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This article explores the history of Catholic women's colleges and former women's colleges in the United States, with specific focus on student life in the mid-twentieth century. In the peak year 1956-1957, 42,900 young Catholic (and sometimes non-Catholic) women attended about 116 colleges, a significant proportion of the higher educational sector. These colleges helped acculturate many children of Irish, German, Eastern European and Italian families to middle-class American society, at the same time creating a specifically female and Catholic culture on the college campuses. This culture, which was characterized by the ideals of femininity, religion, and service, can be reconstructed through materials in the college archives: for example, through minutes of faculty committees and student organizations, records of college events, photographs, audio-visual material, scrapbooks, catalogs, and student publications. The archives of Catholic women's colleges are important in that they document a little-studied area of American life- Catholic women's culture-and furthermore show how it has changed and evolved up to the contemporary period.  相似文献   


This article examines how materials collected by the Smith College Archives document the official life of the College, as well as the lives of undergraduates as they participate in student organizations, athletics, musical groups, and engage in other social relationships. It explores how the material has been collected, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the primary source material. It also examines how collections have been used to interpret what it was like to educate a woman in a single-sex institution at the end of the nineteenth century, and what it was truly like for the women who came to Smith to be educated. In addition, the article discusses a collaborative digitization project between the Five Colleges in the Pioneer Valley (Amherst, Hampshire, Mt. Holyoke, Smith, and the University of Massachusetts), funded by the Andrew Mellon Foundation between 1996 and 1999, that made selected records on women's education available to the research community on the World Wide Web. [  相似文献   


Since 1994, undergraduate students at Rutgers University have had the opportunity to explore broad issues in the history of women's higher education by examining issues surrounding single-sex and coeducation at their own institution, with specific concentration on social issues and student culture. Four distinct seminars and projects, two of which incorporate oral history, and all four involving historical research in archival sources, have contributed to the historical literature and have added valuable documentation on the history of women at Rutgers University. This article presents an overview of these specific courses. It further provides an assessment from the particular perspective of a university archivist who attempts to document the history of the institution, promote the use of that documentary record by a diverse audience of users, including undergraduate students, and who has had the opportunity to teach two seminars on the history of women's higher education, using Rutgers as a case study. The courses to be discussed are: “Rutgers Women: A Living History” (1993-1995), a research seminar incorporating oral history of the first women students to enter the previously all-male Rutgers College in 1972; the Rutgers Oral History Archives of World War II (1994 to present), an ongoing project recording the memories of Rutgers men and women and their wartime experiences; the Douglass College Scholar's Program seminar on psychobiography (1998), a seminar which explored the life of Mary Clara Kangler, a 1938 graduate of the New Jersey College for Women whose tragic life ended in suicide; and the Douglass College Scholar's Program seminar on the history of the Douglass College and its role in the history of women's higher education in the United States (1999-2002), a research seminar based on archival research which explored the experiences of women and the controversial issues surrounding women's education at Rutgers.  相似文献   


Student documents, including scrapbooks, diaries, and student organization records, are invaluable resources for the study of higher education, reform movements, and intellectual and social trends. Not only do they provide fodder for scholarship and classroom instruction, these materials serve the multi-faceted research needs of administrators, alumni, and the community. In order to document student experience fully, it is essential that archivists and librarians institute an innovative outreach program that underlines the importance of maintaining and utilizing student related documents, and in the process actively engages students, faculty, administrators, and alumni in the archives' program.  相似文献   

本文针对我国教育质量保障的弊端,借鉴国际改善评价的经验,阐述了学生评价高等职业教育的服务质量研究的目标,分析了研究结果,并提出五点建议。  相似文献   

在普通高校图书馆聘用学生助理的探讨   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
张金虹 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(1):153-154,118
阐述了普通高校图书馆和学生助理的相互作用,着重探讨了在对他们的管理中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

In recent decades the field of higher education has grown exponentially; however, little research examines a particular journal and its impact on the field. The purpose of this study was to conduct a brief bibliometric analysis and discuss the impact of The Journal of Higher Education (1998–2002), a premier journal in the discipline.  相似文献   

