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Approximately thirty years ago archivists began formulating new models to guide archival collecting, creating a literature that continues to grow. In the mid-1980s, the introduction of the documentation strategy collection model put new emphasis on cooperation between repositories and among stakeholders. The model initially focused on the history of science, which has traditionally been poorly documented. Today, the documentation strategy model remains an essential tool in preserving the history of physics, astronomy, geophysics, and allied fields. The Center for History of Physics is using it to move beyond the records of academic science to develop strategies to preserve sources in the especially hard-to-document realms of government and corporate research.  相似文献   

人类进入当前以计算机为代表之一的信息时代,经历了漫长的发展历程,其中计算器的发明与发展起到了关键作用。在这一过程中,莱布尼茨计算器是一项里程碑式的发明,它不仅能够进行加减乘除四则运算,而且真正实现了计算过程的自动化,其设计理念和核心部件引领了此后机械计算器200余年的发展进程。收藏莱布尼茨计算器并研究其设计理念、核心部件、使用方法、内部结构、进位方式,对于研究和了解人类探索计算自动化之历程具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为致敬门捷列夫发现元素周期表150周年,2019年中国科技馆自主开发了“律动世界——化学元素周期表专题展”,以“规律”为主题,传播化学元素及元素周期律相关知识,引导公众思考“准确把握规律”在认识和改造世界过程中的意义和作用。本文按照展览设计的规律,从展览主题策划、内容策划、形式设计、策展机制等四个方面,简介展览设计理念,总结项目开发过程。  相似文献   


Student documents, including scrapbooks, diaries, and student organization records, are invaluable resources for the study of higher education, reform movements, and intellectual and social trends. Not only do they provide fodder for scholarship and classroom instruction, these materials serve the multi-faceted research needs of administrators, alumni, and the community. In order to document student experience fully, it is essential that archivists and librarians institute an innovative outreach program that underlines the importance of maintaining and utilizing student related documents, and in the process actively engages students, faculty, administrators, and alumni in the archives' program.  相似文献   

本文围绕科技馆策划科技成就展的展品创意进行探讨,针对相关展览的现状及问题,分析展品的目的性及其与观众的联系,分别对展品创意中可能的展示点及展示手段进行了梳理归类,并以“创新决胜未来——庆祝改革开放40周年科技成就科普展”为实例,对展示点及展示手段在实际工作中的体现予以阐释。  相似文献   

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