利用是本文探讨的内容和重点。  相似文献   

档案害虫的危害性分析与综合治理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶琴 《档案学研究》2014,28(2):76-80
档案虫蛀现象是档案受损的主要生物因素之一。根据档案害虫的危害性和结合有关案例,分析了档案害虫的发生与环境温湿度、纸张质地的关系等,阐述了控制温湿度、做好清洁卫生、维护好建筑物的防虫性能等预防性对策,和应用低温冷冻杀虫法和真空充氮杀虫法等无公害技术治理害虫,确保对工作人员和档案的安全。  相似文献   


Providing K-12 schools with digital access to archival materials can strengthen both student learning and archival practice, although it cannot replace direct physical access to records. This article compares a variety of electronic and non-electronic projects to promote teaching with primary source materials. The article also examines some of the different historiographical and pedagogical approaches used in archival Web sites geared for K-12 instruction, focusing on differences between the educational sites sponsored by the Library of Congress and the National Archives and Records Administration.  相似文献   

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