Numerous challenges confront serials librarians in this period of financial uncertainty for higher education. Colleges and universities face unprecedented economic constraints affecting both private and public support while serials costs are increasing and publishing outlets are decreasing. Librarians and their advocates do a good job of describing these conditions among themselves, but need to collaborate to communicate their message forcefully to the large higher education community to expand support.  相似文献   

大学图书馆教育功能创新的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等教育教学改革的目标在于通过教育思想观念的转变,教材体系的建设,教学内容、教学方法的改革,通过现代化教学手段的运用,全面提高大学生的综合素质和创新能力,为实现科教兴国战略。培养具有科学精神和创新思维习惯的劳动者和专门技术人才。大学图书馆在高等教育改革中,发挥着第二课堂的独特功能和作用。它为大学生人文素质及综合素质的提高,完善知识结构,培养锻炼自学能力,陶冶情操,尤其是在培养大学生信息力,使其适应网络时代,知识经济对人才的要求等方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

论文对台州高教园区公共图书馆建设作了简要的回顾,总结了该馆能在短短三年时间里取得好成绩的主要原因。  相似文献   

The future of academic libraries largely depends on our ability to be innovative, anticipate our users' needs, adapt to a changing landscape, and prove our value through evidence. However, if our higher education colleagues do not perceive the profession as being relevant, our ability to innovate, anticipate, and adapt will be moot. This study investigates the visibility of librarians as authors in scholarly higher education (HE) and teaching and learning (TL) journals between 2000 and 2012. Findings include that 1.38% of articles published in these journals were written by a librarian author or authors, most of who are employed at research institutions. Information literacy was the most common topic, and theoretical articles were the most popular article type.  相似文献   

通过对比国内外信息素养教育发展现状,论证信息素养教育体系整合的必要性。勾勒整合视角下的理论框架,探测体系内各类型学习者的需求倾向,进而构建以信息素养教师、学科教师和学生群体为主体,以图书馆、计算机基础教学机构、教师培训机构和面向社会的信息素养培训机构为客体的高校信息素养教育体系,并针对资源整合、差异应对、技能深化、形式扩展和质量保证五方面提出相应的实施策略。  相似文献   

文化传承与文化教育是图书馆区别于其它信息服务机构唯一特征,也是高校图书馆的基本职责。本文明确提出高校图书馆在培养学生价值观、传承大学文化、传播社会主流文化等方面的职责,并从构建图书馆文化体系、建立长效文化育人制度、培养图书馆员的文化追求、充分利用馆藏特色文化资源四个方面提出改进策略,以期充分发挥高校图书馆的文化育人功能。  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]针对党史学习教育中高校图书馆红色文化推广的现状及存在问题,寻找一条将党史学习教育与红色文化推户有机融合、充分发挥图书馆红色文化资源优势、助力实现高校立德树人根本目标的新路径.[方法/过程]高校图书馆以开展党史学习教育为抓手,以提高服务效能为目标,运用调查法、比较分析法、例证法,探究彰显图书馆红色文化推广...  相似文献   

高银霞 《大观周刊》2011,(46):70-71
《成本会计》课程是会计专业的一门理论性和实践性都很强的专业核心课程,在会计专业课程中起着重要的作用。高职成本会计教学的主要目标是向社会培养一些具备会计技能的实践技能型人才,但是成本会计课程体系复杂,高职学生基础薄弱,掌握起来有一定的难度,如何根据成本会计的特点教好成本核算内容,是作为会计专业教师一直思考的问题。我认为,在教学中应根据高职学生的特点,采取有效的教学措施来提高教学水平,让高职学生牢固掌握成本核算知识。  相似文献   

高等教育质量观与大众化高等教育质量保障体系的建立   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等教育质量是一个历史的和辩证的概念;它包括宏观的高等教育发展质量和微观的人才培养质量。当前我国的高等教育已进入大众化阶段,宏观的发展质量目标应追求高等教育的规模、效益、速度、结构和质量的协调发展;而微观的人才培养质量应视高等教育的主体而定,不同层次的高等教育、不同类型的高等院校,应有各自的培养目标和规格,有多样化的教育质量标准,应建立不同的质量保障体系和有利于分类指导的质量评估体系。  相似文献   

