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庄明谦  杨磊 《体育科技》2001,22(1):21-23
400m栏比赛的全程是由各个不同技术特征的若干段落所组成,通常把400m栏划分为五个阶段出发段、前程跨栏跑段、中程跨栏跑段、后程跨栏跑段和终点冲刺段.400m栏是人体极限运动项目之一,400m栏的关键是每一个栏周期的平均速度的平稳性,全程的速度分配、各栏间速度的发挥和利用程度,而保持速度的关键是栏间跑节奏的掌握.栏间步数、步长和节奏在400m栏中显得非常重要.  相似文献   

苏北高校学生体质健康测试现状及规范性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对苏北高校学生体质健康测试现状及规范性进行研究,结果表明:苏北高校学生身体素质不达标比例较大,其中肥胖、耐力、力量及速度四个指标不合格率较为突出;学生参加体测的态度比较消极,经常出现违规违纪现象;监测人员以公体教师为主,体育专业学生辅助测试,测试秩序比较混乱;大部分高校测试仪器、设备缺乏;学生获取体测信息渠道比较狭窄;场地安排合理,利用率高;体测经费及人员经费报销方式差异较大;医务监测站位置设置不够明显,医务人员缺少;大部分高校体制测试数据后续管理存在漏洞,数据安全性受到威胁.针对测试过程中存在的问题提出可行性建议,旨在为苏北高校体质健康监测安全、高效的进行提供参考.  相似文献   

We aimed to describe the frequency of showering after physical education (PE) in English high-school pupils. We examined differences in physical activity (PA) and cardiorespiratory fitness according to showering behaviours and examined predictors of showering. We measured PA and cardiorespiratory fitness of n = 3921 pupils (11–16 years, 53.5% males) from eight high schools. Pupils self-reported showering behaviour and parental PA levels. We calculated deprivation and distance travelled to school from their home postcode. Overall, 53% of boys and 68% of girls said they never shower after PE. Pupils who did not shower after PE were less physically active and engaged in fewer team sports. Girls who did not shower also had lower cardiorespiratory fitness than those who did. Showering behaviour varied greatly by school, so we adjusted for clustering at the school level. Pupils were more likely to shower if they were active with their parents [odds ratio (OR) = 1.72; 95% CI: 1.43, 2.07] and less likely to shower if they were from deprived areas (OR = 0.68; 95% CI: 0.52, 0.88). Showering after PE is relatively rare in English schoolchildren, particularly girls. While we cannot infer causality regarding the relationships found here, the low rates of showering and the lower PA and cardiorespiratory fitness (in girls) observed in schoolchildren who do not shower suggest research is needed to determine whether showering is a barrier to being physically active during PE.  相似文献   

The incremental shuttle walk test (ISWT) is used to assess functional capacity of patients entering cardiac rehabilitation. Factors such as age and sex account for a proportion of the variance in test performance in healthy individuals but there are no reference values for patients with cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to produce reference values for the ISWT. Participants were = 548 patients referred to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation who underwent a clinical examination and performed the ISWT. We used regression to identify predictors of performance and produced centile values using the generalised additive model for location, scale and shape model. Men walked significantly further than women (395 ± 165 vs. 269 ± 118 m; = 9.5, P < 0.001) so data were analysed separately by sex. Age (years) was the strongest predictor of performance in men (β = ?5.9; 95% CI: ?7.1 to ?4.6 m) and women (β = ?4.8; 95% CI: ?6.3 to 3.3). Centile curves demonstrated a broadly linear decrease in expected ISWT values in males (25–85 years) and a more curvilinear trend in females. Patients entering cardiac rehabilitation present with highly heterogeneous ISWT values. Much of the variance in performance can be explained by patients’ age and sex. Comparing absolute values with age-and sex-specific reference values may aid interpretation of ISWT performance during initial patient assessment at entry to cardiac rehabilitation.  相似文献   

卢存 《体育科技》2001,22(2):31-34
采用文献资料研究法和数理统计方法,研究46名男生的身体形态、机能、素质指标对30m跑、100m跑成绩的影响.结果表明,研究对象的无氧代谢能力较差,形态机能指标显著性不高.此结论为体育院校系今后改善对一年级男生的教学训练提供参考.  相似文献   

