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Development of English‐ and Spanish‐reading skills was explored in a sample of 251 Spanish‐speaking English‐language learners from kindergarten through Grade 2. Word identification and reading comprehension developed at a normal rate based on monolingual norms for Spanish‐ and English‐speaking children, but English oral language lagged significantly behind. Four categories of predictor variables were obtained in Spanish in kindergarten and in English in first grade: print knowledge, expressive language (as measured by vocabulary and sentence repetition tasks), phonological awareness, and rapid automatic naming (RAN). Longitudinal regression analyses indicated a modest amount of cross‐language transfer from Spanish to English. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that developing English‐language skills (particularly phonological awareness and RAN) mediated the contribution of Spanish‐language variables to later reading. Further analyses revealed stronger within‐ than cross‐language associations of expressive language with later reading, suggesting that some variables function cross‐linguistically, and others within a particular language. Results suggest that some of the cognitive factors underlying reading disabilities in monolingual children (e.g., phonological awareness and RAN) may be important to an understanding of reading difficulties in bilingual children.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to evaluate the clinical utility of a verbal working memory measure, specifically, a nonword repetition task, with a sample of Spanish-English bilingual children and (2) to determine the extent to which individual differences in relative language skills and language use had an effect on the clinical differentiation of these children by the measures. A total of 144 Latino children (95 children with typical language development and 49 children with language impairment) were tested using nonword lists developed for each language. The results show that the clinical accuracy of nonword repetition tasks varies depending on the language(s) tested. Test performance appeared related to individual differences in language use and exposure. The findings do not support a monolingual approach to the assessment of bilingual children with nonword repetition tasks, even if children appear fluent speakers in the language of testing. Nonword repetition may assist in the screening of Latino children if used bilingually and in combination with other clinical measures.  相似文献   

There is an established, if weak, inverse relationship between levels of English language proficiency and academic performance in higher education. In response, higher education institutions (HEIs) insist upon minimum entry requirements concerning language for international applicants. Many HEIs now also offer pre‐sessional English courses to bring applicants up to the designated language requirement. This paper revisits the research into language proficiency and academic performance using data on all full‐time students (17,925) attending a major UK HEI in the academic year 2011–2012, 4,342 of whom were non‐native English speakers. The findings confirm that while higher International English Language Testing System (IELTS) marks at entry translate into higher grade point averages (GPAs), students who undertake pre‐sessional courses do notably worse in GPA terms than students who arrive with acceptable (for the course) IELTS scores. These findings suggest HEIs (and, by extension, international students) could benefit from a review regarding the appropriateness of current pre‐sessional English language proficiency programmes.  相似文献   

语块由于其兼具语法和语用功能,在自然语言中大量存在,并引起了很多研究者的兴趣:通过对大学二年级本科生在口语中使用的语块进行统计、分析和描述,发现学生在语块使用的形式和功能上均有一定的特点,这与平时语块意识不强、语块训练不足以及母语迁移等都有关系。通过有意识地在口语课堂上开展语块教学,可以提高学生的语块意识,能提高学生口语产出的流利性准确性和语用能力。  相似文献   

This study investigates the way subjects gain access to their internal lexicon and assesses the effects of context on this process. The focus is on ambiguous words that are homographic but pronounced differently. A total of 35 adult subjects read aloud from word lists containing the same target homographs. In two conditions the targets were primed by words calculated to influence subjects either towards a regular or irregular pronunciation; a third condition without primers provided a baseline check. The influence of primers on subjects’ pronunciations was recorded and calculated. Results confirmed a significant influence of primers on pronunciation for a majority of target words. Further analysis showed groups of subjects were significantly (p<0.001) influenced by semantic primers. However, results are interpreted cautiously and proposals are made for a more rigorous study using this exploratory work as a basis. Finally, the potential of semantic priming studies for future research is outlined.  相似文献   

We examined the components of first (L1) and second language (L2) phonological processing that are related to L2 word reading and vocabulary. Spanish‐speaking English learners (EL) were classified as average or low readers in grades 1 and 2. A large number of children who started out as poor readers in first grade became average readers in second grade while vocabulary scores were more stable. Binary logistic regressions examined variables related to classifications of consistently average, consistently low, or improving on reading or vocabulary across grades. Good L2 phonological short‐term memory and phonological awareness scores predicted good reading and vocabulary scores. L1 and L2 measures differentiated consistently good performers from consistently low performers, while only L2 measures differentiated children who improved from children who remained low performers. Children who are EL should be screened on measures of pseudoword repetition and phonological awareness with low scorers being good candidates for receiving extra assistance in acquiring L2 vocabulary and reading. This study suggests measures that can be used to select children who have a greater likelihood of experiencing difficulties in reading and vocabulary.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore some of the most prevalent methods for conducting Levels 4 and 5 of technical training evaluation among large organizations with a preponderance of technical talent. The researchers collected data through a survey and conducted interviews with select study participants. The sample size for the study (n = 26) comprised predominantly large, global organizations in technical industries. While a larger percentage of organizations have been found than in previous research to conduct Level 4 evaluations, few conduct Level 5 evaluations for their technical training, and most of the participant organizations struggle with advanced analytical techniques for technical training evaluation. The article summarizes some of the most prevalent training evaluation models reported in the literature since 2000, and provides useful examples from study participants of how they evaluated their technical training at Levels 3 and 4, along with their advice to fellow technical training and performance improvement professionals. Although the study was exploratory in nature and utilized a small sample size, the study is only the second study since 2000 to specifically explore the evaluation practices of large organizations with a focus on technical training as opposed to general training.  相似文献   

