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为了纪念中国电影百年,在中国电影101年,有关中国电影处女作《定军山》诞生的同名电影《定军山》并不算隆重地在中国上映,杨立新,饰演任景泰,说本子很糙,但是我真的没有想到会糙成这般光景,过多的巧合使得中国电影的诞生更像是一个随意设置的玩笑,当然,你知道,电影的诞生本是游戏,可是,电影《定军山》并没有打算将中国电影的诞生当成游戏,而是很神圣的,一个很神圣的随意设置的玩笑。我踌躇着不知道应该如何形容这一百年又一年的中国电影,在这电影101年,中国电影的年产量三倍于101,在无限的热闹中,真如同中影局某位局长说的那样,“中国电影的…  相似文献   

莎剧《哈姆莱特》中的著名独白"To be,or not to be,that is the question:"的翻译,历来是译者关注的焦点,由此产生了众多不同的译文。本文试图通过对众多译文的比较分析,进一步探讨这句独白的翻译方式。  相似文献   

关于《哈姆雷特》“To be or not to be—that is a question”的翻译,颇具权威性的是卞之琳、王佐良、许渊冲三位名家的译本。通过对这三个译本的比较,可以看到翻译与意象之关系、意象在翻译中的作用以及不同的翻译之所以产生不同意象的缘由。  相似文献   

In English there is an expression:"arm to arm"1 It means to fight back,to take revenge2 on the party who does wrong to you. Is it right to fight arm to arm. This is truly a question.  相似文献   

One of the main objectives of many science educators is to enroll students into science majors and careers. Researchers have investigated students' views of science in terms of factors and influences that guide students to choose science as a career. However, few investigations exist that have studied the forms of language culture makes available for articulating possible careers generally or the ways of grounding (justifying) these possibilities particularly. The purpose of this study is to investigate ways of using language for supporting justifications of career choices in an interview situation. Thirteen high school biology students were interviewed about their career choices. Drawing on discursive psychology as theory and method, we identify four interpretative repertoires that are deployed during the interviews: the (a) formative, (b) performative, (c) consequent, and (d) potential repertoires. These interpretative repertoires do not merely characterize the discourse about different science‐related professions but in fact co‐articulate different science‐related identities. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 46: 1114–1136, 2009  相似文献   

In the Swedish educational system, teachers have the dual responsibility of assigning final grades and marking their own students’ national tests. The Government has mandated the Swedish Schools Inspectorate to remark samples of the national tests to see if teacher marking can be trusted. Reports from this project have concluded that intermarker consistency is low and that teachers’ markings are generous as compared to those of the external markers. These findings have been heavily publicized, leading to distrust in teachers’ assessments. In the article, we analyze and discuss the remarking studies from methodological as well as substantive angles. We conclude that the design applied in the reanalysis does not allow inferences about bias in marking across schools or teachers. We also conclude that there are several alternative explanations for the observation that teacher marks are higher than the external marks: The external markers did not form a representative sample, they read copies with sometimes marginal legibility, and they used a different scale for marking than the teachers had used. The results are thus not as clearcut as suggested by the reports and media releases, which is because a school inspections logic rather than a research logic was applied in designing, conducting, and reporting the studies.  相似文献   

"卟e sea of troubles"构成了莎士比亚悲剧《哈姆雷特》中"To be or not to be"独白段的主导性意象.人物在跨越这一"沟壑"过程中所表现的行动与迟疑的"哈姆雷特式"的悖论既是人物特定性格的表征,又折射了文艺复兴时期的时代特征,伴随着忧郁的行动酿成了哈姆雷特的悲剧,深刻地反映了他那个时代人文主义思想的不成熟性及人文主义斗争的悲壮色彩.  相似文献   

【点评】在本文中小作者生动地描述了她将来愿意当一位志愿者的经过:在汶川大地震到来时,她看到了一群志愿者无私地、甚至冒着生命的危险去抢救灾民,被感动了,从字里行间我们能够真切地体会到她希望长大当一位志愿者的一片至真之情。全篇行文连贯,观点鲜明,条理清晰,语言流畅。  相似文献   

Despite the importance of holistic competencies, universities have not yet been able to successfully embrace holistic competencies (HC) as part of students’ assessment in their curricula. HC are often part of a hidden curriculum – they tend to be assessed together with academic knowledge, and not assessed explicitly. Based in Hong Kong, this research developed a questionnaire to study university students' perceptions of the formal assessment of HC and how students’ perceptions could be bound to the sociocultural context. Through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), two dimensions of perceptions were derived from the responses of 300 respondents: (a) students’ acceptance of formal HC assessment, and (b) their preference for quantitative scoring in the formal assessment of holistic competencies. Findings reveal that students’ perceptions of formal HC assessment were generally considered positive. However, the majority of students appeared to favour pass/fail grading compared to quantitative assessment. As assessment drives learning, this study reinforces the need for universities to incorporate students’ perspectives in policies regarding HC assessment and highlights the role of culture in influencing student perceptions.  相似文献   

