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<正>据联合国教科文组织网站2013年8月1日报道,7月30日至31日,非洲南部和东部国家的教育专家和政策制定者齐聚博茨瓦纳首都哈博罗内召开会议,共同讨论青少年健康与性别教育面临的挑战。会议由联合国艾滋病规划署和教科文组织共同举办。  相似文献   

<正>非洲教育发展协会(The Association for the Development of Education in Africa,ADEA)最初是一个支持政策对话的论坛,成员包括非洲各国教育部长和捐助方。2011年,应非洲教育部长的要求,我们建立了信息通信技术工作组(ADEA-ICT Task Force)。一、ADEA重视教育信息化政策的相关性和高效性之后的三四个月内,我们和非洲的七国的教育部长合作(包括纳米比亚)坐在一起讨论,最后得出的结论是信息技术和教育之间的结合要求有策略地使用信息技术。所以说,为了  相似文献   

注重教育性别公平,必先实现教育机会性别均等。我国现行教育机会性别均等政策,无论在理论上还是在实践上,都存在着一定程度的性别偏好。我们要将社会性别平等意识纳入教育政策主流,重新审视、修订和完善教育机会性别均等政策,为实现教育性别公平做出切实的努力。  相似文献   

注重教育性别公平,必先实现教育机会性别均等.我国现行教育机会性别均等政策,无论在理论上还是在实践上,都存在着一定程度的性别偏好.我们要将社会性别平等意识纳入教育政策主流,重新审视、修订和完善教育机会性别均等政策,为实现教育性别公平做出切实的努力.  相似文献   

随着旧殖民主义的破产,法国为了保持其在非洲的传统利益,不断调整其对非政策。从戴高乐的新殖民主义到密特朗的“非洲干预政策”,最后到希拉克的“不干涉”政策,期间经历了一个复杂而漫长的过程。2004年11月的科特迪瓦事件再次引起了国际社会的关注,也对法国目前的非洲政策形成了挑战。  相似文献   

对援助的依赖是非洲高等教育发展的显著特征。世界银行作为非洲最大的多边教育援助机构,其教育政策影响了非洲高等教育的兴衰。非洲高等教育的衰退与世界银行不断变化的政策密切相关,既有直接的影响,也有间接的影响。影响路径多样,包括附加贷款条件、提供发展建议、影响其他援助机构、参与决策、召开国际会议、招募非洲专业人员等。21世纪非洲高等教育的复兴需要在外部依赖与自主发展之间寻求适当的平衡。  相似文献   

非洲教育晴雨表指出在撒哈拉以南的非洲1.28亿适龄入学孩子当中,只有大约一半人能入学接受教育,获取基本的技能,健康成长。研究进一步提出,如果你是一名来自贫穷家庭的女生,就读于农村的小学,那么你可能学不到重要的技能,例如,读写和数学。这些性别、收入和地方教育的差距,在大部分的撒哈拉以南的非洲国家随  相似文献   

《非洲教育"二·十"行动计划(2006~2015)》评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在非洲教育一体化进程中,非盟出台了《非洲教育"二·十"行动计划(2006~2015)》。该计划主要目的在于开发各国教育管理信息系统,建构区域教育一体化的有效机制,使教育完全成为非盟和区域经济共同体的主要议题,大力提高教育绩效,充分实现两性平等。为此,该计划将性别和文化、教育管理信息系统、教师发展、高等教育、职业技术教育、课程开发及质量管理确定为优先发展领域。该计划是非洲教育一体化进程中的重要里程碑,推动了非洲各级各类教育后续行动计划的产生,体现了当今国际先进的教育理念和诉求,强调和设想了非洲教育的本土化。这些对于非洲教育实践无疑产生了影响,但目前其影响还不够深入。不过,该计划本身处在动态发展过程之中。  相似文献   

社会性别理论为女大学生创业教育提供了新的方法论视角。其培育路径为将性别意识纳入决策主流,给女大学生创业提供政策支持;建构新型的社会性别文化,改善女大学生创业的社会文化环境;发挥学校教育的主阵地作用,开展社会性别意识的教育与培训。  相似文献   

