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培养和发展学生的创造性,是当前国内外教学改革的主题.创造性教学应遵循主体性、民主性和差异性原则.树立新的创造性教学观,改革课堂教学方法,大力培养创造性教师.  相似文献   

Information and communication technology has affected language instruction in Taiwanese higher education. Varieties of assorted Internet tools are incorporated in educational settings to engage students in learning. To facilitate the improvement of teacher preparation for Internet use, it is important to study the factors influencing teachers in integrating the Internet into their instruction. A concurrent mixed-method approach is employed in this study. Both quantitative and qualitative results show that teacher training is crucial for Internet-integration instruction by the teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) in Northern Taiwanese higher education institutions. Continuous professional development focused on technology application in language instruction is imperative.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to make a thorough analysis of the comparisons between the alternative approaches: natural approach, whole language approach, learner-centered approach, and participatory approach. The rationale, design, use, and research findings about the effectiveness ineffectiveness of each approach will be compared and presented. Also, conclusions about effective instructional components to include in an adult language programme will be discussed.  相似文献   

The present article describes a statistical synthesis of results from 48 comparative studies of an innovative method of college teaching, Postlethwait's Audio-Tutorial or A-T approach. The analysis showed that in general A-T instruction has a significant but small overall effect on student achievement in college courses, and it has no significant effect on student course evaluations or on course completions. Findings were similar for well-designed and less-well-designed studies included in this analysis, and they were also similar for studies carried out at different types of schools and in different subject areas. Results reported in journals, however, were more favorable to A-T than results found in dissertations and other unpublished reports.  相似文献   

Teacher cohorts in England and China received special training in techniques for teaching higher-level critical and creative cognitive strategies to deaf learners. Both cohorts implemented the strategies in the classroom at least twice weekly for 6 months. Measures included Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices (1959), a systematic observation checklist for cognitive behaviors (Martin & Craft, 1998), and critical and creative problem situations to which students had to respond. Results were compared with those from a study of similar learners in the United States (Martin & Jonas, 1985), and little difference was found. Students in all three countries improved in reasoning, devising real-world problem solutions involving critical thinking (but not creative thinking), using cognitive vocabulary in the classroom, and expressing others' viewpoints. Postintervention focus groups showed teachers in China used a more invariant sequence in teaching the cognitive strategies, but teachers in all three countries experienced similar expansion in cognitive terminology and self-perceptions as teachers of problem solving.  相似文献   

本章在听力策略培训相关研究的基础上,对听力策略培训的模式、教学方法、效果尤其是培训的内容等方面进行了探讨,并对融合式听力策略培训实验进行反思,得出关于听力策略培训、大学英语课程设置方面的启示.  相似文献   

This study aims to compare and evaluate the learning ability and performance differences between two groups of students undergoing project-based learning (PjBL), with one group having prior PjBL experience, while the other group is being freshly exposed to PjBL. More specifically, it examines if there are significant differences in knowledge score, problem-solving ability, and eventual project-deliverable outcomes between the two sets of students. Performances were compared via qualitative and quantitative analyses. Key findings have indicated a significant increase in fundamental formative knowledge; enhanced problem-solving abilities; and production of better performing artefacts with regard to the set of design skills between experienced and first-time PjBL groups. This study also highlighted that experienced PjBL students have less conflicts within their groups, and are more receptive to PjBL compared to first-time PjBL students. Results from this study provide a starting point for educators to seek new learning/facilitating strategies that are relevant based on the experience and learning styles of students.  相似文献   

Philosophical implications for the design of instruction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a long history connecting philosophyand learning that dates at least back toPlato's dialogues and includes suchdistinguished modern scholars as Dewey, Piaget,and Vygotsky. More recently the discussionabout the relationship between philosophy andlearning has arisen in the context ofconstructivism. Given the long history andprominence of this discussion, it is perhapsworthwhile to revisit foundational concernslinking philosophical perspectives and learningtheory, and to explore what implications mayexist for the design of instruction. Theargument presented herein is that there arephilosophical implications for the design ofinstruction, and, further, that they are poorlyunderstood and not applied consistently.  相似文献   