The alarm has just gone off. Do I really have to get up? I wonder. Originally, signing up for an early-morning spinning class seemed like a good idea; it jump-starts the day with some well-needed exercise.  相似文献   

As one of the so-called basic skills, 'mathematics' or 'numeracy' is at the top of the list of subjects in adult education programmes. Together with political investment in general and further education, practitioners and theoreticians focus on 'knowing and learning in different contexts'. Jean Lave's theory about 'situated learning' may be regarded as a confrontation with the idea of learning as acquisition of propositional knowledge. One characteristic of adult education in mathematics is that the participants bring with them adult life experience from their everyday and work. Another characteristic is their perspective in educating themselves. There is an apparent contradiction between many adults being blocked in relation to mathematics in formal settings and being competent in their everyday life. It is possible to make sense of this contradiction by analytically expanding the context for knowing and learning mathematics from the participants' experiences and perspectives to also include the adults' dispositions, cf. Pierre Bourdieu's concept of 'habitus' as a guiding principle for practice. By interpreting the account of her life by a 75 year old woman concerning her attitudes to mathematics, the author illustrates and discusses the two analytical concepts ('situated learning' and 'habitus') and their suitability for analysing adults knowing or not-knowing mathematics in different situation contexts. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

新闻背景>>2008年5月27日的《广州日报》发布了一则题为"校外租房开始低龄化高中生瞒着班主任租房"的新闻:"我们班共有50个同学,大约有10个在外租房午休或者住宿,"华南师范大学附属中学高三理科班学生罗明说,"主要是同学们觉得宿舍太旧而且管理制度严格,所以干脆花钱在外租房,更自由一点。"连日来,记者调查发现,在外租房已不再是大学生的专利,这一现象开始低  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the effects of situations in which self-assessment was conducted using rubrics and situations in which no specific self-assessment tool was used. Two hundred and eighteen third-year pre-service teachers were assigned to either non-rubric or rubric self-assessment for designing a conceptual map. They then assessed their own maps. The dependent variables were self-regulation measured through a questionnaire and an open question on learning strategies use, performance based on an expert-assigned score, accuracy comparing self-scores with the expert’s scores and task stress using one self-reported item. The results showed that the rubric group reported higher learning strategies use, performance and accuracy. However, the rubric group also reported more problems coping with stress and higher performance/avoidance self-regulation that was detrimental to learning.  相似文献   

This case study explores students’ perceptions of seen examination questions about topics not covered by the formal curriculum of a final‐year economics module and of the associated group support sessions. Eight semi‐structured interviews with a total of 13 students were analysed. Contrary to expectations, learners taking a strategic approach to the module were not attracted by the seen questions. The uncertainty of an unfamiliar assessment format and the prospect of undertaking independent research and group work were perceived as involving more risks than the familiar unseen examination. Take‐up for the seen examination questions was low, and the students who did not answer a seen question tended to make workload considerations as well as concerns about group work for assessment purposes responsible for their decision. Despite not participating in the group support sessions, a few students researched the seen question in conjunction with trusted fellow students or on their own. The students who answered a seen question enjoyed the autonomy which the seen exam questions provided, while other students were critical of the way in which their autonomy might be externally controlled. The study provides insight into the impact of assessment on risk taking and students’ perception of risk associated with this type of assessment.  相似文献   

Principle-oriented explanations have demonstrated to foster students’ mathematical understanding, as they integrate conceptual and procedural information to make the solution process tangible to novice students. Teachers, however, often omit conceptual information when explaining procedures. In two experimental studies, we tested the hypothesis that teachers’ tendency to omit conceptual information may have occurred, as teachers generally devalued the potential of principle-oriented explanations. In Study 1, we randomly provided two cohorts of secondary students (N = 129) with principle-oriented versus procedure-oriented explanations on four mathematical topics. Afterwards, students answered a knowledge test. We replicated previous findings that students with principle-oriented explanations outperformed students with procedure-oriented explanations on the knowledge test (application test, transfer test). In Study 2, we gave mathematics teachers (N = 69) these explanations as judgment materials. Teachers randomly rated a balanced set of four explanations of Study 1 which varied in their procedure- versus principle-orientation. We found no significant differences between teachers’ judgments of principle- versus procedure-oriented explanations. Content analyses of the justifications revealed that teachers were more concerned about students’ overload when judging principle-oriented explanations than procedure-oriented explanations. Our findings replicated the beneficial effects of principle-oriented explanations for novice students’ understanding. Furthermore, they highlight the need to sensitize teachers for potential effects of providing principle-oriented explanations.  相似文献   

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