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Promoting caring in children is a powerful venue to prevent violence in our society. This article reviews the roots of violence, explores the various contexts of violence, and then describes how caring can be used to prevent violence. In particular, the role that families and schools can play in helping children develop caring is discussed.  相似文献   

Caring is the core value that empowers families and early childhood professionals. This article articulates the meaning and power of caring in the lives of children and families. It also explores family, professional, and community strategies for creating caring and nurturing children and families. In particular, insights that show that caring is learned early and that its impact is life long are discussed and applied to the early childhood professional’s identity.  相似文献   

叶烨 《科教导刊》2020,(3):1-2,15
高校"双关爱"机制体现了"以人为本"的思想,是落实全国高校思想政治工作会议精神,加强和改进思想政治工作的有力举措.建立健全责任明确、措施有效、制度完善、保障有力的关爱机制,对关爱工作进行整体规划和统一部署,实施关爱教师工程和关爱学生工程,形成关爱的合力."双关爱"最终目的是为了育人服务,"双关爱"的效果取决于全体关爱者致力于关爱的责任意识和行动自觉.严管理与"双关爱"相辅相成,共同助推师生的发展.  相似文献   

In this article I discuss ways of increasing teacher efficacy identified as a key belief system in the enhancement of teacher effectiveness. Teacher efficacy is defined and its impact on teacher effectiveness explored. The need to increase teacher efficacy to enhance the design, implementation and outcomes of instruction is discussed with special focus on caring and its potential as a catalyst for expanding teachers’ perception of their power to make a difference in the lives and performance of their students. Dr. Marta D. Collier is a tenured associate professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education and Health Professions at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Dr. Collier earned her undergraduate degree in elementary education from Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana and her masters and Ph.D. degrees in elementary education from the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Her research interests include the impact of caring on teaching and learning, the incorporation of culturally relevant children and youth literature into literacy instruction, and the design of preschool, primary and elementary classrooms that promote active teaching and learning. Dr. Collier’s teaching interests include early childhood pedagogy and program development, classroom learning theory and children’s literature.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to problematize the ways class and gender are played out in adult students’ narratives about their occupational choice and future. Drawing on Beverly Skeggs, we analyse how students think about future occupations, what motivates them towards these and how they are able to form their future in relation to them. Taking on Sweden as a case, our results show that students’ narratives on their future occupations are classed as well as gendered. In their vision of future occupations, working-class students tend to focus on occupations helping and caring for others, while middle-class students tend to focus on work more as a means of fulfilling themselves as individuals. These differences are also gendered. Female students are more likely than their male counterparts to picture their future occupations in relation to having children and a family. This tells us that in the female students’ narratives, there tends to be a strong focus on caring – for their families as well as in future occupations.  相似文献   

皮拥军 《中国德育》2007,2(5):24-27
美国教育哲学家内尔·诺丁斯以关怀伦理学为理论基础,对一系列教育基本问题提出了独特见解。她认为,学校要培养会关心的人,要以关心为主题组织课程,建立关心型师生关系,建立充满关心的环境,使有各种才能的学生都能得到发展。诺丁斯的关心教育思想具有时代性、道德性、人本性、情感性等基本特点。  相似文献   

儿童家庭照顾责任具有高度性别分工与私人领域化的特征,在"照顾责任家庭化"的整体格局中,女性往往承担更多的照顾责任,即呈现"照顾责任女性化"的现象。本文以"重生行动"唇腭裂患儿照顾者为例,从依附理论、性别角色理论、关怀伦理理论等社会性别理论视角出发,以照顾责任期待归属的性别差异、照顾内容的性别差异、照顾压力的性别差异三个维度探讨"照顾责任"的性别效应,提出合理分配家庭照顾责任,构建家庭照顾网络;摈弃照顾女性化标签,检视"照顾责任女性化"在学术谱系中的阐释方式;重视女性照顾工作社会价值的价值,推动照顾政策的变革与完善;社会工作者秉持优势视角,建立女性家庭照顾的社会支持系统等反思性建议。  相似文献   

Caring, as a universal human phenomenon, should permeate elementary, secondary and tertiary level instruction. The practice of teaching, especially at the tertiary level, is not only substantial and procedural but relational as well. To teach with a heart is the essence that makes teaching a form of caring. When teaching is viewed as a form of caring, teachers become relational geniuses in their own right. This study is an attempt to segment Filipino college students’ views (n=1000) of their teachers’ caring behavior and their orientations as cared-for individuals. The identified clusters of teacher roles that indicate caring behavior imply that acts of teaching become acts of caring depending on how the teachers, theefficient cause of education, perform their ordinary tasks in the context ofextraordinariness. Such extraordinariness spells out a big difference in the way teachers practice the so-calledsingle loop caring or caring visibility anddouble- loop caring or caring presence. The former refers to teaching from the heart while the latter pertains to teaching with a heart. Interestingly, the extent to which teachers’ caring behavior is felt and experienced by the students positively shapes their orientations as cared-for individuals.  相似文献   

In recent years, a compelling discussion in education has centered on caring. In this paper, I contribute to this dialogue by suggesting that there is a particular form of caring exhibited in the pedagogy of exemplary black women teachers. It is the purpose of this paper to illuminate central aspects of their pedagogy as facets of womanism, an epistemological perspective based on the collective experiences of black women. As educators who exhibit womanist caring, such teachers demonstrate the following three characteristics: an embrace of the maternal, political clarity, and an ethic of risk. In describing each characteristic, I provide both contemporary and historical evidence to demonstrate that womanism is part of a long-standing tradition among African-American women teachers. I conclude the paper by suggesting that we can better inform pre- and in-service educators about the types of teachers that our students need from an understanding of how and why exemplary teachers exhibit their womanist caring.  相似文献   