1952—1955年,新中国依托苏联专家和中国人民大学学习苏联档案学高等教育经验,通过培养档案学课程教员、建立课程教学研究组织、编译苏联专家讲义和苏联教材及著作等方法推动新中国档案学高等教育教学体系创建。在这一过程中,苏联专家和中国人民大学档案学教研人员一起不断推进苏联经验与中国实际的结合,强调对中国档案学史、机关工作史等中国档案学的研究,强调课程教学与实验实习相结合,强调档案学学科研究与全国档案工作的相互促进。新中国档案学高等教育教学体系的建立,为新中国培养了第一批高级档案专业人才,为我国档案工作提供了系统的档案学理论和方法指导,成为新中国高校档案学学科建设的重要起点。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 对美国和世界主要发达国家图书馆学教育史研究的代表性成果进行梳理和评述,以了解和掌握国外图书馆学教育史研究关注的问题,为我国图书馆学教育史的研究提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程] 通过检索国外数据库和网络文献源,筛选出相关主题的核心文献进行研读,以20世纪80年代纪念美国图书馆学教育创建100周年的研究文献为重点,对80年代前后美国图书馆学教育史研究成果进行梳理和分析,同时对世界其他国家的相关研究成果进行简要评述。[结果/结论] 认为国外图书馆学教育史研究体现了明显的"今史观",通过回顾图书馆学教育的历史,思考当今图书馆学教育存在的问题和未来图书馆学教育的发展;在研究中比较重视对史料、史实的搜集和运用;同时主张"大教育史"观,将各种形式的图书馆学教育纳入到图书馆学教育史的研究范围。  相似文献   

本文的研究问题包括:中国图书情报与档案管理学科教育的发展历史是怎样的?目前该学科教育的专业发展规模、师资队伍、学生培养的现状是什么?经验与发展建议有哪些?论文采集数据的方法和途径为:向全国高校与科研院所的所有图书情报与档案管理学科院系机构发放学科发展历史与现状问卷并回收56份有效机构问卷,并通过网络调查获取另外22家机构的学科点现状,对七所院校开展实地调研和访谈。核心研究结论为:第一,中国图书情报与档案管理教育百年发展中学科点从无到有,从少到多,艰难而荣耀,图书馆学、情报学与档案学历经各自独立创建并发展之后在1998年融合基础上走过了坚守主流专业并积极拓展新领域的道路。第二,图书情报与档案管理无论是单独建系还是在历史、文学、管理或图书馆实体机构之下创立,经历了平均3. 77次的院系名称更名,目前大多数学科点以信息管理或信息资源管理作为名称并基本稳定下来。第三,中国图书情报与档案管理教育经历百年的沉淀和发展后,尽管师资规模仍然偏小,但已形成相对稳定、不断更新换代的师资队伍,国际化程度不高、学缘结构不够优化等问题值得关注。第四,中国图书情报与档案管理教育的在读学生中本科生培养规模大于硕士和博士,但从学科点授予学位情况看,从初创时期的以培养本科生为主已过渡到现在以培养硕士生为主的阶段;本科、硕士和博士在就业去向上均以签署就业协议或者国内外升学为主要去向,本学科毕业生选择自主创业的比例不高。论文最后提出中国图书情报与档案管理教育发展中的若干方向。  相似文献   

The academic library continues to formulate strategies for providing and sustaining a creative learning environment for knowledge creation. But little has been said about its role in skills building through micro employment that is enabling students to develop and integrate their academic, personal, and social skills sets. This study examines the role that Access Services plays in boosting the learning experiences of student employees in readiness for workplace integration. A survey that seeks to assess their experience was administered to 32 student employees at Access Services. The results indicate that student employees, through information delivery functions, gain personal transferable skills crucial for employment.  相似文献   

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