The study examined whether age, prior work experience, number of courses taken, and number of internship hours have a positive relationship with counseling self‐efficacy. Participants were 116 counselor education students. The results from correlation and multivariate analyses of covariance revealed that the length of internship hours and prior related work experience were positively correlated with counseling self‐efficacy. The differences in counseling anxiety, affection adjustment, and assessment found between the students in programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) and those in non‐CACREP‐accredited programs disappeared when the background variables were controlled as covariates.  相似文献   

人类社会的生产实践活动从来就是物质生产和精神生产的有机统一,社会生产方式也是物质生产方 式与精神方式的有机统一。同理,作为反映社会生产推动人类社会历史发展的社会基本矛盾,也是对社会物 质生产与精神生产相互作用,有机统一的矛盾运动规律的概括。人类社会就是在物质生产和精神生产的相互 作用、相互促进中不断发展的。社会基本矛盾是物质生产与精神生产相互作用的有机整体及其辩证运动。  相似文献   

This exploratory study sought to determine the strategies used by programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) to recruit and retain ethnic minority faculty. Seventy‐three CACREP liaisons were surveyed, and the results indicated that many programs have not developed specific strategies to recruit and retain ethnic minority faculty. Mentoring was the most frequently reported strategy for retaining ethnic minority faculty. Implications for counselor education are discussed.  相似文献   

在英语教学和英语学习的过程中,作为教的老师和学的学生来说,对于程式化的英语学习模式都有很多疑问和困惑。其中“高分低能”和“哑巴英语”所反映的突出问题是不会用英语来交流,学生的说和听的能力尤其薄弱。国内的英语教学大都是以考试为目的,侧重点在于“学”而非“应用”,忽略了“交流”这一语言学习的最终目的。该文以交互式理论为基础,论述其在大学英语听说教学中的动力作用。  相似文献   

This article presents an innovative pedagogy based on student participation in globally distributed project teams. The study questions the link between student learning of intercultural competence and the global teaming experience. Data was collected from 115 students participating in 22 virtual intercultural teams. Results revealed that students learned from the teaming experience, especially those with more prior international experience. The study contributes to the body of knowledge on innovative and collaborative pedagogy on global student teams, provides an analysis of the impact of the teaming experience on student learning, and provides insights on international and collaborative course design.  相似文献   

英语听说技能是英语交际能力的重要标志,因此,高等院校必须加强学生英语听说技能的培养.本文从语块的定义及其分类入手,探讨了语块理论的产生及其应用背景,语块理论在英语听说教学中的优势,从教和学的角度提出了将语块理论应用于高等院校英语听说实践教学的方法及意义.  相似文献   

德国“卓越大学计划”是德国为了应对激烈的国际竞争、发展本国大学和顶尖研究而实施的改革举措。纵观计划全局,“卓越大学计划”具有项目设计的层次性,评估机制的合理性,资助对象的流动性、项目分布的差异性等特点,其对我国“双一流”建设工作的借鉴是:坚持人才培养的中心地位,做好“双一流”建设顶层设计,构建积极长效的评审工作机制,建立完善的参与和退出机制,重视地区和校际之间的教育公平。  相似文献   

转态动词及其它终结动词的一般现在时不能用来表示现在时间发生的某个变化或结果;转态动词及其它终结动词的不定式形式与情态动词过去时的结合,不能用于虚拟语气主句表示对现在事态主观设想的结果。上述原则对各层次的英语教学都具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

For college students with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is associated with increased accidental injury, mindfulness regarding safety issues in vocational choice may be indicated. In this study, a group of male college students with ADHD‐predominantly inattentive type (ADHD‐IA) reported placing less emphasis on job safety than did their peers when considering their professional direction. College counselors might help prevent work‐related injury for similar clients by broaching the topic of safety when discussing vocational choice.  相似文献   

The construct of drunkorexia, caloric restriction prior to or during alcohol consumption, was examined in 411 college students who experienced alcohol‐related infractions. Analyses were conducted to examine differences in demographic prevalence distributions, alcohol‐related consequences, and alcohol consumption between a subsample of participants who reported drunkorexia behaviors and a subsample who did not.  相似文献   

心理健康理念是影响大学生心理健康水平的主要因素之一。通过自编问卷对上海市3所高校不同专业、年级大学生的心理健康理念与心理健康水平进行调查,结果显示:大学生心理健康理念状况一般,处于中等水平;大学生心理健康理念的性别、专业存在显著差异,年级差异不显著;大学生心理健康理念与其心理健康水平有着显著的正相关,大学生心理健康理念影响其心理健康水平的程度从高到低依次为心理问题表现、心理健康内涵、心理健康调适方法和心理健康影响因素。  相似文献   

Collegiate recovery programs (CRPs) provide support for students in recovery from substance use disorders. Little research exists examining factors relevant to this population, making it challenging to prioritize recovery and educational goals. This study used a national sample (N = 80) of students involved in CRPs to investigate the relationships among self‐stigma, quality of life, psychological health, and vocational expectations. A regression model revealed these factors to explain 34% of self‐stigmatizing views in this sample.  相似文献   

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