奥运会是一项综合性体育文化盛事,蕴涵其中的多文化载体在支撑体育事业强力发展的同时,也推动着社会的进步.作为奥运会重要载体的奖牌文化,在充分褒扬奥林匹克精神同时,充盈了世界广域文化,推升了人类文明.  相似文献   

少年足球运动员训练过程中 ,除了加强基本技术、战术训练外 ,对他们的身体素质的训练也要引起极大的重视。尤其是速度力量素质 ,它是足球运动的基础。该项素质的发展程度 ,往往预示了少年足球运动员未来的运动机能。一些有经验的教练员在训练中都极为重视对少年足球运动员速度力量的训练。我们走访了大连地区 9个少年足球队的教练员 ,在他们的年训练教案中 ,速度力量的训练占整个身体素质训练的 5 8%~ 64%。他们普遍认为 ,少儿足球运动员打下良好的速度力量基础 ,对于他们今后足球运动机能的提高具有潜在的重要意义 ,是他们通向“球星”的…  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和中国哲学诠释学方法,在"技道并进""德艺双馨"的优秀文化传统和"功夫所至即是本体"的哲学范式下,提出:武术功夫是一个三维合一的概念,其既涵摄本体与主体,亦包纳才艺与能力,还囊括了方法与规则。从"功力"角度看,功夫具备本体的性质,指的是类似禅、太极等理念在长时间实践中的现身性表达;从"功用"的角度看,功夫就是一种高级的搏击竞技能力或表演才艺;从"功法"的角度看,功夫表征了方法运用的得当。其蕴藏了:(1)神形共建;(2)在人伦日用中寻求终身技能的发展;(3)身体技艺与情感意志共同成长三层"元实践"哲学意蕴。功夫旨在塑造整体的人、具体的人和自我超越的人,这无疑与身体素养所强调的"身体锻炼与人格培养并举"的整体论哲学在逻辑上相贯通。武术功夫在语义和哲学内涵两个层面上与身体素养有着极强的互释性,属于中国本有的身体素养思想,这就使得功夫修炼具备了提升当代人身体素养和助推当今武术发挥更广义的教育价值之重要意义。  相似文献   

提取散落于文史资料中的近代女子体育教育思想的记录,厘清其价值脉络,为当代中国女子体育教育提供借鉴.研究认为,中国近代女子体育教育思想有:培养贤妻良母;保国强种、救亡图存;强健体魄、关照身心;追求平等的体育权利.上述4种思想中,前两种思想属"保家国"价值思路;后两种思想属"保自身"价值思路,两种价值思路既碰撞,又交融.  相似文献   


The present study aimed to provide reference values for lower-limb muscle power assessed during the incremental jump squat (JS) test in elite athletes (i.e., professional athletes competing at international level). We pooled data from all JS tests performed by elite athletes of different sports in two high-performance centres between 2015 and 2019, and computed reference values (i.e., terciles) for mean power (MP), mean propulsive power (MPP), and peak power (PP). Reference values were obtained from 684 elite athletes (458 male and 226 female) of 16 different sports (boxing, judo, karate, fencing, taekwondo, wrestling, basketball, soccer, futsal, handball, rugby union, badminton, tennis, long distance running, triathlon, and sprinting). Significant differences (p < 0.001) were found between male and female athletes for MP (7.47 ± 1.93 and 6.15 ± 1.68 W·Kg?1, respectively), MPP (10.50 ± 2.75 and 8.63 ± 2.43 W·Kg?1), and PP (23.64 ± 6.12 and 19.35 ± 5.49 W·Kg?1). However, the velocity at which these power measures was attained seemed to be independent of sex (~0.95, 1.00 and 2.00 m·s?1 for mean, mean propulsive, and peak velocity, respectively) and homogeneous across different sport disciplines (coefficient of variation <10%). These data can be used to classify athletes’ power capabilities, and the optimum velocity ranges provided here could be useful for training purposes.  相似文献   

浙江省体育科学学会第五次代表会议暨纪念浙江省体育科学学会成立20周年大会于2002年7月9日至10日在杭州召开,大会审议通过了第四届理事会的工作报告,修改了学会章程,选举产生了第五届理事会、常务理事会、正副理事长和秘书长,表彰了先进集体和个人等。  相似文献   