调查发现,基础教育阶段教师性别意识水平不高,主要表现在:教师的男女平等观不成熟,教师的女性家庭角色意识浓厚,教师的女性发展观念受传统性别观念的影响较深,教师的性别态度不公正,存在性别刻板印象。因此,加强社会舆论导向,改变社会性别意识状况;将性别意识纳入教育立法、教育政策中,并在具体的项目和方案中加以实施;同时对教师进行性别教育,如在师范院校和继续教育机构的教育中增加性别教育内容,还要提高在职教师对性别观念的关注程度。  相似文献   

This paper explains the reproduction of gender divisions and power relations through education in a traditional Islamic country, Saudi Arabia. That country has drawn both upon Islam and its oil wealth to expand female education vastly within traditional boundaries. Its model of female education is unique among all Islamic countries, in its structure and strategies for the reproduction of gender divisions through (1) a dual system of male and female education; (2) a gender‐specific educational policy that emphasizes women's domestic function; (3) gender‐segregated schools and colleges; and (4) curriculum differentiation at the various educational levels. The author maintains that Saudi education, a microcosm of Saudi Arabian society, has intentionally instituted these mechanisms and structures as a means of cultural conservation and social control. The Saudi experience proves previous research findings that female educational expansion does indeed increase women's social and occupational options, but does not necessarily alter gender and power relations.  相似文献   

South African institutions still confront gendered inequalities, irrespective of transformative national policies, compounded by the absence of a national gender equality policy for higher education. We therefore explore the potential of the capabilities approach (CA) to inform policy formation and argue for the development of a policy for higher education institutions based on opportunities for valuable functionings as the informational basis for gender equality. Using one university as our case study, data from 38 interviews with female and male students were analysed as part of a longitudinal study on Gender, Empowerment, Agency and Higher Education. The data reveal which opportunities these women and men find important for their personal development and directly and indirectly for gender equality. We conclude by discussing the implications of the data for stimulating public dialogues towards formulating a capabilities-based gender equality policy, as well as reflecting on the broader contributions the CA brings to policy development.  相似文献   

The present study addresses gender gaps in North American research productivity, which may be influenced by personal and family variables, as well as professional and work-related variables. The study was conducted as part of the Changing Academic Profession (CAP) International Survey, conducted in 2007–08. Using articles as indicator of research productivity, we analyzed the gender gap in publication rates among full-time higher education faculty in our combined sample (Canada, Mexico, and the United States). This analysis has implications for higher education policy. In terms of research productivity, the relative productivity rates of male and female academics have been a policy priority for many years to increase the cumulative rates of research activity. We found that the variables related to research intensity varied by country, providing a more nuanced understanding of the gender gap between male and female faculty.  相似文献   

This article reviews current interpretations of Labour's education policy in relation to gender. Such interpretations see the marginalisation of gender equality in mainstream educational policy as a result of the discursive shift from egalitarianism to that of performativity. Performativity in the school context is shown to have contradictory elements ranging from an increased feminisation of teaching and the (re)masculinisation of schooling. Also, whilst underachievement is defined as ‘the problem of boys’, the production of hierarchical masculinities and ‘laddishness’ by marketised schools is ignored. The policy shift towards performativity also masks girls' exclusion and the disadvantages working‐class girls face within the education system. The rhetoric of gender equality, although stronger in the field of post‐16 training and employment, is no less contradictory. The effects of New Labour are found in the aggravation of social class divisions within gender categories and the spiralling differences between male and female paths. Gender equality ideals in education are therefore shown to have a far more complex relationship to New Labour politics than previously thought.  相似文献   

