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教育服务与教育选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国加入WTO后 ,教育服务的观念逐渐被人们所认同 ,提出了“教育服务产品”、“教育服务是一种知识服务业”、“开放教育服务市场”、“教育服务贸易”、“国际教育服务贸易”、“教育服务能力”、“教育服务优势”等概念与观点。我们应彻底改革教育观念 ,真正树立教育服务理念 ,树立教育服务国际化、全球化的观念 ,努力开放教育贸易市场 ,发挥我国在教育项目上的优势 ,充分发挥教育服务的贸易经济作用 ,推进我国教育服务市场化、贸易化和国际化进程  相似文献   

赵磊  李全林 《考试周刊》2009,(36):219-220
本文对教育选择的定义和内涵进行了阐述,提出新课程改革形势下进行教育选择的具体策略,对现代教育教学有实践指导意义。  相似文献   

教育现在的选择,终极是为学生的未来做准备。教师生命中最大的满足不是金钱,不是权力,不是名誉,而是心灵的富足,这也是人生的最终目标。教师也许一生要与青灯、粉笔做伴,但默默无闻为之付出心血,无愧于良心与灵魂,会让自身收获更多的心灵安慰,这是一笔宝贵的精神财富。  相似文献   

张凯 《学子》2012,(9):13-13
正值暑假,各种补习班又悄然兴起。正当补习班的老师和学生们忙得不亦乐乎的时候,突然,上级下达禁补令,所有补习班一夜消失。虽然,办班的老师们感觉有些失落和惆怅,但是,受伤最大的还是那些学生。没有了补课任务的学生们似乎拥有了太多的自由时间和空间,他们不知道该怎样去支配,该怎样去放松。由于周边缺失了可以游玩与放松的公共设施和安...  相似文献   

奖状何时挂一个班集体获得荣誉之后,应该进步更快。然而,我们四(1)班被评为县、市先进中队后,却在思想、学习各方面退步了,尤其是学生中的骄傲情绪明显滋长,学习成绩也有所下降。是什么原因造成了这种现象呢?这引起了我的深思:这个班在我刚接手时还是一个后进班,经过一个  相似文献   

吴联星 《班主任》2003,(8):29-31
班主任要开展教育科研活动,首先碰到的问题是教育科研课题的选择,选择一个好的课题,对开展教育科研具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

课堂教学是科研选题的肥水沃土。在课堂教学中要落实学生的主体地位,做到以教师为主导,以学生为主体。大道理虽然都明白,可是具体操作起来就有了差异,有人把教师为主导变成了“满堂灌”,有人把学生为主体变成了放任自流,结果是把课堂教学改革引入歧途。究竟怎样才能发挥教师的主导作用,真正落实学生的主体地位。这就是需要我们化学教师深入研究解决的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

教孩子学会选择的前提,是父母首先要学会选择。比如,你是选择耐心还是选择急躁?你是选择信任还是选择怀疑?你是选择尊重还是选择专制?显然,这是不同儿童观和教育观的选择,也是不同效果的选择。  相似文献   

全国政协委员、央视主持人朱军在接受采访时称大学生当掏粪工“可能会改变中国的掏粪现状”。这不由得让我等在校的大学生内心一颤:原来就业可以如此将就!更多孩子的父母们内心更是一颤:花了数不清的钱,上了数不清的课,却培养了“掏粪工”。  相似文献   


Despite Indiana’s school choice landscape – including private school vouchers, tax-credit scholarships, inter-district and intra-district enrollment, magnet schools, and charter schools – not all Indiana communities have reasonable access to options outside of their traditional public schools. This research explores what lack-of-reasonable access differences – defined as greater than a 30-minute one-way drive time to a choice school – exist by locale, with a focus on rural communities. Geospatial analysis is used to identify “school choice deserts” lacking multi-sector schooling options in various communities. These deserts tend to exist wholly or mostly in rural areas, although Indiana students in grades K–8 exhibit greater access levels to non-traditional schools than those in high school.  相似文献   

科学挖掘和利用名校资源,是发挥名校品牌优势,做大做强优质教育资源的基础;积极发挥名校品牌优势,努力提升办学质量,是实现名校内涵发展与超越的关键。  相似文献   

学习化社会的来临给制度化的学校教育带来了前所未有的冲击与挑战。正规化、阶段化、精英化、标准化的学校教育开始受到来自四面八方的指责与批评。新的时代背景要求学校教育对这些问题做出积极的回应。学校正处在十字路口,改造与创新势在必行。  相似文献   

Leading organizational change is like climbing a mountain. Transformational leaders must prepare to lead change, understand the process and nature of change, and provide the essential gear so that those involved can be successful. The author draws on the literature and personal experiences as a hiker and change leader to provide a guide for leading organizational change.  相似文献   

While most literature about security has focused on the role of surveillance and social control in maintaining order in society and in institutions such as schools, this article examines security in relation to consumerism. The article points out that security is big business—not so much a mechanism of social control, but rather an allure made up of enticement and the gratification that comes with consumer activities. Alhough based on research on corporate school security, the article is theoretical. It draws from studies in education, geography, and communication to demonstrate how security has developed into a consumer activity involving suburbanization, technology, self-segregation, and the partitioning of neighborhoods and schools in homogeneous and often-private microsocieties. Adding to studies of schooling that have examined discipline, school structure, the curriculum, and pedagogy in terms of social control, the article examines schooling in relation to the uses of security that lead not so much to surveillance and other controlling mechanisms, but to a freeing of wills and choices that lead to residential isolation and school segregation.  相似文献   

School library provision for students with disabilities was evaluated in a four year study completed in 1999. The study focussed on the relationship between library and special education staff, and the effect this had on access to library services and the acquisition of information literacy by students with disabilities. Empirical data reflecting the current level of service provision in two Australian states was collected in a survey. This data was complemented by observations and interviews with special education and library staff and students in 15 case study schools. The research showed that as the number of students with disabilities enrolled in mainstream schools was increasing, school librarians had to be aware of the needs of these students, in order to provide them with adequate library services. Although examples of good practice were found, there is need for improvement in service delivery for these students. Much of this could be achieved by enhanced communication and cooperation between school librarians and special education teachers.  相似文献   

教育选择权源自于市场化导向要求,教育公共经费匮乏,社会多层次需求,对义务教育的总的原则,教育机会平等的原则及学习机会平等原则对教育公平问题产生不利的影响,国家推行教育选择权时必须保证公共教育的品质。  相似文献   

In recent years schools have come under increasing pressure to raise levels of achievement and educational standards generally. In their attempts to respond to government expectations schools have mounted a number of specific initiatives which have much in common from school to school. Together they embody a largely unexamined notion of the nature of schooling and ‘school improvement’ in particular. This article draws on the views of the moral philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre to provide a constructive critique of the ‘improvement’ initiatives currently underway in many secondary schools. It is suggested that such initiatives represent an unresolved tension between pursuing the ‘goods of effectiveness’ and the ‘goods of excellence’, which in turn reflect the more general dilemma of reconciling the traditions of modernity and pre‐modernity apparent in the existing practices of schools.  相似文献   

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