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There are Two very popular and important translation models, namely the Jerome Model, the Horace Model, which can be thought to be the forerunner of the translation theory nowadays. They share one common concept—faithfulness. the Two models are discussed one by one to aim at pointing out the main differences and similarities, from which we can learn more and do better translation in our studies and works. Finally, the paper draws a conclusion that no single translation model is really better than another because the criteria of translation are dynamic rather than static.  相似文献   

朱艳 《海外英语》2014,(17):172-173,179
There are three famous translation models in the field of translation: the Jerome model,the Horace model and the Schleiermacher model. The production and development of the three models have significant influence on the translation. To find the major differences between the two western classical translation theoretical models,we discuss the Jerome model and the Horace model deeply in this paper.  相似文献   

王京京 《海外英语》2012,(18):173-175
人类的翻译活动大约起源与公元前三世纪。在二千多年的翻译史中,不同的翻译学派对翻译都做出了不同的解释。由于历史时代的不同,作为早期翻译的创始人,贺拉斯与杰洛姆也对翻译的标准提出了各自的看法。通过对比贺拉斯模式和杰洛姆模式的差异,该论文意在讨论不同文化和意识形态对翻译技巧选择的影响。  相似文献   

There are three famous translation models in the field of translation: the Jerome model, the Horace model and the Schleiermacher model. The production and development of the three models have significa...  相似文献   

杰罗姆和贺拉斯翻译模式对翻译理论的发展及其实践均产生了重要影响。通过对杰罗姆和贺拉斯翻译模式及其在实践中的运用进行对比分析,指出尽管此两种翻译模式均强调翻译的忠实性,且其忠实的对象各有不同,但其旨归却是一致的,即在翻译过程中,为了成功、有效地完成交流,必须充分考虑历史和文化因素。  相似文献   

李子英 《海外英语》2014,(8):144-145
For many years,the two important translation styles,the Jerome model and the Horace model,are widely studied.Consisting of four parts,this paper will focus on making a comparison between the two translation models.  相似文献   

侯晓红 《海外英语》2012,(12):204-206
Jerome’ s Vulgate set the norms for translation aiming at linguistic equivalence between the SLT and the TLT,from which came the Jerome Model,though his views towards translating did not follow the prescribed order,as different text-specific factors were involved in his theory building.To the contrary,Horace demonstrated a much more differentiated approach in his awareness of negotiation or sometimes collision between as many roles as can play in translation,such as translator/interpreter,clients,patronage,languages.Hence the Horace model focuses on text-pragmatic equivalence as the context under which translating is to take place is taken into account.  相似文献   

论斯大林模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪20—30年代,斯大林执政时期形成的有别于在此前形成的新经济政策模式,被称为斯大林模式。斯大林模式的基本特征是政治上的高度集权,经济上的高度集中,文化上的高度划一。这一模式在历史上起过积极作用是毋庸置疑的,但这一模式存在极其严重的弊端,使苏联国民经济一直处于危机的边缘,尤其是后来把他等同于社会主义制度,使国际共产主义运动蒙受了巨大损失。  相似文献   

文章通过对多向交往教学模式与传统教学模式的比较分析,阐述了多向交往教学模式的教学特点以及对课堂教学基本要素的要求。为了充分发挥教师在课堂教学中的引导作用,结合自身的教学经验和体会,指出了教师在课堂教学中应注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

当前,各种媒体使用"教学模式"一词的频率越来越高.尤其在大力推进素质教育的过程中,人们热切呼唤素质教学模式早日诞生,使提高全民族素质的工作早见成效.但是,也有一些人在谈论教学改革时总是说:教学上只有"教无定法",不可能有教学模式.他们认为,教学怎么会有模式呢?如果有了模式岂不把教师和学生的手脚都束缚住了.大家都按照一个模式去教课,其他的教学改革还搞不搞啦?  相似文献   

Leaders such as Thomas Gilbert, Geary Rummier, and Edward Deming have argued that the greatest leverage for solving performance problems lies with solutions targeted at system or environmental factors (those under the control of management) versus individual performer factors. A 12‐item research instrument titled Achieving Productive Performance (APP) was developed based on the six variables that make up Gilbert's human performance model. MBA candidates whoworkfull‐time primarily in middle management positions were asked to make value judgments on strategies for producing productive performance (where value for the performance exceeds the costs), Results support the concept of leverage espoused by Gilbert, Rummier, and Deming. Implications for workplace learning and performance professionals are discussed.  相似文献   

蒋拓新 《海外英语》2012,(23):140-142
In the research of translation theory,many scholars propose and construct translation models,the purpose of which is to try to describe the translating process and find out the nature of translation.This thesis mainly introduces and analyses the characteristics of the Jerome Model and the Horace Model,and try to make a comparison between these two models for studying translations,in the hope of leading to deeper recognition and research of the translation process.  相似文献   

科层模式与专业模式是学校课程管理的两种取向。学校课程管理的科层模式很大程度上限制了教师主动性和创造性的发挥,忽视了学校中人际间情感交流的重要性,不利于教师之间的协作。学校课程管理的专业模式倡导课程管理结构的扁平化,强调柔性管理,具有关注学生的全面发展、重视教师的专业自主权等优势。尽管教师专业素质和能力以及与学校科层结构的冲突可能成为推行学校课程管理专业模式的难题,但专业模式仍是我国中小学学校课程管理的主要选择。  相似文献   

用来估计人口总体真实人口数目的双系统估计量建立在捕获一再捕获模型基础上.这里的双系统指构造的估计量要同时用到普查资料系统和再普查资料系统.双系统估计量有I型和Ⅱ型2种形式.I型双系统估计量是其基本形式,构造较为简单.Ⅱ型双系统估计量充分考虑了普查与再普查之间发生的人口迁移,构造比较复杂,是其高级形式.  相似文献   

The Jerome model and the Horace model have a great influence on translation theories and practice from ancient times. This paper starts from a comparative study of the two models, and mainly discusses ...  相似文献   

考虑收益率的不确定性,运用三角模糊数度量了期望收益率.基于三角模糊数的整体GM(1.1)预测模型,定义了在三角模糊数下的可能性均值、可能性方差、可能性协方差以及可能性协方差阵.基于整体GM(1.1)预测模型,建立了投资组合选择模型并利用Lagrange乘法求解模型.  相似文献   

ERP沙盘是一门企业高管的培训课程,也是非财务人员体验财务管理的体验性课程,资产负债表是课程中企业经营及评分的基础之一。由于资产负债表本身固有的问题,会引起整个课程模型出现漏洞,对ERP沙盘模型缺陷及漏洞解决方法做出了探讨。  相似文献   

单纯的一个弹簧或一根细线,并无多大的物理意义--至少在动力学方面如此.我们遇到的往往是弹簧或细线与物体的结连体问题,分析它们间的弹力及其运动情况,特别是在某些情况下二者(弹簧或细线)的不同表现,才是我们感兴趣的地方,也是本文拟探讨的问题.  相似文献   

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