We propose and evaluate the utility of an alternative method (decision boundaries) for establishing physical activity intensity-related accelerometer cutpoints. Accelerometer data collected from seventy-six 11- to 14-year-old boys during controlled bouts of moderate- and vigorous-intensity field physical activities were assessed. Mean values and standard deviations for moderate- and vigorous-intensity activities were obtained and normal equivalents generated. The decision boundary (the point of intersection of overlapping distributions) was used to create a lower-bound vigorous-intensity cutpoint. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves compared the sensitivity and specificity of the new cutpoint and mean values with the actual activity. There was a 96.5% probability that participants performing vigorous-intensity physical activity were accurately classified when using the decision boundary of 6700 counts per minute, in contrast to the 50% accurately classified when the mean value was used. Inspection of the empirical ROC curve indicated that the decision boundary provided the optimal threshold to distinguish between moderate and vigorous physical activity for this dataset. In conclusion, decision boundaries reduced the error associated with determining accelerometer threshold values. Applying these methods to accelerometer data collected in specific populations will improve the precision with which accelerometer thresholds can be identified.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法与数理统计法,剖析长江三角洲地区大众的多元化体育价值取向,研究体育活动参与度对体育价值观的影响.结果表明,有助于树立良好体育价值观的体育活动参与度为每周3~4次,每次1 h左右.在实施全民健身计划的过程中,应大力普及体育知识,引导居民树立科学、健康的体育价值观,尽最大努力调动大众参与体育活动的自觉性.  相似文献   

谈英语写作教学的困境及解决途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从导致英语写作困难的原因入手,探讨了英语写作的步骤并提出了有效提高英语写作水平的途径,从而引导英语学习者正确认识英语写作的重要性并真正快速地提高英语写作能力。  相似文献   

Recent international normative data for the 20-m shuttle-run test demonstrated a below-average performance index for UK children. The aims of the present study were to create an international comparison of 20-m shuttle-run test performance in a sample of English children and to identify age- and sex-specific differences in test performance. Mass, stature, body mass index, and 20-m shuttle-run test performance were measured in 2041 children aged 11-15 years (963 boys, 1078 girls). Performance was expressed as maximum running velocity and a performance index was created by generating z-scores. The shuttle-run test performance index was higher than the existing published value (-0.046, 95% confidence interval [CI] -0.070 to -0.022) for all children (0.061, 95% CI = 0.006 to 0.115), for boys (0.075, 95% CI = -0.022 to 0.171), and for girls (0.048, 95% CI = -0.010 to 0.106). Boys' relative performance increased significantly (F = 4.43, P = 0.002) throughout the measured age range, whereas girls' relative performance tended to decrease (F = 1.98, P = 0.096). The results were favourable when compared with existing values. Differences in performance index may be due to the different geographical areas from which present and past samples were drawn. Reasons for differences in the performance indices between boys and girls warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

针对当今学界热点--体育强国战略如何实施的问题,从马克思主义人学视角进行思考,提出体育强国建设(包括硬、软实力两方面),是一个具有相对性质的、动态可持续过程.实现体育强国的梦想,不应急于人为设立某种量化的、非常具体的所谓"体育强国的判定标准".应首先站在人的立场上,追问这个"体育强国"为谁而建,之后是建的如何,即"好与不好"的问题.人自始至终要对体育强国之路的选择做出应有的价值判断.最后提出了关于建设体育强国和尊重人的价值的建议--体育发展依靠人、体育教育提升人、体育文化丰富人、体育运动适应人、体育科技服务人.  相似文献   

郭静  吴玉华 《福建体育科技》2012,31(1):23-24,32
近年我国对体适能的研究成为热潮,其中以健康体适能测试作为评价身体健康标准与以体质测试作为评价标准成为当前我国对国民健康评定的两股主流势力。通过对体质测试指标与健康体适能的测试指标进行比较分析,认为体质的测试指标与健康体适能的测试指标都不能体现"完全健康"的范畴;在身体健康测试指标中,健康体适能相对于体质更能准确、有效的反映人体的健康状况;但也必须加入心理健康、社会健康、情绪健康、精神健康的测试指标,健康体适能才能更好的体现人体的"完全健康"水平。  相似文献   

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