Foster parents face many challenges in caring for children in foster care. Perhaps the major challenge is to achieve a caring environment for children who have experienced trauma and much change. Thus, this article provides ideas and strategies for nurturing foster parents toward a caring relationship with their children.  相似文献   

诺丁斯的关怀道德教育理论以女性主义关怀伦理学为基础,赋予了“关怀”独特的伦理道德内涵,强调以“关怀”为导向的道德教育目标,主张学校应以“关怀”为主题组织教育内容,提出了通过榜样、对话、实践、认可四种基本方法培养学生的关怀能力.诺丁斯的关怀道德教育理论对中国高校德育的启示为:以“关怀”为核心,重新定位高校的德育目标;改革教育内容和方法,关注学生的生活世界;增进师生理解,构建彼此关心的师生关系;关注教师生存现状,给予教师足够的关怀.  相似文献   

多丽丝·莱辛一生笔耕不辍,其作品题材与风格十分广泛,并在各个时期创作特点也各不相同,但有一个主题始终贯穿,那就是人道主义精神:从提倡人与人之间的平等,反对种族、性别、阶级压迫,到倡导正视差异、家庭成员平等和关爱,再到呼吁老年人应享与他人同等权利和自由。莱辛用她的文学书写传达了人道主义精神之精髓。  相似文献   

党内关怀思想及建立党内关怀机制初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
党内关怀思想就是指中国共产党为了共同的奋斗目标和最高理想,充分发挥广大共产党员的先锋模范作用,不断提高党的战斗力乖凝聚力,而对广大党员和基层干部在政治上、思想上、精神上、生活上、心理上进行关心、引导、激励、帮助、疏导的一系列理论原则和思想方法。党的十七大报告,对党内关怀思想进行了新的阐述,形成了较为完整的思想体系,标志着党内关怀思想的成熟。落实党内关怀思想就要建立健全党内关怀机制。研究党内关怀思想及建立党内关怀机制具有重要的现实意义与理论意义。  相似文献   

In this paper I argue that the teacher educators who deliberately create and nurture caring teacher–student relationships, despite the many challenges, benefit both themselves and their students in several ways. Although the notion that teachers should care for their students is not new, it may well be that professors too seldom communicate their caring clearly to students. First, I outline the literature on caring in education and provide examples of how professors show they care – and why students find this so important. Building on my belief that all (good) teaching involves humans in relation, I then describe how I use beginning-of-the-semester, one-to-one meetings with new students as one example of how caring can be operationalized. In an era when content-matter dissemination and accountability are increasingly reified, it is crucially important to see and treat our students as whole people rather than consumer-critics so that the dominant reductionist and consumerist traditions can be challenged and ultimately transformed.  相似文献   

论教师的关怀素养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教师关怀素养是指教师所具有的能敏锐体察学生的情感变化,知觉他们的需要,善于与学生对话与沟通,同时具备关怀知识和关怀信念,并能以适当的方式积极主动的关怀学生成长的个体素质和修养,教师关怀中还包含着责任、希望、理解与尊重。教师关怀具有生产性、关系性、具体性和情境性、情理交融性等特点。教师关怀的实现包括淡化职业意识,提高关怀素养;与学生建立关怀性相遇关系;发挥榜样示范作用;提高人际智能,掌握与学生对话和沟通的技巧。教师关怀的实现要遵循三个原则:对人的忠实;教学中的忠实;教学研究中的忠实。  相似文献   

关心是一种关系德性,在关系中生成关心。关心之于教育的作用是实现教育目的的一种途径。教学作为教育的基本途径,自然承载了实现关心的重大责任。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市老年人口迅速增加,养老问题正日益成为一个严峻的社会问题。结合乌鲁木齐市的养老现状,我们认为社区养老模式是一种符合社会发展的模式,但是在发展过程中社区养老服务存在着问题:政策缺乏统一的协调、运作机制和保障;资金短缺,来源方式单一;社区服务工作不能适应社区养老的发展;社区养老的宣传力度不大,对社区养老的认识不足。搞好社区养老服务应进一步建立健全居家养老服务的政策;把社区养老模式纳入到乌鲁木齐市的"和谐社区建设"中;丰富资金来源,多渠道筹集资金;实行科学化、行业化的管理;加大对社区养老的宣传力度,提供老年人的参与性。  相似文献   

教育活动要帮助学生成就幸福的追求,就必须帮助学生发展关怀能力。深圳市红树林外国语小学确立了基于关怀的学校文化内核,把师生关系作为落实关怀教育的核心和突破口,实施关怀视角下的班级导师制。班级导师制的实施,提升了教师和学生的关怀力,增进师生间的互动,促进学生的健康、全面发展。  相似文献   

The immigrant population in Hong Kong is steadily increasing every year. This immigrant population largely comprises families, most of whom have pre-school and school-age children. However, limited information is known on the practices that immigrant parents adopt when they become involved in their children’s schooling. In the present study, the researcher implemented a Quality Education Fund project called ‘Building a caring community: Family support and empowerment.’ The project aimed to promote parent education and to build a caring community by implementing a group parent education program (GPEP) for low-income and new immigrant parents. The parent leaders conducted an outreach parent education program in which the low-income, new immigrant parents (target parents) had their children enrolled in two kindergartens. The parent leaders imparted parenting knowledge, shared positive parenting strategies, and exchanged their own experiences with target parents. The present research aims to study how new immigrant parents evaluate their experiences and the effectiveness of the GPEP. Results suggest that providing opportunities for mutual support and emotional healing correlates with improved parenting attitudes and practices.  相似文献   

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