自室内设计专业在海峡两岸产生并迅速发展,现已呈现出各自的专业特色。从课程分类、课程关联度和课程内容出发,对两岸4所高校的室内设计专业课程设置进行比较分析,挖掘课程教学特点及原因。基于两岸室内设计专业的课程比对,进一步提出专业课程设置应当注重全面性、突出专业性和内容多元性。  相似文献   

当前毕业设计中普遍存在着毕业设计指导难、管理难、质量低等问题,通过对这些问题的深入分析与研究,提出了面向过程管理的毕业设计指导方法,并设计和开发了一个基于J2EE框架技术的面向过程管理的毕业设计在线指导系统,实现了对毕业设计全过程的管理与监控,有效地提高了毕业设计的效率与质量。  相似文献   

Conclusions In this brief study, all reasonable efforts were made to gain control over extraneous variables while gathering limited but valid information concerning the relative effectiveness of televised and conventional instruction in laboratory skills. There are unanswered questions concerning the methods, the effects, and the meanings which still out-number the few questions which may have been answered but these should not obscure what was attempted and found. In brief, the results indicate that one of the two criteria employed in the study was little more than worth-less. The other criterion measure gave evidence that, although the instruction produced measureable effects, it apparently made no difference whether groups were taught by conventional means or by means of television. Statistically, these instructed groups performed equally when executing their laboratory tasks. This evidence is not contradicted by related information from the earlier and more extended trials of televised laboratory instruction. Perhaps, at best, the inclusion of “delayed measurement” groups has added some small amount of respectability to this study. Their inclusion certainly has not guaranteed that unequivocal answers can be given to those questions which deal with the “long-term” effects of the two forms of instruction. Since these “long-term” effects are extremely important, it is hoped that they will receive increasing attention in the future. This article is a condensed and modified version of a February 1959 mimeographed report by the authors. The mimeographed original includes copies of measuring devices used in gathering data for the study which can be had by writing the senior author at the Audio-Visual Center at Purdue University. Dr. Seibert, who was recently on leave to the U. S. Office of Education as research coordinator for the Educational Media (Title VII) Program, returns to Purdue July 1 as TV Program Research Consultant. Dr. Honig is currently with the Lincoln Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The writers thank Frederick Vratney, Post-Doctoral Fellow in Chemistry; D. F. Kasten, graduate student in Psychology; the staff of the Purdue TV Production Unit; and the several graduate students who served as performance evaluators. All made contributions to the study on which this report is based. It goes without saying that the student subjects were essential and their cooperation appreciated.  相似文献   

Emotional design of multimedia instruction involves making the essential elements in the lesson's graphics more appealing, such as by rendering them with human-like features and with distinct, appealing colors (Um, Plass, Hayward, & Homer, 2012). College students received an 8-slide multimedia lesson on how a virus causes a cold for 5 min (Experiment 1) or for as long as they wanted (Experiment 2). For the control group, the graphics consisted of simple black-and-white drawings in which the host cell was represented as a large circle, and the virus was represented as a small circle with small spikes on the outside and a rectangle on the inside. For the enhanced group, the graphics were redrawn to render the host cell as a red face with expressive eyes (registering surprise, fear, and sickness at various stages in the process), and the virus as a blue face with fierce eyes and with a green dot at the end of each of the blue tentacles surrounding the virus face. The enhanced group performed better than the control group on a subsequent learning test (d = 0.69 in Experiment 1, d = 0.65 in Experiment 2) and gave higher effort ratings in Experiment 1 (d = 0.65) but not in Experiment 2 (d = −0.10). The findings are generally consistent with the cognitive affective theory of learning with media, and point to the importance of incorporating motivation into cognitive theories of multimedia learning.  相似文献   

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