招收男性幼儿免费师范生是江苏省2010年5月实行的一项试点工作,意在鼓励优秀男生当幼儿园教师,创设幼儿园男性教师补充机制,切实解决幼儿园师资队伍性别结构失衡问题;形成良好的幼儿教育生态环境,促进幼儿快乐健康成长。江苏省教育厅对免费师范生实行的一系列激励政策,掀起了报考幼师学校的高潮。在此背景下,通过对男性幼儿免费师范生职业动机的调查分析与研究,可以探讨如何在教育的过程中更有针对性地因材施教,从而提高性男性幼儿免费师范生对学前教育更全面的认识与热爱。  相似文献   

随着高等职业教育事业的发展,高职女生呈逐年上升趋势。社会性别意识作为现代意识之一,其强弱与深浅影响着她们的成长和发展。借助有效的统计分析工具对样本高职女生的社会性别观念进行描述和解释,试图从价值观念层面上探讨高职女生社会性别观念的形态,以认知与时俱进的健康的社会性别观的建构对我国女性高等教育发展的必要性,提出要培养大学生社会性别意识,把社会性别意识纳入高等教育决策主流。  相似文献   

The provision of education to children is a human right that most countries including Namibia are trying to achieve. Hence, through educational inclusion, educators strive for removal of barriers within education systems for all children to learn. The purpose of this study was to explore how the Namibian inclusive education (IE) policy responds to gender non-conforming learners. Drawing upon the Social Identity Perspective (SIP) and interviews with four education officers and employing a transformative case study, this study revealed that the Namibian IE policy does not clearly pronounce itself on inclusion of gender non-conforming learners. The study further discovered culture, religious beliefs, lack of training and lack of information on gender non-conformity as factors preventing teachers to interpret the IE policy statement in relation to gender non-conformity. The study recommends for the IE policy to have a clear statement and guidelines on handling of gender non-conformity issues in schools. The study further recommends for the programmes for in-service teacher training to integrate the content on sexuality and gender diversity. Moreover, through in-service teacher training, education officers should provide correct information on gender non-conformity to curb the discrimination towards gender non-conforming learners within the school communities.  相似文献   

女大学生的思想政治教育既有共性,也存在个性。在思想政治教育中,应当正视性别差异,将思想政治教育和性别教育有机结合,要以社会主义核心价值观念和先进性别文化为引导,创新教育理念。在坚持思想政治教育根本内容的前提下,培养女大学生的"四自"精神和主体意识,运用性别视角从世界观、人生观和价值观,以及道德观、婚恋观、心理素质和法制教育等五个方面创新教学内容。  相似文献   


Recent decades have witnessed a growing number of global campaigns on girls’ and women’s education, including major global policy initiatives such as the MDGs and the SDGs. While scholars have critically analysed the conceptualisations of gender, equality and development in such campaigns, and their significance for national level policy and practice, less has been written about why and how girls’ education came to be such a high profile feature of international policy frameworks. This paper draws on perspectives from transnational social movement theory, which has been used by gender scholars to explore the activities and significance of non-governmental organisations for agenda-setting at the global level. In this paper these perspectives are applied to the field of global education policy, through an analysis of evidence from international conferences, data on aid flows and interviews with key policy actors, to explore the factors behind rise of the global agenda on gender equality in education. In doing so, it suggests that the current dominant framing around girls’ education, access and quality, may be explained by the relatively weak involvement of non-governmental women’s groups in proportion to the strong involvement of multilaterals, bilateral agencies, national governments and more recently, private sector organisations.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explore the connections between expanding female education and the participation of women in paid employment in Japan, China and India, three of Asia's largest economies. Analysis based on existing data and literature shows that despite the large expansion in educational access in these countries in the last half century, women have lacked egalitarian labour market opportunities. A combination of social discouragement and individual choice largely explains the withdrawal, non-participation or intermittent female presence in the labour force, notwithstanding increased educational access. In taking stock of these issues and debates across these countries, it is argued that the parallel experiences of women in these countries can be traced back to persistent gender norms which, amongst other things, imply the centrality of marriage and non-market unpaid labour for women. The paper argues that there is a need for gender-sensitive public policy in order for increased education to translate to labour market gains for women, leading to sustainable development outcomes.  相似文献   

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